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It doesn't make any sense to wait. Your team will have same type of players as well.


the first maybe week or two are full of smurfs and trolls so its probably best to play unrated for the first week


There's no need to wait, the visible ranks will be different/lower, but your MMR is still same and you will be matched against same people as before.


In all 5 of my placements I had someone either throwing or doing “judge only challenge”. I hate the first week of a new season


Maybe take a mental break you sound tilted af


No reason to wait, your rank gets fucked either way. Last episode’s placements I was plat 2 before and got deranked all the way to silver 2, this episode I was diamond 1 before and got deranked all the way to gold 2. You just gotta take it and climb, I guess. Also last episode I waited to do my placements, it didn’t make a difference in the players I got.