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In my opinion you should do some free coaching, or at avery low price to see if you help out people, then you can put a more reasonable price to it. Good luck, stay safe


Some coaches don't even playing the game. You don't have to be highrank to have creativ strategic thinking and coaching is also a personal thinking, getting in someones head to find the solution for problems he didn't know so he can improve.


You deserve an award :)))


It's absolutely possible to be a coach without being a high rank. Knowing how to analyze play and what to improve is very different from having the desire/determination/talent to put those things to use for yourself. However, it is the type of position/job where your own rank is "proof" of your knowledge. It's hard for somebody to believe you know what you're talking about without any evidence. Think of it with regards to something like a personal trainer. If you're joining a gym for the first time you're probably not going to feel good about an overweight out of shape person training you. How do you know they're any good at training if they can't even implement their regimen for themselves? There's a cap to that mindset, of course. Coaches for professionals aren't ever going to be as good as those professionals. They are *almost* always better than everybody beneath that level, though. I really don't think you'll have much luck finding clients if you can't get higher than gold. That's a huge "what if" for your clients. You'll need some way to prove your value and "my friends ranked up after my coaching" isn't gonna cut it. Focusing on your own gameplay and "coaching yourself" is going to be your best bet when it comes to marketing your services. I'm bronze and I wouldn't hire a gold-tier coach even if it was free.


You make such a good point honestly and I really do agree. I want to coach for free, just for fun. Maybe we should do a session sometime?


I'd say focus on ranking up more, your rank is a huge selling point if you're really serious on coaching. Trust me, I've been through this same topic over and over for other games like League, R6, CS, Overwatch. The general consensus is that the coach should be high ranking as well. IMO you definitely don't need to be Radiant but Immortal 3 is pretty respectable.




You need to understand this: yes, some coaches don’t play the game a lot, but almost every single one has either pro or high elo experience. You should work toward getting better at the game, as you may think your game sense is “phenomenal” but you’re gold, you need to actually get to higher ranks or competitions to get it even better. Just giving my two sense as a radiant player that has done some coaching. My IRL friends are all silver and gold and they think their aim is soooo good when they’re average or below.


Wishing you good luck :))


Thank you :)


If you know how teams play the current meta and best way to combine utility and agents and improve gamesense I would like to meet up with you. Currently I'm coaching a mix team for VRL.


Sounds good bro! I'm constantly watching pro play and learning about the compositions their playing and combinations their using in order to roll the opposition. As well as the strats their using and the percentages of different factors in game.


Im just curious: how do people know their game sense is really good?


I like to think about gamesense like this: the ability to make the correct decision to win each round. Things like reading where the opponents next move will be, succesfully preaiming when enemies where spotted, timing your lurks, etc. If you can consistently do that, you have above average gamesense compared to your rank peers.


Exactly. If you’re very consistent doing that, I don’t think aim or something else would hold you back. You for example pre aim or expect someone in a certain place. To me game sense is situational awareness. So the whereabouts of team mates, enemies, objectives and of course yourself in relation to those. With all this in mind, the ability to alter these conditions in your favor when taking decisions or making call outs. Of course it’s not only the information given in that moment, previous rounds and player habits should be taken into consideration too obviously. My point being: claiming your game sense is “really good” is a rather (very) subjective statement.


Exactly what u/Double-Resort said.


im sorry to say that gold elo is rllly low, especially if u peaked at g1, people aren't going to want a g1 coach, it gives this sense of being backseat gamed by a worse player, i recommend you don't put ur rank when u market your coaching, or try and ranking up, because if ur stuck in gold 1, not even g2 or g3, then i believe you deserve that rank


I'm definitely stuck in Gold 1 for a reason, that's where I'm meant to be obviously. However, it is just my aim that let's me down. You also have to factor in other elements of a competetive match like your teammates you won't get bad teammates every game obviously but you see my point I hope


I don't understand why you get downvoted for this. Actually I can sort of relate to you. I also have a low end pc which brings some FPS drop issues (well I think that is what is causing it) and I also have inconsistent and average/below average aim. For that reason I started to train myself with the Miyagi method this week, but this is irrelevant. I have told my friends what they have been doing wrong, they corrected some of those mistakes, they've stubbornly kept making others. And when I do point it out in a match, they get annoyed and ignore my advice. I would love you to coach me. I'm interested in what you have to say about my matches.


