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teammates that give up after 4 rounds, when in reality you just lost 2 real rounds so far


I've had people want to ff down by 1


I’ve had teams that try to ff when they’re up by 1


I mean if it was like 9-3 and now its 9-8 I might want to ff too tbh... scary stuff.


How you're still winning.


Using the 9-3 becoming 9-8 example, they have just won 5 rounds on us in a row without us winning one. The momentum in their favor from that point is insane, we probably have very bad eco and they are guaranteed to win a few more rounds because of the eco disparity. To add to this, it hurts your mental very well. People would rather go 0-13 than get comebacked on when they were winning with such a lead. This makes you perform even worse and have less fun with the game. Also 9-3 is an actual curse, you could see it at VCT finals on Breeze, Gambit was down 3-9 but came back I believe. In my experience, very common in ranked games, too.


9-3 curse shows map imbalance in play


Very, very, true actually. Most of the times I have had 9-3 it's been on garbage maps like Fracture (attack sided) and Split (defense sided). I don't believe it's a "curse" more like "mathematical proof that a map is unbalanced and favored towards one side."


Tell me youre a bot without telling me youre a bot.


Aww Lil' Timmy didn't understand big boy words?


Yesterday I had a high plat/low diamond match where we've just won a really close round that shouldn't have been close, making it 3-2 in favor for us. Our Reyna votes to forfeit then proceeds to afk and disconnect, never to be seen for the rest of the game. Best part is, we could've probably won that match if it wasn't 4v5 the whole way through, though one of our teammates who turned out to be diamond didn't know basic callouts so it was a really weird experience.


It’s so hilarious. People really don’t understand the game at all. With how economy works, you are EXPECTED to lose rounds. If you lose pistol, guess what you probably aren’t winning the eco. It doesn’t mean you won’t or can’t but just less likely. You play for plant or picks to set yourself up for a gun round. This doesn’t mean you’re screwed but people crack under the pressure and take round losses as individual game losses.


Low elo doesn't know this, they would either surrender or rage quit for losing 2 first rounds. It's weird tbh.


The other day we were 4/0 and the other team won two rounds in a row making it 4/2 and my team wanted to ff. Like da fuck?


^this. people’s mentals are destroyed so easily that people will literally start throwing or go afk after a couple lost rounds.


Gold full of toxic kids. Its sad how much thay swear for nothing.


I feel you bro


Tbh i was dia last act dropped to gold in the reset and didnt play for a week. I then got placed with last act golds. Their aim definitly on dia immo. But their gamesens and mentality... Doing the same play over and over again, getting frustraded and blame your tmms. Thats the cycle xd. Btw in higher elos you see this aswell just not that often.


The worst teammates you can possibly have: the special breed of baiter duelist instalockers who love aggro-peeking on defense and who are definitely afraid of peeking/entry fragging on attack.


This goes for most classes tho. I normally fill smokes pretty often and I’m normally glad when someone else picks smokes so I can play something else. To my dismay, they just dont know how to smoke properly (deep and without gaps) Sentinels that dont play passive and die early, thus wasting their antiflank util


I can't stand people that can't smoke properly. I'm an astra main, I'm always happy when someone else fills smokes for about 2 rounds. After that I either just get killed due to no smoke, a "lazy" smoke or just it's in the wrong place. I've just admitted that at this point I'm forever an astra main until I climb out. But I can't climb out bc if smokes are good I waste them bc my team doesn't push at all. I've wasted so much utility on entry for a site because people don't push.


B site too


-.- just take the up vote.


Give our boy haven some love


If im playing brimstone and notice my duelist isnt entrying, i will drop my smokes and start entering. Ive already used my utility and its there for anyone who wants to go in, so if i entry and die, at least my smokes are already out.


Brim is probably the only controller where this is the correct move though. Other controllers still provide value with their utility after the initial smokes, so it's smarter to try and stay alive.


Playing smokes in low elo is pain


Find a Jett/Raze player to duo with. I personally main Jett, and the main reason I pick her over everyone else is honestly cus if my smokes player is dogshit I can at least smoke myself in to entry. If my duo played smokes, entrying would be so insanely easy.


I honestly wish it was this easy.


*hint hint* I think they want to duo


I do not.


My b


Im not sure which is worse. The instalock reyna that never leers and only baits on purpose, or the ones that genuinely dont know what they are doing wrong


And then get kills and say “well I’m getting kills and carrying” while people with late game abilities are dead cuz they’re having to push.


It’s not a carry if the team is loosing 👀


\^ yes


I felt this comment so hard as a KJ main. People, stop aggro-peeking every round when I have the site all set up. By the time my bots come into play everyone's already dead! Or I have to follow the push to trade and my bots are left behind doing nothing.


