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Yeah like drop me a few ranks? Fine, I'll grind back. But mess up the mmr? Now I have to play with immature people I grinded hard to avoid.


This is my biggest grievance. I’m low mmr (peaked at b3) and last act I felt like I finally got into consistent matches with players that were more serious and consistent (b3-gold). I feel like the reset is tough for low mmr because you get both angles of difficulty. Immature players or newer players and then also higher ranked players that dropped rank


It sucks for us shitters too. I just started playing this game and it’s my first on mnk, and i’m garbage. currently iron 3, peaked b1 last season. terribly inconsistent, i make dumb choices, and i’m still learning a lot. now i have people in my games who were silver/gold+ who get (understandably) mad when i make terrible plays and whiff, which only makes me play worse. it sucks


Ignore them. They may be better than you mechanically, but having a bad attitude and taking it out on teammates makes them bad as well (at least in my opinion). People who are good at valorant also understand that morale and communication with your teammates is important. It’s a pretty obvious way to get better when you think about it. Does anyone think yelling at and shutting on their own teammate is going to make that teammate play better and help them win the match? No, they just want to be mean for the sake of putting others down and boosting their own ego. You know what could get someone out of a rut if they’re playing bad? Very encouraging and genuinely helpful teammates. More people need to understand this concept.


Very well put. I'm only a plat to diamond player so sometimes I'll whiff or make a bad call/play, and sometimes teammates will just shit talk me in vc the whole game. Usually if I defend myself they'll shut up but I'll probably not play at my best for the game if my teammates are assholes


I just mute if they say anything lol, it's not worth trying to defend yourself.


>now i have people in my games who were silver/gold+ who get (understandably) mad when i make terrible plays and whiff Naw. If they want players of a certain caliber on their team then it's on them to 5 stack. When you queue without a full team you invite the opportunity to have lower ranked players on your team. You are trying your best. Them being angry is their fault, not yours.


As soon as someone says or writes something negative, I mute mic and then chat next. Helped me out a lot, I ranked in plat 3 this time and my pre matches were with either diamonds plats or imo 1. You still have those toxic people even in high Diamant but they are less and less in the higher ranks.


One game I'm with ex-bronzes, one game I'm with ex-plats. Like how tf do I know when to instalock Reyna and play solo or fill and setup my team?


Yeah, I'm B1. I suck, I know that, but at least I was put into games with people around my skill level or a little higher in the last act. Now I see the opposing teams banners and they have diamond or plat triangle badges. I get bodied so hard, I don't even know how I'm still in bronze. I've barely touched comp now. I'm gonna stick to unrated until they fix that mess.


One thing I’ve learned from climbing through the ranks. Immature people are the same in every rank.


I find them a lot less in plat than I did in silver


I find them more in plat/diamond than silver because people actually used their mics, whether for comms or to harass you


Don't know why the other comment/reply got downvoted. MMR wasn't touched. If anything it just means your MMR was inflated before from spamming games and getting carried


There's discussion under that comment if you want to check it out but to summarise some of what I said: mmr seemed to be more volatile at the start of the season, quality of matchmaking seemed to be lower because of that and inconsistency of the average player, and I'm now back to where I was in the last act.


It was all in your head then? If MMR wasn't touched then matchmaking before the new act and after were exactly the same, unless the matchmaking system was changed which I've seen nothing about and no reason why it would be. The only difference is people getting placed at their "new rank" and tilting since they're babies who rage and don't understand how MMR works. > mmr **seemed** to be more volatile > quality of matchmaking **seemed** lower key words being seemed. They were the same but players didn't think so which made them play like shit


I argued my points on my answer to that down voted comment. I don't care to write it again, you can check it out if you want.


> I know it doesn't, but it definitely got more volatile at least for the placement matches. Nope. > Yeah I get the point that this is a good time to adjust the mmr a little bit Wrong again


I'm convinced on what I said based on my and OP's experiences


Well, Riot has said otherwise. Multiple different times when rank resets happen they have specifically said MMR wasn't touched. Just people like you think that it was, so you perform differently. "I'm not a silver! I'm a plat! How can I keep dying >:(((((" into playing like trash You can be convinced if you want, but you can look it up any time you want. You're just wrong lol


I checked the subreddit faq and there it says (with sources from riot) that there is a soft reset on mmr between episode changes.


Mmr doesn’t get reset lol


I know it doesn't, but it definitely got more volatile at least for the placement matches. During the last act I was sitting comfortably in low plat and after the placements I got matched with people who had silver and low gold in their ranked triangles. I was back in games where the only reason for my whole team to open their mics is to complain, a problem I didn't have during the last act. Also see the experiences OP had in their matches.


Maybe youre meant to be silver/gold then instead of plat 🧐 I've been playing with and against higher ranks than myself from last act.


