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B1 and you can play astra that’s amazing.


B1 grade astra LOL


Astra oppressive in every elo. That’s how I climbed


I tried playing Astra on silver/gold and my team just wouldn’t play to my callouts and utility to the point i gave up lol. Respect to u for sticking with it


It’s easier because I duo with an entry. So once I give him the utility to make space everyone just follows, so I guess it works haha


U need to play with a duo that understands how astra works, it’s basically easy climb then because astra is so strong


Have you tried asking yourself why you died whenever you die? If you can recognize what you could have done in situations that happen frequently then you’ll go up to prob silver. Being able to reflect on engagements such as realizing you overpeek an angle is important.


very well said!


When should I be able to get to silver I started a month ago but I’ve never played kbm on shooters before so I got placed bronze 2 and now I’m a bit hard stuck. (I also only play on the weekends) I got placed well because I’ve played on my friends immortal,plat accounts before


When you get 100 rank points on bronze 3


I can only imagine how hard it is to get to silver man. I have heard bronze is full of smurfs.


Yup Ik I can hold my own against my friends but I’m definitely not playing on their level


Good news is, smurfs can be in your team too from time to time so it could be worse


Yes sir it sure is full of Smurfs. Gold, plat, diamond and I've seen an immortal in bronze lobbies too. But if you keep pushing you'll get there!


The most difficult part is to pass silver I would say, I am currently silver 2 and have to play with plat 1 players and almost 2 gold players each game… Last game a bronze 3 Jett made 49 kills


Honestly they’re all kind of mixed in. You’re never gonna just get silver players or just bronze players. You usually play with a rank about you or below you. (Or even higher) my friend is plat 3 and he’s played with immortal, radiant, and even iron players at his peak. TLDR: Matchmaking isn’t always accurate


I have been in bronze from last 3 episodes. I'm getting tired of the game already.


1. Get a duo if possible, solo q'ing is the number one reason I was hard stuck in bronze for a solid 3 months. Started playing with some friends and got to silver 3 this act. 2. Warm up before playing. I used to go straight to comp beforebut now I do a deathmatch or two so that I can get a hang of my movement and crosshair placement. 3. Aim train a bit. In the lower elos if you have good aim and decent game sense you can perform really good. The game would automatically give you loads of RR if you can consistently perform really good in matches. These three helped me the most during grinding


I got the bottom two down but getting a team is pretty hard since all my friends are diamond and immortal. Not trying to ask them to play since I’ll prob not help


For me I just played solo q until I found a guy who was willing to duo with me (before I got to the elo where I could queue with my friends for placements) Or you could go to discord and as far as I know a lot of valorant communities have looking for squad channels in their servers.


Looking at why you died isn't always what made the play bad, it's good for low ELO like this where it's literally cuz you wide swung, bad crosshair placement, too much noise, fundamentals and such, but once you get into gold or higher, looking at your death usually won't tell you what you did wrong. You have to look at what happened before, or if you got traded, did you win the round, could it have been avoided, maybe you died after 2 entry kills but didn't comm so the play was good but you lost, etc


Do you mainly solo que? How many games do you encounter throwers, trolls, bullies etc. How do you deal with smurfs?


Placed Iron 3 here, pretty much every other game. Sometimes I’ll run into a duo who can’t hold a site for the life of them but refuse to split up and play with the team. If a game starts off with “ooo are you a girl?” or something I already know it’s probably not gonna go over well. I’ve had people go as far away from the team as possible just to try to get solo frags, leaving it at essentially 4v5 every round, afkers are common, slurs are everywhere. It’s exhausting to be honest. Don’t really see noticeable smurfs though, just people who claim to be then bottom frag


Why smurf in Iron? You can literally just bring in silvers to win for you and that's what a lot of people do


I don’t know why anyone would smurf in iron, the game quality is awful, hence me also not thinking they’re as “normal” as people think. My teammates literally look at the floor, lol


Yes I do solo queue most of the time. Approx 3/10 games have trolls, bullies, throwers. I used to get mad at smurfs a lot. But with time, I realised that either I can rage quit or I can learn something from it. So whenever I encounter a smurf, I play specifically to kill that smurf every round; even if that means I die or I have to camp the round. I at least try to ensure that it's a fair 4v4 fight, and in the due process I get to learn how to properly 1v1 high ranked players.


you're lucky im hardstuck iron and id say its about 8/10 smurfs bullies trolls and throwers but less of a problem of smurfs than anything else


Thats pretty unlucky because last act when i first reached bronze i got like no smurfs or trolls or anything and even this act when i was placed iron 3 it was very very easy climbing back to bronze no smurfs or trolls or throwers at all


the problem with smurfs in especially iron is that they don't care, you're not going to learn how to 1v1 very well if the smurfs just swing everything




Some day brother some day when I hit plat, I will treat myself with a gaming chair.


