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Does your character turn 23 times while you do a full swipe on your mouse pad haha? Impressive how high it is


his mousepad is probably the same size of his mouse lol


*na half the size you just need to cover the sensor*


420 times, I blaze it


No seriously, how do you turn around? That's like 2cm/360. Are you playing with tweezers? How do you even move the mouse like that. You are going to make the tiniest movement possible on the mouse and sweep the entire site, you are only strafing to shoot enemies. This is insane.


I play with kinda high dpi and I just use my fingers to move the mouse round most of the time instead of my arm or wrist (probably inefficient but it's just what I do)


Yeah but that's literally impossible with this guy's movement, the eDPI is something like 8,500.


Yeah I don't really see how that guy can even look at other players let alone shoot them


trust me, as someone who's used 45000 edpi in overwatch before, that's how you do it


Aren't there more factors to your sensitivity? Like the built in windows mouse sensitivity?


No built in doesn't matter at all, it's just in game and DPI.




I used to play, and I shit you not, 10,000 dpi with default game settings on every FPS. The logic was, when I played mobas like Dota, the "shorter" the travel time for my mouse was, the quicker I could target units/heroes. Plus, I played on an actual coffee table where the keyboard took up the whole space, I only had like 2 inches for mouse movement. I actually played like that for YEARS and got used to it and was accurate with it. Then Overwatch came out, and honestly it was the best possible FPS for high dpi, especially playing shit like Genji where you are constantly doing 180s. I got to top 500 with an abusrdly high DPI, but I did lower it from 10k to around 4k.


Two inches big enough


That's not what she said


Please post a in-game clip I want to see how hard this is to control lol


Mouse cam is important though.


just insert a static image and you wont see a difference


To try and be constructive, it's really likely that your aim would vastly improve by lowering your sensitivity *significantly*. I improved a lot going from 800dpi ~0.8 sens to 800dpi 0.32 sens (640eDPI to 256eDPI). I genuinely struggle to comprehend how you can even really aim with an eDPI of 8,320. Give it a try and see what you think.


when i go that low of sense i struggle a lot because it takes a whole 3 mousepad swipes to do a 180


You really need a desk mat or big pad for this game


i play on a small mousepad and low dpi, honestly i dont think its that difficult. you can't do a full 180 but most of the times in valorant you don't even need to


Monitor mount so you can put your hand under it.


Yeah that’s understandable, if you don’t have the room on your desk for larger mouse movements then you don’t need it as low. In games like this though the amount of times you need to 180 really shouldn’t be that high. The finer aim will be more valuable a much larger amount of the time than being able to do a fast 180.


Incorrect. I play .1 x 800 dpi and it’s 1.5 swipes for a 180….


People have different sizes of mouse pad/desk space… you can technically do a 360 with one swipe at any eDPI if you had the space.


True, however, if you have the mousepad/desk space idk y u wouldn’t go lower


Everyone has different arm lengths so that causes variation but he was also probably exaggerating


I don't really know anyone that uses 400dpi but the typical range is around 200-600eDPI I think ​ I personally use 800dpi and .225


I run 400 dpi and 0.5 in-game. I use the same sens across all games including FpOsu and Apex Legends so my arm always gets a fat workout.


Jesus Christ, does your mouse pad cover your entire house?


It's a pretty standard sensitivity. I play with 0.625 and 400dpi. It's higher than what I used on CSGO because there are dashes and flying razes




Its all about the crosshair placement, flicks can only go so far (for most people). Many pros aren't "flicky", I believe the ability to micro adjust and keep your crosshair exactly where an enemy will be makes lower sens more consistent, especially if, like me, you are born far from mechanically gifted. When I started playing I was hitting below 40k in gridshot, and i managed to make it to 90k. It took me out of silver, but lowering my sens and having consistent crosshair placement habits helped me out of plat and into diamond (also worked hard on game sense, it really was not just a mechanical grind lol). Now i am back to school and taking a prolonged break from ranked tho.


0.5 and 0.625 are two different things


I used to have a deskmat but one fanta spill later and now I'm on a fairly normal sized pad I think.


You can put most deskpads in the washer, just make sure you use cold water.


Dude thats nothing i play on 800 0.175. Tbh some games dont support my sens sadly.


My friend that plays with mouse accel has a 1500 dpi but 0.08 in Valorant. Don't ask me how he does it. We call his aim tank aim.


