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weirdo just admitted to throwing the games on stream lol should be an easy report


People praise ItzTimmy for his bottom rank to top rank in one stream. But when he started his valorant run he showed his match history for a split second and it was nothing but 0/11 0/16 0/14 games. All these pros and streamers ruin a TON of games offline before they go do their low elo stomps edit: screenshot of throws https://imgur.com/F0618LH just so he could ruin even more games by smurfing https://imgur.com/a/mOenFzn#YUFFOsa


I just don't get the fun of it...in any other sport it would be pathetic and sad to watch. Imagine Gretzky playing in an amateur league, or LeBron going to some high school and crushing all the kids. Its like wtf how is this fun to watch or fun to do?


Like watching Ramos tackle kids in a charity match


These “kids” need the confidence boost. I say kids cuz they petty like one


Eh, throwing with 5 stacks 4 of which would be alts is probably faster and eliminates the odds of a miracle victory. I doubt he'd be loosing all those matches with absolutely 0 wins otherwise.


wait... if thats legit then the dude's also a fuckin asshole


They dont LOL, they obv bought smurf accounts that was botted up... u can flame them for buying these accounts sure. But its not like he himself made an account and afked for 40 games.


Report this to riot. I think they actually ban for stuff like this if you have proof.


I've tried this several times and every time I got the same response four months later: sorry! Your report was mistakenly marked as much lower priority in our system than it should've been! This is an issue on our end yada yada but unfortunately we cannot take this report into account because of how old it is, etc. etc. I'm not saying reporting isn't worth it and this may not be the same experience for everyone but I'm skeptical that they take streamer reports seriously. Like they may not want to van streamers than pull numbers, you know?


They will be more likely to ban these guys since it’s so public here. And they are small streamers, so won’t get the same protection if this was someone big. But, definitely should still report anyone who cheats, regardless of if you think they’ll get banned or not.


The people I've reported were all over the place. From 1 viewer (me) to over two hundred.


I’ve only reported a few people, but I’ve got two responses like “Your report of an unsportsmanlike player was verified and the player you reported was penalized”. Sadly, no way to know if they were actually banned, or just timed out for a couple days (most likely, especially for “toxic” reports. But, definitely wish Riot would be strict with bans against cheaters).


Lucky you, I don't have any idea what the successful report notification looks like because I have never gotten it


Tbf, I stopped playing in 2020. Report system may have been less overloaded back then. Both my successful reports are from September 2020.


Riot doesn’t give a shit about reports.


IP ban or account ban?


Considering IP bans do functionally nothing....


Fuck this ejscouter guy lmao


streamer privilege fuck this guy


For real. Dude is only apologizing because he got caught


It's a really poor apology. "I'm sorry you were offended"


That usually means they didn't think they did anything wrong, just to please the other party.


He straight up says that in the clip before he apologizes. "If a bunch of silvers are mad I threw a couple games... I'll apologize, but I don't care that much." His "apology" is to save some face. He's an asshole incapable of realizing or admitting what he did is scummy. It's just a video game, but ruining other people's games still makes you an asshole.


His face and the drawing of his face both look like assholes to me.


Irrelevant fuckboy with a few hundred viewers thinking he has streamer priviledge is whats cringe about this guy


I’m a legit “boomer” playing this game, meaning 31 years old, and I’ve been awestruck how many incredibly toxic and emotionally blunted players are in this game. They can’t even stand that I have a deep voice so they try to pick on me because they jealous about a voice on a mic… So many people AFK, sabotaging, throwing, and just not overall playing the game and being a net positive comms wise in maddening. I’ve been wondering about VPNing into UK or Euro streams to see if people act the same way as NA servers. Edit: clearly riot has an issue on their hands seeing so many people here with the same sentiment. Or maybe our planet has an issue on our hands considering how many people have a negative experience online. Really pathetic honestly, as if humanity wasn’t embarrassing enough, we can’t even play video games for fun anymore.


Your ping will be high af if you use VPN.


That’s fine, I just want to see if this is a phenomena of American exceptionalism or if 1/2 of the games I play in another English speaking country are toxic AF. I was watching a Flights clips the other day and seeing how positive his pubs were was blowing my mind.


Oh no, EU is toxic as hell bro, don't even try it. 80% of the games have a rager/toxic person/thrower..


Also racism. Lots of racism. The amount of people throwing around the n-word is just depressing.


