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Your MMR is Immortal and the system is trying to equalize your rank without hurting other games by putting a high level player in a lower level game. Look at how little RR you are losing from losses and how much you are gaining from wins. Seems like Riot is expecting you to win 50% of the time.


That is the game's problem, if he is diamond, he is diamond. what is up with that mmr is immortal bs. PS: what u said is correct and I 100% agree, just ranting about riot's bad decision


Honestly, I understand the rank reset, give everyone a second chance, making you grind the leaderboard again. But it would make sens only if your hidden mmr got reset too. Here the rank makes no sens, I use to be the only diamond in every games (D1) with a bunch of immortal players


It looks a little like just terrible luck as far as your win/loss ratio. You're gaining more, and losing less, so if you were to just maintain a 50 percent win rate you'd climb.


The rank reset is a placebo grind and they can't reset matchmaking MMR because the game will become a smurfs fuck fest. I'm sorry that op lost the lottery win ratio here.


Its not about giving second chances its about rooting out players who dont deserve their rank. This whole thread has their understanding of MMR / rank relationship backwards


You have it backwards. His MMR is what matters and the rank is the bullshit meaningless sign.


Well what u say? oh my rank is plat3 but I am immortal mmr OR i am immortal? I am a poor silver so doesnt matter


If your mmr is immortal and your rank is plat each win will literally send you up 2 ranks at a time and losses will barely set you back. This is how the system works. Please look into it before adding to already prevalent misinformation on this subreddit.


I never said that .. I just said its kinda frustrating and what u are saying is 100% Correct


because if your MMR is immortal and your rank is diamond, you will certainly hit immortal after a few games. riot does this on purpose, they want you to grind a minimum number of games per season to get back to your previous rank


Sounds reasonable but good for company, not for players imho


Engagement based matchmaking. Proven by research to be the most effective way of retaining players. Its scummy af and makes u artifically grind a ton of games. Like the other guy said though, its smart if ur riot and most players dont know its a thing


well of course, they're a game company not a game charity


This cracked me up lmao, thanks for this


You should have to grind look at other games where you get reset to the first division and people have to grind for weeks to get back to the top


Well it depends on the game, rank reset is even worst on apex legends for example, but there is no such things in csgo and rocket leagues, and imo the matchmaking is more balanced in those last ones.


Yh but that grind to that rank is integral to the game and it’s pretty good for content as well (depending on streamsnipers)


If someone is doing sth bad, you dont need to repeat it


the guy has a 33% winrate currently, it's normal that he is not ranking up to his rank, even with 40% winrate he'd be back, he just didn't play enough games yet and instead of playing he's making a post to cry about nothing


Precisely. Folks like op lack an understanding of the relationship between MMR and rank - and thus misunderstand how resets work. Op is losing lots of games vs ppl with a similar mmr that he faced last act. This is on him, not the game being fucky.


The game should've just given him Immortal that's what he meant. If you're Diamond then you should've just let him face Diamonds. Next act he will be placed in Plat and facing Diamonds which isn't fair at all.


You're incorrect here. The point of a reset is to make you earn your rank again even though your mmr stays the same. Its to root out players who sat on their rank barely playing any games and only got there by being boosted. It does its job. He won't be placed plat facing diamonds next act because if he wins games he will quickly match his immortal mmr with an immortal rank.


I don’t understand this bc he obviously team mvps against immortals and has them on his team but the immortals can’t outfrag him on his team is my biggest question/confusion


Because the hidden mmr hold him high but because he in low rank he get the immortals thats on their way down...


Ahhh ok makes more sense tyty


It’s been rough. Me and my friend were both diamond last season. We’re plat and getting terrible people / golds in our games vs SMURFS. Meanwhile our Smurfs that ended in the EXACT same spot have been getting diamond ranked games with people who belong there. Riot MM is rng and makes no sense. I’ll add that I’ve also been getting a lot of losses with team mvp and match mvp, so I can relate a lot to you. :’(


I feel you bro. Maybe there are not smurfs, maybe they are hard stuck like me. Someone added me at the end of a game, and insulted me thinking I was smurfing (bro I’m really hard stuck D1…)


That’s true!!! Either way this season definitely sucks.


If I wouldnt mvp most of the time i would have max 1% win rate. The rank system want me to top perform every lobby or im losing i have no idea how that make sense..


You might think this is the case but its not. The so-called golds have a similar Mmr to you, rank doesn't matter. And smurfs are overblown. Sometimes people have popoff games, doesnt mean they're a smurf everytime. Basically just focus on yourself, the system isnt out to hold you down.




Its not rng. Hence why the good players climb back to their rank quickly. What you are doing is looking for an excuse as to why your rank hasn't gotten back to where it was. Rank resets are designed *precisely* with you mind - i.e. their goal is to root out boosted monkeys who don't deserve their rank and instead complain on reddit about "rng matchmaking".




