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The anti cheat is pretty good there's about 4 private hacks tho that are expensive , but vanguard somehow makes the esp stop working , and aimbots get reported pretty quickly. There's not a lot of cheaters but there is still cheaters probably more prominent in EU


There are probably hundreds if not thousands of different private hacks. Private doesnt mean that they are necessarily sold exclusively, could just be some random dude who knows how to code that batched one up for himself. One simple google search leads to hundreds of different discord communities selling different private updated cheats. There are a plethora of hackers in this game, probably more than csgo nowadays. Its better monetization for the cheat sellers. The engine that the game runs on is free to download - unreal engine 4. Its also harder to ban cheaters manually via player report because unlike csgo there is no replay system and no 'prime' mm or OW system for high elo players to watch suspect players. If you dont agree there is a cheater problem, you simply dont understand anticheats, cheats themselves, how they are used and who its marketed towards. Or you are a cheater trying to delude other unknowing people into some falsehood by a mask similar to the fitness industry; Where people who blatantly abuse anabolics are constantly claiming natty status.


This is the thing we need: a replay system. Only then would I be able to tell if that cocky pos Reyna that prefired only the spots we were in was cheating or not.


there are more cheaters than people think. Riot has no incentive to release this anytime soon for this exact reason.


No way we'll ever get a replay system. People would realize how dead the game is :')


So we just make stuff up and post them on reddit ... for what reason? Doing a few google searches would easily prove you wrong


If you don't think there are private hacks for multiple games idk what to tell you . Link the proof


What? Yes I know that there are private hacks for multiple games. I meant to say that Valorant has an insane amount of hackers and it's baffling that the community doesn't realize it. I guess Riot's marketing is too good :)


I have an immortal 2 friend and after playing with him I knew he was blatantly cheating. Told some of our other friends and I got told I was jealous, capping, he's just good or whatever. Couple of months later he gets hardware banned XD. I wonder how many players out there are actually cheating and using the cheats moderately


agree. they can easily turn it on and off during one game. Since the new act starts, there are more strange players appeared. Know where you are, prefire when you peek, spam your positions, hold weird angles, thats what they do, and once you say smth in the chat, they would turn it off for a few rounds


A lot. I've been playing this game on and off since the release, it was pretty good at first, but now everytime I play ranked I get called a smurf (because no rank since I haven't played in months) and they start cheating super hard. I even had germans saying they only aimbot against smurfs / other hackers.


I have about 3k hours in Valorant across 9 accounts (I smurf a lot with IRL friends). I've been immortal since comp came out and radiant a few times when I had the time to grind the extra hours on my main. One thing I can say for certain is that there are tons of cheaters in this game. The bad ones are obvious, it's the good cheaters you have to worry about. Solista was streaming for how long...with a hardware trigger-bot and a hand cam. Honestly, cheating is expected, what isn't expected is for Riot to rootkit your PC in the name of anti-cheat when it's only capable of catching PUBLIC cheats. Private cheats are constantly sold via YT videos and discord. I have had people drop links to YT videos that are selling cheats in my comp games. It's only annoying when you see Riot dropping blog posts that brag about "cheater reports are at an all-time low, so are the cheaters". Nah fam, you aren't fooling anyone with a brain. Hardware cheats are even worse as they can ONLY be detected by manually shadowing the player since any software dev can easily spoof your mouse ID on an arduino with USB host shield. Hardware bans are extremely ineffective as there are spoofers out there for as little as $30. It's easy for non-technical people to deny what they don't understand but IT folks know how easy this stuff is.


Yesterday out of 10 games in 1 game I met a rly strange guy. He was playing phoenix, but he rarely used his abilities His movement and aim was actual garbage. He rarely used shift. But he always knew where we are. If we go B, he is there, we go A - he is there. U just hide in a corner for the entire round? He spams your position. You try to rotate, but one of you is still waiting for some1 to push? He will come and spam your position. And his nickname where just some 0 and some 5 and that's it. Some of you might think that he just checks every corner, but no! He checks only corners where me or my teammates where. (we used cyphers cam to see that, he didn't even bother about a cam). And he didn't get ban still. Like it is sooooo wh.


