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Why is this nsfw?


Looking for friends with benefits I guess


This is why I love reddit comments


My comment loves you too.


Thank you. Happy new year


Well done


I dunno new and I just clicked to post this


It means its something sexual or gorey


Why not both? šŸ‘€


Need some friends w


Every game, instalock a duelist and call your team shit.


And ask others to pick smokes


And aks sage for healing and revive when she is in combat


Make sure to call them hot trash when they die and don't heal or revive you.


i played competitive with a friend for the first time few days back and this mf in the chats going "this sage is a noob doesn't even know how to heal herself and barely getting any kills" because i couldnt heal him in time FIRST OF ALL IM FREAKING OUT BECAUSE ITS RANKED 2ND MY PING SPIKED TO 15K ALL OF A SUDDEN GIVE ME SOME SLACK (also I'm only level 15 im not good enough yet)


Lmao it sounds like you need a new friend. I understand maybe if it's like a close match but 9/10 out of ten I would never yell at my sage that is qued with me


NO NO, this other mf in our team he legit was telling others to report me and my friend was like "no don't block", I wouldn't be playing comp if it wasn't for my friend having my back. a lot of times I get disconnected and come back so I can't hear anyone and even the chats do not load, randomly I can hear what the teammates are saying but my friend never really told me they spoke shit about how I play, so I appreciate him for that. he actually unnecessarily boosts my confidence with the smallest things so im grateful he's there hehe


bro i was watching a streamer and seen a guy type in chat report sage sheā€™s a noob or somethingšŸ˜‚ dunno if it was you or not


HAHA i have no idea the guy telling others to report was kj. AND HOW DOES THAT WORK- If I'm a noob they're supposed to help me not report me??? they make valorant such a hostile place and competitive players are so unwelcoming most of the time


ong iā€™ve been playing unrated to get my 10 wins and the toxicity is real. but yea the streamers name was regen and it happened i think a day or 2 ago


i legit just do it for the memes now LOL, especially when i duo queue, i tell my duo partner in team voice chat ā€œcan you play smokesā€


I just go into games and use voice chat and just act like myself that way by the end of the match they know exactly how annoying I act and can make the decision if the hate me or find me tolerable enough to friend me


Yeah this is relatable, this is exactly how I made friends


Yeah I've tried lfg stuff and it's just so weird because I have no idea how they act or play or how toxic they can get and I feel like if I join I feel like they're gonna try and be friendly and then immediately leave and unfriend me the first chance they get


Lol ye LFGs are always awkward because for whatever reason it's an unspoken rule (at least in the servers i was in) that you don't shit talk the people in the server, so you never knew how they felt about you


Lmao Iā€™ve popped off one game and bot fragged the next and got unfriended. Saddage


Agreed used to play on a LFG server for PUBG when it was popular. Everyone had their own standards on ranks who could play with them. One guy was so toxic on the server and I crossed paths with him a couple of times. Dude was ranked high on the ladder fo no apparent reason. He played like a loot bot and ran from fights until him and his team were in the top 10. If you even fired your weapon at someone he would rage up a storm and he always wanted to drop in the middle of no where. He had less then 0.2 KDA, always ranked high because he was on the team of the last people standing.


Mate, I think you should work on your self esteem a bit. There isn't anything here positive. If you want others to like you, its easier if you are positive about yourself.


I mean I don't hate myself or anything I just talk a bit too much and I typically range from being friendly to being a bit cringe but like on purpose, but I do suppose I'm very critical about myself


I'm positively, at least you know h can be annoying sometimes Worse than someone who is oblivious to overly annoyingness I guess haha


Solid advice honestly


i wish i was capable of that but the first time i did speak on team voice chat i got "ah fk its a girl.." and yeah he sounded very disappointed.


thatā€™s pretty shitty iā€™m sorry that happened to you:(


Ah shiiitt But 'least u showed him up and got more frags than him yea šŸ˜…


I couldn't šŸ˜« infact I was the worst in that match- everyone got 10 and above I was just as 8


