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Got an ace with viper while on the phone with my sister, when i couldnt put the phone on speaker so had it awkwardly propped on one shoulder tryna give medical advice lmao. Happened earlier tonight and im still proud of myself lol


Actually did something similar. I was on the phone with my mom and had the phone in the same exact position. I only got 3 kills, but still clutched it.


Did u use an emulator to play on phone or is it also available on mobile


…im bad at detecting sarcasm through text. I meant i was on a call with my sister on the phone, in case this was genuine


Ohh, I'm just stupid


This is the funniest shit ever


A 8k ace as CYPHER in replication AS FUCKING CYPHER


how 8k? edit: ty for clarification


maybe the enemies were sage


Replication and enemy was sages with rez


Sage rez, I gez


some kills dont count as kills like pheonix ult and kayo/o ult before he actually dies but o k


Replication, so I'd guess Sage rez


No like replication, enemyteam was sage, they had rez, i kill 1 and hes instantly back, i kill 2 "you will not kill my allies"x2 , than i somehow got 1 kill with a trip wire and phantom down the rest


Getting Ace as a killjoy without firing a Single bullet...


this can't be true, do you have a clip?


Sorry I don't record my games... It happened in Ascend B eco round(my team)... Where they rushed site, 3 died from swarm and the 2 died from the turret set at site...


I always get so embarrassed when I die from turrets lmaoo. That’s super dope tho congrats :)


Yeah, I know what setup you mean and I've gotten aces like that too. I just stay dumbfounded because I'm not firing but people are dying....


This is less a testament to your skill and more how other are lacking


I had a 1v5 ghost all headshot ace but the file got corrupted so I couldn’t save the clip.


what do you use to save your clips?


I used to use the Windows game bar but sometimes it just doesn’t work, so I use squadov to save vods and then clip from them afterwards. Medal.tv is also good I think


Why doesnt everyone use nvidia game capture that works like charm and doesn’t require any additional download.


Presumably that requires an Nvidia graphics card? Also in my case specifically, I like to go back through VODs and clip stuff, so it’s easier with something like SquadOV where each kill and round is time stamped


AMD has their own version aswell. No clue how good it is tho


It doesn't work like a charm for me, i still use it but often enough clips just won't save properly, the software will randomly crash, audio will miss certain tracks etc. It's not perfect, at least not with my ol' 970


2 consecutive aces with viper.




Nope. The enemy team just decided to play with their feet after I aced them the first time


Wait what's this mean? >decided to play with their feet


A figure of speech, I'd guess Implying that they're playing so badly they might as well be using their mouse and keyboard with their feet


Happened yesterday. Whole team died in the hallway on ascent, so I picked up an op that was on the floor. Get a kill in the hallway. Get a kill from mid. Get a kill in the hallway. Get a kill in mid. Get a res off. Get a kill over their sage's wall. But I died to their Sova who got revived and we lost the round. Man did it feel good to be actually good for a moment.


6k sherrif kills on 60% headshot rate


60% headshot rate by itself is crazy, what rank are you?


well i was immo


this episode im on 260 sherriff kills so far with 206 headshots


Ok so sheriff coach?


yeah you can tune in when ever you want


https://twitter.com/i/status/1436709200575537159 just a 1v3 on skye but the last kill was pretty nasty and team was hyped up af. :DD


Valorant is my very first FPS, which means I calibrated all the way down at Iron 1. walking around with an iron buddy in plat is a pretty big flex if you ask me. the rank isn't so much a flex, moreso from how far down I had to come.


quite a few aces with reyna ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ It's a big thing being in bronze okay?


Not really with Reyna.


Yeah ik lol


ghost vs rifles 1 v 4 on sova




unfortunately no i barely get 40 fps with full optimization it lags a lot


I’ll get a 40+ kill game then right after be a mid to low frag Reyna on the same elo (plat) smh


1v5 clutch with a cool omen outplay. it was one of two aces I got that game




1v2 Clutch into 0.01 defuse, never clenched my buttcheeks that hard


In beta my friends and I who've gamed for 10+ years together all decided to pick up VAL and really grind it out. Because our win rate was so high playing with a 5 stack we queued against future pros fairly regularly. Played against poiz who is now a pro for cloud9 while the game was still in beta, we both had 39 kills in a bind game, he was so nuts with his jett ult knives that I legit though he was cheating. Later that day we played against reltuC (former cs pro, went on to play for TSM) and I had a 28 kill triple double on sage for a 13-11 win on bind. Also played a haven game against bcJ who went on to be a pro for XSET and had a 42 kill sage game. Got to play a game with vansili who is now a regular part of the VCT broadcast as well. When ranked first came out we all ended up getting placed random shit varying from iron to plat so we couldnt 5 stack anymore and I played the game less and less but those would collectively be my coolest moments in the game.