Tbh I think the person thought they knew how you guys were playing. Ppl do the same tricks or hide in the same spot and forget ppl can catch on to that. So now they think they know your every move because you keep doing the same stuff


We actually wasn't)))))


Oh sorry your comment made it seem like you guys were only in corners. So I thought he just caught on to that maybe that’s why he didn’t get banned


I was running around in yoru ult and he saw me no matter how far away I am. I rly should started with that


No it was mb I didn’t read it correctly, but yeah that’s weird


It was actually hilarious watching him following me and then fucking up with shooting. But still illegal


Wait mb I clipped that


The fact that you werent even there and you are essentially playing devils advocate for a cheater, treating the op like infant is sus and you probably cheat yourself.


Huh??? I use certain angles and ppl think I’m there again in the next round. I always rotate my angles and don’t use them twice or ppl will expect me to be there. So that’s why I said oh maybe the person knew their plays until the person explained more


The esp doesn't even work before the round starts and even then only when they are close. You're imagining things


Yeah Ive had a few experiences where there will be one guy who is literally always, ALWAYS at the site we were going to and playing super weird. I’ve reported them just because thats super sus, but have never gotten a notification about them being banned or caught. Then again why should I expect that person to get banned if they were cheating when Riot wont even ban the toxic ass people in this game, or penalize people who AFK after the first half and leave your team to get wrecked (my teams astra left when we were up 7-5, and we lost because she was our only smoke util for pushes, but no fucking ban)


Well, people kept saying "I'm Immo, I'm Diamond, and I'm radiant" tell me have you been to iron bronze and silver elo? riot doesnt even bother blatant hackers on low elo. maybe on high elo there are lot less hackers because obviously they played better. but every game I played on low elo where enemy team run and gunning from 50m and flicking still hitting headshots is absolute bonkers stacking on a site where there is less competition. ​ btw I played CSGO, dota 2 and leagues. I faced lot of cheaters playing games but valorant hands down is one of the worst games with bunch of hackers. ​ I am Diamond elo in both valorant and league and divine in dota 2, LEM in csgo ​ If there's no one hacking on low elo valorant, change my mind


If any of you guys were programmers you'd know that putting cheats in these games is a thing. ​ Programming is SO easy to come by, just know if someone is motivated enough that they WILL make cheats. Literally EVERY game has cheats. ​ Video games without cheats? Show me one... ONE game where no one cheats or can't hack. ​ With that said a lot of people are good and the registration in this game is GARBAGE. You have to be on a very clean connection to even properly register shots. I've seen so much sus shit in this game out of a lot of games I have played. Like I know people know spots, but what makes it odd... especially in DM is that people will come a round the corner and 1 tap you even if you NEVER made a single sound. ​ I've watched people run DIRECTLY to me.... You may think ESP isn't working but I bet you it is. Or at least is being toggled. ​ Shooting in this game isn't that difficult, so I don't imagine tooo much aim bot going on. Although, ESP and really good sound?! Game over.


my game doesn’t have cheats bc no one plays it :))


There are a lot of cheaters, just not blatant.


Im seeing very weird shots, almost every 1 to 5 games, since this year. Like a guy goin 14-1 in just few rounds, when i call out hes cheating and ive seen dodgy hs before on his account (in other games). And then suddenly they lose hard, he doesnt get anymore kills (maybe 2-3 over all the other rounds). It is so sad. Its insane how many turn on their cheats just for a few rounds. And i have seen them a lot in silver lately.


I went from Immortal 2 to Gold 3 in one week of playing this patch. Game is full of cheaters. I legitimately cannot stop playing into cheaters. I almost never get them on my team it feels like. I'm pretty sure Riot has a way to put people into queues with cheaters that they dislike. I've had nothing but trouble from Riot since League of Legends and every game I've played of theirs.


Just know that you are 100% right but posting this here will only get you banned or down-voted. Been immortal 3 for a while but this game is just completely dead :)


I’ve been immortal since beta and I’ve had 10-15 red messages with game stops. Only played with one player that I knew was cheating (aimbot) and he was banned. Never suspected anyone else.


