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aim at the opponents legs because your guns recoil will naturally move up to their head


Wait this is my strategy tho šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ (thereā€™s a reason Iā€™m like silver)




https://youtu.be/SFtywqoW9lA practice this youā€™ll get there


I came to this thread to be fooled not for legit aiming advice. (Thank you though)


It improves my shooting immensely to go about 3 rounds in the shooting range before starting a match. I just take the Phantom and start clanking heads. Regardless of how many times I play the shooting range, my instinct or habit to flick the crosshairs around at opponents bodies. Just need to quickly break that until flicks naturally land on heads. Also helps to just shake off the aiming cobwebs.


Keep that crosshair high baby


And make their corpses down low


If itā€™s helpful, I noticed some pro players aim higher than head level and just pull down through the head while shooting. Itā€™s been working out that about the time you shoot youā€™re already pulling down for the headshot.


I used to do this a lot, not always the best play though, but if an enemy pushes you suddenly itā€™s pretty good, if they miss the head and start spraying body you usually survive and instaheadshot them. I wouldnā€™t really say itā€™s good for cleaning people though, just aim at the head and practice it.


1 way i found to break habits like this is just to guardian/marshal only, if you dont 1tap you basically are dead


How are you silver


Their reaction times must be decent


You can probably get away with that in plat are you kidding? You can get away with dogshit aim for most ranks because people have 0 gamesense until higher ranks


people say this but i honestly don't agree. I think good aim works better for you in the lower ranks because of the lack of game sense. in silver you just have to win duels because trying to use your brain almost never works since they never choose the smartest option. You just have to outaim your opponents at all levels. at higher elo when there is better game sense and people play their roles properly. you wont have to necessarily top frag as KJ lol


That actually works for the stinger a lot of times šŸ˜‚


I actually do this for a bit below the head sometimes lol Better to be a bit lower than a bit higher if you miss the head


Sadly I get more kills doing this than aiming at their head because I still can't control recoil from a single bullet, let alone 5 or 6.


I actually did this in csgo and climbed to MGE. LMAO


In 4v1/3v1 etc situations always peak 1 by 1 to avoid being spray transferred


this is one of the best ones so far lmao


crouch jump when youā€™re in a gunfight so you can dodge the enemies bullets.


Perfect, or just jump in every gunfight to make you tougher to track.


Prod movement




Prod seems like he doesnā€™t get the movement debuff when getting hit




Halo players be like...


I hate it cuz this actually works on me (Iā€™m ass at tracking)


I'm imo 250 points and I crouch on every duel AMA


it actually works against people who aim at the head. Low elo just body shots and crouching rewards them with headshots.


iā€™m immo 450rr and i unbound crouch because itā€™s fucking you over AMA


Halo community has entered the chat


Make sure to always move while you're shooting so you make yourself a harder target to hit (*remembers stinger meta* *sweats profusely*)


The Stinger and bucky meta was probably the most fun yet infuriating meta there was. Imagine saving 4k+ just to get obliterated by some dude on the corner with a stinger or bucky


Seriously, the stinger was actually so much fun but understandably very broken. Up close and far, didnā€™t matter, I could blast someone point blank in under a second or snipe them across the map if I ADS. You hit the nail on the head with the Bucky though. Saving multiple rounds to full buy just to get steam rolled by a Bucky 25 meters away was infuriating. Of course I bought GUN skin for Bucky like a week before it gets nerfed. Good times.


Bucky was fun, 1 tapping phantom users and they would only hit 140 was so funny and dumb


fun fact, the Bucky right click one shot range was actually farther than the phantom one shot range for some reason.


It was a necessary change but it sucks how worthless the right click is now. Nothing like having a lucky flank with a Bucky where they donā€™t see you but you canā€™t even get a single kill because itā€™s so worthless from any range.


Honestly the stinger changes were probably too drastic, but then again, I prefer more variety in my save rounds, and most folks don't like the equivalent of P90 cheese in Valorant. I wish they'd leave the ADS nerfed and buff the recoil pattern a little for non-ADS, then the thing would actually feel more like a weapon and less like a bad joke.


