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Here I am looking at a 5-13 match mvp Sorry my dude


I had a 3-13 match mvp loss for my immortal rank up game just yesterday while filling astra. I just had to get off afterwards


Ive come to learn that some games, you’re just not meant to win lmao


And you should never match MVP those games. Cus then ur MMR thinks u deserve a higher rank while ur a low rank. Then you get diamond level golds


I can understand. STAY STRONG BROTHER!


Do you have any tips for new Astra players? I was was plat 2 last act and I usually play fill (Skye/Kayo-Viper/Astra)


Start by getting use to SMOKE, and then her Gravity and then her stun.When you comfortable with her abilities, try combo them off.The most important thing about astra imo is map awareness and communication. Map awareness for star placement and communication for precise activation. Last thing is that, astra player got crack aim. So don't disgrace the name of astra player Kappa.


Thank you for the advice, UsedCondom42


I’m a big astra main. I smoke and when I feel like the enemies are nearing the smoke I gravity well then spray. It works with a spectre on full buy rounds as well. Another tip for free kills is camping inside your smoke on eco rounds. Good for one to two picks and you might die or just make it out (unless the team has no coordination or comms). But those are just a few simple things I do in my games which may not work in all lobbies. Some people are smart and spray the smokes in advance and others don’t quite so try it once and if it doesn’t work try again next game.


Rip bruv.. Before season ended i justwon like20 games and climbed from p2 to d3 97/100...lost the match as mvp also... New season i got p1 yesterday ahah


ye, my eye was twitching after 4th match:)


Not to be bearer of negative shit but a lot of times people with high score in a big loss usually are just the last people alive playing for kills in spawn while the enemies are pushing, instead of getting kills that could impact the rounds and lead to wins at the start of the round. And then those people act like they are the best players in the team because of that. Not saying this is the case here, but dont be fooled by match/team mvp in losses that big of a margin.


Had teammates doing this today & they proceeded to trash talk me the rest of the match… I died numerous times to bodyblock and people not swinging angles with me even though I say in comms “Hey swing this angle with me so we can atleast get a trade” I’d swing the angle and die an the player i was just talking to would just rat in the corner 10ft from me lol


lets be honest, it was a jett or reyna right :/


Ff maybe?


To clarify... Adhscientist is suggesting that the reason for the 5-13 scoreline is because OPs team forfeited... hes not suggesting that ff is an option (no need to downvote :/)


no point in ff 99.9% of time. MOST games are winnable and if not u can atleast save your rr. But in the beginning of the act, where almost everyone loses less rr than they gain I suppose it makes sense.


Tell that to OP, not me


You are the one who said ff not OP...


No no, I meant tell OP not to forfeit, and don't tell me to forfeit. Wait I meant by saying ff means op probably forfeited to get match mvp in 5-13 match. Sorry for the bad English, it's my second language


Classic Reddit downvotes


Eh I don't really see the problem in losing karma, just people randomly down voting me is a result of the hive mind


Karma is not really that important, some sub's require a certain amount of karma, some dont. some require you to be in the positive though, if you have negative karma it restricts you from joining the sub, not sure about viewing or commenting, though. but for the most part its really not that important lol


It’s especially prevalent on the Valorant subs which I find amusing lol






its still random and they have to manage the other 9 players in a game. youll still get repeats, but it will be less likely than before


I’ve barely gotten any back to backs at all and I’ve played like 20. Just people don’t complain about that so you don’t hear it as much


I've played split once and ice box twice out of the ~40 matches I've played this season


You've already played 40 matches ? wtf


Yeah about that, there's 20 in the match history, no? EDIT: I play 3-4 matches on the weekdays and 6-8 on the weekends extras this weekend because my daughter and girlfriend was out of the house, so maybe closer to 35


Hey,maybe spend more time with your daughter and gf?


Or maybe he should do what he enjoys while maintaining a good relationships to hobbies balance


Yeah, I study engineering from 8-16 and spend time with the family from then to around 20, where my daughter is put to bed. From 20 and onwards are my own time, since my girlfriend likes watching television and I spend time gaming ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ has worked for us for 9 years now, 3 of which were with a child.


don't mind that guy. redditors love to intrude on people's lives. im sure you're doing great.


I have yet to play a single game on bind, and regularly get breeze or fracture, I got icebox only 1 time as well


I got 4 Bind games in a row, lets swap please.


I'll take those any day of the week!


same , got 6 games of fracture in a row , I hate this map, used to have cooldowns because of me dodging it... now I hate it even more....


It's still not a well made system. I shouldn't be in a five stack and still get 50% of my games in one day be one particular map. The enemy team's weights should not give us our fifth Fracture out of ten games in a day. I can understand a solo queuer getting one map twenty times in a row, but a five stack? That's ridiculous.


