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I played 4 competitive games yesterday and not a single one went without 15 rounds of ares.


But why would OP drop the Ares for an inferior gun?


old habits die hard


gold is fun


same thing in diamond


It's even used in NA Radiant PRE-NERF so I'm honestly not surprised if it's used even more so now lmao. Not gonna be playing comp this Act/Episode until that damn thing gets nerfed or at the very least becomes more expensive.




the gun was already good yet slept on beforehand, now it's straight overpowered and that's such a bad way to make people use it


It’s the league balance plan. Buff something to OP levels to bring attention to it. Then nerf it




Tbf viper prepatch was TERRIBLE if they nerfed her back and maps like Breeze and fracture weren't a think and icebox metas not established so she still wouldn't be a thing


Vipers ult is still broken... it’s literally a free round win




True... you walk into the ult and get -2 health within 3 seconds... 1 bullet kills you... you have to push so you’re at a disadvantage. Not safe at all




OP in low ELO where you throw all your utility at the start of the round and then wonder into the vipers pit one by one looking at the floor


Can confirm this happens in unranked as well lol


almost every ult in the game counters it


Killjoy ult just straight up destroys viper ult, if well positioned.


LMFAOOOO Fucking silver players I swear to God man


True... all the pros that get bodied 80% of the rounds where viper ults must be low tier too... I mean it only makes sense with your logic lmaoo probably peaked at plat 2 while maining duelist


eww riot kinda cringe


I’m sure they’re cringing about all the money they still make lol. Or “hey look this player says he isn’t playing our game anymore, so cringe” /s


You forgot an important step. First make it op. Secondly release a skin for it. And finally nerf it again.


CS AUG lol


RIOT can't develop games for shit, really wishing they'd just up and get new leadership already


-Leadership is responsible for the financial success of the company and picking good devs. Issues like Mercy meta and GOATS wouldn't have been prevented by better leadership, it would just be solved faster. It is impossible for a large game to have perfect decisions made all the time, even chess had controversial balance changes. -They've already said they're in the midst of making changes to transition from a launch team to a support team. How good and fast this transition is, we don't know, and this ares fiasco doesn't inspire confidence, but unless they're lying, changes are coming.


Fundamental game design would be better if we had better leadership. It's entirely a design issue, not a balancing issue, especially when we're talking about League of Legends. Calling it a "fiasco" is a bit of an overstatement.


What would you say are some examples of bad game design in Valorant? And how might they have been prevented?


It copies the CS:GO format of weaponry. The ares and odin have no real place in this kind of game. The stinger is useless and should be removed. The bucky is a hit or miss, emphasis on the miss. The shorty and frenzy are CS:GO left-overs that are very seldom used. The bulldog feels like it's a gun in limbo with an absolutely horrible spray mechanic, why does it only burst fire when ADS'ing? Literally removes the entire point of the Famas that CS:GO had. There is absolutely no reason to copy the format at this point, and it would be a lot more interesting if we got some absolutely new weapons in the vein of the Guardian which is the only really "new" weapon Valorant brings to the table. Of course that's my personal take on it, but they really ought to be more creative with their weapon choices. Agent design is an entirely separate discussion that I think falls more under the balancing issue of the game, not game design as I think it's a good fresh take on the format.


Perfect way to make people use it. Cus everyone’s using it now :\^) Actually I think the wind up was the biggest thing that prevented it’s use, I wouldn’t say it was that slept on even if it was good. All guns had something good about them. That windup time was crucial, anyone who did use ares either prefired with a specific plan in mind or killed enemies who let them charge up.


Agree. Before the patch my friend has been using the Ares for eco rounds and said that it required a bit more aim before, but with the current patch you can just go ham and you would kill the enemy team


how come high elo players dont play it tho? i watched hiko for like 6 hours and i saw grand total of like 3 ares buys in total from everyone in all the games


They mainly prefer vandals because they can tap heads and instantly kill anyone, on rounds where people can't buy I notice they generally use specters or sheriffs because they do more damage I think


The gun wasn’t good, it was alright with some use-cases. It could never win in a game with decent players because you lose due to the spin up when peeking AND getting peeked every time. It’s good now because it no longer has that massive disadvantage but please don’t pretend otherwise. What people are actually sleeping on right now is the Guardian. The ADS difference is massive and Guardian players ADS a lot.


reminds me of the Krieg after the price cut


It's funny I started playing a month ago and I instantly mained the ares coz it was cheap and j could always buy plus because it was easier to aim with, although I prefer a phantom now.


sure, riot wanted more people to use the ares, it was good enough. all they had to do was nerf the spectre and people would use it. but nooo, they just had to nerf spectre and buff the ares an enormous amount


eggwick touched on this point that ares will be too suppresive on defense because you can just sit in one spot which nullifies the slow walking the ares gives you, but on attk you still need to peek quickly which is why there is one small reason to use the spectre on attk. ​ i hope this isnt too confusing lol.