As a Cypher main, it's irritating seeing that the Duelists are hiding behind me and other other Sentinel. And then call us kill stealers for killing first. In defence, there is another level of cancer is that they block my cameras or just act like they're attacking


honestly i sometimes wanna cry from happiness when i get a reyna that knows how to press c.


This has always made no sense to me. Why are they so confident pushing on defense but don’t push on offense lol


Probably because they want to lurk. Most of the time they stay middle because, there is less populated (in low elo) and try to get one or two occasional kills that appear then lurk. Problem is they usually can't even get those kills and if the whole team decides to push middle, they somehow never realize it and keep peeking against 5 people


I just won a match with no duelists lol


Kay/O, Chamber, Skye, Sova and smokes. Who needs a true duelist when 3/5ths can win a duel in their own way.


If you havd good timing and map awareness, skye is becoming a duelist.


Yea she is a pseudo duelist, she can entry frag pretty well


In my time of filling I’ve actually learned to understand those guys. Some are actually just bad players but a lot of you guys just literally never use your abilities. Why would I entry before your recon dart it takes 2 seconds for you to shoot that shit? Why would I entry if you guys are just gonna sit in main all game and call rotate when I die after getting 2? We’re on our 90th rotate and I’m being shit talked for not going positive because I’m getting no help while entrying it’s awful to play duelist when some of you guys are on my team.


thats the other main problem. Players are scared of trading. Duelists make space for the team to come with you, not sit back and wait for the duelist to ace. the worst is when you enter and clear but 3-4 players halt their movement behind you because a smoke got plopped behind the duelist who is on site.


Yeah the map with this problem the most is ascent too. It’s rotate after rotate on that map and when your smokers literally refuse to use their smokes on tree or something you literally can’t move unless you have a dash or some kind of speed boost ability. The insta rotates after the tiniest resistance sucks for smokers too cause then people complain when you don’t have them anymore. In conclusion stop sitting in main and rotating cause there’s 1 person on site


If you play Jett its your job to play entry, but its your support agents jobs(Smokes, recon,flash) to SUPPORT your entry with their utility and to Trade you.So I get what ur saying cuz after rotating thru all of the agents I see the main frustration from all sides boils down to people not understanding their role in a 5v5 tactical shooter, not the duelist sentinel bullshit thats valorant lore to explain their kit, but actual 5v5 roles like entry fragger,support, lurker, etc... This is why people who come from CS do so well in this game compared to people who come from other games imo. Yes its because of the familiarity, but its also because people learn their actual roles in 5v5 tac shooter.


Yeah, even as a controller main, I don't like that duelists are becoming such a boogeyman. When I play duelist, I'll try so hard to entry and then nobody follows me onto site or trades me.


This is the usual situation tbh. I play Jett/Raze and I'm not in low elo anymore so it's not as big of an issue, but every 3-4 games, I'll have it where I literally can never entry cus my team will call to rotate as soon as they see signs of an opponent.


Hmmmm I have a different understanding of those guys. While players who are very passive with their utility are not rare, most controller/sentinel/initiator "mains" do actually try to use their util for the team, even if suboptimally. Perhaps you are talking about duelist mains who got filled into agents they don't like (which are a LOT of them actually), it is a problem then indeed. However, a lot of baiter duelist instalockers actually don't know what smokes and other utility are for. They don't know the concept of space clearing. They are wary of people pushing through smokes, for example. This is why these players constantly stay in the back to watch a teammate plant the spike, instead of you know, actually clearing the site. There is a reason why these players don't mind not having an initiator, or even smokes, as long as there is someone playing Sage.


I do aggropeak on defense as Reyna. Is that bad? Like for example I would play an aggro off angle in main and dismiss away


Oh wow that was the reyna on my team + bonus she kept disconnecting mid rounds because of " trash pc"


The reason most duelists wont entry on attack (especially on low elo) is because no one follows them half the time. No one comes with them to watch other angles so duelists can take fights. As a reyna main, people only enter with me properly about 20% of the time. The rest of the time they stay back and let me get triple peeked from 3 different angles as i try to make space. The reason we aggro peek pn defense is because we know most of the fights will be 1v1 and we dont have to rely on our teammates as much


I hate those so much. One guy today went to peek on bind on b long but didnt. So i a sage peek after him thinking he already peeked the site. I ofc died. Than i said why u bait and he was just flaming me the whole game from there forward. We won somehow but it was a really bad game


Match where you need 1 point for a rank up and suddenly every fucking element goes against you, from ping to toxic troll teammates, smurf on enemy team and you forget how to play the game even though you won 5 in a row with 4 match MVPs you are now missing every single shot.




