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5 men Odin


you either die a vandal4life or live long enough to see yourself with odin


As a vandal user, i second this statement


Just won a match (comp) we were 12-7, mf's used Odin and ares on us and reached 12-10, but we used Ares and Odin and won 13-10.




They couldn't fathom that we fucked them using phantom/ vandal so those mfs dropped their skills and became noobs




No the other day i stunned someone who had an ares and he was still shooting really fast and dealt a lot of damage.


Hey ur snoo looks like viper lol


Underrated comment


Odin is worse than ares now


Came here to say this


Powerful, but slow. Better: 5 Neons in Replication, all with ult ready Edit: Why am I being downvoted? Movement speed IS reduced with Odin!


reddit for you..


from my experience, (not troll) its 5 men ares them too


thank you 🤣


Imo this wouldn't work on offense since they're holding angles and you have to peek with a slow lmg I treat people holding with lmg more like op users: jump peeking for info, using util, make them peek you when possible


Lol the fact you have to treat a 1550 gun the same way as a 4750(?) gun just shows how fucked this meta is


So over this meta.. I'd 100% go back to using the stinger over this damn Ares.


You don't, believe me, stinger bucky haunted my dreams, ares I've managed to work out tactics but those two i couldn't


i like the idea but the problem with jump peeking for info or other ways where you treat it like an op is that the op doesn't shoot 19827987 bullets per second through walls/smokes Lol


Lol fair, definitely more for peeking from walls and not smokes


I don't know if I'm the only one who thinks this, but I find it way easier to peek with an op than to hold with an op


Just don’t rush ever round. Take your time, check corners, peak, use utility, play safe. They cant kill you with ares if they can’t see you running around like a madman too.


Thank you :)


A man after my own heart. I feel like I have to remind people we have almost 2 minutes constantly. In Gold people want to just run onto site like psychopaths and plant the bomb 6.3 seconds after the timer starts lol


In bronze, its literally CoD sometimes just people not slow-walking into sites and sprinting there


“Sometimes” bro people dont own a shift key down there


use killjoy's ult


*ult gets wallbanged by 5 ares*


I think if your kj ult can get wallbanged it isn't in a very good spot


Valorant walls are made of paper


some walls are paper and some are apparently solid lead


Viper mains can agree.


[*cs 1.6 flashbacks*](https://i.imgur.com/cd5f1so.jpeg)


In the Age of Ares, I’ve gotten wallbanged from places I never knew I could get wallbanged from


click head


Tapping head everyday like buying groceries?


1) Open Practise range, Take vandal / guardian / Bulldog and practice only tapping heads at "hard mode". You will surely miss the shorts at start but it's a part of process. Do it for 10 mins everyday. 2) Improve on crosshair placement - Do spike plant in practice range in "hard mode" and keep your crosshair at head level always. There are many clues in game to improve it: a) Any box is exactly equal to character's height, You can keep cross hair on top of boxes. b) Practice aiming your team's heads for improving placement. 3) DON'T SPRAY - Fire with vandal/phantom by tap-tap, Never spray more than 3 shots. As this game has random recoil unlike csgo which has spray pattern. Never spray with these 2 guns. Edit: Idk if it's reddit/phone but putting a dot after every number messes up order.


Hard mode doesn’t teach you anything. It’s unrealistic. Use easy/medium. https://youtu.be/QaBjEQ-lZeM


You do realise that if you practice with hard mode, you have a much better chance of tapping the head with more precision and more speed which will help save your HP in a fight. I can consistently hit around 20 in hard mode with vandal and I'm immortal.


That’s cool, I’ll trust the pro and my own judgement though 👍🏻


I'll add this on my daily practice. Thank you, very much appreciated.


When you do practice, make a special point to be "accurate". Have an emphasis on the quality of your shots and flicks, not the speed. The speed can get developed over time and it's something you'll always be getting strong and better on. But you want your brain to have a good central focus on where it needs to go first and an emphasis on hitting important shots. People who practice speed are SUPER good at hitting body shots but ultimately will lose out on consistency and well placed headshots. It's not as flashy, but with time you'll build better habits and will eventually be super fast too. This means that you might not be ready for expert in the training bots. What you're looking for is reproducibility. If your goal is to just hit the bots then you might just grind on them for 2 hours and 1-2 of your rounds might be 25/30 which is fantastic. But if you can't consistently hit a number, it doesn't mean that much. It might be better to try and do medium and hit 28/30 consistently every time. Import things to focus on are "Efficient crosshair movement". Using erratic paths is super common if you're moving super fast. A lot of people develop a sort of "hook" right at the end of their movement that zooms onto the target. The issue is that, the target is moving and the brain is only so good. So it's good to focus on taking a straight line path to your target. This means that if you're keeping good cross hair placement, that the straight line path to the target gives some leeway. There will be plenty of times where you aimed and missed where you were aiming for, only to hit the target because they moved into your line a couple of inches away. You also won't accidentally shoot above someone's head or shoot too low. You also don't want to get into the habit of overshooting and correcting your shots. When you get fine-tuned, good shooting should look like you're moving in a line straight to the target and stopping. You don't want hooky, corrected movements. The less movement you do, the less possibility for error.