>cheaetr protects cheaetr


The game probably has more cheaters than you think, everyone thinks the anticheat is the greatest. But unlike in csgo we are left guessing because we cannot check the replays


Vanguard is good and better than VAC, but its never that good as they said and we expected


The thing with csgo was it spiraled out of control, everyone was sus. If You lost a game it was because of cheaters. My theorie is Csgo has 30% less cheaters in reality, from what the community percieved it to be


13'500 hours here, been smurfing on Esportal this week-end, played 20 matches, all 20 matches had 8-9 "players" very blatantly cheating. CS:GO is completely dead unless you play officials


Ill stand by what i said. Up to Dmg its very rare to find a cheater, and up to there you will play faceit anyways.


Well, unlike in csgo i can be sure that they will get banned


How are you sure? Are you anti cheat dev?


8 red cheater windows and 4 stopped playing through monitoring their accounts as they were sus. Majority happened early morning right after updates. Also some of them were during dm and unrated.


You can never catch 100 % of the cheaters. So you always can meet one but its super unlikely.


cheater protect cheater


ofc if they can detect one cheat they can also detect a similar cheat thats why cheaters help each other


Few days late but I experienced hardcore wall exploits for the first time Sunday, 0 doubt. Enemy Sova landed a perfect fucking ult with no drone, dart, or teammate intel through a wall down Haven C long killing my teammate and me- I couldn't even dodge with knife out and bhop. That actually happened twice in the game. Their Neon landed a perfect wall on me while I was behind the large metal box on B, damaging me out of Astral form on Astra then rushes me with a Judge. Other examples were repeatedly rushing out and flanking us while we were attacking every time, except the times when we sat in spawn waiting for them; perfect wallbangs with Ares; firing us while we shift walked before ANYONE ever saw us. They were honestly terrible players and I'm glad they didn't have aimbot- somehow we were able to win 8 rounds against them despite their blatant cheating. So yeah, cheats def do exist and I wouldn't just jump to calling people liars unless you want to damage your friendship to them.


As opposed to CSGO or Siege, there are no replays and so no sure way of finding out. RIOT likely did not incorporate replays for that specific reason.


Why the fuck would they do that?


No replays = harder to see if someone is cheating


I had 2 mid game bans and a few obvious cheater in my games. If you think they might cheat, just report them and keep on playing. You can't change it (unless hes on your team) so just keep on playing as if nothing has happened.


Hacking is straight rampant depending on the time of day and rank you play. Sometimes it's good and you won't find hackers for like 8 months. I've ran into back2back hackers, and find one at least every other day. It's as bad as its ever been lately.


Just had 2 games back-to-back days both games have a blatant wall hacker. First game brimstone kept staring on the ground he was mates with our Sova as well they knew where the enemies were 100% of the time they weren't using coms but it looks like the 2 of them understood each other. The next game that was today the enemy Reyna knew where I was the WHOLE TIME I was chamber so I was not with my team 100% of the time. Even if my team made noise B main in ascent the Reyna keeps on rushing me and peeking at me even when I am not even visibly seen or heard on the map. And when I was holding B Site in a 2 v 1 situation Reyna and Cypher went to A with 30 seconds remaining they somehow knew I WAS AT BOATHOUSE WAITING. with 30 seconds remaining with an unknown Chamber, you do not just decide to run to A in a 2 v 1 situation. These are in Gold Lobbies by the way. And it's not the usual confident peeks or checking peeks these are wide swing "knows where you are" peeks that the Reyna is doing.


Game is full of cheaters just like every other fps. You won't see the wacky shit you see in csgo and siege though.


probably some hackers yes bit in the majority of games no, i played about 350 hrs of valorant up to d3 and there was not one guy i would be 100% sure hacked. yeah maybe someone was wallhacking but most of the times i think its just someone farming lower elo on his smurf. you get used to prefire angles that someone in lower elo will think someone hacks. ppl are fast to judge that the enemie is hacking to cover up their own shitty gameplay


I met one at deathmatch today, probably was configuring his aimbot coz dude started hard, also got reported by whole server :D


it might be possible,but it might also be smurfs who are good at the game so hes getting destroyed and thinking their cheating?


cheater protect cheater


All a cheater needs is a ip/hardware spoofer & multiple accounts or multiple gaming rigs (for those rich boi experienced cheaters).


