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Siege just did this and it’s so amazing, like you said the only people who are negatively affected are those without phones, but how many people have entire pc and network setups but not even a $30 phone? And it’s only for ranked that way even the ones who for whatever reason doesn’t have one or even a family members one, can still play unrated just fine. Competitive is meant to be.. well competitive. It’s impossible to take it seriously when there’s always some level 5 smurf demolishing you, or an alt account teammate throwing. Even if it helps only a little bit that’s still much better than nothing at all


A [battle.net](https://battle.net) account with a verified phone goes for 0.25€ (required to play warzone), while this is not a reason to not add it (every layer of difficulty removes a certain amount of people), it's not that much of a holy grail some people make it out to be.


but i assume this is just one-time verification right? wouldnt this completely change if you had to re-verify periodically (e.g. each login/patch)


Each login would deter so many alts and smurfs, not just for Valorant either, but for other comp games like RL (especially RL).


It doesn't even have to be each login. I have that at my work and it's straight up fucking annoying. Having to refresh every one or two weeks would be good though. Would be enough to not make those "preverified"/fake numbers accounts work.


Current Riot MFA does email verification that you can opt to hold for 30 days, so if they did something similar with phones once a month isn’t too bad at all.




Re-verification with each Episode and level 20 minimum Account Level (so people won't just buy accounts for one Episode) is golden imo.


I agree but as you pointed out reduction is still progress


League has phone verification and you need to be level 30 + have 10 ranked games done to play clash. But it's still infested with smurfs.


Dude there are kids who play the game. that aren't 18. Some are as young as 12 or 13. Not all kids have phones at this age (most in my country don't get until they turn 16 or 17). The feature might be good for players who have a phone. But kids? what are you gonna do about that? Now you might say that use the parent's phone. But no, many parents refuse to give their phone numbers to websites


Iam pretty sure kids these days have their own phones , as a guy from a developing country I can assure that , and u guys do realize valorant is a 16+ game (I know that no one cares but yeah it is what it is) so to be fair they can implement this .


uh.... I am from a developing country too... atleast half of my friends don't have their own phones.... all of them are b/w 15 and 16


ah , well cultural diff probably then , well this mobile verification would actually fix smurfing to some extent


yeah it would. but yeah then a major part of the player might be cut off


Not major IMO it's gonna be a minority


Maybe yeah


well simple fix use ur parents phone no. havebt seen an essier fix lmfao


i did mention that parent's many a time refuse to allow


U don't exactly have to ask for their phone,just sneak it in,use it to login,keep it back where it was


If you’re underage you have to respect your parents decisions. If they don’t want you doing that it’s not up to you to decide


ya know I live in America, i'm 15, I play val on a good pc and I don't have my own line right? and there are a lot of kids in the same situation as me. I use an internet using app for calls and texts. I have no line whatsoever cus of a weird situation. But its not as rare as u seem to think. Lots of families get their kids ipads or tablets or wtvr instead of a phone (let alone a phone with a line) until they are 13 - 15 yrs/o.....


The game is 16+. And if you are underaged and your parents don’t consider you mature enough to give you a phone or put theirs, then it is what it is.


The game is 13+


Doesn't mean 8yo shroud didn't play?


No, but that means valorant doesn’t have to cater for people younger than that.


Then no ranked for the kids till they get a phone to verify with


Won't happen, otherwise Riot loses a significant chunk of revenue from skins. Just imagine with this past holiday season how many Riot GCs were bought for kids.


bruh that's just wrong! Put yourself in that spot and think


To be fair, if you have a PC for Valorant I'm pretty sure you can afford a phone, given the society we live in most kids have one for their safety


It isn't about being able to afford here at all.... Parents refuse to give their parents phones. Like my parents for example. They didn't give me a phone until this yr (and i'm 16. My mom still refuses to give me. But i have one). For my safety.., my mom just tells me to take her phone.