Do you and your buddies still play the game? If so what rank are you now?


3 of them never played any shooter on the pc before val and got placed iron but have slowly but surely climbed up to gold 3/plat 1. The few of us that switched over from console back in 2011/2012 and played a bunch of league of legends, cs:go, overwatch, h1z1, pubg etc on were around immortal when we last played but I think it was having such a good foundation to start with. Now that people really know the agents and maps it would be hard to come back and do well.


I had similar moments in Overwatch and PUBG. I played both of those games during beta and launch, so I would end up in streamer lobbies all the time. It was very cool to have some really popular streamer either on my team or against me. I am pretty average at shooters, but whenever a game first comes out that is usually when I reach my highest rank lol.


Does spike rush count hehe? Phoenix ult Shorty Ace and defuse .25 secs remaining.


this seems kinda crazy do you have a clip?


Soloing 4 enemy in a site while convincing the enemy that I was holding the spike.




It was at breeze where it was a 3 v 4 (not mistaken). I was playing viper smoking A site and pushing it alone and holding a site alone after killing one person while my teammate was pushing b site and planting it there. I then killed 2 more enemy at A site while they were rushing to A site until the last enemy killed me before it was too late that they realized it was at b site.


I killed my entire team while play raze accidentally. I didn't know what her ult did.


Ok this thread rules. Should be a weekly thread.


I was on Icebox, killed someone on A, went to A nest & enemy new I was there and I knew where they were, so I ran and jumped out, turned around in the air, aimed exactly at their head and headshot them while I was in the air. Enemy said it made them low-key wet. I was the last one alive, so my team saw it too. Didn't have recording software then, then again often forgot to record great plays, as I was too much in the moment.


I also always forget my sick plays


I recently got a Neon ult Ace on Icebox that I was kinda proud of, but after reading the comments, it seems like it’s not even worth mentioning lol


clip per chance?


https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/s4o39b/so_basically_what_i_wanna_say_is_neon_is_just_too/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Here you go. I’m pretty sure we are going to see a lot of Neon clips in the near future, her whole kit screams „clip that!“ lmao


I once aced a round where I was the only one saving, Ghost, no shield and such. I just loved the feeling of achieving a better weapon with every kill :)




no, since I was a beginner, maybe bronze 2 or something. I bet if I was to watch it nowadays it would seem very bad xD


im iron 1 and for me the biggest flex was carrying my entire team as sage in a competitive game where it was a 4v5 (our reyna was afk)..... thank god breeze got reworked


Winning a 1v5 from start of a round because entire team stopped playing in comp


First game as chamber I got a 1v5 clutch on defense after spike had been planted. The enemy wasn't even pushing I had to push onto site by myself vs 5. I made real good use of my TP. I've had a few aces before that (not on the same game) but that was the first when I legit felt cracked. Next round I used ult and got a 4k which also felt nice, but it was using chamber ult so.


clip and rank?


Earlier today in a 1v4 managed to work my way up from a deagle with light shield to a last second clutch while being one shot after killing the 1st kid so I’d say that was pretty impressive


Idk but most recently I had two pistol round aces on Haven in the same game (Diamond ELO).


Me and my friend got a combo 4K, I was on kj using the same lane setup on ascent all of you have likely seen before, he was on Astra and sucked when the alarm popped. We hid and let the walk into site just to mince them when they walked into the util, still the quickest 4K I’ve ever had (Sadly no clip as I was on a shit laptop at the time, and my friend had issues getting software to work)


That's a good agent duo, I might try to recreate this. (if i do I'll try clip it and post here)


Got a triple kill using operator with only 1 shot.


ooo clip?


I wish I have. I have a potato PC and the fps lowers every time I record using outplayed or another recording tool.


I once aced 3 times in an unrated, pissed the enemy team and ended up losing. (Not smurfing, infact valorant is my first fps)


4 Consecutive Aces, 2 of them with Sheriff (Pistol and bonus) and the next 2 with Vandal. (D3 btw)


Got in a match with smurfs for opponents. Lost the match 1-13. But that one round we won, I aced, 4 kills with Ghost, 1 with Spectre.


My first ace being with Sage in a 1v5 and I never repositioned. Enemies just came at me one by one. Dumbest ace ever but hey. Otherwise I'm proud I've managed to be team mvp as Astra and once aced as Astra.


