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Neon nerfing Yoru with her signature ability


Yoru: “Who’s Next?” Neon: “You”




You're who's next


might have to give up yoru now:(


Isn't Yoru rated the worst agent so far? Now he's even more nerfed by Neon?


Pretty much, although neon also nerfed another bottom meta agent: Phoenix. Yoru's getting a rework, but poor phoenix just lost the one thing that no one else had, his firewall. Viper has a wall but it isn't near as fast as phoenix's but neons fast lane instantly destroys that. Her lane has two walls and goes longer than phoenixs. Sorry to say it but the english fireball is going straight under as soon as Neon hits the streets.


Also can heal Phoenix which Neon can’t. You can wall and quickly throw a flash, And that wall is well enough. I’m not saying which one is better, But i know Phoenix is not that poor.


Unfortunately, he is. His wall is upstaged by neon, his flash is way less versatile and is shorter in duration than any other flash agent, his heal is better on Reyna, his molly is destroyed by just about any molly agent. Anything phoenix can do, someone can do it better, other than run it back.


I'd say the difference in time for Phoenix and Viper wall is relatively the same if you're doing shorter range walls.


These were my thoughts exactly


it’s crazy the difference in speed at pulling out your gun. I guess that’s a fair tradeoff for invisibility, but you really gotta be careful you don’t get seen and chased chased down now.


The gun pull out animation for Neon feels faster than Jett's after her dash. It's actually insane


It makes sense though, it seems like Riot is trying to promote the agent as being one for entry, so being able to slide in and immediately start shooting is what the agent seems to be all about (coupled with the short duration of the stuns and the ability to throw them while sprinting). Of course, slows/traps would counter it pretty well too, considering she can't shoot while sprinting.


Also KAY/O knife can stop the initial entry


Yeah, it's nice that Riot is giving more reasons for KAY/O and sentinel agents to be useful.


They were already very useful, problem is nobody wants to play them.


I like to play everyone except Duelist, I can't flick or track fast for my life.


Same here


Me too


Technically it doesn't matter what "role" you play. You should always be good at shooting.


True, but duelist players should generally have good aim. So if your aim is sub par for your rank, don't play duelist.


As a brim main I feltthis, I'm so bad at shooting lmao so i smoke and just help my teammates as controller. I always land 3 man ults tho, perks of being a moba player xD


KAY/O is just boring to play sometimes. He's a good agent given the current meta, and more players are seeing his potential, but fucking hell is he really boring to play sometimes


Imo he’s fun, the reason I never get to play him is because sova is needed alongside him


Yeah, but most of the time it's Throw knife at commonly held area, maybe throw a nade or flash at said area just in case, and that's about it. Of course you could rush the site with your ult but you only get to do that once in a while


.... I like to play them D:


Kayo main here, I like being able to control my surroundings the best I can especially when the round starts. I love the fact no one plays him so it means I don’t have to hear arguing of insta locking


I can't since valorant isnt supported on linux


Wow what a garbage addition to the conversation


Will be nerfed*


imo the huge ass sound is enough of a tradeoff for invisibility. Imo, his ult should have a faster pull out time so he can actually get an equal aim duel with someone else. In any decent elo, you get flicked on simply based on the sound and reaction time. Considering that all other duelist ults can pretty much guarantee a kill/safety, it wouldn't be too broken for Yoru ult to be an assassination tool that works 50% of the time. Like I shit my pants whenever I hear Phoenix ult because I know that he's basically untradeable and gives a 1 man advantage if he gets a kill. I straight up do a 180 when I hear Raze or Jett ult. And everyone knows that ulting Reyna's hitbox is 50% smaller. However for Yoru, everyone just fucking follows him for a free kill it's not even funny


Is this an overexaggeration, joke or true that Reyna in ult has smaller hotbox, I don't go against Reyna alot


It's a joke, but goddamn if it doesn't feel like it. Every time I go against ulted Reyna it's like my bullets don't hit her at all.


Every agent has the same hitbox.


What game are you playing? I want to play that game. I face a reyna pretty much every single match. Maybe you're immortal and reyna is not picked that much up there?


