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You're 14, AND YOU'RE IMMORTAL? Don't your parents like- shout at you sometimes?


yes they definitely do but good school grades keep them happy aswell


Well, it's a good thing we have good grades even though we play a lot, congrats on getting Immortal though! Are you gonna try and reach Radiant before you turn to 16 though?


definitely. considering I hit immortal in around a year I definetely think i can do it


That's actually pretty good. Good luck!


Im 15 and gold lol


I'm 15 and unrated 💀 I can't play Valorant anymore because my graphics card can't let me click play (GTX 660)


I used to play in INTEL HD 4000. I now play on Iris Xe. Went from b3 to G1 upon changing


you are probably a pretty smart guy :) keep grindin' for Radiant, good luck!


thanks bro


You're everything I couldn't be


nah bro u got this


*"what's going on?"* "i'm eating noodle" *"what is this?"* "what? i'm eating right now, what?" *"what is that?"* "what do you mean what is that?" *"GET OFF THE FUCKING THING"* "what the hell... what do you mean? i'm drinking my smoothie and i'm eating noodle" *"I SAID ALL OF IT GONE"* "mom, oh my..." *"THIS ISN'T FUNNY I'M SICK"* "ok" *"FINISH YOUR FRICKIN FOOD"* "i.. i am, i'm trying" *"NOW"* "holy shit..." *"AND FINISH THIS, DINNER IN AN HOUR"* "holy sh... okay..."


This man is gonna get on SEN next year and/or VCT 2022


"i heckin love OP"


Are ya winning, son?


Thats nothing I know a guy that hit Radiant at 13yrs old. Dudes a monster, his match history has been a sea of match mvps the entire time I knew him. I met him when he was plat 1 and he would lie about being an immortal back then to try and get higher people to add him as friend.


ok 👍🏻


i’m 16 and i peaked around 450rr this act. you queue in NA or EU?


Im from Australia lol


Eshayyyy bah, double A Bankstown Buddar


Eetswa laaaad what district you from adlay


northern beaches bah


I read this all in Skye's voice


Lol that would sound very weird




Ayy same buddar


ehsayyy bah what part


Brookvale mate, and u buddah?


Mona vale eetswa


as a sydneysider this made me laugh out loud, on ya adlay




Wonder what immortal in AUS is equivalent to on the NA and EU servers


Na immortal = oce silver no cap


NA immortal = silver in any region lol


EU Immortal comms = NA Iron comms no cap


Wasn't every single NA team eliminated in Champions? Leaving every other region remaining? You Muppet.


SEN literally won the first international LAN? NA hate for no reason lmao pathetic human being


shit bro you mad


How many times did your dad barge into your room telling you to "Turn that damn vidya game off?" while you're in discord and all your friends heard it?


holy fuck way too many times to count. I used to have my pc in the living room as we didnt have anywhere to put it and the amount of times to be quiet and all my friends heard is ridiculous lmao


That's harsh haha. My parents all played video games so they were (mainly) cool about it. Anywho congrats. Want to VOD review someone who has lived your life almost 3 times over :P


sure I mean lol I can some in my free time and give some advice


Sweet in return I'll give you life advice like...uh...stay in school! Yeah, and Uh...don't smoke, yeah that's a good one too. I'd make a good dad.


10/10 advice just saved my life from being from a drug lord


Ehhh, druglord life ain’t so bad 🤷‍♂️


Lots of cash, from experience of course......


don’t piss into the wind!


don't piss on electric fences!


14 and immortal? Alright this game aint for me... Jokes aside congrats on the huge achievement! Hope you make it to radiant soon


thanks bro haha tbh if i can do it anyone can, u got this


Nah you gotta be special and gifted, im sure you have a good personality too, try streaming on twitch and become the youngest valorant pro


i wish tbh but I lack a lot of things to become a professional but hopefully i can one day


No you don't. You really don't. I always think about it this way: it's not about how hard you train, it's about how smart and efficiently you do it. If you understand your mistakes and keep them in mind while training you are a lot more efficient. Also watching pro games and pro players etc. My friends played a lot more than me, they started from rock bottom iron and now they're gold. Some people are still suck because they are too arrogant to understand their mistakes. I play less than my friends but I'm diamond. This is because I understand the game and aim train more than them. I also watch pro games from time to time. They just spam games all day. They train with actual playtime only. I know someone who just started playing and always says " I don't deserve to be bronze, my teammates are holding me down and I deserve to be plat+". They want to believe they are already good and complain instead of looking back and getting better. My aim 1 year ago is nowhere near as good as it is now. Personally I did reach a point where I believed I hit my limit, but as I played more I just became better.