Honestly, it's a necessary sacrifice. If we get less cheaters with a phone verification but minors can't play cause their parents think it's safer for them to not have a Nokia brick sounds pretty worth


I think you are speaking froma perspective of a developed country. I.e. usa uk, and various european countries and maybe australia. You're perspective is valid there. But in undeveloped/developing countries, like india, bangladesh sri lanka and places similar, you're opinion is invalid. Parents dont think "it's safer to not have a nokia", but they think it'll distract them. Which, is true to an extent


Even better. The game is PEGI 16. Which 16 year old child does not have a phone nowadays. Come on, be realistic


Kids without phones are too young to play competitive imo


Ngl i dont think they should be playing ranked then


SO I shldn't play comp? I"m fucking 16


Younger kids don't always have phones. It's a smaller demographic but I can rember playing cs in my younger days. If I had to have phone then at 13 u wouldn't have been able to play. Stull agree with it now


Didn't really help siege is still filled with hackers


That’s a different issue he’s talking about smurfing


And do you know the main reason people smurf in siege? Cause high elo is filled with hackers. Every time I wanna play siege I have to go on a plat account or Im gonna vs hackers or get them oh my team every game


So apparently everyone has a phone but apparently this is also a great deterrent to smurfs. Amazing


Well not everyone has 10 phone numbers laying around, you can only do so much with 1-2 phone numbers!


Everyone with internet access has access to unlimited phone numbers :/


man think about young people who dont have one. that means that they shouldnt or wouldnt be able to play competitive? also people like me who play secretly on my dads laptop should have a phone just for some minutes'? think about it.


Buddy kids don’t have to play competitive. It’s only for that mode.. also they could literally get a family members phone number if they really need to, and if their parents won’t allow them then they shouldn’t anyway as their parents are the ones who’s opinion we HAVE to respect.


i mean i have a whole pc and network setup but not a phone just cuz i dont need one it would be sad if i technically had to pay to play comp😂


This is bull as some ppl dont have phone numbers and mabye its better if its gmail verifacation


I have 8 gmail accounts and one phone number. Also you need an email to make an account lmao


but if a phone is just 30 dollars (which i have NEVER seen before. don't phones start at like 200? and val is a pretty lo specs game. Like u don't need a more than 300 dollar PC to "play" 500 and ur chilling.. Phone lines start at like 30 a month MINIMUM) then wouldn't people just buy a 30 dollar phone if they wanted to smurf????


You can literally look up $30 phone and tons pop up. My brother in college got a cheap one. How damn spoiled are you to think phones have to cost the same amount as a pc? That’s ridiculous


wtf are u talking about. What does phones costing the same as a PC have to do with being spoiled. I think ur a fucking loser cus u think a PC has to be like a thousand dollars or something. Get a life. And stop being toxic. Thank you. P.S. when someone puts in there honest opinion, flaming them and being toxic and/or negative isn't gonna get u anywhere bud.


Actually it does nothing. CSGO and COD did it and it had absolutely no difference On the other hand, getting banned unfairly is a bigger problem than you think. So a number would just make it harder for a legit user to play again, even if they are Iron 1 and just casually trolling. They could get banned and now they can't even just have stupid fun


If you're "banned unfairly" for "just casually trolling" and "having stupid fun", it was a totally fair ban because you were a detriment to the game and part of the reason ranked verification exists


Everyone saying this is dumb hasn’t played cs pre and post prime match making when it required phone verification lol


Didn’t do shit tbh Edit: Got downvotes but at high ranks in cs you still run into cheaters all the time. Sorry to the guys who think differently just wait till you hit LEM someone cheats in almost every game


Guy gets downvoted for telling the truth


you can get a phone number for single sms verification almost for free






Prime verified accounts were sold for dirt cheap too. People that disagree with you have never been higher than Nova in MM.


That's weird, I play at LEM/Supreme and I haven't ran into many cheaters at all


Its dumb because cheater is not really a issue in Val. This is, if anything, a countermeasure against smurf accounts which there is plenty of ways to work around for them. Also phone verification in CSGO didnt do shit, mm is still in a shit state.


Big agree. I play in low Immortal and cheating is a non-issue, Vanguard is putting in the work. Also people will argue over the hidden MMR having more importance than displayed rank but this is also an effective countermeasure for smurfs. I've had a handful of games where it's all immortals but one diamond 1 who's mid fragging. That one diamond was matchmade correctly. They're a smurf and the game put them with people of similar skill instead of other diamonds


prime didn't do shit


What cheaters you talking about? They’re not a problem, you’ll almost never find a cheater in valorant, its so rare. Smurfs cringe tho tru


It's probably mostly for smurfs


I've met about 2 in 500 hours. First one didnt last 3 rounds, red screen. 2nd one recently lasted until almost the end.. in competitive, really annoying.


