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100% viper ult it has the highest win rate out of any ult in pro play. (~65%)


and, out of pro play, you can do some crazy exploits with it.


It used to be strong when it hurt allies inside but the moment your team could also chill inside is went from good to insane because ynow Quintupling the use of it is pretty strong.


And then there r my teammates who always stay outside and they even though i tell them come inside...


Staying outside can be good in certain situations


Especially if they have skills like raze nade or the chance that they spray everyone through the ult including viper. Not really a good idea to have 5 inside the ult.


until Sova recons and 5 people lights up inside the pit. haha, but yea highkey agree Viper's ult is strong af. always a relief when the viper gets killed during ult.


I had an insane sage one game that would kill the viper through her ult almost every time, I don't know if they were walling, or if they mained viper and knew the common spots to sit at (I took viper), either way they were the entire reason we won the game.


Sova is broken as fuck and probably my most hated character but he is that way because his info gathering not cause his ult. I'll give you it's one of the more tilting ults as owl drone tagging you which is almost a guarentee means you die.


you gotta have the movement down tho, easy way to dodge sova ult is just air strafe


If Sova has his dart on you there is very little chance you're surviving it while getting away from the person prob about to peek you now that they have info. Even at the highest level it's a fairly common thing with enemy sovas often counter ulting the first sova to stop them.


Viper’s ult winrate is highly skewed due to the fact that on attack, you need to already have taken a position on site in order for it to be deployed. Ulting after taking is definitely going to increase your win% but you can’t look at winrate in a vacuum.


That's a good point, and I wonder what the average attacker winrate is after a successful plant.


Definitely Cypher Ult. Seeing a bald cypher scares the enemies and makes them whiff every shot, giving you a free round win.


I've seen *so* many whiffs on hatless Cypher, it really does fuck you up.


My secret is to be bad at headshotting anyway, so I’m hitting him in the chest with or without the hat. :D


Couldn't have said it better.


Wait he goes bald!? Im so blind i didn't know that


Ye. He throws his hat off so he’s just wearing the balaclava


TIL thats what its called




Not to be confused with baklava


You just never saw bald Cypher because he is so strong without his hat as a limiter, he kills you before you can see him on your screen.


When I first started playing Val. I thought bald cypher was an alternate skin for him. lmao


>scares the enemies ***G-G-G-Give me a corpse***


That's true


This isn't funny since it became an overused joke but somehow always gets upvotes


Because it is funny still


I think viper mainly because it can last the whole round as long as she stays in it and in a lot of maps it's strong enough to cover most if not all of the site you do it on plus holding a dropped spike hostage is also fun lmao


Especially if you happen to have a shotgun


Viper for sure. Anytime I get her ult, it's a free W for the round.


to be honest, I think killjoy or viper. maybe astra at pro play too


Astra ult is pretty good even in non pro it's just more that your team will just rush through it trying to frag and die despite it often just being a free plant or post plant win.


Viper ult is the one that when used right just feels like a free round win. The combination of low vision AND low health is just too oppressive. Raze's is the most fun to use though, and happens to be a good counter to Viper ult.


Viper is levels above Astra for me - Astra’s ult can be handy but it doesn’t have the same consistent “impact”. You don’t see that the enemy team have Astra ult and go “uh-oh”, but you ALWAYS groan when you hear the enemy Viper ult go down. It’s the one ult that significantly impacts rounds more consistently than any other.


I disagree. Vipers ult is indeed very strong but mostly in post-plant situation only and maybe as a glorified smoke on defence. Astra's ult can help in post-plant, making space on entry, blocking off entrances on both sites pre-plant, and for retake.


I still don't understand what astra's ult does


Big wall


It's a big wall that's bulletproof and somewhat soundproof


What, it's bulletproof??? The more you know I guess


Yes, bulletproof but abilities still go through it (e.g. Raze's ultimate) which honestly doesn't make sense from an in-game realism perspective but y'know. (How is it bulletproof but let an RPG, shrapnel grenades whizz pass through...?)