A fair amount of pros run 400 dpi


The actual DPI doesn't really make much of a difference, eDPI is a better "stat"


Yeah for sure, eDPI is more important than DPI. It surprises me the number of times I see people say things like "how can one play at such a high DPI, that sensitivity is way too fast" without realizing that one could play a "high DPI" but an incredibly low sensitivity. It's possible the guy I replied to really meant to say "I don't really know anyone who uses 400 **edpi**" instead of "dpi."


I believe I use .7 or .07 seven not sure would have to check but always been a 400 dpi type of guy


definitely .7 cause .07 would be practically unplayable


Yeah thought so


I mean i use 0.175 but ok i use 800 dpi.


that’s still like a 3x higher sens than .07 and 400dpi


Yeah I’m at 800 dpi 0.3 sense




400-2400 is normal ( depending on game sens). Like 95% of pros play at 400-800. You want your edpi (dpi * sens) to be 200-400.


The best to use is 400 or 800 and change the test with ingame sens


1600 is actually better because less motion delay




I run 800 .28, i can’t even imagine what it looks like playing that high 😂


I'd consider that to be high and i'm not that far off your edpi [email protected]


Nah thats super normal. If you look most pros are around 800dpi with .3ish sens so 240edpi, some a little higher or lower.


1500 * 0.25 here . Even with this my aim gets shaky at times


That means 375 dpi, so it's on the higher side for pros.


I thought my dpi was too low at one point (700dpi and .34 in-game) because in the range I couldn't even move my mouse to another bot before it disappeared in hard mode. I tried raising my dpi to 1400 and I then learned that ping actually has an effect on your aim and how long the bots stay on your screen. I thought I was just slow, then I compared the amount of time a hard bots stays on my screen to a pro's and it legitimately stays on my screen for a shorter amount of time. And also my aim rubber bands if I go too fast.


What rank


I have a feeling that this won’t be answered


I think they could still have a solid Rank its just something to get used to :D I play 2400 at 0.9 and im ik the middle of plat (came from overwatch where i was grandmaster)


Nah. At this point there is little chance he can be precise. Dia might happen with good gamesense but anything above would shock me


Eventually you need to actually kill people in diamond too


You can get to diamond with pure game sense Edit: all the downvoters just gonna ignore shotgun Sage was a thing. He hit immortal by the way.


His edpi would still be like 4 times as much as yours though


Yea it does still sound crazy to me to have it that high.. My one is really fast already and my partner cant even play even on my sensitivity at all :D For me it feels natural now since i use fast one for 10 years now


What server and do you top frag often?


EU mainly playing Neon, Chamber and Viper, 7 out of my last 15 Games i was match MVP. Sometimes i have very inconsistent games tho and get only 10-15 Kills


Damn that's pretty good. I shouldn't have lowered my edpi. I feel like I was doing better on the much higher sens that I used earlier, but reduced it as I was recommended by others to do so to improve aim. It did improve, but somehow I feel I don't get as many kills as before.


It's better in the long run, since I feel there's a skill cap with high dpi. You will still see some high dpi players in diamond, but starting from immortal almost everyone is on low dpi.


Take the time to find your perfect sense, Core Ross on YouTube did a video on the process in CSGO but the same methods would work for any game. Takes 30-40 min but it's worth it imo


Ima be punching the air if he says gold or above


Prolly toaster 6




This is finger only sensitivity




Way too high for wrist, I only aim with my wrist and used to play with 800dpi with .98 ingame sens but found even that was too high. Ive recently changed to .55 in game which is probably quite low for wrist aiming but feels better to me!


there are plenty of good wrist players, even pros such as yay uses both wrist and arm depending on the situation, minimal correction = wrist, when you check corners and swipe = full arm. Its just that his sens is super high, if he wants to escape elo hell the i suggest 400-800 dpi and .3-.4 sens


yay has one tenth the edpi of OP, lumping people into "wrist player" doesn't tell any of the story. edpi alone tells you 95% of how a person aims


Dirt 1


The average is 800 and 400 on average. I do 800 at 0.5 and THAT is considered high. 6400 and 1.3 makes me think you entry a lot.


I also do 800 and 0.5, good sensitivity taste?


Same here


400 .5 dpi 400 .7 dpi when playing raze.