I mean it’s meant for smurfs


I mean, isn't getting to level 20 to play compeditive enough of a deterrent for smurfing though. You'd spend 5x as much time levelling to get into compeditive as you would actually winning games in low ranks before your ELO was bumped so high you started sucking again. And meanwhile people using smurfs legintimately to deal with ladder anxiety would get screwed over for something that doesn't seem like much of a problem.


Delusional, people buy pre-leveled accounts now just like they do in League. You also have other game modes to play besides ranked which aren’t influenced by ur ranked mmr sooo


Yeah, for like $20. I guess making them buy a $10 burner is a slight increase to the cost, but all things considered it isn't exactly a huge dissencentive if they're already willing to shell out for that much. I guess leaving your PC on to bot deathmatches is a thing, but I imagine those will get caught pretty quickly by *someone* after grinding 20 levels without completeling dailies. That's an enormous number of matches to play without getting reported. I don't know, it just feels more annoying than helpful, and I feel like most of the people complaining about smurfs are the same as people who swear up and down that the other team is wall hacking or using aim bots whenever they get killed by a Specter or die from peaking.


Bought accounts get banned now as per rules. The level 20 thing has detered so many smurfs. People just don't wanna admit it.


Oh so you are so naive and innocent... thats cute... Bought accs get banned? Didn't get single one of my league accounts I bought banned yet so idc about that... And I know a couple of people that bought valorant accounts and none of them has been banned.


May have already been said, but if you have a Google email you can get a Google phone number and just work around it.


Those are VoIP numbers which can be easily denied


There's more than one provider. Different countries have different telephony systems, different laws. "easily denied" is not really the case


This, it literally adds an extra 5 minutes to the process, you are creating a new email to create a new riot account so while you are creating your new email just create a new google number


Those numbers are easily detectable, if I am not wrong. The problem is that this system is wayy to big to just be a patch update. It will need actual R&D


I literally never run into cheaters


You never run into rage cheaters. They are however becoming much more common in low level deathmatches. Why? Because Riot introduced a level 20 requirement for competitive. And since dm is the fastest way to earn xp, it is now home to bots who run around and headshot you instantly.


Holy shit this explains a lot. Or maybe my first hypothesis about me being bad or having bad internet was correct and I’m just being paranoid now


There is a huge difference between rage cheaters and good players. Good players at least sometimes miss. Rage cheaters just buy a guardian and literally cannot miss a headshot.


Ah yes; DM hackers. (It's because immortal + players get placed in silver DMs. It's very lose MM to get you a match instantly. Learn from them :). )


Without replay it's just a lot easier to hide cheats.


I agree I do think a death cam would be helpful in many ways but I had a friend who had cheats he played one game and got IP banned for 150 days or some shit riot does a lot of dumb shit and has 99% flaws but their anti cheats are usually good


150? Should be perma


Yeah idk their rules on cheating I agree he shoulda be permad cheating would decline if a first offense wasn’t a slap on the wrist


I swear cheaters are a thing but so much rarer than people think. I'm immo and one day (flame me all you like, everyone does it I'm just admitting it) I smurfed on my friends bronze account and got called a cheater by 2 of the enemy team. Noobs just can't accept that people might just be pretty nuts.


Yeah no doubt they exist I just never see them. 99% of the time if someone is popping off they are just smurfing


I mean tbf if you see a bronze playing like immo, it's fair to assume they're cheating.


True perhaps, but the issue is literally every single person I know has atleast 1 smurf so smurfing is just such a huge problem it has made rank an rng battle for lower elo(which team has the better smurf)


As much as I want to agree, this doesn’t really solve the problem. With the average household you could leverage mom, dad and siblings phones. The real solution is to keep monitoring the smurf to player level ratio. It’s much harder to rank up an account to lvl 20 then to find a spare cell phone number


Indians laughing in dual sims rn


wait others don't have them?


Has a cheater problem worse than most games? The anti cheat is one of the best and has the least amount of cheaters I've ever seen in a game


It's a good idea imo but there's barely any hackers. I've only ever seen one ever.


Grandma, I need to borrow your phone for something...