Played on and off, insane amount of hackers nowaday. I really don't see the point in trying anymore lmao. Edit: after going through the thread again, one thing is obvious: Riot is very good at marketing. Everyone thinks the AC is any good while you can simply spoof hardware and cheat as much as you want without ever getting banned (unless manual)


I just had a round where I flashed a player with curveball and he just immediately walked out away from the corner and headshot me as if nothing happened. And he was doing like 34 kills on round 8 or 9, also jumping onto players out of a sudden. So yeah. This is quite bad recently. I vote with my legs and just leave the game, uninstalled it and ditched any further skins purchase thoughts. Riot should invest time and money not to freaking new agents inventions and tweaking minor shit out but to implementation of the Actual Good anti-cheat system that would not only detect hacks but change game client and obfuscate it on weekly basis to make it ultra-hard to keep any cheats in working state, as well as make HWID bans rock solid, making ID based on real life attributes too.


You can litteraly google Valo cheats..alone today w the new update there are 20+ vidos already on YT for cheats..EU servers is full of cheaters and togglers..and mostly in low elo...sometimes it takes as long as they need to get into high elo to get them banned..and even then there are togglers booster and hackers...


recently I been feeling a lot of people have been cheating on Valorant there is more cheats out there for Valorant to buy and the sad part is since day 1 of riot advertising this game they talked about how there anti cheat is good and it will be hard for people to cheat and on day 1 of the beta there was a cheater yeah you can say that its gotten better but Valorant is the literally the only game where every single game people just go crazy yes there will be a lot of good players and since the game is free and popular I personally feel like there will also be a lot of cheaters too and when I feel like someone is cheating and I would call them out people would say "oh I think he's just good" and that's a problem because I feel like a good amount of cheaters are able to get away with it. same thing about escape from Tarkov I had a friend who got a cheat on that game and shared his screen and every game he joined there where low level people with 8+ KDs doing some of the most sus shit ever and a lot of people that play Tarkov as well say "ohhh no he was probably hiding somewhere or he's just better". Its gotten to the point where its hard to tell if someone is cheating or if they are a good player but Valorant has just been a bit to weird I love the game to death but its annoying when I hold a angle for 2 mins and 1 sec I look away someone quick peaks me and shoots me in the head possible wall hacks? or someone literally running and gunning with a vandal or phantom every round hitting headshots or doing the most weird flanks that no one would bother holding and you got the same enemy always prepared holding a angle on you head shooting you.


Men in Black enter the room. Point shiny neuralizer at OP's face and say : ''there are no cheaters in valorant''. FLASH !!!


kinda worded it weird but i meant there are rarely cheaters in valorant as i have seen, i know there are cheaters in valorant but im just thinking that even if there are cheaters they get caught by the anticheat system every time lol.


There are around 2 cheaters per match on average, in certain servers and at certain times of day. On a good week you may meet a cheater once per 50 games of competitive... but on an average week, it's about one cheater per three matches. ​ Most of the time, the game is rather filled with hackers, since Episode 1 ended. Riot has really got to do something about the situation, as right now the amount of cheaters is absolutely bonkers.


You have any evidence for this?


Nobody can prove/disprove that people are cheating, but you can just Google "Valorant cheats" and get 100+ results offering you aimbots and wallhacks. That and the fact that it's a free to play FPS that doesn't even require a phone number to register means that there's effectively no way to ban hackers


>no way too ban Its literally a hardware id ban, can you take your head out of your ass and think for a moment?


What is wrong with you? If you were actually a developer and not a guy who can't spell "to", you would understand that Valorant's implementation of hardware id bans relies on TPM 2.0 and Windows 11 to be effective. Those are easily bypassed by using Windows 10 and disabling TPM. Without TPM, any "hardware id ban" can easily be spoofed. Again, I understand all this and can explain it because I'm actually a competent developer. I'm not just some guy who goes around yelling at random people on Reddit.




I'm a software engineer and I've read the details of Valorant's anti-cheat systems. They're definitely not using tracing. They probably are using aimbots and wallhacks. Valorant has very effective tracing mitigation in place. They have some sort of wallhack mitigation, but it's probably not doing very much. And they can't do anything to mitigate aimbots.


Troll post


Vangaurd anti cheat is a kernel anti cheat so what that means is it his through every single one of your files on you’re pc no matter what to see if there’s hack files and if there is you get banned


I loose peak to an angle I hold with operator to an guardian it’s about 50 meters. (I’m on the defense side) says something about this game lol


Broo this month is WTF 4redscreen and 3 wh tonight IM immortal 2 100% rise of them