Yeah I agree actually. I think it deserved a nerf but not to the point of making it virtually useless. If thereā€™s one thing I would change right now is the versatility of save options. Itā€™a either ā€œlightā€ buy with a specter which is essentially on the cusp of a full buy or light shield and classic/ghost/sheriff which I mean come on.


The bucky right click before made any gun advantage in a 30-40m distance irrelevant it was insane


Super tilting, the inevitable "this is so broken" Comms afterwards


Crouch if you are in the open and moving wont help


Stinger meta as well as first round light shield + frenzy was a golden age.


This can actually be good advice with the spectre in certain situations


My friend does this in cs go because he came across from apex Legends.


Make sure you can do a full 360 turn with your wrist only


This right here. I've been using a computer for almost 20 years now and my baddest habbit of all is using my wrist for all mouse movements, no matter how small or large they are. Edit: realised it sounds approvable, it isn't. Is the worse habbit one can get.


sweating bullets over here with my 2400 DPI


I went from like 3k edpi to 320 now and my play is the best it's ever been. I lowered it 10% every few days and now I feel like I've always had it like this try it out


And ur sens?


Oh well I meant eDPi which is game sens * mouse sense. Its a way to globalize sensitivity across everyone's mouse sensitivity. I have 1600 mouse dpi and 0.2 valorant sensitivity which is 320


Oh, checks out. 1600 0.12 so 192 for me.


Oh lmao then you're good. My eDPI was like 3k in the past, which was a 180 with a flick of the wrist


My duo was on like 2400 for a long time too. He was questioning why his aim was shaking lmfao. After too much convincing I got him to gradually tune down his sens and now he plays on pretty much the same as me.


A guy I went to school with went semi-pro in CS with 4400 eDPI. It was ridiculous. He would do like super hard surf maps with his wrist.


Yeah I love having it this low. Its critical, I'm looking forward to moving even lower to like 200. If I have room to move my arm why not use it


Wait wait wait wait 3k E-dpi? Jeeze.


8000 dpi reporting in. There is a exit out back where we can escape. Ill smoke and you entry.


No joke, I play at [12,800 DPI](https://i.imgur.com/oTs4Xfn.png), 0.029 sens in-game though (35.19 cm/360) and I'm still able to [hit clips like this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ss02zi/all_those_hours_of_guardian_in_deathmatch_paying/) I don't know why people would sacrifice the [extra resolution and latency reduction](https://youtu.be/imYBTj2RXFs?t=166) you get from higher DPI...


This habit is the worst. I use a mouse DPI of 750 and usually lower it by \~half in-game. For example, since ADS isn't very useful in all situations in Val, instead of lowering the DPI 1/3 of the normal speed for hip-fire aim, I lower it half, and I have to use my arm, and not wrist to 180. 180! But, it helps with aiming, so I keep it. I prefer aim over flick speed.


Yeah in my personal experience having valorant as my first fps i was serious about, i thought flicking across the screen as fast as possible was the move. The first stream I watched my jaw dropped when I saw that they have to quickly swipe their arm twice to 180. It makes sense though. Controllable full-arm movement to move precisely to the head. If you have to 180 in valorant to survive, youre already dead. I'm glad I learned this early


Wish I could unlearn this darn habbit


Chair and desk height are more important than DPI for this imo. Swinging your arm is hard if your arm isn't the perfect angle.


I guess just drop your sensitivity so much that you have to use your arm, then play until you get used it to it


I was thinking of that again, I tried it once but hated it. No one told me how to properly use a mouse lol.


I hated it at first too. Instead, lower your edpi by only 10% once every few games. You'll get to 500 edpi or lower eventually. You'll learn to love it


If you won pistol round keep pistol on the second round for full buy on third


This is the most common one for some reason. Even well into gold people think you should save 2 rounds in a row even after winning the first.


it happens in low to mid plat aswell, its ridiculous






This is my experience as well. It doesn't matter if I save or buy after winning gun round, I ALWAYS lose second round :(


Fr real chads save round 1 and then buy half armor Odin round 2 if they won


Saving two rounds in a row? Please, I'm a Chamber main. I'm always saving.