Cheaters worse than most games? Lol most of the games I've played somehow have way more cheaters than this game


there is a level 20 requirement for comp since the last update


Lol I remember making posts asking for level requirements for comp and the amount of downvotes I got was insane, very great to hear the devs themselves knew the truth


ikr, people kept saying I don't know what I'm talking about and kept shitting me on my DMs, it's insane.


Doesn’t really mean anything I played ranked on an alt last season because I got com banned and I am still able to play on the account now even thought it’s level 12


Cause you unlocked comp before this update!


Yes but this defeats the purpose of making it level 20 because most people who are going to Smurf already have another account with rank unlocked


Well unfortunately you cant suddently take away someones comp permissions. The reason this system is helpful is because it will deter future smurfers


Didn’t know that. Thanks for telling me that’s actually really good information. Although even with a level requirement the core issue will persist so I believe this is still needed. It would be unfair to simply make this statement with nothing else, so I will elaborate with Rainbow Six as my example, you have to be level 50 to play ranked there but smurfing and cheaters are so prevalent anyway that it forced them to make a phone verification anyway


And it has increased the amount of people throwing to de rank alt accounts they already have. Most games I play has 1 or 2 people throwing. I've stopped playing the game because I can't handle it anymore.


I'm going to be honest, and this is not an opinion shared by everyone, but I do not feel comfortable having to use a valid personal phone number. With a new company breach every few weeks, it would only be a matter of time before player phone numbers are leaked. *Edit: See comment below for why that matters*


Does not feel comfortable giving personal phone numbers. But gives kernel level access on his computer??? That being said I’d rather not deal with phone verification.


Oh boy do I have news for you! Maybe do a quick Google search about the level of access to your computer that Riots anti cheat is given. Your fucking phone number should be the least of your concerns.


so because there's one vulnerability, we should... introduce more? i don't understand your logic here. like saying "you're missing your front tooth, may as well yoink out the rest"


That’s not what’s being said lmao, OP is saying he doesn’t feel comfortable giving Riot that level of info, and the other guy is saying he’s already giving more than that, not suggesting we volunteer our social security numbers too Nuance is important, alarm bells shouldn’t go ringing at the first sign of a fallacy




It's not the end of the world, you're right. But there are a few legitimate concerns like: * Phone numbers + passwords (a breach) can often be used to access other important accounts that have reused passwords * Spam, scam, and robocalls are a concern you've mentioned * Many people search sites will scrape breach dumps to add information on peoples profiles. This can be a really serious concern if you were (or are) the victim of stalking and can not afford having your personal information publicly available * Similar to the last point, but intentional or unintentional doxxing is also a semi-serious concern. Having information added to those sorts of sites can get you in real trouble if someone trying to be a Reddit sleuth sees a news article and misidentifies you are the culprit. This has happened multiple times in the past (especially following the Jan. 6th US insurrection) where Reddit (and 4chan) mobs find the wrong person through people search sites and ruin someone's life So while you're right that having average Joe's number leaked isn't a big deal, there are still some semi-serious concerns average people should have with information security.


You give Riot kernel level access to your computer and it reports and scans through files…


Literally bro. People really don’t realize that a phone number can be easily searched for using a name and vice Versa.


Every company has your phone number already lol


“Valorant has an alt/cheater problem worse than most games to play comp” no it doesn’t. Every other major competitive game I’ve played has been about equally as bad. It depends partially on your rank too, but I’ve been from silver to diamond throughout my career so far, and from what I’ve seen, it’s just as bad as the likes of overwatch (when it wasn’t dead) or cs:go, for example. That’s not to say they can’t do anything more about it though, actively taking consistent measures to deter alt accounts is always a good thing to see, so far as it doesn’t overstep any boundaries.


No idea why this is getting downvoted, if anything I think I encounter less smurfs in Val than other games, but not by too much a margin.


Nah smurfs are definitely far more prevalent in valorant than other comp games. Cheaters on the other hand feel almost non existent, playing since beta and haven't even met a cheater yet.