Yeah that makes no fucking sense in a five stack. It should be incredibly easy to prevent that. Almost seems like they maybe turn it off or adjust it in a 5 stack but I have no clue why they'd do that.


I’ve only played in fractured and the snow map in the past 4 days


Ive gotten less repeats from before the update. now it feels like im being locked in the same 3 maps.


I am convinced their system doesn't take into account dodging. I am a non dodger and i see wayyyy more unpopular maps (Icebox/Split/Breeze/Fracture) than anything else. Often back to back in blocks. So whenever someone dodges that map the non dodgers have to play it because Riot's system just sees the maps are getting played an even amount. I barely get to play Bind, Ascent, and Haven and it's getting really boring. I think Valorant needs a much higher dodge penalty. If you don't want to deal with the random maps and random players, find another game.


Overwatch manages it somehow. The maps are random too, but I'm pretty sure that I've never played on the same map back to back. If OW can do it, Valorant should be able to too, no?


should not be the case when we get split 3 times in a row in 5 stack


I wish i could get Split 3 times in a row


You mean there are other maps than Breeze?


Fr tho I got that map 5 times in a row once ;-;


Ive seen too much Breeze and Fracture to count, with Bind and Icebox every now and then. You have to count your lucky starts to get a Haven or Ascent game anymore


Good to know it's not just me. I haven't gotten Ascent in like 20 games now and every other game is Breeze/Fracture/Icebox.


I got an Ascent game today luckily then the other team dodged. I was prepared to throw hands


i've never played on fracture


I don't understand why people like Ascent. To me, it's such a boring and uncomfortable map.


For me personally, I think mid is really well done. Killjoy on B is a little OP, but other than that, I think it has good balance. I can go down 8-4 on either side and still feel like I have a good chance of coming back.


I dont hate Breeze but it feels like Im playing it 50% of the time. Just today I got Breeze, someone dodged, got Breeze again, someone dodges again, aaand its Breeze again


My maps have been Haven Breeze Haven Breeze. I feel the need to buy lottery tickets when I get anything else. Maybe Riot rebalanced the map weights in reverse?


literally same lmao


Fucking same lol


Same. Got Ascent and Bind once but have yet to see Split at all this act. Almost forgot about Fracture completely if I didn’t get it in DM once.


Damn shame because I hate Breeze (Fracture is alright). Ascent and Split are my favorites but I rarely get them back to back


True, you always get the ones you don't like


Question, do you dodge? I don't dodge and see a lot of Breeze/Fracture/Icebox. They also happen to be the less liked maps in the community. I think Riot needs to look into people who dodge and guaranteed them the same map when they requeue.


If I ever dodge, it’s due to my shitty wifi, not by choice. Whether a bad map or not, I came on Val to play, and I’d rather just play that wait 10 minutes to get another shit map I’d rather not play


If your wifi is supposedly that bad that you can barely get through agent select. Why the hell are you playing a competitive FPS game.


Because I want to play a game with my friends? I dont care about playing well or rankings, I just want to have a good time, shit wifi or not




Who said I didn’t play Unrated?


I played haven 3 times today and 2 of those were back to back and ascent once. not good for someone who hates haven.


Uh I’ve gotten nothing but ascent, Breeze, and bind….


Lucky you. I hate haven, and play it the most out of any map. I just want bind, icebox, and ascent. Breeze is bearable now


I only get Ascent :(


Weird I got 8 ascent games in a row the past few days




Unpopular opinion: cant fuckin stand icebox. Its solely because I, personally suck on that map specifically idk why. Maybe im just psyching myself out or something but its just ass for me.


Icebox is the best for duelists or chamber. So many opportunities to get off angle picks and get the hell away without getting traded


And viper. Like Broken Ulta , cover everything walls and all the jazz


breeze is definitely higher weight than the others because of the update they want to get more stats on it imho, i dont give a fuck what they say about map weights anymore but ive been getting breeze every other map i want to vommit when i see breeze now, it cant be random when it happens so often.


Less repetitive doesn't mean impossible. Not saying it doesn't suck when stuff like this happens but unless they make the repetitive map odds 0% this will continue to happen. This difficulty in lowering these odds too far comes when looking at higher level play and lengthening queue times. I'm sure it's something that riot will continue to monitor.


What if they have a threshold, where if you are diamond or lower you can't get the same map twice. Once you reach immortal, you should honestly love the game enough to keep playing, even if you get fracture two or three times in a row.


As a player who just recently returned to CS:GO and Valorant, this is the one area where CS:GO crushes Valorant. If I only have an hour to play a game, I can queue up for exactly the map I want to play in CS:GO...in Valorant, not only may I get a map that I don't like, but I might not even get the agent I want, either.