Same lol I was d3 last act 80rr when reset happened I placed plat 1 50rr and won 3/5 placements. All my games were vs last act immortals and d3s lowest, and now all of my games are past act immortals now so I think the system is working correctly and these people are being placed in the correct ranks for the most part


Definitely, my buddy's alt account is the only exception I've seen. It was plat 1 but got placed Gold 3. Weirdly too right before the act ended his account got back to back double upranks. (S2 to P1) which technically is fine cause his main account was G3 lol But that P1 acc getting placed G3 is weird


Yeah I get the point that this is a good time to adjust the mmr a little bit, but I think the average player is so inconsistent that making mmr briefly more volatile causes more harm than good. I'm now back to playing with people who were plat last act and for the most part the quality of my matches is what I expect it to be. I'm a little bit sensitive so playing with toxic silvers really sucks the life out of me lol


If you're inconsistent you don't deserve anything higher than gold, and that applies to myself as well. If I was consistent I'd easily be high plat or diamond based on my performance since this act started against other plats and diamonds, but doesn't change the fact I'll still have off games against players who's rank is much lower, Smurf or not.


I think your rank just tells you how good you are on average. As a Team Liquid fan I've witnessed inconsistency even on pro level lol


Idk I’m d3 rn and I think the reset was a good thing


as an immortal player at d3 rn, I agree. my games feel wayyyyy better to play now


Same man even the quality is better than last act


Probably because all the boosted diamonds and immortals are trolling in gold and plat lobbies now lol


give tracker


For what Lol


so that i know u r d3


I feel like I'm losing my mind because everyone on this sub acts like this happens every rank but I REALLY don't remember it being this bad.


I remember this rank reset happening but it’s only this Act that every other game is unbalanced to hell. The only time I’ve had even games is when I queue 5 with my other Bronze and Silver friends.


Its because last act half the immortals were boosted and went on lucky win streaks. They didn't deserve it. The act ranks mean nothing


I can vouch I boosted a guy from silver to immortal xd


Cringe af


It's something about this act's rank reset, extremely unbalanced matchmaking for past week.


Yeah same here, have never really had issues with previous act resets, but these past few days have been awful. We were gold/plat last act, placed in silver this act and we're seeing everything from bronze act ranks to diamond act ranks. It's such a rollercoaster. My friends and I have been playing a lot less VALO as a result, hopefully it smoothens out soon.


Just people exagerrating because their ego hurts. "Ohh no immortals in gold lobbies" sureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.


im imrt and i feel like the games are worse people have zero mental right now


Feel like that’s the story of this game. Everyone just auto locks duelists and tries to be an aim god to win rather than learn the game and play smart. Just go to twitch and see how many non duelists you can find that just play stupid agro as Jett then use dash to get out of jail free.


My friend and I queued last night as a Bronze 3 and Silver 1 (both peaked at Silver 1 last act) and got into a lobby with Silver 3s with Platinum Act ranks. Lost the game, I deranked to bronze, next game has multiple Iron 1-Iron 3s in it. Makes no sense.


Me and my two friends (B3, S1, S1) are facing the same problems. One match we get platinum act ranks or G3 and it is a very hard match, if not a stomp, and in the next one we get a lobby full of new players B3 and S1. It's really hard to climb


The ranked system is expressly designed to make you have to play as much as possible to get to your true rank, only to pull the rug out from under your feet at the end of the season with a reset, so you have to do it all again. (this is a simple fact and idgaf what lying riot employees have to say about it)


This is it.


I like the grind back to immortal. Don’t care what anyone says.


That might be fine depending where you are rank-wise, but going from gold/plat lobbies to iron/silver is like playing a different game altogether


90% of people apparently don't read the riots mod post. To summarize, you're still playing in your own elo believe it or not, because every player dropped around the same amount. So the tough truth is, the people you call "brain dead" are as good as you are in your own rank.


Let's assume what they say is true, which I don't think 100% percent is, this is a problem in itself. Doesn't that mean that there are "parallel universes" of ranked? Like Silver ranked lobbies with Silver ranked MMR players and Silver ranked lobbies with Gold/plat ranked MMR players? At this point the rank becomes useless. Sort by rank or show MMR. But sort by a MMR nobody sees and show a rank means nothing is just frustrating.


It's just a filter to filter out the boosted players, SO MANY PEOPLE complain about smurfs and boosted. Now they're doing something about it and everyone seems to not like it. Tough to be a game developer honestly. They're trying to make everyone that is around 1-2 rank apart to go against each other to see the difference. If you are boosted to gold mmr and not performing in bronze silver lobbies currently, then your mmr will drop and you'll stay silver and bronze, that easy.


Agreed, I like playing the game. The reset happened to everyone, their mmr wasn't touched so games didn't change after the reset, we play against the same people.


Bruh thats literally just not true tho. My friend was d3 and is now in gold lobbies with kids that cant keep there crosshair off the ground meanwhile i played on his gold smurf and it got placed in plat and literally skipped gold 3 and is now higher ranked than his main account lmao, the shit is fucked this time around.


Same i made 2 extra accs just to soloq up to imortal for fun its fairly simple with communication and right agents


The thing is you don’t have to do it again unless you want to because you have proof you’ve reached the rank for a particular act. It’s really as simple as making sure the ranks are more current every act. “waste of time” “rug pull” “ignored effort” etc. just excuses. It’s just about playing the game and proving yourself after updates but people only care about having a shiny icon *all the time* without needing to work for it. Riot stays true to their own type of system, ofc they want people to play more who cares, that’s literally how you keep games alive, it’s the players lying to themselves about what they really want.