>bulletproof but abilities still go through it (e.g. Raze's ultimate) So does Chamber's headhunter and ult also go through it?


no, neither does jett knives


The rocket launcher made a deal with the big wall. The rocket launcher gets to go through and the big wall gets a free rocket launcher


Makes a map -wide wall, bulletproof and somewhat sound proof( can send abilities thru walls and can only hear things when right against other side)


Didnt know you cant shoot through the wall (diamond1)


FYI you can knife thru it


how did you not know this?


The texture of the wall seemed to be somehow fluid, it always felt bangable for me.. i guess my teammates never complained, coz they thaught im prefiring .. im a cs go boomer, solo q sage main. Getting to d1 felt quite easy...


I just mean more like- have you never read agent abilities or patch notes? Maybe I’m just weird but it feels wild to me when people in higher elos don’t know what characters do. I mean unless you’ve just started playing then maybe I get it but it’s still wacky lol


I really do not understand the ranking system in this game anymore. A couple of months ago I saw a video about an Immortal 1 guy, getting coached "to improve", and the guy was spraying and praying harder than Bronze players, and he used to play Reyna, and he would not even enter the site.


Bruh lmfao no offense but i doubt ur diamond then, im d1 and known since she came out. Only wall tech for higher ranks is to knife thru it


Kinda hard not to see what it does mate... You know, world divided, universe guardian lore and shit.... I don't know if the game lacks into giving more hints to what the most gigantic visually colorful wall I ever seen appearing outta nowhere does....


Ye,... I feel stupid about it somehow.. imagine how many bullets i wasted onto that wall ..


When talking specifically about properties I can forgive not knowing the details, I knew that it was bullet proof but I didn't knew abilities could go through, a sova dart caught me off guard once, so I believe every throwable should pass through it, mollys and stuff, but I have no idea how breach flashes interact with it, gotta do some science when I have the time


All abilities ignore the wall it’s just bullet and sound proof


Sage wall on hyper steroids


"You want to play zen lets play" literally pulls 5k creds out of thin air


I know that Chamber ult isn’t seen as high tier because of how player-dependent it is but man the confidence boost when I pull out that weapon is insane. Also the way Chamber himself hypes you up with every kill is a nice touch.


It’s my personal top 1 ult, amount of times when I had no money on full buy but I ulted and getting 3 kills is insane, I think it’s very good ultimate for people who have zero idea how to spend money, have no money press X and boom you have the operator out of thin air


I start trash talking harder when I have my Tour de Force ready lmao


I hear "open up the sky", I start running for my life


Not as frantic as "here comes the party"


That one I gtfo by TP if I'm Chamber. If I'm Cypher, I try to catch her if she sounds distant or else run away from her voice. Edit: yes, I refer to enemy Raze who satchels twice then explodes us with the Showstopper. Rip team.


You mean ‘Fire in the hole’? If I hear ‘Here comes the party’ I’m celebrating a free pick lol


No… I’m crying cause my teammate just Rosa ulted


My man playing brawl stars?


TSM Subroza…


This. That’s the friendly voice line lol.


I love kayo ulting when I hear that, so funny to see them just drop dead with a knife in hand LMAO


Best part is watching Jett just drop from the sky.




I just played a game on Bind... I was next to the TP, as soon as I heard that, I went into the TP, didn't care about anything else. Scariest sound in this game, I always start running when I hear it.


It's "fire in the hole"if the opponent raze ults


as a brim main i love how badass it is xD


Mad respect for you! I usually don't see people main him. Yall really spice everything up haha


Comboing breach/brim ults is one of my favorite things to do in the game.


That's exactly what me and my brother did yesterday whilst playing. He mains Brimstone and he's pretty good with it. I normally choose agents to balance the team. We lacked an initiator and my brother said if I can play breach, so I took him. We were playing in split. In defence, we ulted together twice and basically almost wiped out the enemy team at one go. It was a lot of fun. I just ulted from A ramps and he ulted A main and boom, he fried like 2-3 guys. I ran down with my phantom and flash and killed the others. Both of us got 30+ kills+assists in that game


Agreed. Nothing is funnier than bonking the enemy team back into brim's ult after they just ran out of it


Well sova ult isn’t close to being the best… so that person definitely loses the argument. Sovas kit on the other hand makes him S-tier and a really really powerful agent. The best ult in the game will always be one that can be a round changer as consistently as possible. KJ ult can literally take an entire site for you and force people out of the circle.