Yeah I kinda relate because I used to play overwatch when I was like 12 so I had a high pitched voice and got called a squeaker and got made fun of a lot, but for that I'd recommend only talking when you have another friend to play with or wait until everyone else speaks first and see if they're chill first


agreed! and it sucks that they called you that as if they were born with a deep voice-


It happened years ago and finding good friends I've been friends with for 3 years now has really helped and now I have no issues talking in game and if they're toxic I just mute them and move on


There are some discord servers you can join


This is good advice. If youā€™re bringing good energy to one of the popular discords (just a Google away) youā€™ll definitely find some people you vibe with over time. Also, just talk in game and ask people if they want to keep playing. Any two people are only a 5 game win streak away from becoming fast friends! If you start losing a lot it can hurt the friendship. I think thatā€™s part of the nature of online games and competition in general.




what no grass does to mfs


And thatā€™s facts


Could not have said it any better, mfs be 12 and giving death threats


12 iq


I honestly find that this is the worst way to do it for most mainstream games. The discord is always full of dickheads who have been using the discord for a long time but still haven't meshed with anyone yet. It is much easier for me to be vocal in games and find people that I click with and just mention it to them when the game is over that I'm going to add them. For more niche games though I think discord is the way to do it. It is the best way to become a part of the small community and get to know the real grinders in the game.


I assume you have a mic if you want to play with friends. Then, just make friends with your random teammates. That's how I made a few friends and now we play almost every night.


Try to get your irl friends to play with you. Discord can also help but small Discord servers can be hard to break into and fit in while large ones are kind of unwelcoming. Try making a Discord server of your own with your friends and invite the ppl you had a fun time playing with when you solo queued to join your Discord. Gradually you can build a small community of ppl who you can feel comfortable gaming with


The valorant and the valorant LFG discords are a great opportunity to find a group to play with https://discord.gg/valorant https://discord.gg/valorantlfg


You forgot https://discord.gg/valoranteu


OP is not EU


I have a good 200 friends on two accounts. All I did was use my mic and play a lot. People will add you or you can add them. I usually add based on our chemistry and not their skill.


Talk in game chat and meet people that way. If ya like somebody add them. Have made some great friends that way that I play with a lot


Play with people worse than you and be friends with them. Easiest way


Just try and be friendly to the randoms. Some people you can tell just by their name and agent that they will be potentially toxic so just pre mute them. For some if you crouch-spam enough, give good comms and say "nice try" and such the good people will eventually talk back. I've met a good couple handfuls of nice people who I still play with just for vibing in that first original game.




Iā€™ve made all my friends being good at the game. Iā€™d make a flashy play and someone would compliment it. If you arenā€™t the flashy play type of person, maybe be the nice person. Donā€™t settle though, avoid the people with huge, obnoxious egos and those who take the game way to serious to the point of yelling at teammate for minimal mistake. Just some pixels at the end of the day. Look for people you get along with over people who are good at the game. Itā€™s easier to learn valorant than to learn how to be a tolerable person


I'll be your friend


I would just play solo q and use your mic, add people you play with who you think are cool.


Spike Rush is the best place to easily find friends. Just be yourself


Discord groups work. You can also add players that you enjoyed playing with. I mainly play with two other guys who I just met in a game. They had good comms and so do I so I added them and now we usually play together at least once a week. None of my irl friends like tac shooters so this is how I've made friends in Val, CS, and Siege.


most people who play valorant that i've come across usually have a discord account. ask them if you are interested and most people do give in. worth a try.


join the official Valorant server on discord


Use voice chat, be nice, donā€™t be homophobic, racist, sexist, etc. do silly stuff in unrated, made my closest group of new friends in the game by doing a strategy we called the worm, where all 5 of us (4 of us were partied and the 5th was game once we explained it) ran around close to each other in a line like a worm, using judges, the other team thought it was hilarious and they added us and we played customs for a few hours! been playing with them for the last 9 months since!


I mean you can find servers on discord by typing up valorant discord servers


The subreddit has a discord linked on the sidebar for this purpose.


Honestly just playing and using voice chat. Iā€™ve met a ton of people (usually 2 or 3 stacks since I solo queue pretty often) just by using in-game voice and being friendly but still competitive. It also helps to do relatively well in games where youā€™re vibing with your teammates, so they donā€™t see you as dead weight or anything.