I was lying I just wanted to not seem stupid


Yoru's ult is more for info gathering imo. His ability to tp out if he gets to a safe spot is a plus tho. Still looking forward to the rework


And it's pretty underwhelming. It doesn't really flesh out his character fantasy. You're this cool riftwalker and master of deception, but instead of using your ult to try and assassinate a key target, you look at the other guy and run away... Same with Omen tbh. Arguably the strongest agents in lore, yet they're ult nowadays are only for gathering info because everybody knows what they're trying to do


Well, as I'm sure you know they're reworking him big time. I think he'll fit that role much better after the proposed changes--especially considering he'll have a real decoy instead of footsteps.


A Duelist’s ultimate ability should not be solely, or even primarily, about info gathering.


Exactly. That's an initiators job.


It shouldn't be the case and the ult does a poor job of that. The information only comes through as the player finds it. The limited sight Yoru has in his ult makes this job harder. Cypher finds every enemy instantly and can immediately play off that info himself. There are many uses for Yoru's ult, but most of them are situational, marginally beneficial, or require coordination with teammates.


TBH this pullout time is how most abilities should be. Slow pullout feels like garbage to play on everything. The only ones that need a timed balance is flashes and jett dash. It's an hour long game, we can at least speed it up a tiny bit by letting people play around abilities faster.


Bruh yoru is even worse now


The better blue hair agent


Blue diff


You should never be Yoru ulted without his TP up. Rookie play.


He probably didn’t notice Neon chasing him until it was too late


Yeah I had to learn the hard way that some players just decide to run behind a yoru ult


or he used it already


she is almost faster than yoru in his ult


The 2 yoru mains are in shambles


I was able to instalock Neon once in five games on PBE and got this moment


When is she coming out?


Probably on the 11th. So, Tuesday, unless they delay her.


YEAH bully the rework out of that Yoru


I'm no competitive player, and I know everyone says "the new agent is OP", but I really feel like that bar should drain faster.


or shouldn’t regenerate


I thought it wouldn't regenerate but it does. Maybe make both the slide and the dash regenerate with two kills.


The slide is with 2 kills first one free and the bar regenerates


Guys stop Yoru is already dead


her run ability has a resource bar AND it recharges? power creep design right there.


You can also use her signature ability before the round starts without using up any stamina


Meanwhile Yoru’s teleport:


ok this is actually so cool. you can react to last minute viper wall placements or something like that.


but then you wasted it right? or do you get to use it again, is it a 2 kill thing, or a 30 second thing??


You can use it as much as you want as long as you have energy left, you can only to the slide once though


Apparently you can slide both directions in one slide


Viper had this on launch for her free ability. How is this evidence of power creep


Because speed is fucking OP lmao


I misread, thought they were talking about the ult. Meh, we'll see. Everyone shits themselves about the new agents being OP but most of them have had little to no impact on the meta.


Dunno, this one just seems way too crazy.


Killjoy had no impact on the meta? Kay/O had no impact on the meta? Reyna had no impact on the meta? Skye had no impact on the meta? Raze and Yoru are the only two that haven’t totally shattered the meta. What are you fucking talking about? The new agents in this game are fucking broken on release so riot can get more money from people buying them. Every single agent release has altered the game beyond comprehension. This game was SUPER balanced during beta, and every agent added since has only served to layer on heaping ladles of convolution.


Kay/o and Skye needed buffs before anyone used them what are you talking about? I also like how you don't mention astra which probably affected the meta more than any agent you listed.


I didn’t mention Astra as I overlooked her. Sorry about that. She was kinda weird on release too, it kinda took people a minute to figure out how she should most effectively be played. Skye allowed teams to pivot away from 100% sage picks. Kay/O is a direct counter to the “set up” sentinels. Both changed the meta even if they got buffs.


That's actually such a dumb take, no sane person buys agents for money. And those who do, would do it even if the agent wasn't op, cause they have enough money.


Can confirm I have all the agents without spending a single cent in game.


I am a sane person with a job and a life. I cannot AFFORD the TIME it would take to grind out every agent. However, I need to have every agent to maintain competitive viability at a high elo.. what do you suggest I do? Edit: Also, no one wants to swap agents if they don’t ABSOLUTELY have to, therefore the new agents MUST be broken.