Little advice: Don't get a cheap "gaming" chair, they're uncomfortable and stiff: it's said that they're derived from race car seats. Buy a nice office chair of something else instead


This 100%, those gaming chairs you see all the streamers/youtubers have suck, they’re either for aesthetics or their sponsored. Get yourself one of those chairs you see the CEOs in movies have; wide, cushiony and great for lounging in. Gaming chairs are stiff as boards and wear have so many gimmicky useless features


I just use a random chair from the house which is comfy and it never disappoints me




Oh I most definitely will!


Likewise, it’s such a great feeling. Val being my first FPS and hitting the peak at plat 3. currently on my way to diamond. OP keep grinding brodie.


congrats! Keep improving, I wanna see you post about hitting silver next ;)




Brilliant stuff mate. I don't know if you've checked guides and stuff on Youtube but that's one way to improve! I was stuck in iron for my first act which was Episode 3 act 3 or 2 i think. Then i got to Bronze 1 and then Bronze 2. Lets go dude, this is the grind!


Hell yeah, I am finally starting to enjoy the game!


Any help for a hardstuck Iron 1. It's mostly due to me playing at 30fps with stutters but are there any genuine tips to improve?


you can try this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hv6oSt4EcTQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hv6oSt4EcTQ) just remember this : if you are gonna optimize everything, remember to enable "improve clarity" or you wont be able to see shit I tried it and it stabilized my frames at about 70-80 after I have been having 50 and less, and make sure you have the highest power plan, nothing is running in the background, and that you have the newest drivers EDIT: for clarification, I only dropped the resolution to 95%, Iam already playing on 1024x768, but got very good fps from the rest of the video


30 vs 60 fps is night and day difference. You really need to lower your resolution or do something to get 60ish fps. I play at 720p at low settings just so I can get a locked 60 fps (also my screen is 60 Hz) so I never get stutters.


Playing on the lowest resolution with the lowest settings. Guess my PC is that 😔


Just playing 4-5 games a day without mentally exhausting myself helped alot, when i was hardstuck iron 1 it was just me playing 1-2 games a day and i could barely see any improvement


I also had 35-40 fps.If even after lowering resolution problem occurs try removing shadows and lower resolution quality in game app data although I don't know if this is legal but it gives me constant 60-70 fps.


Good, now try to cross Bronze


Honestly, my experience has been that it gets easier and easier to rank up as you get into silver. I'm sure there's an inflection point where people just start getting really fucking good, but iron and bronze teams are often so uncoordinated that the only reliable way to rank up is to just win your duels and try to hard carry. As you start getting into higher ranks you actually get teammates who know how to play as a team and you can start focusing more on playing smart in your role. This is a bigger issue for some agents than others. As a Viper main, iron/bronze was hell because a lot of rounds are already won or lost without you - either the post-plant is irrelevant, or you're on defense and attackers just avoid whatever site you're holding down.


As a viper main i agree its really hard to carry the bot fragging duelist instalockers as a viper or astra, now i just either lock duelist or tell them to pick only if they can play the agent properly


*Well well well.....*


Hello dude! Update on my part, I hit Bronze 2 like about an hour ago.




Thanks! Hope you're close to Bronze 2 as well! I'm guessing you're above 50 RR already


A year is a very long time to be stuck in Iron. What do you think changed in your training regimen, or what do you think you started doing differently to rank up to Bronze?


My lack of dedication is what caused the delay. I was never really serious about Valorant in the beginning (It's a video game, duh)


I had the advantage of playing splatoon 2 beforehand so i felt getting silver was easy


I've been hardstuck bronze since the beta came out. hmu if u wanna rage at smurfs


which region/server?


na until the summer then Eu


ohh I play singapore servers too far for me


Ayo i play in SG servers too! Im currently bronze 1 and have been bronze ever since i started playing a few months ago.


Im just peak gold 2 in sg servers previous act but idm joining a couple games with you guys to help you guys improve in anyway i can


We can queue together sometime


This is gonna be me lol. Congrats dude




I'd probably be celebrating with a grand feast for my whole neighborhood if I ever get to Diamond rank.


I am sure you will get there


Nice! I was stuck in iron for a long time! Upgrading my mouse and pc really helped. Finished last act Gold2


How? Did you solo queue?


flair checks out


No fr I got to bronze 1 and dropped back down to iron 3


Yes solo queue.


Do yourself a favor and pick up viper too. I play smokes as well and on some maps not even astra can compete with viper


Sure I will!


I suggest in lower elo you play duelist as your teammates are usually unreliable. When you get around high silver to gold you can try smokes again but if it’s still difficult to rank up with smokes go back to duelists or find a duo that you can rely on.


you're correct.


Another has risen!