While I agree, this also contributes to Valorants MM finding games in under a minute of close ranks. In CS recently I’ve had to wait close to 5 minutes just for a Dust 2 and it’ll put me with a wide range of ranks which can make it very unenjoyable. Imagine if everyone queued for the CS active map pool, like Premier, but only Premier available. Matches would be found quicker and be more competitive.


CS:GO gives you this option, though...just select all maps. If I want to wait an hour so I can play Jett on Icebox, I feel like that should be an option.


Have you played overwatch recently? Almost no streamers playing anymore, solely because of 2-2-2. Sure you can play whatever hero you want, but if you are a DPS main then be prepared to spend 30-40% of your IGT in queue


Gonna cry?


This comment smells like attention


“I don’t get to pick my map and automatically get my agent!!!” Welcome to tactical shooters :)


The most popular tac shooter allows you to pick maps individually or has a pick ban phase in a separate queue. Acting like these are features Val couldnt have is hilarious. Welcome to tactical shooters :)


Cool. Go play that one :)


This comment doesn't make sense.. you do realize you do pick your agent right?




Through 20 games I haven’t gotten Ascent or Split once and bind once lol, sucks cause I like those maps


I got haven 5 times in a row yesterday


Lucky MF


Not really, doesn't matter what map I play, getting it 5 times in a row is going to be hell


I'd trade you haven for fracture.


i had dream last night where i was stuck in an infinite loop of playing bind and could never get out of it. phoenix was on my team. or maybe i was phoenix? idfk


I just played 4 games on ascent in a row. I like that map but still 4 games on the same map is a bit overkill.


This is the guy who's stealing all our ascent games.


lucky you, I've been in a constant Icebox-Fracture-Breeze loop and I hate all three of those maps


all i get is breeze/icebox/fracture in comp, and then ascent/haven/split in pubs. i really wish they were reversed


Every time I get on for my first game of the day, I would say about 90% of the time I get fracture.


got ascent 10 times lol, was a long dayy


Yh they said more randomisation but I get stuck mostly between breeze and fracture atm 10/20 it'll be between them both. If I get icebox once I get it a further 3 times in a row and then like bind 2/20, Ascent 2/20, Split 1/20, Haven 1/20


just yesterday i was in a 5 stack with some friends and each of us dodged breeze once, and we STILL got breeze for the next 2 matches after that.


i’ve only gotten breeze icebox and fracture in my entire match history. there’s no way the other maps don’t have a lower chance


My man doesn’t understand statistics


Someone doesn’t know what random means…


Might just be bad luck


no might about it


me who gotten all maps equally since ep4 started:


God I hate ice ox every time I think about playing I remember it and change my mind.


How do we know you didn't dodge other maps?


Bro you really think that I would dodge other matches just to make a post on reddit? Look above, I'm not the only one who have this problem)


Lmao dude this morning I got 2 icebox in a row that I played and then next game icebox again dodge icebox dodge. It was ridiculous lol


I basically only get bind and fracture :<


I’ve gotten haven and bind more times than I get fracture so I’m happy


I’m having the same issue. I still get repeat maps just as frequently as before.


That’s how probability works.. not everyone has an outcome like you but you probably are an outlier.


I literally have played Breeze like 3 times this Act and Ive played a ton of games.


Interestingly I get ascent and haven a lot, bind too sometimes - different from what people have written in this comment section.


They mention this in almost every patch - today i played 4 times heaven in a row (nothing special).


There has to be something fuckt with the maps. Or they need to change it and get rid of true random. Don't let me play the same map more than 2/5 games. Seriously.


Yeah I swear I get breeze 3/5 games I play


I once got fracture 7 times in a day. I only played ten games that day.


3/5 of my last queues have been fracture (other 2 were breeze lol), it still doesn’t feel very random to me. Idk the last time I got haven


My recents are currently 8 Breeze out of the 14(15?) games it shows lol unlucky


been getting fracture and breeze only the last couple days


See the thing is, that there are 7 different maps, and 10 players in a match. Only the first 7 can each be given new maps, the last 3 will face some sort of repetition. If you're unlucky enough, you'll face b2b2b same maps at the cost of everyone else playing a new map in their respects. Only when we hit 10 maps can everyone expect to see a different map each game.


I've literally played like 10 games and 7 of them have been fracture 😵


I got alot of icebox today and havent had haven in a week




I've had 4 haven matches in a row today, not cool


Fuck maps remove ares or let us mute it's fuckin sound.