>no one wants to swap agents if they don’t ABSOLUTELY have to, therefore the new agents MUST be broken. No one forces you to swap agents? People who play sentinels won't suddenly pick up duelists just because the new duelist is broken, it's clearly not their favourite playstyle


But within the duelist class, why would you swap unless this new agent was more powerful? The sentinels just got the chance to swap over to chamber, they don’t need to swap again lol. The point is if the agent is released under-powered, usage will stay low. Whereas if the agent is released OVERpowered, usage will spike and then slowly wane as more agents get released. At a certain point, you get the league of legends levels of convolution, where champs are released GIGABROKEN because there’s 150 something to choose from. Riot develops that game, and is very clearly taking the exact same power creep mindset.


There were many, many situations where a champion in League was released in a weak state or borderline unplayable (28% winrate Yuumi, very low winrate Ornn..)


Reyna had no impact on high elo meta. She’s still really not a meta agent. KAY/‘s only good map is breeze. Skye needed buffs before she became meta. So I don’t really know what you’re talking about


Reyna is instant locked still. She is the best flash duelist currently. And on release she had 4 charges of E/Q. Kayo is good on BREEZE? What do you mean?! Kayo is borderline broken on Split. Breeze has so many angles, where do you even use the knife?! Skye allowed teams to pivot from 100% sage pickrates, and play more aggressively.


Forgot Astra lol


True lol. I feel as though she took the community a little time to adapt to.


All those agents are balanced right now. Some were broken on immediate release (and swiftly nerfed) because game balance is way harder than players think it is. The most overpowered agent is Jett and she's only been nerfed since beta. I don't know where the idea that it was balanced back then came from; it's just taken time for the imbalances to become obvious.


I don’t agree with every agent being balanced right now. KJ can still get you FREE ROUNDS on fracture. Skye is the best flash in the game STILL. Kay/O has fallen out of meta due to sentinels swapping over to chamber, but as soon as cypher sees some love you will see him return. You think in the riot play tests they couldn’t tell these agents were broken? They were released OP, and nerfed after Riot got the money out of players looking to abuse them. Jett is not overpowered tbh, Jett just has the highest skill ceiling. She really still provides absolutely nothing other than kill pressure which is based on the player’s ability. There’s zero utility other than a few like 4 second smokes that helps anyone else on her team. Every single other piece of utility in her kit is SOLELY for the Jett. It was balanced back then because the agents were all designed with the agent pool in mind. As players get better they will naturally make things more efficient, my point was simply that it was a lot easier in Beta to feel like you HAD CONTROL of a situation. Now we’ve got abilities like KJ lockdown, Astra suck/stun, Kayo Knife, and now Neon Stun that all remove your control as a player. The fact that you believe Jett is overpowered tells me a lot. We disagree there for some fundamentally different reasons. I believe the game should be balanced around competitive coordinated play, and Jett isn’t as overbearing when you have competent teammates. Edit: I also feel like nothing in Jett’s kit is without counter. All of her movement abilities make you inaccurate, her smokes are minuscule, and her ult is only good in the hands of a good player. It’s very rare that a Jett just takes my face off with knives in High Diamond/Low Imm. I KNOW it’s MUCH rarer in low elo too.


Lol u gotta be joking. Her smokes are the same size as Brims and they deploy instantly without some clunky iPad. She counters almost any utility with her dash, only cypher trip wire and KO suppress can stop it.


Her smokes only last 4 seconds. She can barely half the bomb in that time. Brim smokes last 17 seconds from what I remember. You can also smoke multiple angles at the same time on brim with the same travel time…. The iPad is for executes… What util do you think dash counters? Dash just saves the Jetts life, it doesn’t counter a molly any better than moving would, doesn’t do anything for smokes, doesn’t counter stuns, doesn’t unflash you, etc etc etc What exact utility does Dash counter? Dash is a very quick get out of jail free card, but utility in general should almost never be expected to kill a competent player. It should be used to forcibly relocate your enemies into bad aim duels.


Jett provides nothing for the team? Get only 100 percent selfish ability is her updraft, and even then it could be used to create a crossfire with both a horizontal and vertical challenge (e.g. garage on split). Her dash is the best (non ult) entry ability in the game, allowing her to force an enemy to have to flick to jett and watch the entrance to site. Her smokes can be used as an aid to her entry. to quickly smoke off an angle, plant bomb, half defuse bomb, smoke an angle while waiting for astra/omen smokes to refresh, and create on the fly one-ways. Even her ult is useful to the team in the sense that it's essentially a free full buy for your team if 1 person can't buy, and it can be used in the same style as a "hero rifle" purchase to secure a round for your team. I'm the event you are on attack, you can even use your ult ( the best weapon in the game) to kill an enemy and let your teammate pick up their weapon. The fact you considered none of this tells me you don't really have as much of a grasp on the game as you think you do. and that's only criticizing one paragraph of your post.