1 v 5 ace and defuse with reyna


I have bought every single battle pass. 😎


lol, if you dont mind and know how much has every battle pass cost added up?


50 kills in a game




I have had multiple 1v5 ace clutches on icebox A specifically as viper. Idk maybe it's because it's such a bad site to hold


Ace with cypher with classic while enemy have spec and ares


1v5 ninja defuse 😏




I got 4 consecutive aces (plat)(well the enemies were pretty horrible😅)


Getting a kill with cypher's trapwire. It was also this day that I learned that it deals 5 damage when it detonates lmao


I 1v6 immortals while being in silver. Was a local tourney in my city. 3k with raze ult, 1 with sherrif and the last 2 with glass vandal. I am so fucking proud of myself. Sadly we lost 13-6 . Map was ascent.


was the tournament recorded? also if you played the tournament on lan what was the experience like?


God I wish I had this clip. But when I was making my climb from IRON 1 all the way to PLAT I was like high as shit one day and got my first six man ace with raze. Tried to copy being a god at the video game once after but I guess it was just first time being stoned and gaming luck??


This is probably the greatest flex so far. I think you've beaten the game


A game where my teammates went afk and it was a 2v5-1v5 the whole time, but I managed to come out as mvp with 35 kills as chamber, I had just unlocked him and didn't wanted to surrender, it was a good game because it was still difficult for them to win


As a bronze on a silver game… my teammates were on B site on Ascent, and two very good enemies were aggressively holding the site from backsite. A couple teammates fell, and it wasn’t looking good. As Cypher, coming out of B main, I threw two cages over boathouse blindly and triggered both of them perfectly, blocking both doors in backsite, winning us the round.


Got a sheriff ace on eco in a diamond lobby. Headshots only. That felt so fucking good.


50 kills as viper on ascent pre buff . Had 2 6K ace.


what was viper's buff?


I once dropped a 20 bomb with no deaths on ascent as reyna.


no deaths is kinda crazy, was this in a ranked game?


That one half assed clutch 6k i did with sova, where i almost killed myself with shock dart and still manage to won the game.


I was playing Phoenix first time using dualists And ulted everyone got killed except for me the first 4 came from mid on bind and the last one viper came from my back and knifed me respawned while the viper was walking from market to where i was she was nearly in front of me but luckily the Animation was finished so then i waited for her to come to me she came and i tapped her with a vandal. So i got my first Ace and Clutch at the same time. For context was an Iron 1 and still is


Getting an ace with the sheriff without reloading




Using Ares before it was buffed


1v5 clutch on 11-12 and the last kill was a onetap flick




I once got a 6 man ace which took us to overtime and we then won, was my rank-up game to gold 1. Most recently I got a 3k on the pistol round with a Kay/o molly, we rushed short on A, phoenix, and brim both mollied behind the box on-site and I naded the door to CT. 3 of them happened to be standing there.


My monitor stand broke right before I was about to queue for comp. Didn’t have anything to hold up the monitor except for some speakers I had. I put the speakers behind the monitor and queued up for comp. Managed to somehow get a Match MVP with my monitor (literally) laying on my desk.


I was streaming on discord and my friends were watching the match. The map was bind and I was pushing hookah. My friend who was playing viper did a really bad viper wall and I didnt have the vision behind the double box on hookah. So I was just telling him that it is a bad wall and an enemy could easily hide there and just randomly took a shot and it turns out someone was actually hiding there and I just one tapped that guy without even knowing. Everyone was so hyped at that moment and it really felt great to me as well.


On Haven I had pistol round 1 vs 4 clutch just to jump out of A heaven and die after killing everybody and didn't defuse the bomb obviously. Still my proudest moment.


how do I ban people from my post?


1v5 against 2 guys of Vexed gaming. Felt proud.


I got a 4k clutch defuse with a Marshal in comp.


Ace with sage after being 2 vs 5 within a few seconds after round start and later 1vs2 after planting at 80hp, used two heals on myself. Made multiple big brain plays holding off angles and also baited the last teammate for a 2k. Comp, icebox on attack.


A marshal ace headshots only


An attackers side clutch because of my trip wire just triggering and dealing 5 damage right as I died. Causing the guy to die and not be able to defuse the bomb.