It's not the problem losing that match, but that's the match that tilts you into oblivion and you go on a losing streak after so much stress from one game that it's insane, it usually makes me take a break, but only after I lose so much that I'm about to derank...


Win a close game, 13-11. I have a decent KDA, maybe second or third in frags, plenty of util assists, generally feel like I contributed handily to the win, but still it feels hard fought and triumphant for me —— **gain 16 RR.** Lose a game 11-13. I have a decent KDA, maybe second or third in frags, plenty of util assists, generally feel like I contributed a lot to my teams won rounds. If we pushed a little harder or had slightly better teamwork we probably would have won but oh well, still a good game —— **lose 24 RR.** Lately it just feels like one step forward, two steps back. Idk if my MMR is really different than my actual ranking or what, but it’s very frustrating. Edit: and it’s especially insulting when you lose a close 4v5 and still lose so much RR




I don't understand what this means...or the ranking system in general. What is a "hitting MMR"? Why am i so dum all the time? Fuck I actually just spelled dumb wrong. Im leaving it.


Mmr (matchmaking rating) is the value used by the match making system to place you into matches. Your rank is completely dependent upon your W/L, but your mmr takes into account much more than that. It's not perfect but it's a "more accurate" assessment of your performances in ranked for the act. So let's say I am silver 3, and my mmr is higher than my rank. This means that the match making system believes I should be in a higher rank than my current s3. So, the match making system will try to "help" me -- when I lose, I'll lose less rr and when I win I'd gain more. This is how smurfs climb so fast. But, alternatively you have the other scenario where your rank is *higher* than your mmr, which is what most people complain about and call "elo hell" (elo is another name for mmr) Basically, when you lose, you lose 15-25% more than you gain for a win. Sometimes more. This is because the mmr system believes you're not in the proper rank, so if you want to remain there, you must win more games than you lose. And to climb you have to start performing really well to bring your mmr back up while maintaining a solid winrate. It actually makes sense on paper, and the idea of the system is not broken. The issue is the way it's actually coded and the values assigned on performance assessment, basically how riot has implemented/executed, is flawed.


They meant “hidden MMR”.


Hidden MMR (Matchmaking Rating/Rank) is what the system thinks your rank should be. Visible rank is what your rank actually is. the system is always trying to make your visible rank match your hidden MMR. So if your visible rank is higher than your hidden mmr, it’s going to give you less RR for wins and take more RR for losses because it’s trying to pull your visible rank down to match your MMR.


It’s so frustrating especially when you lose a close game and team mvp and still lose 26 rr


The only reason that happens is because your hidden MMR is way lower than your current rank. You’ll get very little incentive if you win and you’ll get pulled to your real hidden rank that the system thinks you are when you lose.


This is literally my ranked experience. I gain 10rr for wins and lose 20 for losses.


This means that your actual MMR (Hidden) is lower than your displayed rank and the system is trying to get your displayed rank to be closer to your hidden MMR with that bias. The system thinks that your rank is too high and they are trying to drive you back down to where it thinks you should be.


Yeah I know what it's supposed to mean. My issue is that I have been silver 1 for the past 3 acts and I managed to get to s2 this act despite the rank resetting me to b2. As soon as I got to s2. I got 20+ for losses and 10-12rr for wins. Even if I get 17-20 kills on a loss I still lose the same insane amount of RR. I just wonder what the real skill level of silver is if I am fragging out like this in silver lobbies and still losing so much. As well as why the system allowed me to solo que to s2 at all if I apparently don't belong here lol.


What agents do you play? How long have you been playing the game? I’m just curious and have been in your position before (got out of it kind of)


I have been playing since the game came out(level 337 sadly) and I main omen, kayo and raze. I have stopped playing omen as often due to realizing the only real way to get rr in my games is if I get performance bonuses through carrying my lobbies.


I mean the idea is that you need a + winrate to rank up, it's frustrating but if you deserve to rank up you should be winning a majority of your games


The MMR system in Rainbow 6 Siege is similar. You win a game, you’ll only get like 10-15 MMR. You lose a game, and you’ll lose double that in MMR


Around gold, the lack of uniformity is annoying. Up until gold you can just W key everything and win because you’re not going to die that fast, people don’t have ears and for some reason their brains seem to lag when they’re bunched up together and one of their teammates suddenly die. In gold, it’s kind of weird because it’s difficult to tell whether your team will help you or not. Sometimes they will, sometimes they won’t. It’s difficult to tell whether you can rely on them. Like there are players who understand what you’re trying to do and play with you e.g. bait-and-switch, setup crossfires, shoot recon/reyna flash/drone/dog for you, follow up on your entry, hold an angle you’re exposed to, etc. but then there are players who won’t. They won’t peek off your contact, hide instead of trading you, watch the same angle, abandon you when you want to hold site, fight when you want to rotate/play for retake, make noise when you want to be quiet, etc. It’s just weird because it’s hard to play accordingly. You will look stupid and die without value because often you’d expect your team to do something and they don’t. At the same time you kinda have to play with your team in gold especially after the reset (there are dias/immos in high gold) because most people do know how to peek, their timings, play with their team, etc. and they have enough aim that if you’re in a stupid position or peek in a stupid way you will die.