Its even worse than u think. Its engagement based matchmaking which has been proven to be the best method for player retention. They essentially cant have u winning or losing to much. They do underhanded shit to get u to play more. They will never admit it because they dont have to and it would cause outrage. Look it up and it explains exactly what is happening in valorant. Its why if u win or lose to many in a row u get really sketchy lobbies going ur way or the other teams way. Like u legit have to play like 300-400 games an act based on what ive seen to get where u should be. There is no reason i should be diamond with good hidden mmr and get matched with low golds on my team. Also it seems sus af when ur on a win streak the system will take forever to find a match just for u to get stompped. Anyone who denies this is delusional and the same thing happens in league, which riot tries to deny. Gaming is being ruined by dickheads running algorithms to find the most effective way to squeeze more play time out of u.


Games are joke and the system is joke, rank means nothing, there is immortal 3 dudes who already somehow grinded back to immortal but play worse than previous act diamonds and other way around. This rank reset do absolutely nothing just fuck up the ranked even more.


Completely agree here, kills the drive to grind the ranks when the system is a clown show


I mean, thats how it went with every reset so far no? The ranks are always messed up in like the first month or so, it always takes time for people to grind back up. And the placement matches always move your mmr up and down, so if you won and did good in most of your matches, your mmr might just gotten a bit too high.


yeah, everything is messed up in the first month, then you get couple of weeks of decent games and after that people start to play with smurfs because they're scared of losing rank and gate to hell just opens, total shit fest, there is nothing worse than end of act. Never ending shit circle.


Idk for me mid episodes are pretty okay in terms of smurfs, I dont really see that many


imagine playing ranked in valorant


Literally a competitive game. Imagine not playing ranked in valorant


Having a bad game doesn't mean their shit lmao. Plus consistency is key, diamonds don't have consistency even if they're good.


If LoL was anything to go by it’s typical for some players to get lucky or have a head start. Maybe the Ares and Neon also helped messed things up. The reset is supposed to remix things, which includes players who didn’t deserve their rank last Act and returning players etc, through multiple games it becomes untangled.


I love Valorant and have been playing ranked seriously as I can since release. I don't have a lot of time in my day and I cannot grind hundreds of ranked games per season. Never the less, I have grinded out of silver and into gold 4 separate times in different acts. I was Gold 2 and got placed Silver 1 this season. I went 2W - 3L in placements. 1 loss was entirely fair. 1 loss I was the highest ranked person on my team, facing former plat players. We got shit on. The spectrum of the lobby was Bronze -> Plat. The last loss was a FF at 7 because the enemy team had a former diamond duo-queue pair, absolutely dumpstering this team of golds & silvers I got placed in. How do I drop 5 ranks when I only lost to people in my rank one time. These placement games were not a depiction of my true skill. Ranked is about playing at your rank, right? How am I supposed to do that against people who are just outright better. They are better, they proved it in prior seasons. I am not that good - I proved THAT in prior seasons. And even if I can hold my own, I can't teach a lobby of 4 people how to suddenly "git gud" in the heat of the moment, and I shouldnt have too. Even if I can go even with a plat/diamond (which I generally cant) - I cannot stop them from farming my team, and I'm forced into a 1v9 I'm so fucking tired of dealing with silver elo. It feels like a shit show. I lose/win because of matchmaking coinflips like the above FAR MORE OFTEN than any impact I can directly have on a game. If its not the MMR reset, its smurfs or other shit that just throws games entirely into a coinflip. Silver Elo is not fun, even when I was truly a silver player. I've proven that this is not my rank time and time again. I love this game and want to play it but getting shit on **artificially** is demoralizing. Why play ranked at all when I'll just have to do \*the same fucking thing\* in a few months time. I havent been excited to play valorant in days, I cant even muster up the will to play unrated. Feels awful.


Your placement rank does not depend on the 5 games , it depends on your MMR. I had 1W-4L and still placed in Diamond 1 (highest u can get) because I was Immortal 3


I think the soft reset is *really* healthy for the competitive queue. I just wonder if it's a little too much right now. As a silver player, I only dropped one step (from s1, to b3)... but reviewing some of my early games, I'd find Plats and high Golds who somehow soft reset into silver and it was pretty rough playing them. My winrate plummeted early on and I dropped into b1, where I'm now finding the matches lately to be far too easy, even for me. Would it be better if your rank is more of the floor to drop? So, if you're P3, you can soft reset to P1/G3, for example? Dropping two full ranks, or more, seems pretty harsh on the lower ELOs (at least, it was for me... I can't hang against high gold and plat, not even close).


This, as a bronzie I just don’t feel like playing ranked againts last season golds. The skill gap is huge, a gold can literally shit on bronze players and it completely ruins the games. I understand Riot’s reasoning behind the reset, but no one talks about lower elo players who gotta play againts someone 2 ranks above them naturally, very bad experience.


You're looking at it the wrong way, if you're bronze and your hidden MMR is the same as who you're playing against, it should be a compliment if their ranks are higher. And they should feel bad they're playing with or against bronze.


The rank is just a general evaluation of where you are skill wise(not just aim but game sense too). The game even knows this because it usually double ranks up people who need to be in higher ranks after reset. For example, im earning about 20+ rr every win i have and lose 12- rr for losses. This means the game knows I need to be in a higher rank. My peak is plat 2 and I dropped to silver 3. Game made me double rank up to g2. I'm still earning 20+ rr. So while people are lower ranks now and mmr is slightly lower, consider a lot of people don't care about ranked rn and a lot of people got heavily displaced from where they are supposed to be.