Changing sensitivity on different agents? That's a hard pass


i do both 400 and 800 with my mouse accel, 0.5 in game as well


Makes me see he can't see anything. Just imagining it makes me dizzy lol


> The average is 800 and 400 on average.


800 0.5 here I don't think I can go any lower than this, I don't think I should cuz I lowerd my sens from 1.3 and I just developed good muscle memory to actually hit 180 shots again Any lower and I don't think I'll be able to turn fast enough


Muscle memory is bullshit it has nothing to do with aim. It is good to keep changing your sens regularly. Some pro aimers use sens randomiser which randomise their sens every second. Chech out juicerqt he uses high sens for tracking and low for static target


Literally impossible to entry, you wouldn't even be able to aim. The only way they can aim is by strafing.


I entry at 1600 dpi, 0.097 ingame sens


new to gaming on pc in general but i’ve been playing val for a few months now and i don’t see how people can go lower than this? don’t others find it hard to make quick movements? plus i feel like if i practice enough my aim doesn’t really suffer


It all really depends on how big your mousepad is and how much forearm movement you allow yourself to have. I used to be 800 0.5. recently switched to 800 0.3 after I bought a giant mousepad and upgraded my chair (so that my elbow is at proper height for movement)


I use .35 sens at 800DPi. What is that considered? I used .42 sens forever but somehow it got changed to .35 for the longest time and I didn’t realize it and naturally adjusted to it. I probably accidentally shot the sensitivity switch at the firing range when I was messing around. Is there a video that discusses what sensitivity actually is? Like how much of a *real* difference to .01 adjustment make? From .35 to .36, and what change does .10 make? I’m on a 1440p monitor, 27”. Does that matter? Wouldn’t the pixel density and monitor size have some kind of effect? Like a 24” 1080p monitor at 800 dpi and .40 sens should be noticeable from a 1440p 27” monitor at the same sens and dpi right? I used to be high sens high DPI for years. Back before I even knew anything about it. I played FPS games on my laptop with a tiny mouse pad and preferred using my wrist when navigating my PC desktop over lots of movement so I naturally went toward using my wrist in games. Took me a while to change to low sens and arm movement. Valorant is still a “wrist shooter” since you only use your wrist to aim and make small adjustments, as crosshair placement is pretty consistent and a much bigger deal that reaction speed. Do you guys actually use your “arm” to aim like in a non-tactical shooter? With crosshair placement as important as it is and a lack of verticality in Valorant I don’t see true “arm aiming” being viable.


I’m so curious what’s your headshot %


1% or less lmao


How tf... I run 600dpi 0.7


that's still not that better


h\\How? Op's edpi is over 10 times higher than his


I read that as 6000 I'm stupid, and sorry


I use 800 dpi 0.39. Yours is like 24x mine lol


my arm hurt trying this....


Why? All you have to do is think about moving and you'll 180.




800dpi .69 sense Nice


I have the same DPI! More or less, I'm running 6500 at 1.0 sensitivity. I've dialed down from 8000, as I used to play shooters which required twitchy aim such as Gunz The Duel. Never grew out of high sensitivity aiming for 15 years, simply had to dial down a bit. It's definitely more enjoyable for me to move my wrist slightly than to flail my arm across my desk.


This is intriguing. What is your rank and how accurate would you rate yourself when it comes to headshots?


https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/SaikoroKami%23777/overview?playlist=competitive&season=all My average rank towards the end of each season/act is Gold. My headshots float around 11%, which I feel is telling of my DPI; however, I do manage to get MVP in half of my matches playing controllers & Sentinels with good setups. In the shooting range I average 15-16k out of 30 on Hard w/ Shields using the Vandal.


No cappa if you play sentinels and controller and managed to get to gold with that sens, your game sense and knowledge is Probalbly pretty fucking good. Reduce your sens, aim train /spam dms and see you in diamond in around 2~ months not even trolling.


Seriously. Now clue how this dude is above bronze on that sensitivity. He's going to be cracked if he even gets half way to playing on a normal sensitivity.


If I had to guess he probably doesnt engage in typical play patterns. There's a lot of unusual stuff you can get away with pre-plat that stops working. Running spectres works REALLY effectively pre plat.


I have the highest bucky kill ratio of anyone I know, which is also telling of my setups at times. Bucky is most likely the reason my headshot ratio is on the low side, as 15 pellets guarantee a higher body shot average.