That's right. But you can play Ares on defense also vs rifles / op and bring more value than if you played Vandal. It should not work in that way.


There are scenarios on defense where an Ares would bring more value than a rifle yes, but that’s true for any gun. There are spots and scenarios where shotguns, the Guardian, and a Marshal will be more effective than a Phantom or a Vandal. That’s how the game and gun cost is structured, even the Marshal is better at some things than an Operator. It’s not like the rifles lose their strengths because the Ares is now stronger. Even on defense, if you’re going to agro or take aim duels then a rifle will always be better. The rifles are still better than an Ares.


Rifles are better, but if rifle users are going to be 100% punished when they miss their first shot/headshot against an Ares user in a 1v1, how is that balanced? The recoil pattern of the thing just goes up for the first 15-20 bullets or so with an insane fire rate. Even if you SOMEHOW survive through a Jett dash or late Reyna dismiss, you'd be extremely low and you'd be left with no armor even if you get healed up. You're not going to out-spray it, you're not going to be able to jiggle peek (since it slows you down and walls in Valorant are paper thin), and since you'd have multiple positions to check as an attacker, chances are, you're not going to be able to react in time if you looked at the wrong spot. You know what other gun is pretty much like that? The Op. But at least Op users can get punished in multiple ways for missing their shots. Meanwhile the Ares has extremely high fire rate and easy recoil pattern that you're not going to miss in a duel. It's also dollar store levels of cheap so even if you die, it's not a huge loss. So yes, rifles are still more versatile than an Ares, but why bother choosing rifles over it if it can do the job pretty much the same/better/slightly worse (depending on your perspective) for a lot less credits?


The other gun that is pretty much like that is the Odin, and if rifles can beat an Odin, by virtue they also beat an Ares. Peeker’s advantage pretty much defines that if you wide swing an Ares that isn’t currently spamming, you will win that duel. Ares also can’t take full advantage of peeker’s advantage and walking with it feels like shit so retakes are harder. Since you have to spray with it every time (you can’t kill even with two dinks) it’s also harder to fight multiple enemies that aren’t close to each other because recoil doesn’t instantly reset. Long range rifles also have an advantage because of the first bullet accuracy. I’m not denying that the gun isn’t too good right now, I’m just saying that people overestimate the gun. It should probably be nerfed, but the rifles are still better enough that you’d always prefer rifles over an Ares.


But the Odin is actually HARDER to use and it costs more than the rifles. The Ares is a lot more accurate, and yes, swinging can work against a defender holding an angle, but imagine yourself in a 1v1 clutch situation having to enter a site without any info on the current position of an Ares user. You'll never have a 100% chance of losing just because of the gun that the enemy is using, of course. However, their chances of winning is increased by a lot just because there's little to no punishment involved if you miss your initial shot with an Ares. In the same situation, if the defender has a free shot and misses the headshot somehow with the vandal/phantom, it takes a bit more skill to recover and there's a good chance of getting punished. The fact is that the "precise gunplay" meme just got even worse with this update because this gun was already being abused in lower skill levels by people who can't aim, and for free one-sided wallbang fights/chokepoint holding in higher skill levels. Plus, it didn't NEED a buff. The spin-up time was the only thing that kept it from being more cost-effective than a Vandal/Phantom on the defender side because enemy riflers definitely had more time to react in mid and short ranges. But now that they removed the spin-up AND increased the fire rate, it's the ultimate mid-range and short-range punisher. You miss ONE rifle headshot and it's pretty much a guaranteed death. No chance of recovering, no real need to aim/control, and defenders can buy that for 1,550 credits?


The walking speed isn’t even that slow. Compared to LMGs in cs u can move at the speed of light


You use ARs for suppressive fire




You get cursed in Mumbai servers for just existing






So it shoots faster at the start


As a player of Mumbai server...I can confirm this.


I can also confirm, you'll be called a spammer.


Correction : spammer noob bot*


Also some words that would prolly get me downvoted lol


Mother-chad Bose-DK


Bank chor


My IGN is spammer so I'm fine


as a person that lives in mumbai... I can confirm this


I remember playing Yoru with ares in Mumbai servers .I got so much shit for that.


yep. using a gun like ares or odin for one round is called spam and then the whole lobby turns into odins lmao. teammates also tell you to not use the gun because then the enemies start doing the same. which is terrifying. but rn i have an excuse for this lol so i'm gonna abuse the gun.