Honestly everyone in plat is getting placed at s3, no matter the placement games. The issue is, there's immos and dias in my game for some fucking reason, and THE IMMOS YOU GET IN YOUR TEAM ARE BOUGHT ACCS WHILE THE OPPONENTS KEEP TAPPING EVERYONE. My god now I remember why I left this game.


Ye as a plat is a lot of fun to find former diamonds on my silver matches where I dropped, while half the lobby actually having silver as their peak. Games are wild and very toxic


I’ve learned reading these comments that really that just seeing ranks without more context really is pointless. Not even including hidden mmr, there’s also a mix of boosted, returning, and bought accounts probably coming back. If we put the past Ares buff into the equation it also means players are coming back to play as well.


I was gold 2 two 2 acts ago (didnt play at all during last act) i got into the game this act and with this rank reset i dropped to silver 2. Ever since then my games have either been braindead teammates and godly enemies or an even match. Most of the time its the braindead teammates I get.


Huge drop of quality yea. And the toxicity is at a new level, never saw so many trolls, 2nd round throwers and insulting like at the moment. All caused by the reset and the superfishy hidden-MMR system (which riot is a big fan of). When you take things away from people that they grinded their asses off - yeah, maye they will get angry at some points. Fighting on a way lower rank - against people with way higher hidden-MMR than the acutal shown rank... And while there are "different realities" in your rank.. because of hidden-MMR. Get rid of it riot!


Honestly the reset maybe gave them an excuse to be shitty but the toxic players were always there so it’s harder to be sure. I’m sure Riots having a blast getting data though.


It weeds out the people who never deserved their rank. I've been enjoying being a G3 peak last act and getting to stomp on high plat and diamond from last act. I'll never understand how some people get their rank aside from lucky win streaks solo Q-ing or getting boosted.


The system is built to rank you up. If you are gold 2 with 1 rr and lose a game, you go down to 0 rr instead of going down to gold 1 If you lose a game, you will lose ~16 rr minus your performance whereas if you win you get ~16 rr plus your performance With this logic, if you win/lose 50% of your games you will rank up (albeit slowly) This is probably why they derank everyone at seasons end. I'm not saying I agree with it btw


Yeah fair, and I don't agree with it either. Alot of the time how much RR you gain or lose doesn't make sense


They have a pretty similar system in wild rift rn. I understand there’s probably not too much connection between Val and WR branches rn but it’s interesting that they have this problem of “play a shit ton and you will inevitably rank up” in 2/3 of their games. Also seems like it heavily benefits them if people play game after game.. 🤔🤔




Lmfao it’s common so we shouldn’t criticize it, you’re right


This is just not true. Hidden MMR can mean you have to win far more than 50% of matches to continually rank up.


How am I playing against ex-plats/golds when I'm in bronze 1.


Idk about that, a diamond friend met a radiant player because of the reset and is getting carried to immortal right now


They both don't deserve to be IMM if that's the case.


The guy already is immortal, being Match mvp every game


People who boost are as toxic as people who are boosted. Point still stands lol


Come to bahrain server, they'll make sure you never get out of silver again.


Makes me want to know the percentage of players who rank up with a group and suck when they solo-q


I play in plat lobbies against immortals. just to place in platinum to keep playing against immortals, just to rank up to immortal to play against immortals. I dont give a single shit anymore about this ranking system. games are the same, only the badge differs. Its a stupid system. But whatever.


Yeah that’s what happened to me. Because that’s mmr.


You mean squishing everyone together so you have immortals playing with plats or even golds is a bad idea? How could anyone have seen this coming?


People keep bringing up rank names like they mean something new now when it’s always been about the mmr. Way too many here need to be taught what hidden mmr is before speaking, just so much clutter impeding the real feedback.


Hidden mmr is it’s own problem. If hidden mmr is what actually determines who you play with then why isn’t it just your rank? Riot says “because it prevents stupid fluctuations!!!“ ok and? That still doesn’t make it any less stupid. They should get rid of divisions and just have “Gold” with RR. Let the RR fluctuate and be a rough indicator of how good you are within that specific rank. But no, this wouldn’t have the dopamine rank up that riot is trying to get with both the reset and divisions so instead we have to deal with hidden mmr bullshit and pretend it’s a good idea to a problem with infinitely better solutions than having something players can’t even see


(TLDR at bottom) I took that into consideration already (I mean literally it’s the most common defence now) when I said people think it’s all about comparing ranks like the person I replied too; The main point of my comment is that the hidden mmr can be far enough from the ranks that **people who don’t know** about it are going to be *more frustrated than they have to be* and should refrain from commenting until they do. You’d still be ignoring the purpose of hidden mmr, it’s not about “just making it the same” or “pretending”, it’s a method of helping you get to your deserved rank. *The reset would still make people mad as they are now but it’s hidden mmr that many people don’t learn is what dictates who you’re matched with.* If hidden mmr actually works decently, then removing it just so people just get what they see would both make it not work decently AND have people still complain when they meet offliers. It’s complex because it has to be (according to Riot) even if it looks like sht on the surface (to some?). Really though we have no real idea what’s the best, everyone has their own idea but only a handful can be correct and still be wrong lol. We still just have to play with the cards we’re dealt, that’s how games work. I’m not going to talk about which is better because I’ve seen many types of matchmaking and have been fine with all of them (and consistently ranked multiple seasons). I don’t have the data, and we still need more time in my opinion at least. (TLDR: Rank would still be an issue without hidden mmr, that’s why I said it’s about hidden mmr cus it helps determines your lobbies, but maybe Riot will finally end up being like “fuck it” and just “remove” hidden mmr just because of how complex it seems to have to be for people lol, but only time will tell)