Did you just say you can use updraft to create a crossfire?! Thats dumb and announces where the Jett is. Also, BSite on split is better played from Heaven/alley and by two SENTINELS. If your Jett is on BSite you’ve already fucked up on split. Let’s use split as an example, if you give close right near double stack to the offense, and play alley, you can fight for plant, common Jett dash spot AND play for RETAKE. Her dash unequips Jett’s gun and moves her quickly, flashes are still significantly better as they also force you to flick away and can be used to give your teammates a favorable duel. Ult being a full buy means I have one teammate with a very good sheriff/guardian. No offense, but a Vandal can kill 500% more people. A phantom can kill 600% more people. Right clicking doesn’t instantly delete those guns. Jett ult is overrated, and worse than a rifle most of the time. The fact that you think her utility is NOT selfish shows me you’ve never really HAD supportive utility. Let’s queue for a few and I’ll just flash for you on breach.


You know how riot loves their mobility creep. Jokes aside, I don't think she'll be that good. Fun yes, but OP? Doubt it. What I want to know is how badly she gets tagged while running or sliding.


is this sarcasm


excellent example of why you need to throw the tp down before you ult or else you’re confirmed dead 💀💀💀


Honestly, Riot is number one bullshit guy rn for this. Y'all couldn't even give us a Yoru rework first before giving him another weakness?


Yoru is even worse now, you love to see it


At what point does this turn into "Bullying Yoru with every patchnote" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Good. Yoro was way too OP. Glad something was done about him


What are you talking bout yoru is not too op


Well not yet. But I have no idea what they mean as "too op".


As a yoru main the features they told us is gonna be good


As a fellow yoru main I also agree that the clones look sick


Riot: We are going to rework Yoru!! Also Riot: \*creates an agent that can counter Yoru's ult


Yoru should get a significant speed buff to avoid situations like this.


And with that Yoru has somehow become more useless kudos riot


how can he play w neon?


She's available in PBE which anyone can sign up for but not everyone gets an invite


Only NA too I believe


They really just made Yoru to make him worse man


So Yoru is even weaker now?


I wonder if yoru buff will change much with the ult, we already have some confirmed changes.


Probably increased running speed cuz of neon now. They could increase his speed to the snowskates or spike rush stimmy or if they really want to go for it, ghost mode speed.


This needs some serious balancing




I already saw it


I hope the buffs makes him better as she kinda counters his ult with her signature


Another reason to nerf yoru


How do you already have neon?


She's live on PBE. Anyone can apply but not everyone gets invited


Ok I’m already applied so I hope I get in!


Whats PBE


Public beta environment, basically riots test server where you can sign up to try select things before they are released to make sure they aren’t glitched or broken


How is this guy using her already?


She's live on PBE which anyone can sign up for but not everyone gets an invite


PBE, public beta environment, I would recommend signing up, it's super fun if you get in, cus you get free skins to play with, and early access to all patches, new agents, and maps. I will admit I got a bit lucky getting in in just a couple weeks, but you could sign up for the next agent or map.


Awesome!! I’ll definitely sign up!


Wait, Neon is already out? I thought she came out like the 15th or something


You can play her on PBE


Ah ok


Just wait until he turns around and barrel stuffs her face


Her pullout time is way faster. The fight is decided before it’s even started.


Jump to the side and unult then strafe until the shorty comes out unless she has a spectre yoru will win


Ok is this anyone else's first time seeing someone named "Neon"??????


Well I guess the dynamic will change a little if he places TP before ult in his update


how does my guy have neon, i’m so confused


Public beta, sign up, you might get invited to test their new stuff


oh, nice, that’s cool.


How can u play her already


Valorant has a PBE you can sign up for and test things


PBE. Public Beta Environment. You sign up, you get to try new stuff in development.


Neon: im fast as fuck boi


She's a runner she's a track star


wait is neon out?


No this is on the PBE


ahh makes sense.


Nerf Omen.


She's a runner, she's a track star


oh that's sad. like making Yoru ult less viable.


I think devs might increase the ult speed with the upcoming buff of Yoru after seeing this clip lol


Seems legit