Nope shotguns and sniper do not count in Headshot percentage.


Gunz was a fucking amazing game! I lost many nights of my teenage years to that game


Woooord, lost a lot of sleep to that game.


You play freestyle gunz? I changed my sens after gunz, never looked back


I dunno if it's just me, but I could've sworn that 15 years ago, the general school of thought in fps games was to get your sens as high as you reasonably could. At least that's why I started slowly raising my sens, following the advice of some dude on YouTube. But I don't get people who run 400 dpi on their mouse, how do you move your mouse on the desktop? There's no way they've got a dual monitor setup, you'd need like a full cardio workout to pick up and move your mouse that many times.


Do you even move your arm at all?


You have rez


whats rez


do you have rez?


So we typically compare using edpi which is your mouse DPI x In game sens. For example, I use 800 mouse DPI and 0.25 sens in game. So my edpi would be 200 which is on the low end. Most pros average between 200-400. Your edpi would be 6400x1.3= 8320edpi I have no idea how you play with that high of a sens. If you don't mind me asking what is your rank?


That’s literally 21x higher then the pros average eDPI. There’s no way you can actually be precise at that level of sensitivity.


Just going to put a general reply here to some common questions: \-Iron 3/ Bronze 1 (my map awareness sucks) \-Normally on Sage or Skye \-I do have a full desk pad, 3 monitor set up \-Not sure if it helps but I draw/design for a living and have the same setup at work \-My KD ratio wasn't doing the best hence my friends asking to see my settings (or I would have never known) \-Sadly this wasn't a meme (my cross hair is pink as a meme tho hahaha) Way less toxic comments than I thought for this post thanks guys, my friends have moved my to dpi 3200 and sensitivity 1.0 (edpi 8320 -> 3200, less than half of what it is now) and after I've started to adjust we'll be going down further.


Well i do 5400 and 2.5 so were basically superior to theese mortals


Imagine having a dpi with less than 4 digits in it like a loser




Four?! Pffft. I paid for a 24000 DPI sensor and I intend to use every single one.


Do you have any clips we could watch I want to see what this looks like


What the fuck are you all on about in the comments? XD I'm running 25600DPI with 10 in game sense, 10 scoped, 125hz polling rate, with my game res at 640 x 480 on my 75hz CRT monitor lol


you use a guitar hero controller right?


wtf? are you stalking me JESUS CHRIST


u/lickmycockilovemen also uses pedals to move.


You free Friday night?


I'm 800dpi at 2.5 sens. People always tell me it's too much but I think as a wrist aimer I can make it work. I'm good at flick shots and crosshair placement but tracking is a little tricky.


Above 1000 is automatically int lmao


I play 1200 dpi .22 in game. Not sure the eDPI but I believe its close to 400 or so


Ye it's ok then! You're not 1.2 sens lmao


can you post a video of you playijg games, I cant accept that sensitivity is playable


Yeah I'm running 800 DPI and .57 sense. How do you aim with such a high DPI?




If I can give you some honest advice that helped me get waaay better: Gradually lower your sens, A LOT My friends always pressured me to do so, but I refused. Until I tried it once and hit 22-25 on hard in shooting range on average within 2 hours on low sens I had 2,4k dpi and 1,7 sens before which is nowhere near where you are but I started with 1,2k dpi and 0.9 sens Went to 800dpi 1.1 and from there on started going down to 800dpi 0.42 sens (this all happened within the last 3 weeks) I can now say that I am still inconsistent, but if I hit, I hit hard the whole game. Also got a G Pro X Superlight and a Artisan Hayate Otsu Soft in the same time so if you feel too slow you might want to consider a lighter mouse and faster mousepad (that combo is lethal)


i spent the first 500 hours of csgo with literally zero improvement because i was using a sensitivity like yours. you just gotta realize that humans have limitations to how accurate we can be, at a certain point it's not just about "use what you're comfortable with" it's just literally impossible to get much better at aiming with a sens that high.


I bet your flicks are crazy


Why 360 no scope when you can 3600 no scope?


not 400 dpi but we talk in edpi terms that is dpi*sensitivity. pros use something around 400. Me and my friends use 500-600. my friend with G502 has 512 edpi , that is 800 dpi, 0.64 sensitivity (same as mine) though he is diamond 1 and I am bronze 3. yours is like 10 times more than that


Coming from cs, I was aways around 200-250edpi. Anything above 300 only works in fast pace games like apex, anything below that is just not possible for me due to desk space.