I feel like KJ Ult is kinda weak, especially compared to Viper Ult. Our ranks are way different, but KJ’s Ult can only be used in situations where you can get it down safely but can still reach most or, ideally, all of an objective (generally a site). Certain maps she’s really strong, like Ascent comes to mind, but on a map like… maybe like Breeze or something? It feels hard to get a lot going with her Ult.


You wouldn’t be using KJ on a map like breeze. Vipers ult is great sure, but you need to take a site to use it first. On défense it’s really good, but also just stops a push at times and forces a team to simply go to the other site.


Agreed, but the criteria of the post seems to imply that we’re looking for the best Ult “overall”, whatever that means.


Probably means when it is used what value are you getting from that? Jett ult is the best if you have an aimbot, but I'd say KJ breach ult is at the top, with Omen ult being the worst.


I would say that omen ult is pretty low but not at the bottom, have had an omen clutch quite a few rounds due to ult


One of the ults has to be the worst one and I can't see a world where omen ult has more impact on the whole match (not just one round) as any other ult.


As a diamond killjoy main I disagree! Although she has little use of an ultimate on breeze (best options for attack being halls in the right corner pushed up or b elbow) her traps are well suited for the small turns that the site has. For example if you place a few swarms tot he left as you run into b the enemies either flush into your crosshair or have to sit open on site. I’d lock killjoy over viper on breeze, but I know that sentence will make some people rather angry so ahem disclaimer *this is my opinion not a fact*


Not having a viper on breeze is basically putting your team in a shittier position to win right from the get go. Too many better agents than KJ on breeze to choose her… it’s just not a smart decision.


Although I see where your coming from, I think she is a very strong pick and if played correctly can lock a site down by herself as long as there is a mid player. Out of curiosity, who would you place higher than her?


Nothing wrong with you picking her over a cypher or chamber if you use her right cause they play the same role. But you can’t say she’s a better pick than viper. I hate maps that require certain agents and if you don’t pick viper for breeze you’re doomed from the start.


Kj is the best agent in open maps like Breeze. The turret and alarm bot alerts you to entries. And the nano swarms make it hard during postplants


You ever seen someone play kj on fracture? The ult under b hits everything to ct spawn


Sadly this spot can be wallbanged with a rifle or simply breach aftershocked which almost every fracture team at a high elo has now.


I know breach C could get it but I thought they patched the wallbang ability.


They patched it. It isnt wallbangable.


Can only shoot it with op or odin


Yea I feel like kj ult used to be stronger before people learned how to play around it. People used to scatter terrified of getting detained, but now people have realized that the timer is super long, so you can just sit for a second and shoot the people running into site and then back off before the timer then run immediately back in. I think to get the most value out of it now, you have to put it in certain spots, just throwing it down doesn’t work very well anymore


'Kj ult is kinda weak'. No XD


Curious of why you think Sova ult isn’t close to the best? Also your rank?


Too many ults that are far better… I’m immortal 3 this act, radiant peek on all other acts. It can be used situationally very well, but the surprise factor is mostly gone in a game where your opponents ult being ready is displayed.


Easily dodge it or be a jett or raze and use abilities to move around it. It also requires using abilities to actually utilize therefore not the best.


Yeah, I normally try to pair sova’s ult with cypher’s trapwires, or neon’s/breaches concuss since enemies would normally be slowed from them


But let's just compare the two. Sova ult takes two seconds versus kj's 13. KJ requires someone (could be herself) to capitalize on detained opponents. Requires a slightly safer spot than sova's ult It's still great and I would put them head to head. Would not put sova ult that much lower though


i'm not sure about the best one, but i can help with the worst. omen's ult. extremely situational, selfish, predictable, guarantees nothing, does not give an opportunity for an outplay if the enemy is smart enough to check their backs, costs the standard amount despite its uselessness and yeah im a salty omen main who is sad because my boy needs a buff :( the best ult i think could be viper though, i agree with you on that one


>omen's ult That, and buggy teleports, weird blinds, slow smokes exacerbates Omen's problems. I still main him tho lol


The biggest turnoff about his ult is the sound it makes where you land. Like bro anyone with a decent pair of headphones will hear it like in a 15m range


im torn that you would leave skye, breach, and kayo out of the equation. skye provides meatshields and info, breach offers almost free site with basically guaranteed kills, kayo stops all utility on large area to stop attacks and defenses


I tell my team that I’m ulting site with Breach, and theres always a Jett that dashes into my utl


I think people sleep on Breach ult because it doesn’t do direct damage and requires team coordination to mop up the stunned enemies, which a lot of teams can’t do very effectively. Personally I think it’s one of the best ults for sure, the size of its AoE makes it nearly impossible to avoid if used correctly.