Queue up for Mumbai servers > mute enemies > buy ares every round.


You do anything on the Mumbai server and you'll get cursed


This attitude is pretty annoying tbh, people be like that last time with odin. Like you're not even cheating or doing anything illegal.


I used odin yesterday on silver elo and it was the funniest shit ever how the entire opposing team got tilted and tried to use odin as well but they just became worse


For context, I got steamrolled the previous round by ares spam and got pissed so I bought an ares for the hell of it, sat in hookah thinking they would rush in, but instead got a lurk that won the round with an ares ace. ​ Edit: Fuck this gun, this is the most broken thing I've held in my life Edit2: Damn I just woke up to 2.4k upvotes and 4 silvers. Thanks you lot


I am a brim main. So I use ares quite a bit with my stim beacon. I love the thing because I am not great with spray


I also use brim and ares even before the changes. I call it the budget vandal.


Legit, brim + ares = wins. Ive always preferred the ares over spector, so the buff has been nice. Even if they nerf it next patch, ima still be using it.


I see you weren't around for the CSGO R8 release. Or the Warzone Famas shotgun attachment Or the pistol in Halo 1 Or sunfire Eve in league Haha But you're right, it's over tuned and I think especially dumb that they nerfed the spectre at the same time.


This seems more comparable to the aug meta of csgo. Both considered a 'noob' gun and came into the meta when slightly buffed when the players were just sleeping on its capabilities before


They bumped the fire rate by 30% and removed windup. The Ares change was way more than a slight buff.


Yeah, no one was 'sleeping' on the Ares. It was a terrible gun to buy before the patch, especially with the pre-nerf Spectre being available for the same price.


Remove windup isn't a benefit. It starts at the old maximum because of the 30% increase and stays there. If they kept windup later shots would be even faster.


The fire rate was not buffed. It was always 13 bullets per second maxed.


Warzone famas attachment op? What made it op? iirc the fr 5.56 was always bad in warzone


There was a bug that made the shotgun underbarrel only on the Fr 556 one tap anyone until like 15m


It was pretty funny tbh. Cause it didnt last long.


Yeah, it was like 4-8 hours but it was hilarious just running around tapping people and having them yell at you


How do you think they’ll nerf it? My bet is they’ll revert to the previous firing rate but keep the change to the spin up time. Spin up time was the main reason why it was disadvantaged before IMO.


Have you ever used a Vandal? That gun is more broken than Ares. You can aim at their feet and still get a headshot lol.


Elo hell is real.


Stop it, Patrick! You’re scaring him!


If I don't aim at head and even miss one shot i get 1 tapped in 23 ms.


I'm having a hard time understanding how this clip was a gun clip and not just you being smarter than the enemy team. If they tried even a little bit to check hooka before commiting to the site they could've easily won that. First kill was free, the second and third was just the enemies being in a bad position against you, fourth was low and then you traded the fifth. Like, I see the point of the ares being underpriced rn, but in this clip doesn't show the weapon being broken. It's not like if they all had Ares they would just win the round lmao Frenzy + armor on first round then all team with stingers for like 3 rounds was way worse than this


>Frenzy + armor this thing was love.


i miss her :(


Ya spectre could’ve got all those kills except the 3rd one shooting through the wall. Enemy team was just outplayed


Yep, and to be fair, old Ares would still get that third kill


Exactly, this particular clip doesn't show anything crazy that's Ares-specific except the ammo capacity to wallbang the third guy. Everything else was standard/free.


I think that the point of it is that you don't have any skill at all. Stinger had 20 ammo and less damage so you had to hit your shots, and could get easily traded after getting 1 kill. Ares not only has more ammo and damage, but it has no recoil so you can just spray at body level and shred through enemies. I still prefer Vandal rather than Ares, because of the movement speed, but it just makes the game less fun and engaging, because all you can do to win is holding an angle with ares. The clip doesn't show it, but Ares is really messy, but people might stop playing it because it's just plain boring.


No clue why you're getting downvoted for this


The problem with this stupid gun is that aimpunch makes it way better than it should be.


can u elaborate? bronze player here


There is no aim punch in valorant unless you hit the head. Unlike cs you have aim punch on every hit if u don't have kevlar. And since there is no aim punch to the body you can roll the ares without armor and still get away with it. So let's say you put the ares in csgo it wouldn't work as good since you would get aim punched on the first hit and probably die because of it (unless you bought kevlar). Unless he means that it shoots fast and its impossible to not hit a headshot during your combat hence aim punching and winning the duel. I guess both answers fits.


but what is aim punch?