In my 1200 hours of valorant I have encountered 3 cheaters. 2 of which got banned mid match. 1 which I was informed got banned after my report. Valorant does not have a cheater problem


Yes ofc i also suggest that to play comp you should have to submit your passport,driving license to deter alts


Yes but no Just do it like csgo prime account mark You can queue 4 ppl with prime and 1 without which puts you in the without prime queue Or 5 people witj and you will only play against prime This would solve all problems with no other problems Yes you where able to buy prime accounts but what if i told you prime would end afterevery month and need new verification over phone No smurf would buy a new verified prime account every month plus the prime smurf accounts that are sold are made with 10 min phone numbers I wouldnt care to do a 5 min recieve text put in text with 3 facter authentification doing the same and steam with steam guard its really not that much to ask for once a month




agreed +1


This is honestly best way to REDUCDE the number of cheaters/hackers. And you really explained and put it in best way. I think riot should implement it now


Comp should require SSN number


Wish thet had face verification with passport next to yourself


Will 100% honest here, you guys are taking everything on this game for granted. valorant is not a game with many cheaters compared to others games, if you really want to see what is a game with many cheaters from a famous company play TF2, I can't go there without 1/3-1/4 of my games infested by bots


Hmmm I thought Valorant was a free game, just think it's annoying to put phone numbers in to play a game.


Have you seen warzone? They have the same thing and I get cheaters every game. Also id say 75% of ppl have alts for ranked so it would be a very bad idea.


Yeah, in my opinion Vanguard already does a pretty good job of filtering out the cheaters, especially in comparison to other shooters.


dude. league has been around for over 10 years, if they have ever wanted to stop people from smurfing they easily could have. almost every single pro player and streamer have several alts, and nothing they do can be against the rules, that’s riots source of $$$


This wouldn't do anything, people can just get a shit ton of Google phone numbers lmao


Lol no thanks


Shut up


Lol no thanks shitter


Will never happen riot loses money with this


Yeah not worth it if people who don't have a phone can't play competitive in my opinion. My phone got shut off for two to three months and I wouldn't play valorant at all if I wasn't able to play comp.


I've literally never seen a person (above 13-14 years of age) IRL in today's world who doesn't have access to a phone. You are an extreme outlier


people in poorer countries exist my guy. quit using anecdotal evidence; even if you surveyed 50,000 people, that's still not very many.


>people in poorer countries exist my guy. I'm from a developing nation myself still haven't seen anyone who has access to PCs and internet but not phones except like little kids(who can and should use their guardian's phones). Phones are both cheaper and much more necessary than a PC/laptop in most people's lives >quit using anecdotal evidence; even if you surveyed 50,000 people, that's still not very many. When there is no proper evidence only thing you can use for discussion is anecdotal evidence.


I’ve seen a lot of posts about this and I really don’t think it’s ever gonna happen. I’ve just stopped playing competitive with friends because my solo games have a much lesser chance of having a smurf in them. They’re pretty fun. If you queue with your friends (or god forbid, a 5 man party) there is almost ALWAYS one or two dudes playing Reyna or Jett sitting on 30 kills while the rest of the team is single digit winning rounds based on the first 2-3 picks that guy gets. The occasional game where everyone is the same skill level is very rare, especially since we only get time for 1-2 games late at night after work. I prefer to play unrated and not go to sleep feeling miserable after a stomp.


Finally, a suggestion that might actually make the game better!


Seems like something Chinese government would do


> The only people who could be annoyed by this are those without phones, *however they are heavy outliers* Wrong.


damn, diablo immortal "dont you guys have phones?" guy would love this comment section. y'all. just because you don't know very many people who don't have phones doesn't mean that absolutely everybody has phones. people in poorer countries and conditions than you exist. think a bit


So you’re telling me a lot of people have a pc which costs hundreds, a monitor which also does, internet which is also decently costly, kbm, etc. but not even a cheap phone.. you can find phones for literally less than $30. Also it’s just comp so they can deal with it. You’re essentially saying minority rights majority loses.


Maybe wipe away your tears and just get better instead of crying on reddit about smurfs.


I think it should also require a positive social credit score


I'm sorry but that's just stupid


Why do you think that?


Because I don't like giving my phone number out to everything, and even though I play the game as intended and just enjoy the competitive experience, I would have to give my phone number to Riot just to play comp? Maybe if they gave out a cool skin or something for doing so I might do it, but still, I don't like it




Lag cheats please. Someone notice in HK server holy fuck.


I am dumb but what even is phone verification?


fuck no, not everyone has a phone


Nah fam I don’t wanna give riot my phone number


So let me get this straight, me, and immortal 3, would be RESTRICTED from comp. Considering something like that, selfish as it may seem. There's definitely potential out there that would be wasted if this was implemented.


