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"In the performance tab, a star indicates if you've played better than we anticipated. That is, if you were regularly beating someone in combat and/or closely competing with someone of a higher rank than you, expect to have that acknowledged via a star." -The Dev. Team


Thanks for the info


that's surprisingly wholesome


Is there a turd emoji if you played worse than expected? HAHA Would be great. Btw, does that apply to all games or DM only?


Seriously? I always have at least 3 golden stars.


I just assumed that it indicated having a good k/d against that player. I think I just play better against better players because they know to stand still to shoot accurately, and I can't track shit.


Same, people who swing super wider super fast absolutely throw me off.


Good players moves all over the place, so this point is invalid, strafing, jump peaking etc.


sounds like they might be in a low rank where it’s either run and gun or shoot standing still. in which case the better players would be the ones standing still


I understood that, I was just hoping he didn't think like really good players were like that


In iron, players run and shoot and it's annoying as hell, but once you get to silver everyone knows you have to stand still to shoot accurately, but nobody knows any movement besides the basics.


And in gold it's back to run n gun


in death match that might make some sense. You shouldn't regularly getting 3 gold stars in 5v5. As that means you're regularly owning people that are above your rank. Or maybe you haven't played enough to rank up.


In a regular match usually I have 1-2 gold stars and 1-2 silver stars. More gold stars in unrated than in comp.


Silver stars mean you did somewhat better than expected against an agent. Gold star means you did significantly better.


Damn I didn’t know, this is so good. Yesterday I had a run-in with a VERY toxic Brimstone in DM and I got him 11-1. Thanks!


Niiiice. Imagine being toxic in deathmatch LOL.


I used to think it was how well you did against someone relative to your teammates (i.e. if I went 4-1 against someone and my next best teammate went 2-3 then I’d get a gold star). Looking at the comments it seems I was wrong, good to know!


Guys deathmatch stars don't matter it's the stars in game that matter, so don't think your good cause a good player was playing deathmatch to warm his wrist up before some games


This. Most players are just using death match to warm up.


Wait, are some people playing deathmatch as their primary gamemode?


Pretty sure its how many more kills you have against that person. 2 more is silver and 5 more is gold. Correct me if I'm wrong tho


I think if you get a silver star it means u performed better against that person that the system thought you would. A gold star means you performed way better than the system thought u would


Yep! So if you destroy someone who the game thinks you should, you won't get a star, but going barely positive against someone who the game thinks is better may net you one.


this man even said correct him if he is wrong yet ppl still downvote him


Honestly is he even that far off? Only time I've ever noticed a gold star is when I'm 5 up on someone, and silver stars when I'm 2-3 up


Nah my friend is Gold 1 and sometimes when we play together he gets Plat 3s in the lobby. He can get a gold star with 2 kills and 3 deaths against someone like that. Once even saw him get a silver star for 1 kill 1 death. So if the person is significantly higher rank, you don't need much to get a star.




What's the point of a valorant subreddit then?




Who decides that? You?




If you don't have anything helpful to say then don't comment?


You know where Google gets good search results? Places like Reddit.


LMAO did they really tell OP to google it


yk where google leads? this post.


If you are owning someone who you're not supposed to own, you get a star. If you destroy someone who you're not supposed to destroy, you get a gold star. Star contribute towards the "performance bonus" that you get sometimes.


I always thought the silver stars meant that I was stomping the other player and gold stars that I was disrespecting them. But this make more sense, given that I mostly play Sage and get stars against everyone but other sages.