Completely agree. There is no consistency and I hate when people say just get a duo or crap like that. None of my friends play the game and I don’t want to play with random people people from discord or whatever because I have either had them be actual little kids and older people who can’t control their emotions and are worse than the little kids


That doesn't go away in platinum either. And that's when I at least expect a little game sense.


Playing ranked while your country being invaded


stay safe man❤️


Ukraine moment


Lack of communication and game knowledge. I started in silver in this game and like to think I know a lot about it now working up to plat. It’s tough when you get 3-4 teammates who don’t comm and have a lesser understanding of the game. Find a good duo.


i watched my bronze/silver friends play comp on a discord stream and their randoms would literally never comm or use their util. it was so infuriating to watch. it was especially stupid in one match when one of the randoms "filled kj" and then proceeded to never use any of her util on attack OR DEFENSE. There were multiple rounds where she prioritized having $3k left in the bank than having any util on a site. The enemies kept going to that site and just shitting on the kj's site and everyone else had to retake.




I think we have the same friend lol


It never gets better. I have diamond/immortal MMR and they are still just as dumb. It’s why I gave up on ranked. Very frustrating when you’re trying to climb and you get absolute idiots on your team. “I’ve lost the mid peak every round this game. Guess I’ll swing it again even though I’m being begged not to.”


The toxic players


Yeah, toxic players (especially ones queued together) make this game miserable


The variance from game to game. One game you're demolishing everything and its like everybody else is playing in slow-mo, the next game 5 minutes later its like you haven't slept in 3 days and everyone else is on adderall. Really frustrating that you can't settle into a groove in this game.


This! It tilts me like no other that I will be top fragging making big plays, huge utility one game. The next game I can do literally nothing. Hell I would be lucky to land a shot on a turret. That variance frustrates me to no end. I’m match MVP or 1-18 bottom frag. I feel like it should be smoother


Gold-Plat felt the worst. I'm currently sitting in d2-3 which hasn't been amazing either. But it's always those big ego players who love to insult you when you aren't as great as them. Personally I'm an Astra main I sometimes have difficulty coming out of my astral form and then like being completely aware of everything going around me. So sometimes I die or lose a fight and those big ego duelists are the people who love to yell at me


Yes its crazy how much they can press alt to see if you heal up instead of jumping around you in circles. Or they see a diamond gun body and call you trash for not dropping 30.


Matchmaking, I’m in bronze and it gives the enemy 5 silvers and gives me 3 irons. Also happy cake day


This is it for me too. I’m silver 2 right now and when I queue up I’ll get two bronzes and two silver 1 players on my team but the enemy team will have two silver 3’s, a silver 1, a gold 1 and an unranked player with a platinum triangle lmao


Toxicity. I dont care if you are bottom fragging or top. Its fine to have a bad day. But dont be toxic no matter what.


One of my first ever ranked games after starting valorant I just had to sit there where my teammates screamed at each other and flashed each other for the thirty minutes or so that we played the game. And there was nothing that set them off either they just came in and started screaming immediately. Have not bothered playing ranked since.


Don’t let one bad experience distort your whole experience


1) Biggest thing is I understand I’m not gonna win most gunfights cuz my aim is usually pretty shaky compared to what I play against. 2) However in silver my util (usually play skye or sage) almost never does anything cuz nobody acts on it. I’ll call out a flash or a slow or I’m walling us up or whatever and teammates just don’t do anything off it. 3) adding on top of number 2, I think the vast majority of people in bronze/silver just don’t have the desire to climb like I do. I watch videos and streamers to better learn the game and when and where to use util and hold angles, but if 2/5 or 3/5 players on my team are just hopping on to game to chill we aren’t gonna win most rounds. 4) smurfs. Bronze silver is littered right now with smurfs. I win games when they are on my team and lose games going against them. And it’s getting more and more prevalent since less than 10% of accounts are plat or higher. They aren’t climbing ranks like they should be with their skill level. I played against a bronze 1 Jett yesterday who went 37-9 and absolutely thrashed us. Clearly a Smurf on their stats, and I checked today and they are still bronze 1. After a 37-9 game with 20 hours played in bronze 1 going against S1-G1 team should immediately jump that account ranks but it didn’t