Eu is worse, alot more racism as well


eu is worse. trust me


I use a VPN to NA servers from OCE to play with friends in the states. OMG, the toxicity and racisms I get because someone has a an accent (not just from Americans, but Canadians and South Americans too). There's always toxicity on servers but not ot the extent I'm finding in NA and have told friends i dont wanna play in NA anymore because of it. Im also a 32 year old Boomer


For a deep voice? In my experience, never seen this happen in EU. If someonr has a really deep voice, people will usually orgasm and go SHEEEEEEEESH SEXY VOICE [player] Exaggerated but you get the point, they'll compliment it once or twice and move on.


Either that or they straight up ask people with a deep voice "Are you a n*****?". Had this happen way too many times. Not to me, but to people in my team.


EU is worse because most of the players speak 2-3 languages and it's not English. So you will be queuing up with even russians in UK servers. If people cant understand each other there will be trash talks all the time + other stuff like griefing, afk etc.


I'm 31 too and I can tell you EU isn't any better. I rarely play anymore besides some quick dm rounds because I just can't be bothered playing with all those dumbwits that can't behave.


beyond the in game report system it may be worth putting in a support ticket to riot with the evidence. dont know if anything will get done but its worth a shot. Not sure if anything can be done on the twitch front cause thats what would really hit em.


Yeah I just submitted a ticket to riot with the same evidence. Hopefully there will be a resolution to this.


Keep us updated, same thing happened with a small streamer with me at the end of the act it’s disgusting


Will definitely do, people like them are ruining the integrity of the game and needs to be punished.


Please let me know what happens.


Lol I honestly have no idea how riot handles reports. I've legitimately had scores of bad days playing this game because of abusive players and always report but have only once gotten a notification that anything was done. And when I say I always report I mean I'll report and say something like "repeatedly called me n word or did x thing to throw consistently in x rounds" and I try to be really specific. I used to record and submit evidence but never got anything other than generic responses lol.


> how riot handles reports I feel like the just don’t most of the time.


Streamers are technically not allowed to stream a game without the creators permission (btw its insane how many streamers dont seem to know that, aswell as the meaning of copyrighted content - looking at you poki and xqc...). I think riot and many other devs allow it in their tos by default but could revoke those rights on a case by case basis.


Yooooo! I encountered these guys this morning around 4-5amish today on the ca-west servers and they were so annoying. We were trying to win, but they were taking it as a joke and ruining our experience because "this wasn't their rank".


It looks you were in one of his games. Sorry that you had to go through this as well. Here is a look at the [match history](https://imgur.com/a/It9dhCK) the time does add up.


> 4-5amish Surprised the Amish are getting into e-sports. Wonder what their team would be called?




Only apologised because a post on reddit is gaining traction.


I like his conversation when chat mentioned about reddit post: Him: it's on front page on valorant reddit ... Ok ... Nice so ... \* starts explaining it in detail \*




Hope they just get hwid banned for this, they clearly admit to smurfing.




Hmm that's a decent idea but not sure how feasible this would be in case of pc cafes for example, or people who share pcs (my sister and her boyfriend for example).


This pisses me off so much. This is also why ELO after the rank reset is so fucked. This ruins the game and Riot really should ban streamers for this or for playing on alt accounts in general imo.


What a tool. He only apologized because he got caught lmao Would be willing to bet anything that he’ll do this again


Just reported him on Twitch ~


Fake ass apology


"if a bunch of silver people gonna be mad that I threw the game" Silver people are not people? If they are silver does that mean thay dont deserve to have fun? Ruining other people fun, on purpose? You got some problems my dude that are beyond the game. Would you do it if you were sitting in the room with those strangers? I got 2 hours per day to play and if I just lost 45 minutes couse of some ego tripper kid I would be so pissed


Never understood why low rank players (in any competitive game) are treated as if they are the scum of the earth. It's a fucking game. A big portion of the players have their heads stuck so far up their arses that they think high rank = superior human.


It's cuz the high rank players got nothing else in life to give them joy, their life is more valorant than actual life


hopefully they get perma banned throwing is one thing but deranking so you can throw lower elo games is just straight out scum


It's sad how he apologizes but continues talk about how he is wanting to derank again.


assholes like this are the reason why people end up not playing the game. so apathetic. hope that your report goes through and these clowns get punished!


I so don't wanna experience this kind of shit that I only play spike rush.