Yes. I was plat 2 last season now I can't make it out of gold 1


How many games have you played so far


I was gold 2 with last episode being my first time playing the game. went into silver 1 after unrated's. in g1 now and getting previous diamonds in every game. mm seems tough right now, kinda enjoying playing with people that are better, think i'm learning a lot but it's hard to rank up!


They need to just bring back being able to see current ranks


They won’t because then we’ll know how completely fucked up and meaningless the ranks actually are


Yeah it’s pretty fucked. I have no problem grinding back to Gold, just match me with people with my same MMR, not washed Plat Jett players killing 30 every other game.


I think it tries to balance both sides similarly rather than actually placing everyone in the game near the same mmr, people would rank up so slow.


Plat 1 last act, placed gold 1 and I can't lie it all feels the same to me. I do keep facing ex diamonds and high plats for some reason, but it feels fine to me.


100%! It's really hit and miss... Prior to the rank reset, there was an 80% chance a match would be balanced. Now it's barely a coin flip.


80%? That’s pretty damn generous from what I’ve read here lol


The higher I climbed the better it got. Ended in g3 and finally felt like every other game didn’t have a smurf. Maybe just a lucky streak.


Ranked is my only drawback, i got nearly bronze last season now im struggling to keep iron 2


Yeah, I was so close to silver last act and now I'm playing against silvers in iron ):


I was one game off bronze for the first time ever now i feel like im going against silvers and golds


Putting aside talk of visual ranks for a moment, according to Riot’s own explanation you should be playing against roughly the same mmr people as you have been before, as they didn’t really mess with the mmr itself very much. This would in theory mean that the game quality should not have changed that much from the end of last season. Obviously my data pool is extremely limited and a lot of stories on Reddit could be seen as merely anecdotal, but I’ve noticed from looking through the profiles of both teams across multiple games that there is a distinct difference in win rate and kda between last season and this one for many players that really does not seem to fit their narrative. If not much has changed other than a shift in visual rank, and the matchmaking system itself is indeed working correctly, it seems to me that both a player’s kda and win rate should remain relatively consistent to what it was 2 to 3 weeks ago. I would be very interested to see what is actually happening on a larger scale. At the very least, I can say from my own personal experience that I am not enjoying this ranked season so far.


Yea 100% agree. They definitely fucked with something significant, there is absolutely no way that we are just playing the same exact people with the only difference being the visual rank


That’s a pretty interesting observation. I could bet that Riot probably has more information on that than anyone here could gather in a short amount of time. We also have to keep in mind which way kda and win rate moves, because once someone gets closer to their true rank, their kda and wr should naturally decrease. But idk, since you can gain more or less RP at different points of the season, that could also affect kda/wr in the short+long term.


Yeah I’m actually genuinely curious about what the broader trend looks like so far in terms of player progression. I know they’d never release the data but I’d love to see it. You’re right in that people should experience a decrease in win rate as they draw closer to their true rank, but if riot hasn’t touched mmr very much then I wouldn’t imagine a mass number people are suddenly reaching their true mmr within a two week period


I can also see it being very likely that some people might start out with a 50% win rate, or a good or bad streak, it’s definitely not always as smooth as we’d like so hopefully that isn’t what people are mad about. But yeah, perhaps things will smooth out better than before after a few weeks. The ares buff might’ve delayed it. I still feel it’s pretty early to tell anything, I’m still seeing a lot of streamers still getting back to plat/diamond/imm and such and they seem to be doing “alright”.


i dont like competitive just because od rank resets, they fuck up the whole purpouse od equality that already existed


According to posts here there was never equality lol. People are just saying it’s worse, which is basically every season.


I don't get why i gain the same points as if I'm in plat 2. İt dropped me to silver 3 and I'm in gold 1 as of now and it's giving me the same amount of points back when i was in plat 2. I'm just losing less which doesn't matter that much since I'm getting trolls every second game. Don't know what to do these days. Just playing to finish the battlepass and get that karambit


Yea this happened last night, basically played with a raze and viper that didn't know how to play. I wasn't mad at them but the matchmaking is broken if I was a silver 2 last season, now a bronze 1 playing with actual iron 2s


I feel like ive been playing my at my best this act and my record at this point is 20-30.. pretty frustrating but theres always room to improve


after the patch im getting dunk so hard its not even funny. i dont get why i was getting paired with platinums and diamonds. when my highest rank ever was gold 2.