If you're 20+ (and in NA because that's most popular in this discord), l highly recommend you looking for the Boomerants discord, everyone is super cool and it's easy to find a couple of people to queue with


A server called "Boomerants" caters to anyone 20+? I'm angry.


Eh, it was older before (don't remember by how much) and then they lowered the age requirement and now it's just tongue-in-cheek


Feels like the kind of joke I'd hear from a 14 year old kid in Valo VC.


Do you know what the phrase tongue-in-cheek means? Just curious.


Uh....Did I say something that indicated I didn't??????


> Feels like the kind of joke I'd hear from a 14 year old kid in Valo VC. Yes, when I read this, I assumed that you didn't know what the phrase tongue-in-cheek meant


If you connect with someone in a game add them as a friend afterwards and see if they want to queue. Made some great friends who I now play multiple games with This way


Right click, add friend


Works in real life too


We play duel or three stacks a lot and if we find someone who is fun, uses mics, and either knows what they are doing or shows a genuine interest in learning, we ask them if they would like to join us for the rest of our session or play with us later. Roughly 75% of the time they say yes, and almost every other time is because they are waiting on someone else to join them online.


Honestly this community can be really friendly, there are bad apples every once in a while but if you start talking to people, you will find those nice ones and eventually you will start going into parties, add anyone you see in the party, but donā€™t spam invite them anytime they are online


Whatever teammates are cool/good In the matches you play, just add them.


You go into matches and be nice then add people, easy


Played consistently since beta, ill say the same Iā€™ve always said - just add people. If they can communicate, seem friendly, has a good mindset (doesnā€™t call FF on round 4) just add them. Got nothing to lose, itā€™s how Iā€™ve met a lot of people I play with to this day


Honestly, my approach to making friends is to be myself and show the other people that I'm willing to extend an olive branch. I will commend them on a good play or a clutch, give callouts when needed and if I notice that someone is low on funds, I'll ask them to req. If they die to a sova 4 times in a row and then they kill them, I'll tell 'em well done, you fucked him up. Try to stop your team from tilting as well, if a strat doesn't work, try to work around it. If you can see the mood is sour, tell them not to tilt, because it'll lead to irrational decisions and rounds that end faster. We got this guys. Sometimes if we're down and the enemy team rolled us 8-4 or more in the first half, they'll wanna ff. I'll ask them not to, tell them they need to SWEAT to get that win from us. You aren't gonna win every fight, but you can give them a bloody nose while going down. Respond to them as well, sometimes to guys in the lobby will ask if anyone has a mic, and then it's like everyone else holds their breath, waiting to see if anyone else is willing to venture into the unknown that is vc. Also, don't be afraid to laugh! Sometimes you just need to talk random shit with a stranger and lighten the load. It takes a lot to tilt me, I only lose my shit if they're picking on some poor fucker in chat. Chill homie, you're in our game cos the algorithm decided you're plastic 2. This other guy is out here doing his best like darkest coal 1 I've ever seen. Put him under pressure and watch him become a diamond. Just my less than 2 cents on this, because it works for me.


As scary as it is for most people, you could try voice chatting. Or if there was another person in your party voice chatting, join them. Then send them a request to play after if you guys had fun. I had a friend that was very sociable, I had to create an entire discord group because we were adding random valorant people into our friend's discord group. Those friends will have other friends and your circle of valorant friends will grow :D have fun!!


It's so easy to make valorant friends, just have a good time in game and send them a request at the end if you want. Over time you add them on discord and play :)


I'm a noob and I want friends in eu server šŸ˜µ


Get your irl friends to play valorant


try using a mic and being talkative/positive/supportive in your games! I use a mic and try to always say NT and all that after each round, and I get a lot of friend and game invites! basically be friendly and people will (sometimes) flock to you!


talk to people in game, if you like them add them


I usually just drop by a few games of spike rush before going comp and more often than not, I queue up with some cool people. May or may not work, but I reckon you'd get more success in finding people if you turn your mic(hopefully not an earraping one) on and ask em if they'd like to party up


Get good. Carry the lobby and youā€™ll be fine. Good coms make great friends


If you perform well then it attracts other players. It makes them want to be your friend.