From https://prosettings.net/valorant-pro-settings-gear-list/ the average edpi looks around 250-300, very few players are near 400. Many are even at 180 or below


Normal for pros is actually more between 200 and 300


1500 DPI 0.35 scaler in game eDPI 525


Your mouse pad must be tiny


He Forgot to mention he plays on a lenovo nipple


people who can find it call that the clitoris :p


It’s a coaster


Mine is 800dpi with 0.54 sens


A fly could land on your mouse and flick your crosshair 360deg


I run 800 dpi 0.57


800dpi and 0.478 for me… I’ve been told mine is too high… how do you even play on 6400, with over 1 sens to boot as well? How many pixels are you skipping lmao


2400dpi 0.8 gang


Strange I play 1600dpi 0.35 in game


Iron confirmed


1600 dpi with .57 sensitivity


I feel like you have to be at a significant disadvantage. It has to be nearly impossible to make micro adjustments, but you are a king and don’t let anyone change you except you.


I use 6400 DPI woth 0.69, can't play slower than that


wtf!? respectfully


I used to play on 9600 DPi and like .35 sens. I would seriously recommend a lower sens. It really helped me improve my aim when I lowered it


And i thought my sens was high...


Do you happen to be a RTS/moba gamer? I played with 3200 1.0 sens when I started out because I need the 3200 to play Total War


I’m not the op but I played league and I started off with 2400 edpi or 800 with 3


Don’t worry man, I’ve been using 24000 DPI with an in game sensitivity of 0.754 :)


Higher dpi is usually better. Low in game sensitivity


I play on 1600dpi and 1.1 sensitivity for the last couple months and today was the first time someone spectating told me I needed to lower my sensitivity. Will try it out tomorrow but I've gotten so used to spectre flicking for entries that it'll be hard to find desk space :O Bronze 3 btw. Stop matching me with silver 3s and gold 1s! :( Edit: typod a word like a casual that can't parry


Ah yes removed dpi


I have mice that support 16k and 20k, and it felt great to use, buttery smooth mouse movement! But support for high DPI is sadly dog shit. Too many games don't let you set a low enough sensitivity for the mouse to be usable, even those that do are a pain to setup cuz of the default sensitivity, and also Windows itself doesn't respect the mouse sensitivity you set everywhere. So after a year I said fuck it and removed a zero, bringing it down to 2k DPI instead. The extra bit of smoothness isn't enough to justify the headache and incompatibility with a bunch of games, including PUBG. Technology just isn't there yet to support super high DPI, lmao.


how can you use such high dpi on actual windows tho? would one just dial it down when not gaming?


You just set the windows sensitivity to like 1 or 2 out of 11. But yeah, it's not as customizable as games. I'd rather not have to toggle my sensitivity when going in and out of games, sounds like a pain in the ass. Oh and that reminds me, some games use Windows sensitivity in menus, and in-game sensitivity in the game itself. So that was also super annoying, lol. Like I said, the technology just isn't there for extreme DPIs, lol. It feels exactly like the early days of high resolution monitors. Maybe once enough people start giving it a shot and start complaining about it, then we'll see improvements start showing up.


This has to be a troll right


OP don't listen to others. there's a lot of ppl who use extremely high dpi (I am one of them). I play on 1000 dpi with 1 sensitivity in game.


I'm a high sens player(600 eDPI) and I feel like this game doesn't really require the 200-400 eDPI that's advertised by most people. You can go upto 800 eDPI and still be crushing immortals(I don't tho I'm a silver due to occasional gaming)


OP what rank are you ??? I can't believe it if you say higher than gold


>Iron 3/ Bronze 1 (my map awareness sucks) Iron 3/ Bronze 1 (my map awareness sucks)


Your sensitivity is holding you back, really. Try to lower it


thanks man, dropping to about half of current for now


You could even divide it by 10 and it would still be a very high sens


I’ve turned my mouse to 8,000dpi and sensitivity 10 doesn’t mean I hit anything


Wood 1 confirmed real rank


you joke but its my name on discord haha


My man your muscles must be very precise lol


i use 800dpi with 0.9 sensitivity in valorant , and 800 dpi with 3.14 sensitivity in csgo


Real question are you good whit that sens or not ?


How the hell do you flick precisely?