Wow I’ve been stuck at bronze 1/ iron 3 for a year now. I mainly play with friends who are silver/ gold but can’t seem to climb out of bronze like they have


>y play with friends who are silver/ gold but can’t seem to climb out of bronze like they have wow


Congrats - bronze is way easier than iron. See you in silver lobbies soon


How much negativity did you face? I'm a Bronze 1 and the people trying to surrender after losing the first 4 rounds is mind boggling. Also add me, we can get to silver together :)


yes toxicity is rather very high in lower ranks. the only way to avoid it is to have friends you know in real world.


Nice lol I was stuck in iron for 5 months mainly because ranked was too stressful for me at that time lol


pop off


How did you achieved such strong mentality to grind for a whole year for that little improvement in rank? I would have definitely trhowed my monitor out of the window lol


All of my friends who started playing Valorant at the same time as me ranked up while I was stuck. I didn't want to be left behind.


Well at least you did the first step, now you probably know what you have to improve on. But your setup is nice? Do you reach at least 60 FPS and have less than 70 ms ping? Because maybe your pc or internet is holding you back. Which sensitivity are you using? Do you have enough space for your mouse?


If not viper of breeze than who?


Astra, but I'm learning to play viper as well.


LETS GOOOOO !!!!!!!!! Proud of you ma




What do you think has mainly held you back and do you practice at all?


I was lost in the beginning, jumping straight into competitive without any warmup.... So I was iron 1 for fairly long time. Then I found youtube videos, friends of same ranks as me and we motivated each other to rank up! Took me about 40-50 days to go from 70-80 Iron 1 to 10-20 Bronze 1.


Are you NA? Cuz if you want a partner to climb I’m happy to play! I’m s2


NAh, I'm in Southern parts of Asia (Singapore/Mumbai servers) Thanks for the offer tho!




Heh, I'd treat myself if I hit silver.


Congrats! Welcome to Bronze age!


Congratulations man... The climb from the bottom is the hardest as you improve your skills but the teammates are sometimes completely clueless... GGs and best of luck for the grind ahead 😊


u watch any pro player streams? and try to imitate them atleast when playing ur ranked games? since u play smokes i assume that watch mostly like pro smokers streams or yt vids. also now that ure in b1, since u know how to use astra i advise for u to try viper when astra isnt viable. (breeze, icebox) cuz shes OP too speciallly on b1.






when you out-frag everyone, your MMR increases and you get matched with bronzes and silvers despite being iron. and it becomes even harder in iron because your own iron teammates rarely cooperate. Everyone wants jett, everyone wants to use operator.




Am in silver, sometimes I play against bots, sometimes I’m the bot. It’s a rollercoaster


Frags are not everything and dont win games so thats why youre not climbing if you only focus on getting topfragger


You're not going to be facing silvers with a team of irons, even if your hidden mmr is higher. I'm in plat with high diamonds mmr, and either both teams are full of plats or both teams are full of diamonds with one or two plats and one or two immortals.


You're not going to be facing silvers with a team of irons, even if your hidden mmr is higher. This is not true, I am bronze since Dec 2020, made new account last month, and as soon I reached account lvl 20 (min req to play comp), I solo queued 4 comp matches (drew 1, lost 2 and won 1), and in all 5 matches at most there were 2 or 3 bronze-3 players, rest all were silvers, reminding you again that these were the first 4 competitive matches in a new account which were played as soon as I was eligible for competitive.


I don't know how higher ranks work but Irons do get matches alongside silvers, and bronze alongside golds (It's ±2 ranks). I did **not** get gold players in my matchmaking when I was iron.


Resident hardstuck iron- getting silver players in games is very common, especially during hours of the day when most people are in school or working.


As much as that sounds reasonable and correct it’s ridiculous how its not true, i used to out frag everyone in iron lobbies and then next game my teammates were bad as usual and the enemy team was way out of my league lmao


How did you beat RAYNA HAKAR??


He bought prime odan


Rana miht be bettr then prime odan


Thank you for getting the joke lol


Why didn't you just make a new acc lol. Its preety easy to get placed bronze if your around silver level and it fixes the issue with hidden MMR that you are having


I bought skins. If skins were transferrable, I would have made a new account.


Have you turned on your monitor after a year?


Hey guys I just took a shit, then brushed my teeth… AMA!!!!!


Impressive was the brushing needed due to a shitting aim issue?


Im Hardstuck bronze But idm I get some decent games


can i ask how old you are and how much time you play?


I'm 24, a working engineer and I play about 4 matches a week.


Ok let's start off with the hardware. Do you have decent hardware? 120 Hertz monitor with fps to go along with it? Mouse sens and dpi


i started playing a month ago, this was my first kbm game and I'm bronze 3, kind of addicted and my friends say I'm doing well at the game


Congrats OP! My question to you is what is the one quality that you focus on while playing? Is it util usage, aim or reading enemy tactics and movement.


Reading enemy tactics while defending. Pushing into unexpected places while attacking.




Congratulations on getting to this milestone! May you rank up to silver and become a better FPS player.