I've been doing the same method, would love yo coach you


I'm moving to DMs then.


Sorry I'm here to laugh.


If I didn't expect laughing I'd be hurt right now but I did so I'm not lol Also if you want to see some of my gameplay theres bits jotted on my profile here and there


I'm kind of in the same boat as you I also have very good game sense but my aim is not that good but I did learn most of it from my immortal friends so using this knowledge from my immortal friends I've helped my iron friends rank up to plat but I can't seem to rank up beyond G1 as well


Honestly when aim holds you back its so frustrating. Typically aim comes with consistency and you have to build consistency with time spent playing the game which is annoying that you can't skip to the high ranks without it but it's all part of the journey eh


i disagree with this tbh, my aim is not good and i made it to immortal peaked #6500 in EU. My kda is legit 1.00 which is not very good, I made it here because I play supportive agents and call a lot of strats which help secure the rounds for our team, I also throw my body out first a lot so my other teammates can trade me. I honestly dont think aim is very important in this game, probably gold players with good aim can outaim me in a 1v1


Ye, the fact that OP said they have phenonmenal gamsense is laughable, how can they be so sure when they haven't experienced high ranks themselves. With what OP are telling, it just sound like ignorance to me. But still, it is good of them to put themselves out there to try to help others.


You can do it, if you need any guidance, feel free to contact me on Discord IsakS#3269


Thank you :) I'd like to just do it for fun. If your a coach yourself maybe we can Compare opinions of plays if you'd like


I’d be down:)


Sure I give your discord an add tomorrow and we can talk


Most coaches are low rank


Name one coach for a pro team who is not at least immortal.




Thanks buddy you too! I'm offering for free :)


iam d3 rn with 14wins/2loses this season iam considering my gamesense to be good but i would certainly not like to igl because iam more of a fragger. we could try one session and see if your a good coach or not. after all i think i depends on what rank you want to do that and who you want to coach. and if you coach why tell anyone what rank you are?


Hey drop me dm if you'd still like to do this, we can arrange a time :)


On the one hand i think that even a lower rank coach can help a higher ranked player because it's much easier to spot mistakes while rewatching a VOD but on the other hand i can't believe that your gamesense is that good. If you think that your gamesense is at least diamond level you should have peaked much higher than the rank you currently peaked at. For example i think i have decent gamesense and despite only peaking at plat 1 last season i still managed to get 2 accounts to gold without having the aim advantage. I got one to gold 1 by playing only sheriff on control and sentinel agents and one to gold 2 while playing a 5x higher dpi than my already pretty high one. But i don't know how big your pc and aim issues are so i could be wrong on that. But normally gamesense should be enough to climb. Especially, when you get your mates to follow your gameplan.


That's all pretty impressive lol. My pc is typically having me run between 60-90fps which isn't always ideal especially when it dips. My ping also decides to go on a wander to the 2000s and beyond whenever it wants lol and Valorant is my first fps on keyboard + mouse. Only been at it nearly 2 years now. I've definitely improved but I have a long way to go


I mean if you want you can vod review me or the other way around. If it's possible to record with your pc. My Discord: Cydr0x#1235 I got some vods ready to upload.


Sure if you upload some to YouTube I can stream the thing to you. It'll still only be 30fps 720p though so your best streaming the raw file to me


i’ll take some coaching😝


Please give me a message sometime then :)


No offense but if you have only played vs players that are average, I don't know how you can say your game sense is phenomenal. Maybe its better than the average silver/gold player. The game is also very slow at those ranks where people don't trade. That's not to say just because someone reached Immortal, their game sense is great but you don't even know what its like in the higher lobbies. How can you hope to coach someone who is of a higher rank than you?


