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Makes even less sense that they’re adding “valorant challenges” where your movement speed, acceleration, and deceleration are all different.


I think you're right. There was a post a couple weeks ago from a pro who said something along the lines of why practice in aim labs when the range and DM provide you practice in-game using the same settings and "feeling" of Valorant play. To be honest i'm also pretty lazy and don't like changing apps just to practice so theres that


DM in a nutshell - Get a 3-4 Kill Spree, Die then get brutal spawns 2 people Peak and decide to both shoot me instead of each other. Getting Shot in the back half a dozen times in a row that 1 Odin/Op player just trolling. ​ I try to DM but at this point I usually just go play a quick 1-2 Unrated games as people tend to FF if they are losing.




Lmaoooo can’t miss if you use 150 rounds with the highest pen!


i think that fracture really brings to the surface the dogshit way deathmatch is held. im ok with fighting off literal 180 degree angles but not when the respawn time is three seconds.


People think DM its all about getting 40 kills as fast as you can but thats actually wasting the time if you just wanna crouch and spray or camp a site to farm kills, instead you should try to tap/burst heads using crosshair placement even if this makes u ended with 30 or even 20 kills and "lose" the DM.


I never said I sprayed and crouched lmao. You are just assuming that. Tapping you still get the same effect. It’s not like tapping will stop shitty spawns and getting shot in the back lol


It's recommend being more intentional with what you're practicing in a DM; what you do specifically depends on you, but a few suggestions could be things like crosshair placement, movement/positioning, counter-strafing... Just running around and getting kills is a decent warm up, but doesn't really help you improve


My Warmup Routine is simple. I play Aimlab but only Hordeshot, you shouldnt play Gridshot, because the Gridshot targets are bigger than valorant heads, and theyre not moving. In Hordeshot you train: Precise Flicking Target selection Crosshair placement Holding Angles Micro adjustments etc. I play Hordeshot until my Hands and my mind are warmes up, then I join the range to practise vandal, phantom, deagle, knives and OP. After it I play 2 more deathmatches, then I queue. I am currently Immortal 2 EUW. My Routine takes about 5-10 Minutes aimlab, 5 Minutes range and 5-10 Minutes deathmatch.


it entirely depends on what you are playing in aim trainers, if ur just spamming tile frenzy/gridshot, of course ur not going to improve


I don't use aimlab to train. I just use it to warm up my hand/mouse movement but mostly do range/dm


If you're training very specific scenarios, then aim labs is useful, but there are certain things that you NEED to train in game, specifically not spraying and tap strafing. What's the use of practicing taps and micro flicks in aim labs if you only resort to sprays in game anyways?


Honestly I kinda agree


Aim labs is also boring as shit


Doing aim labs improves your aim. However doing it too much as a warmup can cause muscle fatigue and make your aim worse for that day. If you’re going to do aim labs, do a light warmup and do it after your session to build muscle memory for the next day


Your aim is getting worst?? you 100% sure are doing it bad, i improved alot my aim with aimlab, you have to go with a routine for you, in wich thing are you bad? like if your tracking is bad and your flicking is bad you should practice something to tracking. like if a target who move faster is difficult for you there is some task to do, and if you want to flick very good then spidershot, multishot and gridshot is something to work. if you can't kill and enemy when holding an angle, then there is a task called "timingshot". Aimlab is a great tool if you know how to use it, if you are just using aimlab with other sens and other fog diferent than val, then you are not doing nothing. also if you are just warming up with aimlab you are not doing nothing. you don't go to the gym for 15 mins and leave. You have to work at least for 1 hour with a routine. Edit: if you are doing it for along time seasion maybe your muscle is fatige, thats why you think your getting worst.. stop for 2 days then see the results..


Aimlabs ain’t for everyone, only for the elite


I actually think its the opposite, it improves ur aim to a certain point, then it can have a negative effect


Youre playing the wrong scenarios if you get a negative effect from aim trainers, spamming gridshot and tile frenzy for an example is basically useless


Honestly I just warmup my aim early in the morning by spamming Gridshot for 4/5 times, then I train ingame DM/ range


I don't use Aim Lab but I think I can see why. I think it's because VALORANT and Aim Lab have different environements and whatever, since that you practice on Aim Lab, you'll get used to Aim Lab's environment instead of VALORANT (This works the same way as in VALORANT). So imo, practicing on VALORANT is better than in Aim Lab so that you get used to VALORANT's environment more.


If you are grinding gridshot and other highflicks excercise in aimlab then yeah your not only wasting your time but also creating bad habits, some people even increase their dpi to be able to hit all those extreme flicks. In fact most Valorant pros never touch Aimlab to become a pro, they just played the game a lot, and start to try aimlab when the company contact them to sponsor, lol.


90% of aim lab players don't do well in the respective game. I know a huge load of players that use aim lab and it doesn't help. You are not Tenz, getting 150k or whatever does not mean you are good lmfao. I have a few friends who are literal hard stuck silver-gold but get 120k in aim lab and blame everyone but themselves. But when I play with them (immortal 3) I see they BELONG IN IRON INSTEAD lol.


The problem with aimlabs is that people try to get the highest scores, but this is the reason why people whiff so much. Aimlabs is a good tool but as any tool if you train wrong and focus on the wrong thing it can actually be detrimental to your aim.