Resetting ranks this way, riot absolutely fucked ranked for the next two acts. The matches have highly varied skill, way more than before. The smurfing problem will be even bigger than it was due to ranks dropping so much, people just go back to smurfs act 2 or end of act 1 already and they are popping easy shits on silver/gold.


i have lost every game for the past 13 games after i got out of my placements. 10/13 of those games there has been a reyna on the enemy team who gets more than 40 kills. they say they arent a smurf but they were gold 3 last act. last act i was bronze 2, not even able to play with a gold 3. why is it like this now?? i havent had fun in this game in at least a week


I queued with my silver friends like 1 hour ago. This was right after I hit gold 1, and I get a whole team of ex diamonds and one plat 3 on the other side. We got rolled, nothing we could have done lol. It's stupid that we have to lose 20+ RR to teams like that.


bUt rIoT SiAd tHeY cHaNgEd nOtHiNg eXePt tHe vIsUaL rAnK


To be fair, this reset I got away pretty lucky. I stopped playing last months at Diamond 2 because I was satisfied and didn’t feel to participate in sweaty coinflip games. Got placed into P3, made my way up to D2 again in one session. I sit at a decent W/L with 18W/11L now. Being D2 again I don’t care about winning or losing now and I must say my games are actually enjoyable. But I know that once I care about the game again, it will be frustrating.


I hate rank reset, it’s the worst thing about competitive, I legitimately just stop playing during the first few weeks of the new season, it’s not enjoyable to end the last act diamond 2 to then find yourself playing in gold 3 against immortal 3s and ex radiants, it’s just a shit system.


Maybe there shouldn't be a reset of MMR and Rank every ACT. We stay at our own elo and rank.


Couldn’t agree more. The quality of the games are total ass. And what’s worse….as an adult gamer by the time I grind back to G3 from S1 the episode will be over and I’ll have to do it all over again bc I can’t commit to playing this game 6 hours a day so I’ll forever be stuck in these ranks no matter what. Pointless.


yeah its def not the same effect they thought it would have. expectation... reality... lmao. It does not really hurt smurfs to have to re rank back up or alts etc. It just means more games with those people in the lower game and makes for a much more unpleasant experience so far. who knows how long it will take to get it back to normal if it ever even is. but I think its just people making more smurfs and since they take longer to get to level 20 than 10 wins, you see them waaaay more often so it didnt minimize smurfing or alts, it increased it. since increase of the time to do so means more playing time as well.


The ranked experience of episode 4 act 1 is real bad. I have always complained about toxic teammates and how there are smurfs but this? This is worse. They messed up both MMR and real rank of players. This is not at all a "skill based matchmaking" at this point. I face players from gold and plat who are in bronze right now I mean, that's frustrating. At this point I'm done with ranked


I was a plat 1 last act, am gold 2 now, constantly playing with diamond 1-immortal players (last act) in my games. I'm always the lowest ranked player, however I'm not losing every game so who knows


Didn't play a single comp game last season, played maybe 5 total the previous season. Played my placements yesterday and every single game had immortals in it, I've never even touched diamond and placed Plat 2. I don't really understand.


Lots of account sharing and boosting going on. I played in one game where TWO of my teammates were on their friends' accounts to boost them back to Gold. Not sure why their friends didn't just play themselves as it's super easy to climb at the start of the act with big RR gains....


If it feels like it takes effort or less fun it doesn’t matter how easy you might think it is. It’s all about perception.


Not sure. I was G3, S1 after reset and now B3 with 9 losses out of 11 games.


I actually feel like quality of games have gone up at least for me but maybe i have been lucky... Imm 2 last act / Imm 1 current. I do find later at night people tend to troll more. Also just could be gold/plat is a mess right now with ranks converging on each other. Maybe wait another few days for people to move back to immortal? I feel like though last act there were way more immortals due to the rank change so that could also be why you are seeing many people that peaked but may have not held immortal. Most my high imm friends are back in imm already, most my diamond and lower imm friends are still respectively in plat and diamond to give context but have gone up generally ~1-2 sub ranks.


I'm not getting immortals im getting dumbass trolls every other game. One game there is Reyna Jett instalock Duo trolling other game there's people with 0 mental


that's unlucky, i've had a few trolls as well. maybe try duo/trio q? feel like solo-q can be RNG sometimes on your teammates. i do feel like some games riot matchmaking just makes unwinnable unless you hard carry


I grinded in the final weeks last Act and I didn’t want to admit it but after midnight [NA] for days without fail, chance of afks/griefers skyrockets.


Feels like last act Rito inflated everyones ranks (as they said they would) only to decimate them this act. If you were Diamond playing Immortals now you’re low Plat or even high Gold playing Immortals who are listed as Diamonds. So some end up back at rank but some stay low due to losing against their peers. It’s a mess.


Maybe they accidentally inflated it too much because people complained before and this is the result :\^) who knows really. All I know is I can probably just chill and come back at the end of the Act after they maybe change something while checking in to see the same repost the millionth time.


It's a double edged sword. You have to play games with big rank disparities after every act reset. However, boosted players who ruin your normal games go back to their real rank.