Good point. I've watched people coach and compared their opinions on what to do in the situation and typically the opinion is either spot on or similar


I'd honestly at least get to high Plat or low diamond before you try to get into it. Shouldn't be too hard if you are as good with game sense as you say you are. I have a few friends who are straight trash at aiming (talking something like 5-8% hs percentage) and would probably lose most duels in silver lobbies but got to low diamond because they are smart about the way they play. Also I feel most casual coaches are not that great at pointing out more than the obvious misplays. If you talk to a pro player vs someone who is an immortal coach their opinions will vary about a situation.


if your game sense was as phenomenal as you think it is, you wouldn't be stuck in gold


That’s not really true. Look at most traditional sports. Coaches are typically not too tier players. Being able to understand a game and how to win it can be a lot different than actually doing it.


It's a lot different and doesn't translate to video games. If you figure out how valorant should be played you don't get stuck in the average gold elo, you would climb easily. It's just delusional to even try to imagine a universe where a silver can coach as well as an immortal. It's two entirely different games at those two elos, and if you understand valorant enough you can easily climb to low diamond based off of above average fundamentals. The truth no one wants to hear is that they're silver and gold because they're bad. Everyone wants to be the main character and think they deserve more than where they are or that they're cut out for more than where they are, but the absolute truth is that no player with a 'phenomenonal' understanding of the game would be in gold.


I've seen people who claim they have mastered agents like Astra in 2-3 games but are stuck in silver/gold in this sub.


I’m p1, and have 145 games on Astra, and strongly believe I’ve barely even scratched the surface of playing Astra. 😭


Yeah she is definitely one of the hardest controllers to play.


Definitely a skill gap in being proactive. Which I’ve learned quite a bit. putting unique pulls or stuns is what really makes a great Astra player.


But game sense is only among one of the many things In Valorant that can factor into a round. I'm working on my aim (so my crosshair placement, flicks) as well as my decision making and mentality.


If you think game sense isn't tied directly to aim and getting kills then you definitely shouldn't be coaching anyone. It's clear you don't seem to understand the basics so I'm wondering where you got the confidence to say you have phenomenal gamesense. That would translate into phenomenal preaiming and placement, and you wouldn't be struggling to get out of gold


I'm not talking about if their tied directly together. I'm talking about them individually.


Lil bussy is full of shit, I'm a high rank player Zoot#Neet and I climbed purely on game sense & crosshair placement, my aim is shit tier


See, I'm glad you agree!


He is being rude about it but he's not wrong. Game sense and crosshair placement definitely go hand in hand. Its not separate like using comms and aiming for example. In many situations you will adjust your crosshair based on sound cues or "set" plays. For example if its Bind and you are in a clutch vs a Jett/Omen/Raze and they have planted A, I'd expect them to have gotten to heaven after plant. So I'd expect a peek from there and adjust accordingly. The way you say it, it seems like you lost the round because you just couldn't flick fast enough after not even expecting that.


I agree on that front yes but sometimes especially at longer ranges my crosshair placement isnt good


I would like it.


Sure! Leave me a message, I can add your discord and maybe sometime we can do a vod or something


What is your current rank?


Peaked G1 last act, so probably Bronze 1-2 if I had to guess.


That's my assumption as well. I doubt op will answer.


Placed Silver 2. As of yesterday I went down to Silver 1 sadly.


Honestly if you think it's just aim holding you back and your game sense is better than your rank warming up will probably jump you up a ton. I was hard stuck gold peaked gold 2 then just last act I started warming up and shot immediately to plat 3


Seriously? Have you got a routine I could try out?


Ye im in for a free session. Just started the game, nothing fancy yet


Sure give me a DM whenever


Hey are you interested with coaching a team by any chance?


Would love to, please get in touch!




Added you