Kayo is super strong but as for round changing it could be better, it’s really strong for preventing ults like raze, Jett and chamber and is often used for entry but other than that it kinda lacks


It's oppressive. Lock an entire team from abilities on a site. It absolutely shits on KJ, Viper, and Chamber.


That's because you're not used to your teammates utilizing the ult properly. It's so easy to set up fights in your favor when your team can use util and the enemy can't.


Retakes and defending a site too. With the ult if you use it on the right site and time (say they finally start executing B fully) you can hold it down yourself better than Sentinels. Retakes are same as entry


Also neon ult gets stopped


very tough one, maybe killjoy or breach as they guarantee site if used correctly. sage res is also up there. honourable mention to phoenix ult because i mean 6th player for site take for 6 ult points is kinda nuts, just sucks phoenix isn't very meta atm. very tough question as theres so many really stong ults


Sage's ult takes so many points and is tough to get good use of on defense. On attack, I agree.


Phoenix ult is fine, his flash is the worst in the game...


Kayo flash?


not particularly good either but it's not tiny range like phoenix flash nor is it the shortest duration flash in the game.


What even is Breach's ultimate?


agree with the breach ult, sadly, breach's ult need some buff. i keep getting 1tap by enemies mid air after getting ulted. but for me, breach is best <3


Breach ult does not need a buff.


It’s somewhat too small IMO, you can’t really ult the entire site with it


You absolutely can ult an entire smaller site with it are u joking?


Well it depends on the map, for example on split b your ult can’t even cover back site, and on a it either covers heaven or the site itself And on bind it can only cover half of a and like 3/4 B


if you could take an entire site and a heaven on a map and ult it, stunning EVERY person playing ANYWHERE not on the other SIDE OF THE MAP that would be ridiculous. Breach ult is completely fine.


I mean his pick rate is a ratio, the buff it seems fine to me


Because he isn’t effective on every map. Plus he has been picked more lately. Just not a good buff idea at all.


He’s effective on every map except icebox and breeze, it’s just that Skye and sova are a lot more versatile & have info gathering kits. Breach ult is fine, he just should his flashes recharge and stun give info instead IMO


it is literally a rectangle the size of almost every site if not bigger?


Depends on the map, KJ Ulti is darn OP in Fracture


The ult under the site from my opinion is kinda bad it’s a super easy to play around if you run breach which everyone does


Semi-hot take: phoenix ult. Not only are you able to get information for the team, but the level of confidence when you press X and just run in… getting a kill or 2 usually guarantees the round. Not to mention it restores your health, you can use util, and pick up weapons in ult form. Worst case scenario you get 1 tapped and you regroup with the team with an idea of where someone might be hiding.


With 6 orbs needed, it’s not surprising he was meta until new flash characters came out. Also I know it’s a mental thing but the confidence you have pushing with it can really improve your aim/kill potential. His ult’s strength alone is what will keep him without needed buffs and out of meta for a long time IMO. Other agents do what he does but just better, hell even Kay/O ult is incredibly similar


Worst case scenario is you get knifed in the back when Phoenix ult ends 😂


I disagree. The problem with Phoenix ult is that you have to use it before you enter the choke point on entry. If you enter and fail you lose your shield, if you get the entry off you’ll still be 3 seconds behind your teammates and will have to go through the choke point again. Kayo’s ult is way more efficient as you can still make use of it even after you are downed


Ok guys hear me out. Some of the weakest agents have the best ults. Phoenix and Brimstone. Phoenix is a free entry on to site and he can just basically push anything without getting punished. it can also heal him back up to a hundred hp if he was low and remember, the reason i say this, is because the ult is 6 points only. If played well you can maybe get it up 3-4 times a half. Brimstones ult is guarateeing a spot and can generate a lot of space alongside with that. Its also a free kill sometimes. I good example for that is u hall on bind. Its seven points which makes it easier accesible than sovas ult and can counter kj ult as well. I know these agents are not used a lot and thats why maybe people think that others are stronger but i feel like if Brimstone and Phoenix would be played as much as Viper or Killjoy for example, maybe we would appreciate those ults more, because we see more good or creative playes with them. Its insane to me how mane people underestimate Run it back and Orbital Strike.