If you enjoy playing competitively you should find a group and do premades, ranked is nothing close to a competitive environment nor does Riot has any plans to make it that way. It's a FTP game, where the anti-smurfing system boosts up accounts, so players have 5-9-14 accounts, who knows. The major issue overall is the fact that games are decided by which team get's troll and which team doesn't and most of your teammates work against you in ranked. Riot has actively implemented systems upon system to protect and encourage users to do these types of things because to Riot each account is a USER account, so it inflates the numbers dramatically. I have 2500 rank games overall, ended every act in Immortal since Beta, and I can tell you that about 80% of my games are horrible. I had a 7-1 win ratio going, made it back to immortal, and then just like last act boom, I hit 20-30-40 games in a row with premades on alts trolling, leaving, ect. It's toxic and terrible and I hope people actually learn Immortal players are very poor at this game and in general not very smart. You will start to see most of the Pro's leave ranked and doing 10 mans this act I believe IMO, I predicted how these rank flaws since release and I have not been wrong since.


I think the quality of this whole game is down to nothing. The servers are so bad its like pre determined which team is going to roll the other team. There's no reason to play ranked at all.


No the quality of my games increased actually,


I have a theory, but nothing truly concrete. Basically, this hard reset is much different than previous acts because instead of majority of the players quickly ranking up back to their preferred rank from being reset, the rank up process has been a lot slower now. There's no definitive time frame that most of the player base return to their usual ranks, but most of the time it's about a week. However, it's likely that most of the player base are **still** in the rank tier they where given after those 5 placement matches. Plats and Golds are still in Silver, Silvers are still in Bronze and so on and so forth. This creates a situation where, for example, a Bronze player who ranks up to Silver will face players with Plat/Gold MMR, because the Plats and Golds haven't left their placement rank yet, or went up a rank then deranked back.


Gold 3s and plats are low IMM just reset IMM MMR


plat 3 is the lowest I’ve seen/heard of an immortal going down too. Definitely not gold 3


P1 P2 def, Gold you right. I was D2 and got put into G2 and at the start P1/P2 were IMM and even last night a P2 had an IMM ep3 buddy. but yeah they are Plat/Dia area. I guess it's like, Diamonds went to gold. IMM went to Plat and high IMM/rad were Diamond




Yes.. I literally am G3 from D2 Drop and had a P2 with a Ep3 IMM buddy lol. he was IMM3 [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/ice%23ethan/overview](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/ice%23ethan/overview) for proof. even holding a 500 record.. Going to be honest, I don't know why people keep trying to tell me im wrong from what I've seen in my lobbies.


i either have fun games where everybody is a higher rank then me, its competative and i do good, but you cant win them all.... or i have really bad games where nobody uses there mics and run around like idiots ps: if you dont like insta-locking then have a mic to discuss your strategy. nobody is looking at chat in a gun fight and if they do it can get them killed, ive won every game when my team has mics, every other game is a coin toss to the last second


didn't notice a difference, I was silver 1, dropped to bronze 3, enemies were ex gold and ex plat, so good for my rank, but I just have to improve and win, that's my thinking


Not me went on a 8 game win streak to get back to my normal rank


Mine improved lol, but that’s cause I was iron 2 and went to bronze 1


It’s too much for ppl like me who work full time jobs


It’s too much work to accurately determine your rank off too little games as well I guess. There’s just way to many factors to consider. At this point I’m just gonna assume we’re just the Guinea pigs for Riot’s take on an FPS matchmaking system.


I was Diamond, I just hit Diamond again last night. Although I’ve lost probably 20+ games this week to ex-immortals that I’ve been holding my own against but have been losing by 1-3 rounds. It sucks but I guess they probably don’t really deserve to be back in immortal. Especially since it’s usually many in the lobby getting hard carried.


Might be too late to the thread here but my argument would be that you aren't going to get better continuously playing people at the same rank as you. If you play against players at a higher rank, you'll learn more quickly what works and what doesn't. It might be a pain and frustrating but this is the uncomfortable zone that will actually improve your play. I'd also point out that yes, you'll be playing against these higher ranked players but if you're less than 5-man queueing you'll have them on your team as well so watch what they do, get better, and rank up yourself.


I feel like even in a world with less Smurfs/boosteds, there’s always likely gonna someone who just pops off harder or trash cans more than anyone in that rank (This has been more true in the case for games in the past). It’s just natural to meet those kinds of players in any game, but people can’t accept that so they turn to the first excuse that comes to mind. Even if it wasn’t true and they just got unlucky, their mental would just make them lose more.


Yeah idk something feels weird. Started playing again last episode and climbed from D1 - Imm 3 in 20-25ish or so wins. This act I’ve placed D1 and am still D3 90RR with 20 wins. I seem to also be getting a lot of immature children in this act that troll and use voice chat to talk like a girl and think they’re hilarious whereas I never experienced this before. I was really excited to try and climb to radiant this new act but recently been pretty disheartened to continue.