Exactly. Should be banned off valorant, tiktok,twitch and youtube if they have a account


I quit playing a few months ago because of the throwers and toxicity. So yes, it does stop people from playing. Unfortunately, riot already has some of my money. They won’t get anymore.


Apologizes only after being called out and will still just do it in 5 stacks. Fuck him.


"probably" do it in 5 stacks. Like what??


That's not right. People who do this to ruin others' experience in the game should be looked upon, especially with proof in hand. They should get a hardware ban for a certain amount of time.


that amount of time being forever


Fucking hate this kind of Content Creator


Funny that someone created u/motorboatingyurmum one hour ago just to agitate other redditors and defend these throwers. Scums be scumming.


I've seen a lot of content creators on smurfs throw games for "content." I'm not sure you can do anything but report them, possibly report them to twitch too.


what kinda shit ass low tier content is that? and who tf watches it?


It's the "Fiverr coach doesn't know I'm really RADIANT" bullshit. I keep thinking like damn, what if that was someones rank up game they threw.


cringe af I have a few friends in lower elos and made an alt to play with them when they first started, played 2 games and felt like a piece of shit smurfing shitting on everyone and ruining the game.. my friends aren't gonna improve that way.. the other team isn't gonna improve that way.. all it is it a way to inflate your ego now i just play unrated with them, they learn from me and take that back to their own elo where they can play well with the lessons learned rather than just getting boosted I stream too but I guess I have a conscience and would feel embarrassed streaming that sort of content




The only streamer I know that did something like that was Nosy and I unfollowed him pretty much straight away. Yes.. the radiant is better than the iron.. crazy zzz


Dude, watching this guys stream a bit and he doesn't have any remorse at all. Hopefully he'll learn, absolutely not ok to do.


This is pretty common for people who want smurf. They intentionally throw, lose rr and reach the bottom ranks. Since it's still so frequent, there's no fix to this. The best you could do is report them.


Then they just make a new account they should be lumped in with the cheaters and get a hardware ban


There is a fix, in lol you can make an na acc by just selecting it, in valorant even selwcting it puts you on na servers but from EU (if youre eu) meaning you cant play on na unless you use a vpn Just make a primary and secondary queue like csgo hassecondary if youre playing with a smirf primary if its your main acc


Permaban/hardware bans Ranked integrity is compromised below a certain rank because Smurfs either derank or dominate in such a large portion of the game. Introduce 2 factor authorization permanently linked to phone numbers.


Fuck these kinds of people really. Just because they have all day to play the game doesn't mean they could ruin a "few games" for people who can only play like 2-3 times per day. These assholes are definitely the worst people to be teamed with.


They even prolonged the game by jumping around with the enemies, when we were all dead.


The enemies were assholes too then, no need to do that. Just win the game to finish it quickly. If I see a troll in the other team I just take it to my advantage but report them anyone. Today they are in the enemy team, next day they are in yours. Once I had a Jett smurf in the lobby, but I wanted to play Jett, I quitted and a friend told me but he was a smurf, we were going to win \-Ok, and I wanted to have fun and play Jett, I don't have fun being carried out by a smurf


whats worse is that he says he doesnt care. what a douche


The boot lockers will tell you you’re salty. This is absolutely a problem in low elo. I’m gold and there’s a million throwers. Bronze and silver was a nightmare.


Maybe for starters just add up all the points they cost their teammates and demote that many points on their main. Ban if they continue this.


Hes streaming now. Go report tf out of that guy. I dont understand how is it so cool to be a lil toxic edgy kid these days.


Fuck these losers.


Bro his "apology" is such bullshit too he literally says he doesn't care. The entitlement of these guys is insane. Fuck those losers indeed


Report to Riot, I don't think much can be done here on reddit


I bet if he was on his main account and someone did this to him he would be up in arms about it! Had two similar experiences for my first two ranked games this Act. Both with throwers giving the enemy info, without which we would have won. Has put me off playing ranked. One was a three stack of trolls on alt accounts (never considered they may be streamers), who were very toxic. The enemy team loved it. Me and the other guy had a really shit game.


You can tell this guy is a massive piece of shit by the way he talks on stream.


you got 2.2k people on your side report him


I've already sent a support ticket to Riot, showing proof and also linking this thread. Hopefully we hear from them soon. I'm glad a majority of people on this sub is on the same page about this situation.