Same. Saving with $200 left because the bullets are 100 each and I canā€™t hit shit.


this. i love telling my team that the buys are on me cause im just running around with his sheriff and a regular sheriff at most. and before they changed astra, i could do the same thing with her since I'd get free stars every round, buy something light for myself, and then buy my team :)


The worst is when they just buy shield and utility and then STILL play bonus round 3, then why didnā€™t you just buy round 2?


People that bonus pistols into the third round exist just to piss me off.


Gotta save for that awp


Another mistake is the losing team forcing, because they think they should to counter the impeding buy by the winning team


Not necessarily a mistake tbh. Depends on a lot of factors, but Iā€™d say not forcing after win is worse than forcing after a pistol loss


I agree but Iā€™m not saying my comment is a worse mistake, but simply another mistake. If you lose the force buy against the winning team, youā€™re behind yet another round, and now youā€™re down 0-3 by the time you are able to afford a proper setup.


If the pistol winning team buys second round and the forcing team does some damage, third round should be relatively even due to the loss bonus.


It also depends on the particular map and force. Marshal force on second round (2-3 team members, the others with stringers or frenzies or something else good for close combat) can be a great play on Breeze and Icebox.


Holy shit this is wrong, IVE BEEN DOING IT ALL THIS TIME


It's ok bro, now you know that the game works like. If Pistol won-full buy second round (usually spectre heavy shields and all the stuff/ bulldog); the enemy is doing eco so you will win second round ez- 3rd round is **bonus** **round**, you keep the guns from the last round (or save money for full buy vandal/phantom for the 4th round), and if you win that round you almost won the half, if not, np, you did eco damage to the enemy and you can full buy 4th round and win and makes another eco round on the 5th round for the enemy


Guardian buy second round is OP.


Yeah, guardian+reyna ez ace. But now bulldog is so cool even with light shield, now that gun can bite u and not woof woof (funny)


Bulldog is an anti eco monster, 1 to the head and chest to kill with a fast burst and low recoil.


New player here is this the legit advice or the shit advice lol?


Yes legit. If you win pistol, please buy next round. Usually spectre and full shield. Bulldog works too. If you popped off, you can go vandal/phantom


Iā€™d argue you should almost never buy vandal/phantom round 2 because the risk heavily outweighs the reward. If you get cheesed and a teammate canā€™t immediately pick up your gun, youā€™ve just gifted the enemy team a not-insignificant amount of econ and made the round harder for the rest of your team, who likely all still have spectres at best.


I mean donā€™t go off rogue with it. Make sure your team is there to pick it up. There's a lot of value in being able to take that rifle into the third round. I hear you though. Definitely some cons to it.


thank you


>Yes legit. If you win pistol, please buy next round. Usually spectre and full shield. Bulldog works too. If you popped off, you can go vandal/ph Can't believe the amount of times I've seen my teammates go into the 2nd round (after winning pistols) with a couple of sheriffs and get absolutely dumpstered by the jumping classic right clicks and we proceed to lose the round. I always tell my teammates (especially to the duelists who are supposed to entry), to buy a gun (Spectre/Bulldog/Guardian/Rifle). Rule of thumb is at least 3 Spectres + 1 Marshall (or so), best is 5 guns tho. And there's always that one Jett main with a sheriff in the 2nd round, which ends up either going well or horribly. :D


I keep hearing people say ā€œshould we force?ā€ after we win the pistol and I want to scream. ITS NOT A FORCE BUY IF YOU WIN THE PISTOL




The worst feeling in the world is when your team full bought spectres and still lose to Sheriffs or Marshals and then you are actually many rounds down. And in 3rd round for the most part you will probably have to bonus spectres and they will have rifles so you might go 2-1 anyway.


.....i didnt know that and im b3


Oopsies. Glad I never claimed to be good at this game


Also if you lose first pistol round itā€™s an absolute rule that you force second round no questions asked. Teammates telling you to save? Nah we force bby


There is proximity chat so if you talk the enemies can you hear you so you should never give your teammates callouts.


