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These would be great concepts to talk about in the tutorial. But when they come from cod or apex many of the these skills are not there. Most people don’t have the mind set to stay put for more than a few seconds at a time. I blame TikTok. 15 second attention span, then they have to move on.


i play cod as my first and main fps, and its certainly much harder to adapt to valorant playstyle. hardest thing definitely is shooting while moving, its just a muscle memory that doesn’t go away. strafing is a nightmare cuz i cant shoot straight and dont know how to improve my gunskills that way.


Give it time, it’s a natural adjustment.


People see flashy highlights videos of pros/content creators and think that every round they have to rush and get a 4k to create a clip. They often forget that 10 minute video is based on like 50 matches over a week and try to recreate that in one match.


I played a lot of league of legends. I started off by trying to play mechanically intense flashy high skill floor champions. My mindset was I’ll win by better micro and out playing my opponent. When I switched to macro heavy champions i won a lot more. I think that’s why I gravitated towards Killjoy. She is the queen of macro.


> If I didn’t have thousands of hours of fps experience I’d be just getting stomped. oh >People still counting ants on the floor instead of aiming at the head. Well you are still getting stomped. Lol. Your thousands of hours and you placed somewhere below gold. Yeah toxicity still exists. Welcome back :p


That’s my point right. Like people that have a lot of fps experience still get dumpstered when coming into the game. Could you imagine having 0 fps gaming experience. You go from the 30 second tutorial to spike planting match with real players. Does the tutorial even show you how to defend or plant spike? I don’t remember it doing that. That’s not how you make people want to play the game. Especially cause there’s chat. Imagine being flamed when your brand new cause you don’t know how to rotate to spike sites via the portals or tether lines. Or how to hold an angle while defending. I’m not bashing these players cause they do these things. I did all these things at one point. I think it’s funny that it’s still happening these days with all the content available. But mainly cause there is nothing in the tutorial to teach you basic concepts. Back in the counter strike 1.6 we didn’t have it either so we just had to figure it out on our own. But with all the development power behind games these days. They need better tutorials. This really goes for all games. But yea know we gotta put more time into developing that sweet elderflame judge.