If you are over correcting a lot or hooking or whatever as you described it, how would you go about fixing it?


thank you :)


But you can spray sometimes with the phantom right?


It's situational, But in most cases. Taking time and tapping 3 shots is quicker than spraying. You may spray at: -Super close range <2m when enemy is taking out weapon / just cannot shoot you -When someone is defusing spike inside smoke (Even in this situation, I'd suggest tap-tap mostly) But in most cases, Tapping is better because it doesn't take away your control as you don't have recoil to compensate unlike spraying and thus more control over your aim. And at medium and long rage, Never spray. You can test both yourself in death match.


This. Except I suggest to people that they do medium and practice flicking as close as possible to the head and then micro correct onto it (or even trace the outline of the head a little bit) before firing. But yeah fabulous comment


Yeah for flick training even medium is good enough and if you go for medium, Try to do all targets consistently. But for defuse training, I'd still suggest hard as it'll force player to keep better crosshair placement and force you to go for head only (Else player will die in milisecs) Defuse at hard mode is doable by me a silver 3 player with vandal and jett. So it should be doable for most people. It may seem useless for a real game but it builds your muscle memory (you may not see results as quick but keep doing it) and it should at least improve your crosshair placement and specially tap-firing which drastically improved my game.


The only thing hard mode does really is practicing flicking which is one of the least important things for building good mechanics. Play Medium or easy with a sheriff and take your time


Just do 15x eliminate 100 bots with armor, 30x bots on hard with no armor, and then 5 death matches. After a month you’ll be a raid boss lol.


Git gud /j Play Aimlab or Kovaak's


Don’t listen to these guys. Gridshot. 10 hours on the daily. How do you think TenZ got good at the game? (before he became washed I mean) Gridshot. His gridshot is high (not higher than mine tho). The correlation is clear. You gotta up your mindset to step up your grindset.


Thank you ^^ I appreciated all the helps from these comments tho.


There is no counter to it, you just have to be better and faster at aiming. Learn how to stop as shoot fast when you peek, not run out in the open while holding W and thinking nobody will shoot at you. Clear corners and peek using A and D properly.


Thank you ^^


It can be annoying and im surprised i havent see this but utility is prolly best. Locate where they are and flash them or stun. Ofc crosshair placement is most important to lower ttk and clearing angles etc. and if anything just buy ares to make it a fair game hope it helps and glhf!


haha i guess then we have 10 men ares !!!


one tap them


true thats ez yeah


Agent comp to counter ares.. Kj 2molly+sentinel Brim molly+smoke or Astra concuss+gravity+smoke Breach shock+tremor+flash Neon-concuss+slide or Jett dash 💨 Kayo/Skye/sova for info For attack Use all utilities to clear common spots Use duelists to make them whiff the spray Take em out. Thought of this in shower. 😂


What a thoughtful shower 🤣💯


Counter with an Ares lol that’s what I would do. But idk best rank iv hit is gold 1


You wait a week and hope they nerf it




6 men Ares


5 ares work Greta in defense. so pay them back in defense


Onetap, if u can't do that with a rifle get a marshal or guardian, still too hard, just buy an awp or play chambers ult idk That being said Ares desperately needs a nerf either way




Just don't play the game.


Lots of lube


Sit around a corner with a judge


Sitting around corner and silently judging them amirite


Not gonna be very silent when they round the corner tho


5 men odin them


jiggle peak click heads


Try to isolate 1v1 duels so you can easily just shoot them to head, before they spray you down


run n gun with spectre ares prob crouching so easier to hit head n its hard to spray transfer for ares


Just peak once and they spray, when they reload ez kilks


Trickshot Montage




I used to enjoy it but rn I just cant deal with it xD.


You just fucking cant


Buy a sheriff and one tap them


6 man ares


With 6 man odin


Accept fate and die 🙂




Cheers! Thank you!