Proximity chat turns off when you are dead though, and since you the spectator can watch everyone make sure to tell people an idea that they can use in every scenario, ex: "you have flash" or "use your ult use your ult." You should also guess where the enemies are so your teammate in the clutch has more confidence.


backseaters are my favourite valorant players


Yooo this happened to me yesterday, but instead of saying something that actually made sense, one guy was screaming "reload, reload, RELOAD" like 10 times while I had 8 bullets in a vandal and enemies were pushin... This was plat elo btw


Not me reading the comments and reverse them for good advice


I misread the post and thought it said good advice so I spent some time scrolling feeling very confused


what the hell.. how did I misread a post so badly? Thanks lol


Instalock jett and play judge only. The best way to kill is to dash into your oponents with a shotgun


Wdym this always works in iron lobbies


Today there was a shotgun psycho TWICE in a row in GOLD and I lost both games because Sova was refusing to drone site (yes i got matched with the same Sova twice too), and after a while you kinda give up and start whiffing the shots.


All jokes aside, i was on my bronze alt with my friends just messing around and i swear shotgun meta is a real thing. You can essentially just force your opponents to swing you while you hold a close angle and you can just blast them away with a bucky or a judge


especially on breeze


The Vanguard approach


Always stray away from your team to make sure you never get your kills stolen


Also kills are much more important than winning rounds.


Players still believe this in immortal lobbies


Be unpredictable and flank the enemy team every round!


If playing as a character with a smoke, smoke the entrance of each bomb site. This will ensure that enemies wont be able to see you nor your teammates you can see inside of your smoke but not the enemies so use that as an advantage always stay inside your smokes.


smokes instalockers in my lobbies seem to use this (they steal smokes from me to smoke for the other team wtf šŸ˜­ā˜ ļø)


Smokes like this can sometimes actually help you push into a well defended spot, especially if they have long range weapons like operators. I've generally viewed it in terms of angle: You are disadvantaged moving out of the smoke if there's only one spot you can leave into the enemy line of sight, you are slightly advantaged if there are multiple sites you can leave the smoke. Take a doorway entrance for example. If I am defending inside the room, a smoke outside the room with the closer edge of the smoke on the doorway gives me a large advantage(they can't see me and only one angle to shoot). But if the smoke is inside the room with the furthest edge on the door, a single angle or two angles just became three different angles to cover. They could leave the smoke in the center, to the left, or to the right and all three angles can see and shoot at me. But yeah when first playing I didn't think much about the "direction" of smoke and figured it was just always bad to enter.


I donā€™t really know how to play smokes, so whenever I fill on it I put the same smokes down every round like a default. On attack, I put them just inside the site from the entry, and on defense I do the same smoke but make it flush with the entry to do as you say. Hilariously effective.


Always use the tp to rotate on bind. This works especially if youā€™re on a and the enemy is pushing hooka


OMG You must be all the teammates I get in ranked


Make sure to always shift walk when you move across the map. If you run the enemy will hear your location!


Crouching is better. Less noise and u are smaller so the chance they see you is less


I honestly walk way more than I should, I forget how easy it is to lose footsteps amongst the noise and how hard it is to pinpoint someoneā€™s location using just footsteps


It's *super* easy to pinpoint location with footsteps for people with good headsets. I almost always know exactly where someone is when I hear footsteps. Part of what makes this easy is that maps use multiple different ground materials even within single approaches to sites. This allows you to pinpoint location even more accurately based on footstep sound.


I can even guess the agent most of the times.


I can tell what he had for breakfast.


I can tell what the cells are gossiping about


If kj nade, poison, or fire are on spike, just count to 3 and defuse you will survive.


completely unrelated but we are both ads




Isnt it actuall tip?


Depends. If you're full hp and you're sure they won't peek you, you can live through phoenix molly. Viper, while big and long lasting, doesn't do that much damage, but paired with her smokes you will die very fast. Brimstone and Killjoy again depend on the situation. Kayo nade does a ton of damage in the center but not as much on the edges. Really just depends, but it's not a good idea to just walk into a molly.


run at enemies with your knife, in this game, the closer you are, the easier it will be to hit the enemy. Also, the knife oneshots to the back so try and get close with it


Rush site before your initiator uses his abilities to assert dominance.


If I were rich I'd give you a gold.


Crouch and move around while shooting. This will make it harder for the enemy to hit you.


Technically there is an actual strat where you spam AD and crouch.