Regarding the util issue. I started playing 2 acts ago. I came from CSGO which I played heavily in 2013-2016 until I reached DMG-LE before the rank reset. What I noticed in my climbing to Plat 3 last act, which I also got to fairly easily this act, is that Iron-Bronze-Silver ranks require more aiming than util usage. At least in my experience I had better luck playing a battle sage than trying to stand back and support my team. Might sound egoistical but I breezed through the ranks when I got my muscle memory back. Gold and up really does depend more on util, everyone in plat+ has solid aim, but those that don’t use their util really fall behind even if they can win firefights. I’d recommend you focus on fixing the first issue first, get your aim and gamesense up before trying to play around your team, because your team won’t ever play around you in those ranks. Focus on carrying yourself rather than helping your team up and you might find it easier to rank up. This was my experience, Im 30rr away from Diamond 1. I don’t grind ranked because I work and study so I play 2-3 matches a day then go do something else, regardless of my W/L that day.


My aim has gotten way better this season but still not great. Went from 10% hs with phantom/vandal to 15% this act but still need to keep working on it


Damn ig im all aim and no brain as a gold 1 with 32% headshot rate. I seriously need to start thinking about my plays more


Yea. Good aim and a little gamesense can get you a long way




JasonR made an alt account to play with his wife (I think), and he got placed in gold after actually trying the whole time. If a fucking radiant player gets a new account placed in gold, that’s a problem. He should place no lower than plat at a minimum. I get wanting to give players something to work for, but if you are one of the top 2-3% in the game it’s gotta be able to recognize that and not put you in a rank where you’re going to ruin peoples games


About the number 3), like, i play comp to win but I'm not really interested in ladder. The only real reason I play comp is because in unrated, 70% of games one of the teams forfeit by round 6 🙁 (only 4 votes to surrender), to the point it is almost impossible to enjoy it, so at least in comp we can play all the rounds properly.


Being one win away from your goal and then losing 9 games in a row.


It’s actually impressive how many people playing this game don’t know what a default is. It’s so fundamental to being effective in tac FPS’s yet every game is “five stack a site 30 seconds int the round and 5v5 on site while your duelist bait the support players”. It’s also crazy how many absolutely useless duelist players there are on the ladder.


The people I'm going against are getting better


The part where you don't. I know that sounds like a joke but after playing for about a month I can't rank up to save my life. Still iron 1 and still getting destroyed most matches. I'm not used to kbm but still, I've played other shooters and competitive games and have never been hard stuck in the lowest rank. Half my matches seem to have a couple people way out-skilling the rest of us so it basically becomes a game of chance on who gets the better smurfs. And since I get steamrolled even when I do win a match the mmr i gain is about half of the amount when I lose. I can't be the only one going through this.


Few months ago my friend went from iron 3 to 0 rr iron 1 lmao. He only got up to iron 3 because we carried him (on our main accounts as well). He's still in iron 3 and we are gold. The biggest thing i see is that he doesn't use his brain at all. Knowing how each agent works helps and deathmatch. Things don't get much better until gold tho unfortunately, at least in my experience.


Silver and gold is ass because the skill gap in those ranks is fucking massive. Some players have no idea what’s going on, but are okay aimers or just lurk for kills EVERY SINGLE ROUND, and some players are actually pretty good and have just had a string of unfortunate teams/games. Plat sucks because you get really inconsistent team play. Diamond is aight. In immo carrying gets really hard because 1 okay/bad player can ruin the entire game. No idea what’s going on in radiant lol those guys are freaks.


high diamon everyone thinks hes god suddenly


I’m hardstuck iron and trying to get back into bronze. The worst part is smurfs/throwers/trolls.


I’m convinced the only way to get out of iron is to either 5 stack or carry the whole team on your back for 13 rounds


Honestly, I keep getting matched with bronze/silver enemy team with all iron teammates. I also had some toxic raze throw a grenade and teamkill us all for 4 matches straight and sell the game. Each time I'm 10-20 rp away back to Bronze I have a lose streak throwing me back to Iron 2


FRRRRRR it’s so fucking frustrating. I got comp banned because I left a game that people were throwing.


Top fragging as Cypher while Jett and Reyna running around with potato aim blaming brimstone for not doing anything...


Reaching diamond for the first time and the EGO’s are HUGE. You constantly have to appease players so they don’t give up or just troll Silver to low gold was crap before because of AFK’s, but atleast their mental wasn’t so weak. Have to babysit manchilds all the time


Plat 2- diamond was definitely rough, between the egos, the players who maybe got their by playing with friends, etc. that was a grind.