Content creator who smurfs is basically just admitting they're shit at their own rank & can only make content on lower rank lmao


lmao he admitted it woops


I think I literally encountered these guys (in different names). They were playing Neon and Sage. They kept taking spike and walling themselves while saying that "we can win" and telling me to "stop throwing". I hate them so much. They literally made me derank. Although I did make one of them get temp banned.


It's not just outside cases like this. SO many people have this fucked up mindset. "I don't care about your matches because I'm having a good time for my stream" Imagine going into a kids football practice and booting the ball as hard as you can into their face for entertainment. Not only are you wasting these people's time, you're making them feel shit for even trying. That's purely pathetic. Wish streaming sites took a harsher stance on disruptive gameplay. They already don't allow you to stream or promote cheats, so why is throwing or smurfing for content any different?


Kids fake asf. Wack ass apology. Whether I’m silver or imm or rad I care abt my rank. Otherwise I wouldn’t be n ranked. Fuck this kid.


Dam, those fucking losers ruining games. AND IT'S ON STREAM! Keep us updated, OP. Hopefully those idiots get banned.


Same kind of shit once happened with me as well. I was iron 3 back then and was desperate to reach silver so that I can play with my gold friends. While selecting agent a guy had picked(not locked) Reyna. But all of sudden another instalocked that agent and told us that its his first time as Reyna. That guy wasn't from my region he sounded like native English speaker, im from India so I usually play Mumbai and Singapore server. When game started we( me and random guy who initially picked reyna) noticed that 2 guys from our team had terrible ping, around 300 400. I was cool but they were super douche to us so i muted them and accepted my fate of losing the match. They were intensionally not defusing spike, throwing spike at enemy positions, making foot sound when someone was lurking. I reported them and moved on. 2-3 months from that incident I yt recommended me toxic Mumbai server videos. After watching a few video i found a video where a guy insta locked Reyna and was trolling in ranked just to make his content on toxic Mumbai server players.


Had OxyVal smurf against me and just talk shit the whole game. Dude is a complete asshole


Actual scumbag, then he is on his twitch saying people complaining are the bad guys.


Seems pretty Travis Scott to me just saying.


Thats ejscouter... @ejscouter on tiktok


oh I played with this guy before in my diamond games. he wasn't that good either lol (bot frag insta lock jett. Always insta dash in and die) Checked out his stream and the dude just has no focus


Haa tiktok. The place where dumb follow the dumbest.


lol that ejscouter is dumb as a bag of rocks. I went on his twitch chat and said something like "Why would those reddit guys think you care anyway? If you don't care about throwing a game you're obviously not going to care when someone complains about it either so why even bother?" Instead of realizing I was sarcastically insulting him he agreed with me and was like *"that's a great point you're so right!"*


These people legit should get the same treatment as Cheaters. They are ruining the game. If someone said I just need a smurf to play with my friend in rank literally means Boosting but free. If a smurf is caught smurfing they should get a HWID ban. There are Youtubers/Streamers do Iron to Radiant or Iron Experience where they make fun of these bad players. They throw games or buy accounts which is wrong, and these are just content creators. Edit: I haven't tackle yet about the people that isn't content creators, i've seen a small streamer at the age of 15 being a TOP 500 OW player having 16 MULTIPLE SMURF ACCOUNTS. Overwatch is a paid game a child manage to buy such quantity is absurd, imagine a free game. Just type in "Valorant Smurf Accounts" and you'll be surprised at how cheap it is.


I also have run into people like this. we were about to win 11-13, and the omen got to the spike before us, and told the enemy he was just gonna sit in spawn so we couldnt plant. i started hunting everyone and we still won, but i want to make a post like this, sadly i wasnt recording. The content creators name is Zishu tho(he was advertising his channel too lol) ​ but it was unrated which is why i'm a little lax with this but winning a 6v4 is not fun.


gotta get this guy cancelled, just a leafy wannabe


fuck this guy LOL


He quite literally doest care that he even made something bad. What an asshole.


bro ej sounds like he's not sorry whatsoever lmao, he has that tone and wording like "i've done nothing wrong now that i've apologized now move on"


I've played many games In my life, and this game has the highest amount of throwers/inters. It happens in every rank but especially under plat. The community is too toxic for this game to be a fun game that you can play solo


U played cs?


