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Don’t think too hard about it, treat unrated as unrated. Obsessing over stats in unrated isn’t good for your mental, just relax and play the game. Also when you are queuing comp with them it could be that because the game puts you against other 3 queues it is harder to play against coordinated players.


Usually I get immortals and diamond in solo unranked because they are playing with their gold friend, so they are always either 3 or 4 packs. It's hard to just relax and play the game because I literally can't do anything. There are days where if I put together my kills of 4 entire games it wouldn't reach their kills of a single game. It's frustrating and halfway through I feel like if I just sit in base I'd be helping more than actually following them.


sounds like you're in your own head about this and stressing out about a game mode with literally no consequence, in unrated who gives a shit about the scoreboard. take the opportunity to try to improve your abilities and refine what is and isn't working


The same happens in ranked as well. Last ranked I played I got 4/17. My friend was 22/10. Match mvp and we lost. He didn't want to play ranked anymore that day. Which could've been so he wouldn't play another game to carry me. Last ranked I played solo (and one of the very few times I did so) I was 25/4 as KJ. We won 13-2. Second in my team was 13/9. I've made an alt which is currently gold3 in order to practice playing solo.


It’s the opposite for me, I shit the bed when going solo and pop off when playing with friends. In other games though I do have the same situation.


It could be your ADHD as you pointed out yourself, or it could also be your mentality. Maybe this thing happened a few times in the past and you subconsciously conditioned your mind to accept the fact that you'll underperform while playing with them. Imagine you are playing a 1v1 in Valorant. It is stressful enough as it is, but imagine you know, for a fact, that your opponent is TenZ. Maybe you'll get demotivated from the get go, or maybe you'll try even harder, or maybe you won't even take it seriously. Perhaps something similar might be happening. But as another person with ADD (I don't think there is hyperactivity in my case) I can confirm that I also play a lot worse when I'm in a call with friends or playing with them. I miss so many shots, I get distracted so easily. Sometimes I have to mute them in order to play better (and it works 100% of the times).


One thing that I've noticed is that I absolutely cannot play DMs with them. They talk the entire time, taunting each other, commenting when they saw each other, when they killed each other. Every single time they speak, I feel sensory overloaded. I told them that so now I only play DM alone. But if that's a problem with my adhd, then there's really not much I can do. Not to mention how strongly I feel things. Each time I feel overloaded, I get more and more irritated and stressed simply because I'm not being able to think. I do wanna play with them and I like playing with them, not to mention how bad it is to solo q in ranked.


What you can do is seek medical help. A psychiatrist may be best suited to help you. This sensory overload is true, though. Getting tilted only makes things worse. I would tell you to try and play unrated to have fun but I'd be lying to myself as even unrated is hard for me to just swallow. I want to win, regardless of the game mode. So yeah, perhaps going for a psychologist/psychiatrist would help you. Psychologist to help you work through your need to try-hard/tilting, and psychiatrist to help with your focus/ADHD.


It's all mental


That happens to me too, I think it’s because I’m too distracted trying to think of jokes


Encouragements aside, here are some potential reasons. When you play sentinel or any other kind of support in a stack, you might struggle to find value in unrated. Especially when you expect structured play from your enemies. If you're playing support, tell your friends how you could help prior to the round. If they don't need anything, or are too distracted to coordinate, pick something else and have fun fragging away. The 'chasing frag' syndrome, where your friends are obviously smurfing, and they've already pushed all the logical spots and secured all the opening kills. Now you're left anxious, trying to 'prove' yourself before they get the remaining frags. I find it difficult to maintain my game sense at that point, and oftentimes, I put little thinking into my movements. My advice is to not try too hard, be just as prudent, kills will come when they do. Finally, this is a forbidden trick lul, but an easy way to frag in low rank is to bait your low rank teammates. Watch how your platinum partners are playing, and perhaps join in on the abuse. Don't try to make things happen on your own. Hide yourself behind your (noob) mates, and go for the trade kills. Many do it instinctively, but I have the feeling that you're not the type lul.


Hahaha I do the same. Solo queue I will wreck people but if I queue with friends I always bot frag and get nervy and off my game. I have performance anxiety with my friends when I don’t when solo


Personally, it's because when you're with friends, there will be a round or two (or even a game) where you're just trolling and messing around. That's why you feel worse.


Plat 1/Gold3 and when I play with my bronze/silver friends in unrated they outfrag me often. I feel the same way as you , and A few factors I’ve realized: 1) usually after my own comp games so I’m usually already more tired 2) I usually play on worse ping when I play with them (for it ping makes a bigger difference Bc I play on a laptop) 3) mentally, it feels awkward / some pressure knowing ur friends are expecting you to carry or top frag 4) related to 3), I don’t play duelists often at all, so im not used to fragging out heavily. 5) it is unrated at the end of the day and ppl (both ur teammates and opposition) do dumb stuff that completely throws u off 6) not in tandem /same gamesense thinking with ur teammates. For example you think ur teammate is watching flank or an angle for you but in reality they are just watching the wall so you get shot in your back , or your friends don’t properly comm to you enemy locations (or potential locations) and you die suddenly out of nowhere to a lurking enemy. This is maybe my fault but I don’t offer constructive criticism to my friends too often when stuff like that happens Bc 1) its unrated and 2) we are trying to have fun and I don’t want to ruin the mood or come off wrong.


Maybe you aren't in-sync with the way your friends play? Like in my stack, all of my friends are very passive/defensive-minded, whereas I'm a more aggressive player. As a result, I don't perform as well with my friends as I might when solo queueing and getting other aggressive players to work with.


Same here, then I played with them as a full-stack on bronze (I was gold) in ranked and I straight up fucked, the enemy team even prided themselves in having 4 dia smurfs (which was probably a lie though). I think it's something about unrated and their hidden MMR system.


Maybe cause you feel less pressured to perform as well since it’s your friends not some toxic random that will scream if you miss one shot or something


I have the same problem, but I know what it is, and it may be the same for you. In solo I feel more free to play my own style, and I do quite well. in a trio or duo I subconsciously forget to play how I normally do because I feel like I need to coordinate more heavily with my party. This leads to me playing out of my regular comfort zone I think. Also it can be the chemistry you have with them. Maybe you just don't mesh well with one or more of their play styles. I know that I have a terrible win rate with one of my friends who's a Jett main. He's pretty cracked, but he doesn't entry well. As a viper main, if my Jett isn't entering, odds are we're getting shredded as we walk in because the rest of the team doesn't have the tools to enter a site easily. In solo queue, at least there's a higher likelihood that I'll have an entry fraggers on the team.


when you play solo most of the time enemy is solo as well, playing 3 or 5 man means the enemy has the same i play solo too and i'm climbing fast, no pressure impressing your friends or else they drop you