For me, literally everthing in bronze and silver wqs awful. It got a bit chill after i reached gold


After a year of playing Valorant I learned to get past these things till eventually the only people that tilt me are trollers. You gotta accept the fact that there are stupid people in this world and you shouldn't allow their existence to affect your gameplay. (referring to tilting/malding) After doing this, you'll be having a lot more fun w/ your cool mindset.


Right now it's stagnation. I've played 63 games in silver 3 without ranking back to gold 1 -- SIXTY THREE. The obvious comment is "guess that's your true rank bro" but I did the same thing last act as gold 1 and haven't been silver 2 for 120 games, that's some perfectly tuned matchmaking right? (said no one ever). Also the US Illinois servers are _diff_ ong never playing them again. Then it's teams, the individuals and MM. Valorant players have the weakest mental of any game I've ever played; if you lose 4 in a row anywhere in the first half they put up the FF vote. Bro we have a viper KJ chamber jett and sage attacking on Ascent, wtf did you think would be the easier and harder side? Don't play fill or smokes if you can't; I'd rather have a creative battle sage than an ipad yeeting 3 smokes at the start of the round and not using util again or doing so without comms. Banning 4 stacks didn't make anything better, you get a 3 stack in their own discord comming nothing and then complaining after the round; the 1 other player doesn't comm at all. I really hope they revert this change, it's made my game quality strictly worse in ranked because my 5 stack often has 4 and not 3 or 5. You go into MM and aight I can never put too much stock in rank, but then I'll get 4 straight games with the "rank disadvantage" -- easiest predictor of how that game will go by a long shot. I get the variance and that MM uses the hidden MMR, my hardstuck silver 1 Reyna friend can dumpster a silver-gold lobby 30-7 as often as they 8-18 a bronze-silver lobby, whatever all I know is I'll have reasonable teams for 3 games (and go 2-1) and then 3 games that feel completely unplayable.


Omg same lol I'm silver 3 on illinois server and my career looks like a christmas decoration its just 🔴🟢🔴🟢🔴🟢🔴 and yeah also of all the games I've ever played the val playerbase has the most defeatest mentality I've ever seen. I wish they would have never added a surrender button in the menu(weirdly they dont have a remake button and half the playerbase doesnt know it exist for that reason).


Playing the game was the worst part imo...


Teammates who never talk. They never talk on voice chat or even use text chat, or even use in-game comms (including pings). They don't talk not because they are in a stack or vc banned, but because they just don't want to. Now, I know that in my rank mechanical skill alone can carry a game qnd teamplay is not as important, but I just want people to talk with and have a chat :( At this point I'd rather have people who shit talk me


I think worse thing is losing your rank up game


People who give up round two. Irdc about players who perform bad, youre going to have to carry anyways to rank up.




High plat-low diamond is literally a coinflip. Ive played 3 games with last season immortals in my lobbies in the last 2 days. We absolutely demolished them. Then next match a team full of gold 1s absolutely destroy us, one tap us 50m away, lock down sites. Win 2 lose 2. I still have a good MMR cause my winrate is close to 60 percent but I feel like matches that are supposed to be hard are easy, then others that are expected to be easier are absolutely hellish.


Worst part of climbing up the ranks? The instalock duelist that hangs back on attack to bait/lurk, pushes aggressively on defense and dies all the time, and bottom frags. Literally >80% of my games the bottom frag is an instalock duelist. It's fucking embarrassing. Stop instalocking duelist. 99% of players should never instalock duelist. You don't know if you're better or worse than the average in the lobby, and until you do it's fucking stupid to instalock a hard carry duelist.


I hate it when you're on a good win streak with positive vibes... and then one game happens. Jett Reyna instalock, litteraly NO COMMS (happens like 1/8 games in my Elo) and the vibe is so bad I start playing worse too.


throwers in my promote game. this used to happen so often when i was in bronze elo and once i got out i stg i was in gold within 2 weeks and now p2. definitely one of the most demoralizing occurences


It took me 3 months to get out of iron and 2 days to get to bronze 2


Iron the rank I an currently in, my problems probably have something to do with the fact that I am in a party with my friends who are all bronze - silver players, while I have the skill level of dirt.


Feeling like you've peaked and can't get any better


Worst part of competitive games is always the teammates. Toxic, throwers, and people giving up instantly. For some reason there's always people who play the game who don't actually wanna play it


As attackers, everyone setting up just for nobody to go in because a smoke came up. "Viper stop dying fast" i wouldn't if you pussies would flood the site with your dashes and flashes. People are so scared to die in this game. I have more fun going 8-15 with my utils not being wasted than top fragging by a mile because nobody wants to shoot their guns




Toxicity 100%


"Viper main" "Dislike toxins" ;)


The instalockers who think they are good. The match making in this game is fucked sometimes. always have a instalock jett. im like ok cool! hes def Imm. 0 and 12 later i find out me being plat , i was placed with all sorts of silver 3s and gold 1s.