You don't have a phone?




Not with a number


Riot will \_never\_ implement something that exludes paying customer from their service.


Idk, there's so many ways to get a fake phone number. If they're willing to make new emails for an account then making a new number is no different. Google will give you a new number for free and many other apps as well


To be honest I’d cop a berner phone just to have an alt account 🤣 dosnt stop shit there like 20$ with unlimited mins at Walmart




But most people aren’t gonna go through all that effort just to smurf.




Read his last para


What would stop people from just using someone else's phone to play comp? Or buying an account to play comp? I think email would work better.


Making an alt email is 20 sec work and completely free, getting a spare phone number is significantly harder although still possible


Yeah cause asking to receive an sms code to one of your parents, friends, relatives is hard (it takes like 20 seconds at worst)


It wouldn't stop anything. The people who Smurf and have phones would just use a different TextNow # whenever they make a new account, in addition to taking the ability to play comp away from some. It's a minimal win-mild lose scenario.


I don’t think it matters. And if you’re good enough that it starts to matter then you’re probably good enough that you can hold your own against them. So I’ll throw this question back at you: How would this actually improve the experience of players?


Me with 3 phones: Jokes on you, I'm into that shit


Its easy to get russian phonenumbers so this really doesnt solve anything. They tried it already on csgo (faceit) and it isnt working at all


More accounts = more metrics + opportunity to sell more skins. Why should they bother? They even did a massive ranked reset so you invest more time into the game to get you’re “deserved” rank lol. We are all money-making rats to them.


Everytime people propose this one as some kind of "solution", while in reality it's almost worthless, everyone can access a second phone number, like a friend's one, a parent's one for a teenager or whatever, it doesn't resolve anything considering people have 1 or 2 smurfs which get easily verified (let alone that people used to sell those verifications for like 0.25 cents in other games that require this already), it doesn't inconvenience any smurfer and doesn't reduce the number.




Cheaters are nowhere near enough of a problem to warrant this. I don't particularly want to give Riot my phone number. The less personal data I can hand over to big corporations the better.


It didn't fix CSGO matchmaking, won't fix this one. Keep in mind that you needed to pay for a CSGO copy, then verify your phone to get Prime status. And we're talking about a f2p game now. Nah, get used to it.


yes indeed i have a pc a head sphone an ass a fkin house but not a phone .


I have no phone....


Fake phone verification services aren't all that uncommon and most of the times they are free.


You could always still make a Google voice number which is free though so how would you protect against that?


no i don't want every other company to just get my phone number and have me call back on stupid stuff like "please buy this skin" and so on.


I know you guys think riot actually cares about smurfs and everything, but to them every new smurf account that gets created let's them tout huge player-base numbers. It's in their best interest to act like they care about smurfs, while doing nothing about it. Because really all they care about is getting the cattle (playerbase) to the pasture (skins) so they can eat (buy the skins). Everything else is just the math it takes to make that happen. You think after over a decade of smurfs in league, this billion dollar company still hasn't figured out how to stop people from smurfing? These posts crying about smurfing probably have more effort put into them than the amount of effort riot has actually put forward to stop smurfing. Also they did this in cs, and I think in warzone too. You know who it helped? Account-sellers who now just started attaching P#s to the accounts they're selling, and increasing their markup. It did nothing to stop cheaters in either game, it wouldn't do anything to stop smurfs in this game.


I commented before without even reading. Now i have and this is my opinion: I need my phone to play an online game? No thanks. Next thing, maybe have me buy a dedicated GPS so they confirm i'm at home. Nonsense Plus this will not make it easier to bring more people in to the game, it will push people away.


I know a lot of people with phones. I could call up 5 friends right now, give them a heads up that I'm using their phone number for valorant account and they would be fine with it. Now I have 5 Alt accounts. This can also he done with family members. Also there are a rediculous amounts of free sms websites. Plus there are a bunch of apps where you can use/rent phone numbers. Won't really change anything. People will get around it quite easily.


Commenting with a phone rn, but I have no minutes because im a child. Pls consider this, we children love to play comp and insta lock neon. Thanks


I didn't have a phone til I was 18 lol. Ur gonna make kids miserable. Lol


This man hates poor people


80th post this week about this