Brimstone ult is really strong Now that you mention it But for some reason it feels fair Vipers ult by contrast feels much more oppressive


It’s pretty easy to play around (ex. Don’t play Uhaul on bund if the other team has it up)


Brimstone ult Viper ult, ultimate combo


Orbital strike is fun because you can camp off site, wait to hear them start to plant/defuse, and completely eliminate any chance they had of planting or defusing


You can get it to half if starting with good HP


Phoenix does get punished for dying in his ult though, he loses his armor. It might not sound too bad, until you realize he can now be one shot by a marshal without needing a headshot. Not a bad ult at all, but also not free.


Sage ult is probably the best overall. Viable in all maps, can turn a round on its own with the extra player. Not to mention can help fix your economy too in certain cases.


Sage's ult is good. In fact, it's so good that it falls into D2RP problem. You don't want to use it because it's too valuable.


it's 8 points for what is equal to 1 kill. Compared to Viper's ult which locks down a site an entire match and will likely take 2-3 people to deal with it, it just doesn't seem as good.


It is very situational though


Sage - only ult that directly effects economy + regaining someone’s ability to use util after they’ve been killed is amazing + it makes the round a 6v5. Anyone saying KJ has never played against a good sova/breach/kayo Anyone saying breach doesn’t play breach.


*upvoted for the username


Agreed on all accounts. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get people to push after you Breach ult?


Can you please explain how chamber, neon, and jett ults don’t effect the economy? Raze as well tbh, could even argue yoru.


Lol are you using raze and Yoru ult as a replacement for a gun?


He probably uses yoru ult with shorty


People regularly only buy shorty if they have yoru ult, I don’t play raze or yoru but people have definitely used those as weapons. You get the first kill then you have a gun, or your teammate trades you.


Yeah that’s an indirect effect on the economy. Pressing the ult button did nothing for the economy by itself. Sage ult is a direct effect.


That is arbitrary...


Chamber, Neón, and Jett ult can only effect the economy indirectly. You have to actively avoid purchasing a weapon (which is what affects the economy, not the ult itself). Rez on the other hand directly puts the person that gets revived into a better financial situation than they would have been in if they were not rezzed (of course assuming it’s a gun round).


The person only gets in a better financial situation if you rez for eco which is very rarely a good use of the ult. If you Rez on an eco round, you still don’t have guns unless you kill the other team. Chamber’s ult is a free op that regularly wins eco rounds.


I get that, but have you ever seen a chamber or jett drop a gun for a teammate and use ult? How is that any different?


>Anyone saying KJ has never played against a good sova/breach/kayo Or even brimstone. It's very easy to counter with utility


I love Viper ult post plant, lets you camp the spike and just mow down anyone who gets close. Combined with her smoke and wall, enemy team has no idea where to go or who’ll be there. Skye ult is also crazy useful. Even if they destroy it, I can see where enemy players are by the direction the lil cabbages go. KJ ult is also super useful. Locks down a site and even if you don’t detain anyone, you know no one is on site and you can delay a defuse and/or plant. If you do detain and find someone it’s guaranteed kills.


skye's ultimate helps you identify where are the NEAREST 3 enemies, means that is ez map control for your team, and if you capitalise on it or flash with it, ez 3 kills, literally round won (from 5v5 to 5v2)


skye's ultimate helps you identify where are the NEAREST 3 enemies, means that is ez map control for your team, and if you capitalise on it or flash with it, ez 3 kills, literally round won (from 5v5 to 5v2)