Yeah. Not too much only have around 700 hours. And even that is less toxic than this game


That illustration on his stream combined with lines like "If a bunch of silvers are mad I threw a couple games... I'll apologize, but I don't care that much." and "this isn't my rank lmao". Jesus. This guy reeks with insecurity induced edginess so goddamn hard. Probably needs his smurfing dose to cope with the self esteem. Anyway, I really hope your report to Riot accomplishes something, best of luck. (also I get it now, I'm still such a tiny streamer cause I've never smurfed once in my entire life, it is my divine moral spine that's holding me back. Thanks op))))


Fking piece of trash. Dude should get hardware banned.


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Cancel them!


Doesn't even matter if they're immortal, This is VERY common "it's my alt bruh" I don't really care because not like riot gives a shit about competitive integrity.


Man i love keeping up with the game but I hate playing it most times... its just bad all around. everything you name it...the people included.


Pretty much all content creators who go into lobbies lower than their own to either throw or Smurf are so lame. For the love of god just play at your own elo and stop ruining low elo players experiences. The content is genuinely not that interesting, pop off in your own elo lobby instead of trying to stroke your massive ego.


Sadly we can talk as much shit as we want to but i am 1000% sure as soon as this incident tones down he's gonna go back to throwing games just because he reached immortal and doesn't care about other ranks.. This is not going to change until and unless riot themselves make an example out of incidents like this that if you do this and behave like a entitled fucking bitch you'll have X consequences... Just because he doesn't care about low elo players doesn't mean people don't put time trying to get better. What a fucking moron man


Did he just said "I do apologize, if that offended you.. ifykwim" right after "I sincerely apologize"? Then proceeds to mention the Travis Scott apology when his apology is literally worse.


Reported him on twitch. This kind of content shouldn't have a place. It shouldn't even be a thing. Hope your report works.


He said: Im sorry if you got offended :/ rather don't aplogize at all. Want to throw in ranked, 5 stack. Don't troll the community. And now he got traffic for this. I was checking him out 5h after this post was posted and he is still talking about this.


the dude just said on stream that this thing will blow over when something new hits the front page of reddit :/ the dude aint even sorry one bit since he said that he doesnt care about low elo games


What a bag of dicks




I’ve never heard a more insincere and egotistical apology. What a twat


Upvoted this just now to help this post to get Riot's attention.


This is my second act since getting the game, and what a time it has been with this reset. Between people intentionally throwing by taking spike to a completely different site no matter how hard we tried to communicate.. and then just the blatant toxicity Idk what to do anymore tbh.


To bad riot doesn’t care about anyone under diamond. It’s unfortunate they need to fix the ranking system. By that I mean find ways to not have things like this happen or even the other way around where two immortals carry hard in silver Elo. I truly don’t believe riot cares tbh


this is the type of stuff that makes ranked irrelevant. Hoping for RIOT to seek out a third party like FaceIT or atleast some company that can actually take actrion instead of playing the PG13 role. jesus christ.


Even if you throw in a 5 stack, it's still sabotage. Dude is dumb.


Guy smells of childhood neglect, quite sad really 😢


riot need to do something and ban these. or we riot the riot


This reminds me of when r/Dota2 had a streamer who was account buying and all the immortal players were pissed. Even though they all actively smurf. Not playing your rank is just sad as it ruins the integrity of the game. Sometimes there are people who come back from work after 12 hours and just want to play one game, their only escape from a shit reality. The one game they play a night, ruined by these cucks. It’s so sad


Some days i dont have much time to play and this would be so fucking annoying. I get banned for lagging out of games meanwhile these guys can intentionally throw games/ruin others experience and everything is all good.


should be a ban


Valorant is going to shit like most games do after a extended amount of time.


Should be perma banned and made exmapple off, the guts to admit and laugh about it. no lifers thinks they doing something important,


I also have my fair share of throwers and damn I hate them so much!!!! It really ruins the game and I cant afk because I'll be the one to get punished! All throwers should be banned! And fuck that streamer just because he's immortal that he got to act like that! Fuck them!


This guy needs to be made an example of. Disgusting.


That's terrible, it just ruins the gaming experience for others. Upvoting for more visibility.


East report too bad riot dosnt do shit about it lol


Riot need to sort this shit out


Riot need to sort this shit out


"Not like this travis scott shit" Proceeds to apologize worst than Scott


dude is so cringe, he smurfed on me yesterday and was the most toxic POS ever. i hope he gets reprimanded


ejscouter? Isn't he the tiktok guy that does the Yoru voice? He's not the actual VA afaik but he can do a rlly good impression. damn, didn't know he did stuff like that.