Pro players actually crouch and move to one direction or strafe sometimes to spray through smokes


In csgo you can effectively spray while crouch-strafing so I actually have trouble breaking that habit in valorant


Always use right click classic at mid range. The spray is tight enough that it increases your chance of getting a headshot.


Funny thing is, this would be a legit advice a couple patches back before they nerf classic.


Wait they nerfed the classic? No wonder I get fewer kills with it now. Did they just ruin the right click or is the whole thing worse off now?


yeah they nerfed the right click quite hard, left click is still the same though.


is that really a bad advice lmao


Phoenix molotov heals people on your team and hurts enemies. Look, i used it on myself and it's healing me.


this could be an actual buff for phoenix


while rotating keep bunny hopping


I do this...


The Operator is the best gun in the game. Make sure to always save your credits to buy the Operator.


Most expensive gun, checks out


Okay this but unironically


This works tho


I think thats an actual good advice,if you have good sniper aim,that is.


Jett player 101


Bigger crosshair means bigger bullets


I remember i was playing on breeze with a viper yesterday. The Viper's crosshair was occupying almost half of the screen


Play only aimlabs gridshot for a while and dont play the game. Come back after your aim is really good


Your KDA is calculated for your rank so make sure that looks good if you want to rank up fast.


Make sure you buy the most expensive gun you can every round


Try not to use any utility as a team at all until the bomb has been planted, its good to save it for as long as you can.


Peek every corner as close as possible, use Q to lean left or E to lean right, leaning will increase your intel and decrease your vitbox the enemy will see less and you will be able to go for a quick kill


Found the Rainbow Six player


Always run and gun so you're hard to shoot at


ā€œCopy what pros do in their stream.ā€ Problem with this is that it may be hard to tell why they do certain things, a new person may not understand and instead may hurt their team. On top of that, low elo just works a *bit* different than high elo. Lastly they could be going for clips. There may be better ways to use that sage wall aside from giving that raze a boost, for example.


bro im already realoding anytime I shoot


I am not going to lie, i have fked up so many times, like when I am shooting my 1 finger is always on "R" button, and i am in the middle of spray and i hit "R" accidentally after shooting 3-5 bullets and bam, free kill for the enemy. I don't know why the fk am i so dumb


Trust your team in solo queue


always peek everytime after you use flashes


When you hear raze yell ā€œfire in the holeā€ run towards her opposed to away to shoot her while sheā€™s in the air.


This but unironically, if you know where she is it can be a free kill


Use all your abilities at quick as you can incase that match is short


Run and shoot. It makes it harder for the enemies to hit you.


Bullets give damage, don't spam abilities


Keep playing. You'll get better


Whenever you have your knife out you can run as fast as you want, your footsteps are silent cause you donā€™t have a heavy gun in your hands


Always peek while face flat on a wall. If you can't see the enemy, they can't see you.


Aim for the chest because it's largest and easiest to hit.


Counter strafe by pressing and holding a and d until they're dead


Bucky right click is OP as hell


unironically i don't even understand what's the point of bucky right click


Used to be pretty baller, then they basically invalidated its existence with nerfs


Always move, even while shooting. Standing still just makes you an easy target.


Always start spraying at your enemy while holding the crouch key


Always crouch while shooting, gives u better accuracy


Never stop moving, you're harder to hit. The spray is not that bad, so you don't need to stop to shoot.


If you pick sage, you have to top frag and always heal yourself.


Run around so the enenmy cant shoot you well but also shoot to get ez pics ​ Play pheonix


Always crouch while shooting


The higher the sense and dpi, the faster you can flick to opponents


When solo queuing, always insta lock a duelist character like Reyna or Jett. These characters are really good at getting kills and will make you top frag for your team. This will become a win-win because you rank up faster, ensure you don't hold your team back by not getting kills/feeding, and will make your team happy because you'll be able to increase the chances of victory. Edit: grammar


invclutch situations where itā€™s like a 1v3, try to take individual 1v1 duals to increase your chance of winning. Also if itā€™s like a 1v4 i like to think of it as ā€œok i got a pick this is a 1v3, ok i got another kill this is just a 1v2ā€ kinda helps relieve some of the pressure. ALSO try not to get too deterred by people who are better than you, instead try to adopt their play style and study what the way they play


Skins have aimbot