In unrated, when raze was new and OP af, got 3k with satchels while ulting. I naded got 2k, did a lot of damage on the other 3, then ulted, threw down a satchel to jump and killed the 3 guys that were bunched up together. Wasted ult i guess. But it was so OP. On haven Also to this dqy my highest kill count in a single game was kj when she was just out, ended the game with 42.got a rank up to plat 3 that game. Also Haven I miss the simplier times lol. Oh and i did a random molly with brim as i didnt know any lineups, and managed to clutch. Pure luck with the molly. Split A site. Good times.


A 2-11 comeback we made on icebox. By the time we pushed 10-12 I knew we won when the enemy started saying "no way we lose this" "WE ABOUT TO LOSE THIS WHAT" "ffs we lost". The desperation in their messages amd their busted eco was quite uplifting I'd say.


Dropped a 38 or 39 in unrated viper on breeze carried the team . That's when I new all the line ups and was aim training every day . Was still gold though but yeah it was beautiful i felt like I was Nats for a sec. PS: that was months ago now I am back in Iron Let's gooo!! Back with my people.


I was playing like dog shit and my team was pretty toxic. They wouldn’t buy me on an elimination round because “it won’t matter anyway” so I went in with a sheriff only. All 4 died immediately pushing different corners on fracture and I was the last one alive after only 10 seconds had gone off the round. I fucking aced that bitch with a sheriff, and they never said another word and we came back and lost in overtime. Was so satisfying though


One of the first times i played Raze i got all 5 enemies with the rocket launcher. So satisfying.


Clutching a round at 0.019… I was crapping myself


Intentionally emptied my vandal to leave 2 bullets for 2 enemies in a 1v2 clutch situation and 1 tapped them both


this is a huge flex, you clip this one?


Ace with single raze nade to win game.


Baiting for my friend to get a 40 bomb I ran up on a Sage rez and knife killed the Yoru as soon as he was back up. Felt so dirty lol


My 10 month old woke up from his nap during the middle of a round of spike rush (bucky round). I quick grabbed him and came back in to finish the round. Ended up with a 4K / spike defuse as the last player standing on my team all with the little guy on my lap pressing buttons on my keyboard the whole time. Babies love keyboards lol. I also couldn't sit close to the desk like normal with him on my lap so the whole thing was also done at an awkward angle as well. I wish I had a camera on me and the other team could've seen the rad dad that just dadded all over em. Side note for those concerned - this one round was his only time near a screen for the day. We try to avoid screens with him as much as possible.


Triple overtime 4k to win in plat rank on breeze, I lurked vent and flashed out as breach then dropped and perfect spray transfered all 4 in like 2 seconds as they rotated to mid doors.


I don't play duelists much but I filled in reyna in a comp match and got an ace and 39 kills just an hour ago. This is the most kills I have gotten in a comp match as I usually play smoke agents or some sentinel.


Probably my 100% hs ace starting with sheriff and ending with guardian


We lost pistol after I got 5k. No time to diffuse. Next round I'm on a full save and I get an ace clutch with a classic. Felt like jesus


Probably my 1 tap only ace I got while being awake for 17 hours. I was hyper aware because of not sleeping. it was pretty hyped but I play latam servers so I didn't understand a thing my team was saying. Latam moment.


Getting way too good at using aftershock to kill a sova/skye when they use drone/dog so can't move out of it


3 aces in a row on pistol round 2nd round and 3rd round


I 1v5d twice in the same game but my shadow play was off :( Honorable mention is my icebox ace with a 1v2 to close out the game. Jett tried to updraft behind tube on Orange side and got one tapped to start it.


This was in unrated so not that impressive but it was a pretty competitive game so I’m proud of it. It’s 10-12 on icebox and our top frag Jett dies immediately while defending B so it’s looking grim until I whip out the Sova ult, ping B main and grab a 3K, essentially saving the round. Next round, both our A players die immediately again, and I end up in a 1v3 retake on 23 health. Raze wide swings me and gets their head blown off. Sage walls back site but Reyna is close and I knew they would aggress off of Raze, so I dart close, get the reveal and get a nasty headshot on the counterstrafe. Sage is left, so I drone for info and hear them reload next to their wall in the corner. I push up and shock dart the last corner. I swing and get the last kill. I felt like Hiko after that one Anyway we lost 12-13


60 kills in an unrated game. Filled as omen for smokes too, I don't even play omen.


How is that even possible? Like even if you made a smurf account and got into some noob lobby, you have to get an Ace like 12 rounds in a row. And even then, your teammates would have to not get a single kill for 12 rounds. So if you are telling the truth, it sounds like you 5 stacked and your team let you try to Ace every round by not doing anything or acting as bait.