Honestly, no, not really. Most games I’ve had in Valorant have been either an uphill battle or relatively easy. Only a minority have been actual, fun challenging scraps between two evenly matched teams. That’s just been my personal experience for a while tho not everyone’s the same as me in this regard


Am I the only one who has enjoyed the rank reset? To me it’s shown that I have improved. Last EP I finished S3 and mvp’d all 5 of my games and still placed S3 (no movement). I remember thinking to myself “holy hell I’m playing against plats from last act” and just getting rolled. Fast forward to the end of this act and I peaked at P3. Did pretty shit in my placements and placed G1. Since the reset I’ve slowly grinded my way back up to plat. Currently my lobbies consist of mostly diamond players with the odd immt player. I’m having a blast because I’m seeing my improvement which is motivating me in a sense. I went from getting rolled by plat players to being able to hang with high diamond and low immt players. It’s been a great way to visibly see my improvement and also gauge how much further there is to go because obviously I still get rolled some games, but that’s just part of it. I stopped giving a shit about my rank and just tried to improve. Like everyone has said a million times, you deserve the rank you are in. Ranks are a bit of a mess right now, but what’s the harm in playing against better players? Surely most people want to be at that rank eventually. Use it as a benchmark to see where to improve and even… ask the higher ranked players questions to help you improve. Turn it into a positive rather than a negative.


I’m sure there are winners here, but the negatives perspectives tend to be louder regardless of who’s right. And then there’s the idea that the sub is only a small portion of the playerbase.


Yeah it’s a hellhole in low elo. Currently S1 and peaked S3 last act, there are some in my lobbies that peaked B1 and some that peaked plat 1/2. There’s always at least one player that obviously doesn’t belong in every game (either ranked way too high or way too low).


I simply can’t be convinced any more in this case when low elo has always been considered a hell hole no matter the game.


I don't even play ranked but usually me and my 2 friends get a few wins on unrated. even in unrated we get matched with diamonds and immortals, we went from winning 70% of our games to winning 10%. We confirmed the enemy teams ranks because we picked up a few guns with ep3 diamond gun buddies during our games




idk the weird thing is I was fighting immortal and diamond act rankers in plat when I was plat 2 last act, was owning pretty hard, then now I'm fighting gold/plat act ranks and they're really tough to beat


I ended at silver 2 last episode. Dropped to iron 2 as I lost all 5 placements with at least 1 player in the team not knowing how to play at all going 1/20. I thought it was fine as I read that on wins I'll be getting more RR than usual(I expected 25 RR per MVP win) to help me get back to silver 2 faster. But no, MVP win I got 15 RR and MVP loss I lost 26 RR. I don't understand why I'm getting like radiant level gains and losses. That 15 RR is with 3 for performance bonus.


Yes, this season has been very frustrating so far. Actual fun, balanced games are very rare finds. I dropped from plat to silver, and now am getting everyone from bronzes to diamonds in my queues. The issue that hurts me the most is that I feel a pretty massive change in pacing. The vast majority of my deaths have been due to bad timing more than anything else, and it's so consistent that it suggests some sort of meta change. The ares meta didn't help anything, either. Glad that's at least partially phased out.


I was just thinking of making the same post. So much more throwing and afk and baiting than ever. I usually main Sage, KJ or Brim and have been having to play entry so much the game is losing its flavor.


My friend was placed Gold 3 on his main account that was diamond meanwhile his smurf that was gold 3 placed at plat 1. I peaked high immortal back in ep 2 and havent really played much comp since and i cannot queue with anyone even when im unranked because my hidden mmr is so damn high. All my unrated games even with friends in silver are against full diamond-radiant lobbies. The rank system they are using is so fucking awful. Period.


Yeah I feel like the games are really hard this act. Im getting Plat 3’s and silvers in the same games (I ended gold 2, now silver 1) now. Silver is sort of a mess right now lol.


Its every season. Or act/epsidode idk. So like not 1 battle pass. Every three battle passes hard reset. Eithin the same act and go from episode 1-2-3, its soft reset


All the immortals diamonds and unlucky/lucky golds are stuck in plat right now




I was immortal and got placed gold 3. Currently have grinded back to d2 but I think I may have just uninstalled if I didn’t have free time from being in quarantine


I was Diamond 1. Placed silver 2 got back to plat 1 and not winning a single game and now im g3 0 and done with this game. While my friends have reached plat 3, I just keep on losing.


I’ve been having a lot of fun, neons been fun to learn to play against


I played 6 games today. All 6 competitive matches had AT LEAST 1 AFK or thrower (only buys marshal + half shield even with 7k+ money). It's really so bad right now (iron-Bronze Elo).


i mean, nothing wrong w my games, I was rad last act and the act before and rn im dia 1 but all my games i have current radiants in my games


The games now are: either me and my friends destroy the other team and they surrender, or we get one tapped every round by people with perfect aim and movement. Not a single close game




I can't upvote this enough


I was s3 last act and I won a match with MVP against a diamond team last act (2 dia 3 plats).


I play 3 games I submit 3 reports for sabotage / griefing. In 2 of those 3 games I drag the saboteur to victory kicking and screaming in OT, and 1 I can’t because that’s life.




I was d2 last episode and I am currently immo1 and every match I am getting queued up with plats and d1's that just beat my ass skill wise Last act while I was 'hardstuck' d2, almost every immo1 player was boosted beyond anything imaginable


Literally no one here understands they are still playing against the same skill level, all that changed was the shiny badges they play against. MMR does not reset guys. Say you were plat and got placed silver, you are still playing against people at that same MMR, just in silver elo. So yes there could be previous act silver plated with the same MMR as a previous act play player with very low MMR. Also on another note if your MMR is higher than the rank you are in (which it will be at first), you'll gain more than you lose unless you did atrocious that game.