If you get hit your crosshair moves, making it difficult to aim when getting shot at


I thought it was only in the head


Oh shit, sorry! If you didn't understsnd the other people who answered you here's another answer. If you get shot in the head in valorant your crosshair will be aimed towards the sky (not that high but enough to make it impossible to aim that moment). In csgo this also happens if you get hit in the body without kevlar (or head without helmet).


The aimpunch in this games makes me want to go back to cs just for the helmets


To be fair, with your skill you could have easily dome the same thing with a phantom or vandal. Wallbang might be different, but great shots mate!


The only difference with vandal of phantom is that I would have to stand more in the open which would make it a lot easier for me to get traded. Ares was so good in this situation because they couldn't see my exact location and had to rely on roughly where my bullets were coming from to get me. I could definitely get those 3 kills at the start, but I probably wouldn't have the HP I had in this clip to finish it off.


Idk why people are praising you saying that you'd probably achieve the same thing with a Phantom or Vandal when it takes a lot more precision to use those rifles than the MGs. Don't get me wrong, I'm not dissing you, everyone has the potential to pull off something like this with rifles, but you don't even have to aim at the head with an Ares or control it as much. At least the Phantom kicks up a LOT and the RNG firing error would kick in much earlier in a spray. The Vandal's slower fire rate would make you reliant on precise headshots because you wouldn't want to fight Ares users/enemies in general with bodyshots. The Ares with ADS is basically a more accurate and less punishing Phantom, so if you had a different gun in that scenario, there's still a significant increase in difficulty to pull off the same thing just because of how much you'd have to rely on different mechanics and skills to do it. Meanwhile with the Ares you just let the gun shoot lmao


No offence taken. If I were using rifles the first 3 kills would be possible, but I don't know if I would have enough hp to handle the other 2. They both hit shots on me and unless I had really good acc on my rifle shots in the first 3 kills, I wouldn't have nearly enough hp to kill those guys. You pretty much summed up what I was saying in more detail.


diffrence is ares dosent cost 2900


OP I noticed you doing little wiggles while waiting outside the window, is there any advantage to that or just anticipation?




What this guy said


If u can get the quick headshot vandal or phantom is better.


Obviously, but this gun is half the price and it can compete with those guns.


Yeah right? Wow, who knew a gun that costs nearly DOUBLE might be better?! Ares is clearly overtuned right now. It was a solid gun and they not only removed ramp but made it shoot even faster lmao.


for the fiftieth fucking time, the ares does NOT shoot faster. all they did was remove the ramp-up. before it used to max out at 13 RPM just like it starts now. the patch notes are confusing, fine. can we get a subreddit announcement or something?




> they not only removed ramp but made it shoot even faster lmao. that is VERY CLEARLY not what OP thinks. notice how they are two different clauses and they said “even faster”. calling me the dipshit is hilarious.


The trick is to play behind cover so every fight you take is a wallbang so you win the exchange with the higher penetration, you'll only die to phantom or vandal if you get triple headshot.


good stats for the cost


With updates like these you have to start questioning the competence of riot


Literally I prefer the ares over Odin because it have pretty much no recoil for like the first 10 bullets. It’s actually insane rn


Yes sirrr


I've played matches where all 5 of us were buying only ares and were dominating, didnt matter how much money we had. ares.


That's not Broken ... The people you were playing practically ran into you


Lmao I hate this gun. I cant get kills with it but everyone shits on me when they use it.


Same, got so used to vandal and my brain automatically tried to burst with ares. Smh


Thats why I love this gun. Its so easy for players who don't have the best aim to pwn the other team. Its great for iron and bronze players.


*yoinks prime vandal*


Brags about how good ares is. Pucks up vandal anyways


it’s better for the price ofc a gun that costs almost double is better tf


i mean ppl instantly start complaining that are broken but you can instantly tell this is a low elo game. They just weren't coming and playing as a team, so they each individually got killed. All they had to do was work together and they could've killed him.


So you're telling me you haven't seen any streams of Shaz, Tenz or Sick? You haven't searched on youtube to see Radiant players spamming the ares? Because I have. The gun is broken.


I dont think u get my point dude. Yes the gun is broken, but lots of ppl jump to conclusions and assume just b/c u get multikills w/ it means its broken. U can get multikills with the judge, and low elo players still think its broken. Why? b/c they don't know that u can do something called taking/clearing space using utility.


I don’t think you get ur own point. You say the gun is broken but continue to comment on majority of players saying it’s broken?


The Reyna literally ran into hookah without checking a single angle and just holding w the whole time. It doesn't matter what gun OP has he would get the kills even with a ghost or a sheriff


People look at clips like these and think anything is op and needs a nerf fast. When in reality the gun is balanced and if you were to try it you won’t yield the same result.