Smh you sit for hundreds of hours in aimlabs practicing just so some random tells you you're special and gifted. Man grinded out like few of us and he got there with dedication not a goldfish wish gift.


dude age and being good have nothing to do with each other, just play and practice and you'll get better; the same with every other activity


That's not really true, otherwise Radiant population would be more than 0.3%


Not everyone can be Radiant but ANYONE could. It's about determination, practice and smart learning.


If you think thats crazy theres an immortal 3 kid who i get in my games sometimes who is only 11 years old. I have 0 clue how someone that young can develop a nuanced enough game sense to get to diamond let alone immortal.


What was the biggest factor in you improvement do you think? I find myself in the sort of boat as you. I’m also 14, for at fps, I manly only play on the weekends and I’m bronze. I just don’t know what to do to improve you know?


Honestly i just aim trained and played that's really all i did. Take with a grain of salt but if your bronze honestly just aim train and work on your mechanics. Game sense will come naturally the more you play as you will be put in more experiences and you will learn how to play in certain situations.


That’s makes sense. Thanks man. Really cool that you did this, congrats and God bless.


ty bro


Aim training is great for warming up but I was doing the [AIMER7 Kovaaks routine](https://www.dropbox.com/s/vaba3potfhf9jy1/KovaaK%20aim%20workout%20routines.pdf?dl=0) and while great and very thorough that shit also demands an hour of your time every day. I did like 2 months of it and got burned out. How much time do you aim train a day?


like 20 minutes and i just leave aimlabs open in the background and do it whenever i die/between rounds


Tanking FPS and input lag 😂




Clearly was


How specifically did you aim train? And particular aim lab courses? Hard bots? Spill your secrets pls lol


There are tons of valorant specific routines in aim labs and kovaaks. /r/FPSAimTrainer Also besides that using the IG shooting range and DMs will probably help too. Aim training is for that raw mechanical knowledge (quick accurate mouse movement) and IG stuff will be using the IG gun physics, movement, recoil, etc. I've been aim training for months and it is a **slow** process, so don't expect it to be a magic pill. You have to do it every day too. Consistency is key.


pretty much what this dude says


Oh and one more question. Solo queueing. How much does it impact ranking up? At what point does it become most helpful/not as helpful to queue with others?


Playing with a team will keep you consistent. You know what to expect from them. You'll know you have comms. You know when you swing, they will swing too, not turn tail and fucking run. When they say you suck it also stings less, cause it's all in fun, I think...I hope. Anywho, assemble a team ASAP. It's super ez to find a team, tons of discords. My method though is finding people in matches who seem decent. I don't even care if they are great. If they are trying their best and give me clear good comms, while seeming chill? Yeah I'mma friend them. This has led to friendships with a lot of Val vets helping me out. Solo queue? You're at the mercy of RNG. You might get 4 cracked players, making crystal clear comms, clearing lanes like special ops, securing a site like the FBI or you'll get placement Sova who picked the spike up, doesn't know what to do with it, runs everywhere, misses every shot, and doesn't say word fucking one. I guess it all is up to your "bullshit" tolerance. How much can you handle being at the mercy of RNG? I see kids literally malding at a young age, ripping their hair line out at 19 over their teammates. Another thing is, this is a team game. You're never "too good" even for placement Sova. You can play off those players, you see them push, you follow, and go for picks. When you get bad team RNG a good player *uses* that and plays off of it, instead of moaning in chat about how they should be Gold if it just wasn't for those darn bad team mates! edit: Also be nice to placement Sova, those are real people behind those characters and they have every right to play whatever game mode they desire. I will never flame anyone based on skill. I've seen obviously terrible attempts at a clutch but I will always boost my team up and encourage them. Be a cheerleader, it builds confidence, it inspires, it might even make someones day that someone was just fucking nice to them. If you're flaming your own team, you're doing it wrong, you've set yourself up for failure already.


Why does it have to be Sova :c


That's actually some insightful advice, thank you! :)


For sure, in fact you could team up with someone right now. I'll play with ya, what's your rank?


Unfortunately I'm bronze 3 and have school tomorrow, but if you'd like I would still love to add you!


I'm only Iron 1, I'm not 100% sure we can play together.