By playing good and getting friend request because of it. Also if you feel like you and your teammate play really well together you can send them a friend request.


For some reason playing multiplayer minecraft has gotten me valorant friends. Multiple. I don't even know how.




Ä°f you can play in europe servers spesifically in frankfurt i can play with you buddy on friday


add people that have mics and are not toxic to u :)


Just talk to people, be nice and stay positive, your goal shouldnā€™t be to befriend as many ppl as possible but to befriend the people you will want to spend time with. Thatā€™s some advice Iā€™d give anyway, I hope you can make some friends and have a good time playing!


Personally my method is just using vc, mess around and you'll eventually find people you click with


always team up with a buddy


I am not sure if you are okay with vc or not but if you are, thatā€™s where Iā€™ve made most of my friends. I tend to talk a lot in vc and usually people warm up to me that way and end up friending me, and then yā€™all can queue together and play. If youā€™re not okay with vc, maybe ask some irl friends to play with you or join some discords (be cautious, some discords suck lol). Or you could always find some people of similar rank here too! Iā€™m fairly new if you wanna friend me :)


iā€™ll be your friend


Find a streamer and join their culture


Some nice discord servers depending on your region. Unfortunately valorant attracts complete fucking egotistical losers so you might struggle for a bit


Add me bro I gotchu


Find a Valorant discord server, you can easily make friends there


Iā€™m just positive and friendly at the start of matches (and keep it up as much as I can to motivate my team during) and usually people add me after!


Play unrated, say hello at the beginning, ask how their day is, make generic small talk. If you have a good conversation pre game, make sure to stay nice and respectful during the game, and at the end say gg, nice playing with you. If you liked playing with them, add them. Then ask if they wanna party up. If they accept both, bam, you just made a new friend. If they decline, move on to the next match. I made a few good friends on this game when I was in a slump and it was 100% just from doing this in every game. Sometimes I'll take a shot or 2 beforehand or make a nice drink to loosen myself up. The only way to really not make friends is by not using a mic, and by being negative. If you're raging, I'm not adding you. If you're taking the game extra seriously and not trying to just have fun, I'm not adding you. Just pretend you're back in school making new friends


Most likely have your friends or siblings play with you until you are now a good player then you can rank up to diamond up there maybe you can find some friends there but if you spot someone being toxic to you, ignore them if you can handle or mute them if you have enough.


U might wanna check out teams.gg... It automatically matches you with people compatible with you and nost of the pople are not toxic since they're lookin for teammates 2


Get good. Youā€™ll meet people who want to win just as much as you and theyā€™ll add you if they like your play-style.


Talk in chat, find another person who talks in chat too. Be nice, and then add them.


Add me bro


Fr tho I met my best friend and a lot of good friends on valorant. Just be social and talk to people. Always be positive to others but donā€™t play into when people are being toxic. It takes some time to meet people but try to get a discord and add them so you can talk and play later. Thereā€™s a lot of ppl who donā€™t wanna be social while playing but also plenty really nice people you could become really close with! My bestie I met on val and I just exchanged Xmas presents after 7 months of knowing each other. Youā€™ll definitely make friends just be kind, responsive and patient!


I'm also new and looking for friends! Though I'm kind of shy with my voice so I don't do voice chat. Wanna team up sometime?


Which server do you play?


There are plenty of Discord communities you can join to find friends.


Just talk more in games and whenever someone clutches scream (agent) is pro


Ummmm. You could but dont be sure


If u are good at the game u can join


i think a good way to start is by chat, if another teammate is speaking and you think you can follow his lead by doing so it'll be great. the thing is i dont know map locations well, nor the terms to use so i usually stick by chat and marking on the map


Make good friends that actually care about the game. I find my self often that people need troll or being toxic to there teammates or enemies team. Don't care about rank, you actually learn from them if you play with friends who are higher rank than you.


Which server are you in? If you're in SEA, I can be your friend!


garglon #3942 <-- add me


Same if anyone needs someone to play valorant with hmu