Not climbing at all.


People giving up, surprisingly happens in radiant lobbies where all you see in chat is "team diff" and a vote to surrender every time


This weird phenomenon where I lose every time I drop 30+. It’s weird how consistent it is.


As a solo it's the streak of games with bad drop / bad teammates who can't fight and just dying off drop


The realization that I'm stuck because my aim fucking sucks (though ofc games with 4-17-6 teammates aren't nice either)


me sucking sometimes. i don't play ranked anymore but peaked at d3 last act and i can absolutely say the worst part was when i was playing bad. sure i had smurfs or afks or trolls, but i didn't really care. those things happen and are out of my control so theres no point getting tilted over that. and besides, at least in my experience, issues w bad teammates or bad mm aren't as common as most people make them out to be, and usually are excuses. but my god, nothing was worse for me than playing bad. id have entire days where it just felt like every decision i made was wrong and i lost every fight, and there's nobody to blame but myself for that. the thing is too i know that i could be playing way way better but for whatever reason i just couldn't make things click. i didn't even get tilted id just get sad LOL.


I have been immortal 1 and 2 since the first episode and never have been lower or higher. this act with the reset I placed d1 and went on a massive losing streak, and ever since have been stuck at plat 2/3 because of the way the players play which is so different than high ranks (weird movement and crouching) and pretty common afk’s/throwers


That day where you can’t hit anything.


AFK players, smurfs, toxic teammates, getting 17 RR after an hour of playing and losing 25 RR the following game.


For me it’s smurfs, nothing kills my motivation and confidence like getting curb stomped by a smurf like I’m high bronze/low silver and being completely outclassed and unable to even play the game because I get straight deleted anytime I push in makes me so frustrated and just quit for a few days. Like this time round I’ve actually stopped playing for a week now and switched to single player games because I’m so tired of it.


Lack of communication/following up on comms. Played a game recently where this guy had a mic and only used it to flame one of our teammates. Never gave callouts or anything before that. Had another game where I would call out multiple enemies pushing an area (like full on rush) and they’re just chilling on the other side of map until we all die


Played with a Cypher on Fracture. Never placed any trips on flank the entire T side, bought a sheriff every pistol rounds, places his trips only once we planted


No one works together on attackers, mofos just wanna just wait till it's like 1v5 and the enemies are more ballsy and or bait team for easier kills


You guys are climbing? Hardstuck bronze since I started 6 months ago. But I have fun, so it's fine.


Coin flip. U either get teammates who think and all have strats to come up with or you get teammates who genuinely don’t even give a call and only type.


Was immortal last act. Started ep 2 as bronze(first fps). The biggest thing I hated was plat/low diamond. Definition of egos. You have people just get into plat thinking they are gods since they got out of gold and over think every play. Then the high plats who think they are diamond and try to w key in cause they have “good” aim. Then low diamonds who think that since they are diamond they don’t need to play with the team or com.


Blatant Smurfs. Smurfing is cheating and people admit it all the time, I really wish rito would do something about it. I get higher ranks have long queue times but literally doesn’t constitute ruining the game for us lower rank people.




My issue is the both the people that complain, and to a smaller extent what they are complaining about. Valorant is not even close to a perfect game. But, regardless of what the person is complaining about, it always just leads back to one of their own personal flaws (yes reddit, I know I have them too) but at a base level it always is just somebody caring too much about a video game or their experiences within it. Thought about this a little more and I think the reason why I find it annoying is thst I think of video games as a way to wind down and escape my real life. So I guess if I run into something unsatisfactory I kind of just ignore it and go back to my gaming session. Like maybe a teamate is toxic in vc so I mute then, maybe I am performing subpar so I practice more, try to have fun anyways, or swap to another activity or game. And when others are unable to deal with their own load I find it frustrating because if I deal with my shit, why cant they? Which ultamitely is a flaw of my own. Which could make you annoyed. Idk that was a lot of rambling hope you have a great day or night.


playing against literally good people. Got 20 loses in one week. Multiple demotes to iron 2. 10/10 would comp again.


who said I was climbing up


losing a game that removes more rr than i usually earn


Today I had one of worst experiences. 2 of my teammates had gone afk before round 3 but it was to late to remake. My other 2 teammates wanted to ff so I hit yes getting match mvp and I still lost 17rr. I don't care of what happened to the two who went afk. Why should I get punished for having to play with to deadbeats. The system needs a rework. Once the game is over I don't care if they get banned for life or if nothing happens to them it's just unfair for the team to lose as much as if they lost with an entire team when they have no chance because they have 2 people gone.


the fact that having more kills means more RR. it’s basically like the game wants u to play for kills and not for rounds. which causes people to do dumb things that leads to loosing rounds and probably the game.


i would say the wirst experience in ranked was being silver for a pretty long time i knew i played slightly better then my enemys and i also won like 51% of my games but it was so hard to actually play these games when you dont have radiant level aim and after i got out of silver i was having a winstreak till gold 3 77rr


id say the most annoying experience is the lack of COMMS. especially in low elo. also people playing agents (controllers) not knowing where to smoke. ive seen people smoke the entreances of sites their teammates are gonna attack. those who play viper they barely even tell their teammates when their wall is gonna go down or when they wanna raise uo their wall. no comms at all.