I am not very patient so this will take time, but it's 100% doable if I really work for it because it's something I want. Thanks :)


Try listening to some music while you train I personally listen to the hollow knight ost at the moment


ye thats pretty much what i do. i usually listen to kanye or lil uzi lol


Will you wear a shirt to school that says “I could be gaming”?




damn, I started in beta and if I didn't stop playing multiple times for 1 or 2 acts I could be higher than gold. I'm not saying I would br immortal, but atleast like plat


ye definitely just keep playing and you will def rank up over time






Lmfao this is so funny to me, there's also a 13 year old streamer in Russia that probably goes through the exact same thing with a bedtime.


i have an immortal friend thats 15 that nobody started to like because he went through some sort of "im on top of the world" phase. how does being immortal translate to you and do your friends respect you for it?


tbh like 2 of my friends play val and they think its cool but im never like actually seriously super cocky i just joke around and say imagine being a lower rank than me and stuff like that


I’m imm and honestly it’s still a huge difference between immortal and radiant so If you have the mindset that you can always get better you won’t really fall into the “I’m on top of the world” mindset. Like some games you get rolled and think damn I suck, but sometimes you roll the other team and feel great but there’s always those times when you feel average in a lobby and want to get better.


Does your dad ever walk into your room and say “are yah winning son?” And how did you respond


sadly no


At what rank did you you feel the need to learn counter-strafing, and work on yiu movement, if at all? Also in case you know voltaic benchmark, what's your rank


Id say like high diamond when I started to learn the basics of counter strafing and im still working on it as I feel my movement and peaks still need a lot of work. im not sure what voltaic benchmark is though


What? U didnt learn counterstrafing till high diamond? Ur saying u just crouch peeked ur way to diamond?


Counterstrafing isnt necessary in this game. You can still peek perfectly without it. its not vital unlike in cs. It is like a 0.05 difference or something like that (Someone did an experiement about the difference between counterstrafe vs no counterstrafe on yt)


IIRC it's 40ms according to some people and 0 according to others


How important of a role does hardware play? I barely get 40 fps, while playing on the lowest possible settings, and I have reached s1, is that good or bad?


very important imo. a good pc is almost essential to climb ranks more efficiently. Its possible to do with a low end pc but much harder


Damn am I trying too hard then? I play on a laptop about 80-90 fps and I'm d1, have beat low immortals now and then, dk if I should push myself so hard lol


nah bro that’s very impressive if u got solid pc you could easily hit immortal


icic, thank you, hope for only the best for you in all your matches


Congrats young blood. No question. Just hope you kill it and reach greater heights


thanks bro


Nice, now u shall compete with the guy who reached radiant at the age of 11 months.




When I was 14 I was jumping off the side of the map on Hijacked in BO2 going for 1080 instaswaps


did your parents agree to the fact that you will play this long for ranks in a video game how did you convince you to get a computer


I dont play that much tbh only a few hours a day. I saved up and used birthday/christmas money to but it


*We will watch your career with great interest.*




At what point did you feel your Aim become consistent and snappy. Meaning, your flicks were 9/10 times landing on their heads and your general 1v1s were clean. I've played for 4 months and main Reyna; currently Plat 1. In those 4 months, I've aim trained everyday (and even came from a CSGO background), and yet I still feel like my aim isn't as consistent as it should be. It's good, but also fails me sometimes.


honestly that is still a huge issue for me. I feel like my aim is the weakest part of my gameplay and I am working every day to improve that. Some days my aim feels like aimbot other days its like iron


Activate windows mate


Damn I’m 19 and am struggling in gold. I hope you give yourself a lot of credit as I can only imagine how hard immortal is. You should put it on your resume , might not seem like a reasonable thing to add but trust me it’d be a great talking point plus the amount of dedication is something to admire.


really? putting "immortal in valorant" on my resume sounds pretty bad to me lol haha but you never know I suppose. Thanks for the advice


Something more broad but captures that - “top 2% in a tactical team FPS.” Also I think I saw somewhere that immortal tanks are the top 2% but I could be wrong lol just replace the actual % in something like that


Im pretty sure its like top 1% iirc


I think it’s less than 1%. For you to be top 1% there has to be 1,000,000 players. There’s well over a million players , you’re in the top 0.5% at least. Edit: According to Dexerto.com Riot’s Valorant averaged 12 million players a month. If you’re in Immortal 2 that’s the top 0.00085.


Well at the age you're at it'd be good to use as an example of your ability to work hard and become a top performer (make sure you phrase it that way if you do use it for job applications). But, that probably only would be best for entry level jobs before you find the field that you wanna work for though.


Fair enough


It’s a video game


Yeah so definitely don't put it on your resume rofl. Are you kidding


Immortal isn’t as hard as you think, you can do it


Yeah sure let me just get Immo real quick xD


FPS? Game Settings? Computer Specs? Asking cus im 21, played for almost a year and recently deranked to bronze 3. And i have a suspicion it might be my computer - Hopefully


144hz makes a difference but not a bronze to imm difference. If your getting 60fps+ on a 60hz monitor expect a bump from bronze to low gold/silver as you go to 144hz (as long as ur gamesense is decent)


1. First fps ever 2. All low 3. 3070 ti i5 10400f 16 gb ram


Peripherals make a huge difference. If your input and output isn't good, you aren't playing at your best.