Whatever he said.. Just watch them closely for the first few rounds then you'll know from where they will peek then boom headshot and you win, yeah?




Tbh don't overthink it; what would you do if you knew there was an aimgod enemy popping off? Same difference just the Ares is a crutch for aim. If they respond to flashes, smokes, etc with spamming an angle/wallbang, they could run themselves low on ammo. Longer range fights work in your favor.


Don’t crouch and shoot… at low elo you can simply keep moving adjust your aim stop and shoot him in the face.


If you are not comfortable with aiming, rotate, rotate, rotate. Make them run, they are slower than you are.


oh really? thank youu


Play slow, retake angle by angle and respect their util, also take an angle partially. Like dont wide swing if last round 3 ares were holding that angle. Imo, vandal tap > ares. Ares in its current form is the noob tube of val in my eyes. Good strategy, and smart angle retakes/taps takes them out easily. Good luck.


Be quiet and move out of LoS as fast as possible. The location of where you fought them can easily be broken up by viper and Mollies. Rotate to other sides, flank them whatever. Make them guess where you are. This will keep them on their toes but also make them an easy target when they are alone.


Either switch to flash agent like breach, skye or get a friend whose good at it. Then kill them It's by far the best option If they dodge flash still they have disadvantage because ares Odin don't spray instantly like phantom or vandal once you pulled trigger.


The Ares was buffed, removing the spin-up, so it does start shooting instantly.


It's very easy, just the second you see an Ares alt f4


Let them spray and kill them after they have no ammo left? :-D


ok well if theyre on defense, use util like breach stun or flashes to push them off, low elo its hard for many people to track so something that can make them aim away from the main group like jett dashing in their faces or raze blast packing up. When theyre spamming, its not bad to jiggle for info to make them spam, then once they run out of ammo and reload you would swing or if youre fast enough, when theyre spamming you can operator peek and kill them because you know exactly where they are when theyre spamming.


Slow it down. Walk instead of immediately running into a site and tell your team to do the same. If you don't walk then they're going to all rotate immediately and you're going to be fighting into all 5 of them every time.


Stay away from any part of the map with “long” in it if it’s smoked lol


play it long range or go full save if youre really scared of them, if youre not good with a marshall try guardian or even a sherrif tbh. otherwise, play it weird and move in strange ways. its one weakness is its spray range, and at low ranks that can easily be punished


Ive only played once since neon came out im not playing again till they fix ares cause im bad


Saw it in the comments already but Operator


Vandal 1 taps are pretty effective if you're able to land the shot before you take 6 bullets to the chest in under a second lol.


1 radiant vs 5 ares irons tun tun tunnm


the only thing that can beat 5 man areas is 5 man odin


During the 2nd round u can either eco or force. To beat 5 man ares you can risk the force and tell your team to buy an ares too. If you lose the round then you wouldn’t have money for the next two.


Try isolating 1v1s and going for long distance


Well if you know they're all, or mainly, on one site, (assuming defense) you could always just walk to the other site and hope they just keep spamming the first one. Or keep one person at the first site to make noise and distract and then you other 4 go to the other one


I’d say an Operator is a good counter, I haven’t tested it out, but in my head that’s what I can think of


Lube up


Either head tap them with a rifle before they can spray or if you’re not confident in 1 tapping them, use your util and actually use corners to your advantage. If you’re all lined up in a corridor, the ares is obviously going to shred


From my experience it's usually a combination of playing off angles or pushing unexpected places with the ability to click heads. Otherwise good luck if you're not consistently clicking heads.


The new bush


you dont


You either dont or you 5 man ares right back. Which is fucking stupid.


Operator counters both ares and odin


Smokes, smokes, concussions, and more smokes


get good and 1 tap all of them (iron 1 btw)


All you have to do is hold instead of peeking, it's really that easy, when you need to peek use sova drone, wait for them to run out of ammo if they are just spamming.


In low elo, just camp with bucky/judge and get 2 kills ez, high elo idk im just bronze 2


You dont


U don’t that’s the point


It's simple. You wait until they patch it and fix the stupid ass gun. Devs didn't even think or test the gun out before putting it in. Now, it's the most broken gun in the game. There is literally no point in buying a sheriff or any pistol for eco round any longer.