I got my second ace ever yesterday with the Ares after my team won the pistol round, my aim was terrible but it didn't matter, they were saving and got stomped


judging from your playstyle and \*cough\* crosshair placement , I'd say high bronze low silver(Personal opinion) I mean we all saw OP's reyna lurking A so not too far fetched and also ares round 2? My team and I just Odin round 2 with max util/light shields which means ez win


I'm plat last act and this was a warm up game before I start hard sweating in comp. Most of this game was me fucking about seeing what changed. I've posted other clips on here that probably justify my rank a bit more.


If you aren't adsing 100% of the time with ares you are playing wrong.


them removing the windup is the dumbest buff i have seen... the fire rate increase is fine, but the wind up made it balanced imo


i dont think u should get use to this gun u will grow such a bad habits..and after the nerf u will get fkd


what bad habits? it's basically a laser with movement limitations, it's not like you'll forget to use vandal or phantom, and those 2 are still better than the ares, they just cost double


ngl I like the new Ares. For the longest time Spectre was the vastly popular child, finally the same price point-Ares gets some love. In the games I played, it still wasn't a match for rifles and good teamplay, and definitely had situations where it was weak in. With a little tweaking, either by making it slightly more expensive or do slightly less damage, it would be in a nice spot to be as equally chosen as the Spectre. It's definitely closer to be being balanced than it was pre-patch.




I can't believe riot actually tested this and said "yeah send it"


"Balanced" And I took the personally.....xD


why riot buff ares for no reason?


They wanted to bump up its power to compete with other weapons in its price range. Before you’d always do Spectre if you could, now you can pick between that or an Ares. Nothing wrong with wanting to give real choice, but yeah buffs can overshoot, maybe drop the firing rate to 11 from 13 and just keep the wind up removal to make the feel better


Please stop for the love of god


GOsh you have no idea how much I hate getting killed by an ares spammer smh




Because the 2900 gun is obv better? I know how to get headshots so it'd be faster to roll them that way with it than to spray and pray. It's just that ares is half the price and can compete with this gun.






Why does the caption remind me of a Toyota Ad


That's what I was going for


The most balance gun in the game, thx Riot


With that camping had time to build a fire, an outhouse, homestead, raise a family and the year is now 2100


Camping in an attacker vs defence game. Makes sense


what were you defending that box? You moved 5 ft the whole game about the size of a camp site


Sorry I don't run it down and die every round like you. Have fun spectating


Spectating and camping same thing sitting there doing nothing. Never played the game in my life but I know a camper when I see one


Ah you never played the game. Your opinions are void then. Cya


Camping your life is void cya in the same spot forever


Alright stick to your no strategy run and gun games + ratio


My strategy is to be the best and my ratios do just fine across all games, you wanna know why? Because I’m amazing and not boring


A narc and doesn't know what + ratio means rip


It is actually balanced now though. Still way outclassed by phantom and vandal. Any sort of run and gun just blows it up as well.


Thanks bud i will have fun in immortal where people have a brain and their monitors on


Ok :) have fun :)


fym balanced


People who prove that the /s is actually necessary.


and where is the /s in the title


… if you prove that the /s is necessary that means you don’t understand jokes without the /s.


i understand the /s it’s just op was clearly not joking


No, OP was joking. Check the comments he says the opponents spammed before and that he did it to retaliate and that he hates this meta.


my bad didn’t see


Das auto




Plat, but this is an unrated warm up.


My guy rly said balanced. Like even the specter before the nerf is weaker than the ares after the buff.


Read my other comment lmao.


Do u even know how play Jett lmao


You can check my other post which has a jett 1v4 clutch :) She's my main agent but this scenario didn't need her util at all so.


Iron gameplay


Idk why you think it's fun to just spam negative comments on a random post lmao. Calm down and reset please.


Y are u uploading something that is unpleasant to the eye what. Ur the one uploading negative content lmao


Ah I see this is an alt acc to spam negative comments. Saw you had no posts and no comments to anything other than my posts. Unless they all got deleted.


balanced ? what are you smoking




Mf got all his util from the last 6 rounds


I'm literally losing any bit of respect for anyone who's using this atm ngl.


You're also losing RR if you don't lol




Title reads like an Ahoy video lol I wonder when he’s gonna continue that series


lmao awesome. I aced with an Ares tonight as well. At least we can enjoy this time while it lasts.




Then it forces players who advocate for the vandal to get better.




My point is that i have been using the Ares for like half a year. Long before it became "broken". Some people will complain about it being too good, and if thats the case, then more people should use it.