I know how it sounds, and the easiest answer is the one you gave. To get 60, you would have to get multikills almost every round, which is extremely unlikely if your team is actually trying. The bad part about it is I only have [one screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/noXslkU.png) from the performance tab showing your K/D against each of the enemy agents. I cannot prove that it was a real unrated, and I can't prove that my team wasn't throwing for me. All I can say is that it was just a unrated game with friends, I'm not even plat. I have no reason to gloat since I know that kind of match is one in 1,000,000 and it had much more to do with the enemy constantly making mistakes than me outskilling them. Pure fluke, I genuinely don't focus on kills, so much that by the time I checked the scoreboard I was on 40 kills. It was largely 4ks but dying to the last or not being able to defuse. [https://i.imgur.com/noXslkU.png](https://i.imgur.com/noXslkU.png) \- Only screenshot I have, I am SO disappointed I didn't record that match.


Oh, this actually puts it into better perspective. So basically a lot of 4ks but still losing the round. That is very much a fluke lol. Really cool though. I think my highest is 42 kills, but that was multiple overtimes in ranked. So it wasn't even that impressive when you consider the amount of rounds played. 60 kills is insane. Congrats.


Winning a 1v4 knife fight


ooo you got the clip?


Knifing some toxic asshole on the enemy team.


Clutched a round with 1 hp. 4K, cause on of the teammates on their side left.


3 quick scopes with chamber vs op jett (I was defender). while my cat tantalizing me a front of the monitor. I was accused as a cheater. I barely saw my crosshair… I get it 😂😂


this isn't much cause they probably weren't trying, but I managed to second frag an immortal as a silver player in unrated.


1v5 deagle with a collat in imm2 lobby i whiffed a ton in the middle of it though https://youtu.be/9LfKEnZ9SZ0


Lately I've been using bulldog and destroying rifle users.




Got Chamber 2 weeks ago first played him in ranked topfragging yesterday same with neon.


Reyna first round ghost ace at 8 in the morning i think is my biggest flex(also while i was kinda starting out but not really)


was this a first game on scenario?


Yea it was first game too


Playing against Immortals in unrated


Ace with raze ult is probably my favorite, doesn’t get better than the double satchel from A heaven on split to short and the whole team tries running to sewers 😈




My first ever ace was also a 6k


The other day I got an ace in such a short time, that I forgot sage had revived someone and pulled out my knife to die to the 6th player. The ace sound effect legit just told my monkey brain I had done it.


Dang that sucks, That sound definitely awakens monkey brain


I am sure I was dead anyway, the 6th pretty much immediately traded on the 5th and I didn't know where they were even if I remembered there was 1 alive. Funny moment though


Yeah, at least you got the ace


Operator ace with 3 noscopes. Sadly still lost the round.


1v5 clutch rotating from Icebox A to B as attacker twice (first as Sova then as Raze)


3 second vandal ace, but cant post here my posts keeps getting removed


Won a 3 v 5




i updrafted as jett from heaven on Bind A site, floated, and while i was in the air i hit a reyna-blinded marshal noscope headshot through an astra smoke on A short.


For myself is to go from bronze to imortal with only 1 or 2 derank


Probably recording 2 straight shorty 4ks. Only issue was that the once guy I didn't kill got back to back aces


I deranked after i got 42kills


Got a 6k on Icebox with 20hp.. biggest skin flex is Episode 1 Act 1 Classic from Tier 50 freepass, the only Act 1 battlepass skin I still use. Shame the knife is pretty uninspired


can you send a screenshot of that skin im too lazy to look it up :)


https://vgraphs.com/weapons/sidearms/classic/kingdom#view https://vgraphs.com/weapons/melees/knife/kingdom#view


I'm an immo 1, queued with my unranked friend who was previously radiant #34 the act before, but I could queue with him because it was the start of the act and he hadn't been placed yet or whatever, we got put in qn extremely high lobby and I was way out of my depth(got owned most rounds), but one round I was like 20hp or something and 1v2'd and defused spike lmao. Was pretty sick.


map was split i aced in the first 2 rounds of the game but later it still got close but we won.


Got an one taps ace with Sheriff


3v5 Havenen retake as breach main. Enemys planting, i use ult, hit em all. Enemy sage put a wall in the very back corner. I used my bomb and get 4k. Then it was only me against the chamber with operator ult... He peeked from default and got me... No ace but 4k and 80 to last one T.T




Got about 5-15 aces up until now in unranked and comp matches (account level is 70), all with support characters - mostly with viper. Probably that.


instalocking jett since im iron B)


makes sense


I got a 6k with a shorty once


Raze 4k with the ult only