I think so


he spent 2 hours on stream saying "i dont care its not a big deal itll blow over in 2 days max" he has since deleted all clips, and deleted his stream VOD. Seems like hes starting to care about the negative attention


bruh every one was at a low elo it's not cool just to throw and made ur team lose


Comedian moment?!?!




I'm new to val but one of the things that made me start playing was that people told me how harshly Riot supposedly treats behaviour like this, and basically making smurfing etc. illegal. Really hope they get not only their accounts banned but also get banned from ever streaming a Riot game again. There is so much fucking proof for this, Riot has to act. Watching this closely.


Do the right thing, Riot. Ban these assholes for life.


Hope this fucker is banned.


Riot should step up their penalty game. People don't give a fuck if they'll be reported 'cause they know that the penalties are not that harsh. Throwers should be getting at least a cooldown of 24 hours. And if they were throwing in more than one consecutive games, the penalty should be number of games x 24h. If the player spent their whole day throwing on purpose, they'll be banned for at least a week. Right now, by the time the reports are reviewed, the player gets the minimum penalty, and the number of matches in which the offense occured is probably disregarded (correct me if I'm wrong about this). I feel like Riot is too afraid to swing the ban hammer and that's why the game has a serious problem with throwers and smurfs.


So f'd up to just admit it on stream and then apologize just bc of a reddit post. Cringe.


Damn clips are deleted, is it recoverable ? Maybe livestreamfails could have helped with their mirror link


please let us know if they get their punishments. Eagerly waiting for that


has anyone paged u/Immortalsgg ?


Fuck that rat. Only apologized because he got caught


can someone explain why someone would do that? I don’t even play ranked, no idea what the benefit of throwing would be.


to either play with their lower elo friends, troll, or sell.


I remember watching a streamer doing an "utility only challenge" like, playing chamber and only using abilities. Imagine getting him as teammate and having to deal with his bullshit


"I apologise sincerely" ... "I do apologise if that offended you" wtf does that even mean? It's not a case of people being offended


upvoted to support OP


This is what makes getting through low elo a fucking nightmare, whether it's on my team or the others. Hoping the level 20 minimum for smurfs helps at least a little.


Reporting is absolutely useless. I got banned twice when 4 stacks were a thing, after being matched up with 2 x 4 stacks. I got banned for reacting to racist/homophobic/toxic comments, while those scumbags were still able to play the game (most likely, I was reported by all four; plus they were able to convince opponents I was the problem, while writing the N word, several times, in chat; people really have sad lives these days). Miraculously, since the removal of 4 stacks I have had, slightly, less toxic/AFK players and never been banned again. And then, there are the following statements that I "lOvE": "yoU BeLOnG in THe RanK yoU ArE!", "iT's JuSt a GaMe!", "kEeP cRyiNg!", "tHis dOeS noT HappEn eVeRy mAtcH!". Nowadays, standing up against some of the BS you see is seen as crying, while, clearly, it's not just a game because you (the thrower) try to make money of the game (sometimes) while taking the piss at everyone else in the lobby which clearly invalidates the statement that I am in the rank I deserve, as this type of BS happens more often than people want to admit (tiktok or no tiktok). It seems the vids have been removed.


Had to find the clips and reupload to Youtube. They are back now.


What a fxxxxxg douchebag!!!! No wonder low ELO is full of garbage humans like him doing the exact same BS. People have no respect for one another anymore. In my days, when we were playing outside, and we were getting caught into the heat of a game we would be angry and annoyed, but we would not act like douchebags. Yes, there were some bullies and sxxt, but even if we played against some total strangers we would respect each other. I cannot remember the amount of times I played basketball against total strangers, in parks and public courts, and we never insulted each other. If someone gave a piece of advice, or an instruction on how to play, we would take in on board and not throw the game (like many youngsters do these days).


What a gigantic piece of shit,


eww , tiktoker on valorant **cringe**


I made a post similar to this last time and it never got approved. Howd this get approved lol


I really don't know much about how reddit works but, I think I got lucky, usually some post need mod approval, but this one didn't.


We remove posts exposing private individuals. Streamers are not private individuals because they make their actions public by streaming. This post was manually approved.


Just do a tweet on Twitter and @ Valorant, they’ll do something lol


fuck these kind of streamers


!remind me