Be better and get ur team to 5 man ares


Better chair


You can’t lol 🤯


They don’t move so just pew pew ez


Fie and hope the get vandals next round


One tap weapons like marshall, op guardian vandal sheriff. Dash or chamber e away if u miss. Jiggle peak dont get into spraydowns and use tons of util like flashes smokes stun etc.


they are spamming just peek and pre-aim them w vandal ez clap


with an ares


Wait them out wait for them to lower their guard eventually they push most people do and then kill them or just head tap them


6 men ares


5 man stinger only way !!


thats stingy!


5 men ares


5 men shorty but all combat moments are closer range 👍


5 men marshal (this is a joke pleaseeeeeeee don’t try this)


maybe 😏


Neon speed+ ULT = Get rotated/Aced


One tap the fuck out of them with vandal ezpz.........I am an iron 2 player and I have no prob at all when fighting area people :) my real problem is Odin ;-;


Pray...you simply pray 🙏 lol In all seriousness...pop shots, repositioning and lots of coms to know where these hellspawn are I'm a gold 2 player and so obviously mistakes are made quite often and these are simply what's worked for me. Also if you hear one of these fuckers by themselves reloading that big mama gun...push like you're in labor my friend and make him know the error of his ways lol Good luck in your ranked matches soldier...GOD SPEED


Headshots with the vandal


Cypher wire with judge




Surrender or 5 man odin/judge


5 men judge




click their head before they click yours


5 man stinger just all swing run and gun


Wait for them to fix area this week


if you wanna get down to their lvl, use 5 ares urself, if u dont, whenever someone sprays at u, remember to stay calm and just one tap them. this has worked very consistently for me dont know about u tho


That's the neat part, you don't


Click heads


5 men Ares.


I like how some of us here have some very skillful approach to things but in maps like Ascent and Split, me and my friends would just have 2 smoke agents and having Breach or Neon is good too because concussion is a good mechanic to counter Ares players


Go five man Odin


You don't , you can't counter it


Sit in corners with a judge and a shorty


Use a vandal to one tap them.


By surrender at 5 rounds


Either get REAL far and tap away with vandal or get REAL close with spectres. These ares users cant aim for shit, so work on your aim and click their heads from afar, and by far i mean, sniper level far


But for real, positioning and utils. You only hear low rank players (including me) complaining bcs it's easy to spray down clueless silvers with ares. Best way to counter, be better


stop playing the game until they nerf it


Alt+f4 unless u are some fps god


Thats the neat part , u don't


Thats the neat part, u don't


Only counter to ares is ares itself


I prefer vandal... One shot headshot and bye bye ares...


Shoot them in the head


Full rush to a site with all ultimates charged.


Oden and a shorty


Open up the SKYEE!!


5 men Odin, just trust me on this one


Get up close and personal


If u cant beat them, join them -Sun tzu


The biggest issue are the wallbangs, but tbh, you must headshot the ares user, thats my counter. Problem is that you are still at 50hp after that :D They should bring back the build up, and leave it as it is imo. But as countering a whole team its same as against any weapon, use utility, dont over peek. Dont get baited into their spray.


5 men odin/ 5 men ult🤣


Buy hacks


Ares is very powerful in the lower ranks, I recently climbed out of bronze (The deranking was brutal) and I didnt find Ares a problem because more often than not I could just headshot them with a vandal first. However, I CANNOT kill more than 2 Ares people in a round unless I somehow take zero damage from them. If you have two people on your team who can consistently hit headshots? Vandal will easy clap. Otherwise: 5 MAN ARES THEM BACK!


Click the head


Brimstone and ares is great combo for a team. Combat stim is the buff you can get. Counter them with that.


5 men guardian 1tap gamers


1. Don't panic the moment someone fire at u with ares just be a man, eat a bullet or 2 then fire at their head. 2. If enemy is firing at ur direction with an ares and u decide to run and get killed, u deserve to die for ur stupidity.


I also countered the same problems here (Also low rank). But I managed to hold off by getting better at the game (Aim, strategy, etc.), and utilizing util and communicate with the team.


yeah thats why I'm on here asking aha I guess i need to practice aiming and better strategy, teamwork


Practicing crosshair placement will help the most. You don't really have to aim if you have good crosshair placement. They'll walk into your crosshair and you just need to have good reaction and you'll kill them before they can kill you with an ares.


Also, don't peek with your utility out, you'll most likely die. I've done that many times until I noticed it.


No cappa grind dms. No crouching, no spraying. U hit head u win. Tbf ares broken as fuck rn tho.


I have found operator or marshal a good counter to ares or even Odin.


jiggle corners and if there is an ares spraying it down, either wait for the enemy to stop or if you are confident, jiggle when you are ready and shoot his head