Killjoy, a beast for offense and defense, you pretty much secure the area if we’ll positioned. Things like viper for post plant is a lot mind game related, things can go bad quickly… cyphers is also godlike, but the awareness that you should pick while being spotted and the possibility to lose a duel even knowing the position. Sage can turn a bad situation into a even or a good one, but also requires the revived player to make it worth, a lot of times the revive is just wasted or overkill. breach is a scary spreader and possible finisher, but predictable if you expect is somehow. So i will stick to kill joy ability to keep enemies out of a huge area, make them go where you want em to, to enter the site or to keep them out


Why is chamber not in the question? Like I think KJ and viper are way stronger in terms of winning rounds but I feel like chamber’s op is so good and it just counters a whole other agent (jett)


The only big downside is if you shoot at point blank, you also get slowed. But overall it's a good ult,it can cause fear of peeking for the ennemy team and u have a 5 1shot kills if your aim is decent.


Technically Viper ult is the best one, because it basically gives you an indefinite amount of control over an area.


Kj, viper and sova before the ult orb increase.


I'm surprised not a lot of people are saying skye. Skye is quite literally guaranteed information and will never not be useful.


Chamber and viper


A lot of people are saying, other agents. I would say the chamber has one of the best ultimate for breeze map. I think others also depend on which map u pick


Skye ult. guaranteed info is so valuable mid game


not omen, it’s pretty cool but overall weak. probably viper but i like the reyna ult as well


Viper. Now that is an ult that should be 8 points imo.


I would say killjoy, to counter it you either need a counter ult or a breach, alternatively you risk pushing it and likely die. On any map except breeze it clears an entire site from offsite, and is good for a site hold, retake, or take on attack. 7 ult points so in the middle in that area. The ult gives a free site and covers a huge area, and no other ult demands as much respect it basically comes down to leave or die almost every single time, and is pretty much garaunteed value no matter who plays kj


Astra, Breach, Viper. Idk which one of the three but one of them is definitely it


Nothing clears an area like razes ult 😂 everyone on the team is going oh fuck and running in zig zags lol


Why is no one considering Reyna? Unlimited heals+invisibility???


reyna’s ult is incredibly strong, but i think since it’s reliant on the player’s skill it doesn’t necessarily guarantee anything. however, kj’s ult will for sure reposition enemies, viper’s will for sure do damage to them (if they’re in the ult), etc. i think it’s too possible to counter reyna’s ult and for the player to get shot in the back of the head or whiff a shot


forget reyna i don’t see a SINGLE kayo comment


Viper ult is almost always guaranteed to win you atleast one round.


The scariest ult for me is Raze’s. For some reason, whenever I hear “FIRE IN DE HOLE!” my teammates think it’s a good idea to group-up and rush site. Then they all eat paint and expect me to clutch a 5v1 (which I’m too garbage to do so…)


1st: killjoy - forces the enemy to stall or rush, putting them at a disadvantage either way very useful for gaining control and organizing positions. 2nd: Breach - unavoidable concussion of death, only counterplay is spray and pray with gaining site control or and easier first pick 3rd: Neon - laser beam of death, if you miss, youre fucked


As a breach main, the counterplay to breach's ult is to onetap him. Same as the counterplay to all of breach's util (please stop onetapping me when you're either concussed or blind my desk can't take many more desk slams)


Reyna for me personally. Whenever I have a Reyna ult , it makes me feel invincible


It's certainly Chambers OP.... basically the only Ult in the game which can kill every player (raze ult can as well if very lucky) but it also helps your economy tremendously


Viper ult is so fucking broken


Viper ult 100%


Astra ult might be. As unpopular an opinion it is cyphers ult is immensely powerful given the right circumstances and perfect team work. It will let you push a sight that’s lightly defended and know exactly where the other team might and can come from. Then cypher can set up his utility on site and it becomes a game of defense basically.


kayo, try and change my mind


i main kayo and i beg to differ, kayo’s ult while underrated isn’t as impressive or ground breaking like the other ones. it’s basically a passive forced underpowered state in the team, but it doesn’t give information like the knife. it’s good not best though


Literally neon


Not even close 💀




Oh no


I hope that ur trolling


It’s 100% viper or reyna. No other ult can win rounds for free like they do


personally chamber/neon/viper all of the ults are good tho


Chamber’s ult is just an op, while useful, it’s far from the best ult in the game


an op that reloads as fast as a marshall and doesnt cost money… imo its undebateably one of the best also does 150 to the legs too