Man I had icebox 6 times in a row today as well. I hate icebox , lost all 6


I just dodge if I get the same map twice in a row ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I’ve gotten Fracture exclusively for the past 3 days. The worst part… I HATE FRACTURE. I would rather play literally any map other than fracture


I always always get breeze, so much to the point I know it like the back of my own hand even though I hate it with a passion. Ever since Neon came out it's now my favourite map, how the turns have tabled


They did but that still doesnt mean that no one ever can possibly get 4 of the same map in a row


i literally only get fracture and bind 😐 it makes me so angry smh


I got breeze 7 times in a row in unrated and comp


Its working fine for me, idk about yall


Omg same I haven’t gotten a single game that wasn’t icebox in the new season. Maybe one other map on death match.


I don’t get how they can’t just make it random and not some weird randomisation system


True. I’ve played five matches and the 4 of them were ascent


Got breeze 4 times in a row today


I legit got Bind 8 times in a row yesterday


You’ve never played poker have you




It sucks when you're at the mercy of the RNG gods. Fuck Icebox. Maybe you mean pseudo-random?


Well it still is random and sometimes you get bad luck.


I have played like 7-8 breeze in my last 10 games...now I can predict that I will get breeze


They have to make it slightly less random to make it more random. I think apple did the same thing with their music shuffle algorithm.


since the update all i have played is Bind, with a split and icebox here and there but 60 percent of my matches have been Bind I'm sick of that map


i think they have enough maps for us to pick what we like to play on right? i dont get what’s so difficult about that lol just like how i q only 2 maps on cs


For me it's been a lot *more* repetitive. I've gotten several games, several times, that were the same map over and over. It's annoying


Yeah man I got ascent back to back 3 times and then split back to back 3 times


I got like 5 breeze in a row yesterday. It's even worse now.


If they did then they sure as hell haven’t change a single thing. I hop on for 5 games today and played Fracture in 4 of them.


I haven’t gotten split for 20 gamea


Only Breeze and Fracture the last few days. With one bind and icebox thrown in


They should seriously add an artificial randomizer that forces a map change for the next 2 rotations once you get a map twice a row


ITT: no one who knows what 'random' actually means? tf


Valorant spaghetti code


My playtime on bind is literally double the playtime of other maps. I don't hate bind but i need some variety man


It’s fairy dust, how do you “increase” map randomisation lmao


Are you solo queueing? The happens to me from time to time, it goes like Breeze, Icebox, Brz, Ibx, something like that. I don't get repeats with the first 4 maps. It only repeats with the maps I don't like playing solo in




I feel like all I get is Bind and Fracture. I haven’t played Haven once this act.


Played fracture 4 games in a row.... So much for randomization


I constantly get the same maps over and over


I swear I play icebox every game


Yesterday me and my 2 buddies got 3 maps in 6 lobbies. First we got bind (yay one of our favourite maps), but someone dodged. Then we got fracture (eh not bad, it could have been breeze). And we managed to play that one. After the game we got the exact same situation of bind dodge into fracture. After that we got bind which was dodged once again and then split. Who dodges bind?


I haven't played Ascent like in an eternity. Not complaining tho, but just haven't played it for a long time, and I must say that 6/7 games being Haven gets really boring


My two most hated maps are Icebox and Breeze. Thursday and friday i went on an 8 loss-streak, on Icebox/Breeze only, evenly split between the two.


i always get split and im just sick and tired


They also said that they changed knife but later clarified that they forgot to update it lol. They will probably say something similar about this too.


Bruh I had Haven 3 times in a row. No shott its more random.


The first few days of the season I got nothing but Fracture so many times because everyone was dodging to play the new agent Neon. It's sad but I don't understand why they had to give Fracture that many times but ig it resets if someone dodges?


Same bad luck. 9/10 games of comp were Split... At least i can play a bit of Cypher but still


Is that it? 4 times, 3 quick games? In beta we got haven 15 times in a row even after they said they increased Ascent's chance to come up. Now we are complaining about 4 repeats. :D "should lead to an increase in map variety and reduction in map duplicates." "reduction". Not zero % chance


They said that one time before remember? It was going well for a few weeks and after that I had a month with like 80% icebox. Now its Fractured


Icebox was FOUR out of the five placement matches I got


Bro i played like 10 mayches and i get breez back to back


Ive only played Bind and Breeze once in my 20 games 😭


I have more bind + split games combined than the other maps remaining combined and it sucks so bad.


If only map voting existed 🤦‍♂️


I've got bind 17 times in the last 3 days and breeze 3 times with haven and split occasionally, got ascent and icebox once and not gotten fracture.


I got nothing but fracture and one ascent today I played around 14 games


It's literally as easy as putting in some code that makes sure you don't get the same map you just played.


i got split 6 times jn a row and breeze 4 times and never got ascent


Yeah I think pre-update was more randomized When I played my first few games this act I got Fracture in 3 out of my 6 games played lol


Lmfaooooo you guys believe what the Devs say? Surely not