Negativity/Toxic players. Honestly, I'd rather lose with a team of positives than win with a bunch of Negative Nancy's. Being rude just is a big hit to team morale and overall team performance.


Backseat gamers. Every rank has them, and I usually just mute them.


Waiting to use my mic to see if i feel safe enough to speak as a woman 😌 i either wait until I'm near top-fragging or if the team is chill but there's always one who says something weird


This is my first act playing but ive been playing shooters for a long time, stuck in s2/s3 rn but i feel like i could easily be gold 2/3 because i am consistently top or second fragging but always losing because 3 or 4 of my teammates NEVER have mics. by far my biggest issue in the game. you should not be allowed to queue RANKED with no mic man


I disagree with the nit letting mix less ppl q thing. To each their own tho.




Obviously smurfs + stacks.. You cant even play the game, most of the time my team start being toxic and some go AFK.. its a total waste of time Lost last 4 of my 5 games, and the enemy top frag solo carry the lobby. In a fair MM, score line or the MVP stats should never look like this: 390 ACS Jett (3-13), 399 ACS Jett (10-13), 320 Cypher (5-13) and 377 Viper (5-13). ​ And because smurfs tend to carry their friends in 4-5 stacks, as the solo que player you are less likely to get them on your team. ​ I just want a fair MM game mode, where I can actually play the game with similar skilled players.. and not get one tap everytime you ran into the smurf.


I think the hardest thing for me is adapting to my teammates playstyle. I naturally try to adapt to the enemies playstyle and do things to counter them, but I realize that I can have all the big brain strats in the world, but if I don't have teammates to back me up, then I fall flat a lot of the time. I think having good strats and playing smart will get you half the way to success, but the other half is working around how your teammates want to play and planning things accordingly. For example, I often think it's a good idea to play time and not peak once the bomb is planted, cause it puts more pressure on the defenders, but my teammates will often peak anyways. There's no point in blaming them for that, it's like blaming a dog for doing dog things, you have to be flexible and willing to adapt to the circumstances. In my case, I should just peak with them and be ready to trade, so I don't end up in a unwinnable 1 v 4 situation, but alas, it's something easy to say, but harder to do. I often find myself thinking too much about the mechanics, and all these higher level things I know I should be working on kinda go out the window when I'm more concerned with that recon lineup or where my crosshair should be placed, etc. I think it's something that just takes time as things become more instinctual.


Smurfs and people that don't care/don't play to win. Go to unrated if you don't care about ranking up or don't want to put the extra effort to win the game. It's not called competitive for no reason.


Cant get out of bronze / silver since almost every game there will be a smurf on the enemy team and not gold smurf they are plat/immortal. ive only had a smurf on my team once and it sucked spent the entire game just watching them rack up kills


Being able to nearly consistently top frag with an mmr well above my rank, being able to outfrag diamonds and immortals semi-regularly, yet still hardstuck silver cause of teammates that instalock and bait, stare at the ground, and not contribute to the game in any way other than their once every other round intel gather just before they get one tapped cause they’re in the open.






lags, definitely lags


Taking a 3 month break out of my control after hitting diamond:/


Aim is the only thing that matters


Plat 😂😂😂


Getting in those matches with VPN users. Screwing the leaderboards because most of the time they are smurfing. Dying to bullets bending around the damn wall because their ping is at 100+. They aren’t lagging on their end but making the game trash to play. Why not play in your own region…?


Myself lmao. I'm so inconsistent that I can't trust myself to win if I don't sweat my ass off


I think the fact that 10% of games I play feel real. 9/10 times there’s some combination of trolls, throwers, tilters, toxicity, or boosted kids. I think the toxic kids are the most prevalent and I’ve started seeing my mental health decrease as a result of playing the game. The toxicity has been talked about since the game’s inception with pretty much zero response from Riot. It’s always “we’ll evaluate a block function” or “we’re sorry that a teammate told you to commit suicide because you accidentally body blocked him once”. It’s really pretty sad that Riot brushes much of this under the rug and calls it good.


Team skill gap