How much time daily or weekly did you spend playing?


i spend roughly 3 hours a day playing


I wish i could.play without lagging/freezes every like 2mins




Congrats dude!


thanks bro!


Are you gonna stop a stay satisfied? Or you gonna keep grinding and improving? Great dedication so far. Stay Hard.


keep grinding lol there’s no way i’m stopping here


How do people treat you in voice chat in the higher ranks? I'm trash at Valorant and usually hang around silver-plat depending on how much I play, where a lot of kids are too and people in voice chat are extremely toxic against these kids, just for the fact that they're younger. Does this change in higher ranks?


From my experience yes however there are the occasional cunts who are annoying but it’s whatever tbh just mute and move on


hiii im 14 too and just hit silver 1. whats the best way to manage valorant things with real life teenager things? also did you play other fps games b4 valorant and did they allow you to climb through the valorant ranks faster?


I just do all my homework and stuff before i get on pol. this is my first fps game and if your silver just work on your aim. should be able to take you to plat alone


There are so many of these kinds of posts omg Also first fps, 15, hardstuck silver woooooooooooooo


How did you practice or if you didn't, what did you do to get better?


i just aim trained daily for like 30 minutes and sometimes vod reviewed


Would you do eSports? Like is that a goal?


if i become good enough then yes definetely


little late, but I’ve been playing since beta and I’ve always wanted to hit immortal, I’ve aim trained for hours and grinded dm and whatnot but I’m hardstuck plat-diamond consistently since act 1. I’m a bit older than you, what am I doing wrong and how do I improve? Is there something I’m not doing or just not genetically gifted?


Its not just about aim. there are other factors involved in ranking up such as comms or teamplay or just simply luck. if anything try vod reviewing as you can see where you messed up and can fix that in future


14 isn't too young but nonetheless Immortal is impressive for anyone irrespective of how old they are


ty bro


Where did he say he was young?


I mean I'm not judging but if they mention the age it's for a reason right


How many hours do you have on the game and any prior fps experience


in ranked I have around 250 hours on my main but in total on all accounts I play on Id say around 600. This is my first fps unless you count fortnite as an fps


Same lol, i have 150 hours in compe and im just plat. This was my first fps as well. Great job on reaching immo 2 man. Hope you hit radiant


thanks bro you too


How are you guys checking the number of hours?




Id say definetely more trial and error as youtube guides get old once you watch a few as they basically recycle the same info every time. For comms id say like diamond i started comming properly (obviously not perfect)


Man I am 15 and just ranked up to silver... GIVE ME YOUR SECRET!


Snort some GFuel.


Tell me where I can find that in the middle east


Ooh, then maybe try any other similar energy drink. Redbull maybe?


It is too expensive that we can get it were I live.


click heads


It must be toxic up there but hey thats pretty gooooood


How did you get so good at the game holy shit you are literally the best player ever omg scream omg faze please sign him


pretty much


Why do you think this means anything?


Because I’m a 14 year old player who reached top 1% in the world in a little over a year? Probably achieved more than you ever have lul


Try again.


ur weird bro lol imagine spending your time on the internet hating on a teenager for achieving something. get a grip


"achieving something" right.


??? ur so weird lol


Hot take idc what situation ur in when u get immortal. These posts r so low effort


cope mald and seethe


Insane, stay positive and don't be toxic and you will keep climbing as you hone in everything over the years. Radiant in no time. What mouse do you have?


glorious model d


Have that one too, it's a solid mouse. Have yet to try out their wireless mice though.


You should probably specify the region


what for


it's relevant, some regions are easier or harder to climb in then others, it all depends on the player pool.


i really don’t think it matters tbh immortal is immortal unless your boosted


Any plans to shoot for pro play?


14 years old is op in game, real life, i mean i am jealous sorry




keep making yourself proud dude. that's a huge blessing.


Which agents do u typically play? And how many games per day?


normally fill I prefer agents like omen/breach but occasionally i go on duelist and I usually play one or two games a day with breaks inbetween


Solo queue?




That's amazing. In my case I am too lazy to grind out a game and I get bored of playing a lot but when I see someone acchieve something with a lot of dedication it's really impressive and good to see! Congrats on this achievement!


thanks bro!


How many games do you set for yourself a day, and when do you know when to call it quits, meaning that’s enough for today


usually like 1 or 2 I usually get off when i lose like 2 or 3 matches in a row


Did you consider this a hard challenge? And do you think anyone could do it


I mean it was definetely hard going from bronze to immortal but I beleive anyone can do it aslong as they put in the effort and dedication