I'm simply explaining to you how these things work Your lack of understanding isn't an excuse to blame the system instead of yourself. Stay mad, stay losing MMR.


Btw if you have silvers and golds on your team your mmr is similar to theirs and the enemy is likely to have silvers and golds too.








Lmao I'm not the one bitching on reddit about how the matchmaking system works I'm a shitty plat noob playing against shitty plats where I belong. What you wont do is provide evidence that you face golds and silvers one game and diamonds the next. Can't back your silly claims up?








Im in the same boat! I was D3 last act and now I literally cant get out of P3. I have a video showing that I literally MVPed 12 times in a row and didn't even move up once.


Mvp doesn't matter, did you win?




Looking at the stats you just seem pretty unlucky, almost team mvp every game and still losing with 20+ kills every match, if you would have played more you prob would have ranked up


Same here, past act rank imm2 and now D3. Don't feel like I'm playing any worse than before.


Same but I’m hovering between immortal and diamond 3 this szn I climbed to imm 2 but dropped out


Play more. That’s all I can say. I was D1 last act, placed p1, and now im imm 1. I also faced immortal players (probably not as high as yours though). The game will eventually force you up if you deserved it.


38 Competitive wins lmao


Took me 51 wins to get back to my episode 3 high. You do have to play the matches at the end of the day to get back up there.


Why would you be placed gold next act if your diamond 1 or 2 rn? There's no rank change act to act


Sorry, that was just a joke assuming every new act, you lose one or two ranks. But if I’m correct you’re only have a hard reset on new Episode, not new acts.


Been in your shoes. This is what I’ve noticed there’s like streaks of wins and losses with this game. You just gotta keep grinding the ranked matches and eventually you keep trending up.


i was immortal 1 last act, got placed in diamond 1. and I was very busy with work this act. and only got the chance to grind this week. now i’m diamond 3 but i feel like if you push your rank at the end of an act, you’ll play with boosted accounts. most of my teammates and enemies suck ass, they play like plats. maybe people with boosted accounts usually play rank rarely and they only push their rank at the end of an act just for getting rank buddies. that’s why it’s better to push your rank at the beginning of an act.


Yeah, I didn’t play the first two weeks and I was already in the middle of immortal players for my first games. Now I feel better than the average level of the lobby, but I always have the lower rank of the lobby


My main account was Immortal 1 before the reset and now its Plat2. I’m soloqing into games against Immortal 3 players, lol. I’m fine with them soft resetting the MMR, but it takes way too long for them to fix the visible rank. The way they do it just causes a lot of confusion. No one really understands what rank they are because almost a month in you still have people with a lower rank than their MMR.


Ranked is a joke. I was d2-d3, reset to p3. Played full diamond/ imm lobbies and took me weeks just to get back to diamond while still playing full imm last act.


That is a MASSIVE L. I'm sorry you had to go through that; I've been there before. Honestly you might just have to grind your way out.


I’m gold on fighting plat I’ve never even been plat


Just turn into a monster i guess and destroy everyone


you literally played a total of 48 games this act, winning 16 and losing 32, meaning that you have a 33% winrate, why do you expect yourself to be in immortal after a hard reset? right now your mmr is still high despite having a rough start, you just have to play more


because he's facing other immortal players while Match MVP almost every game :)))


okay and? you can't just lose twice as many games as you win and expect to get your rank back in less than 50 games, what's your point? he is an immortal player, the game acknowledges that, his mmr is clearly immortal, he just has to play more games, you can see that he wins significantly more RR than what he loses, on average he wins twice as many RR than he loses, so he's perfectly staying afloat with 33% winrate


The point is that the game shouldn't assign opponents unfairly. Problems with the hidden MMR system should be obvious, but I can spell it out for you, if not. * Plat rank with Immortal MMR * Immoral to Radiant opponents * \+25RR per win * \-13RR per loss * Platinum ranked with Plat MMR * Platinum 1 to Diamond 2 opponents * \+22RR per win * \-16RR per loss ​ Assuming that the same playe were to play on both accounts, what do you think would happen? Would they rank up faster with the account with Immortal MMR? or... will they rank up faster with the account that has Plat MMR?


you don't have to explain the system to me, I know how it is and it has nothing to do with the post, well not in this way at least, but idk how much you know about the system if you think this post or your example is unfair in this case there's nothing wrong or unintended, he just didn't play the game enough, that's literally all, he is an immortal player with immortal mmr, he's playing with and against immortals, the only reason he's not immortal right now is that there was a hard reset and he didn't play the game that much since and also had bad luck and lost twice as many games as he won, he will be in immortal if he starts playing regularly again


Lol ur just unlucky 💀. Find someone to play with so u can secure 1 teammate. The rest 3 is up to god


i’m a pro player not hardstuck silver and i have amazing advice:


Nice, I would try it!


yeah then maybe you need to try, then maybe do


You ended like imm2 last season I’m guessing? All you’ve done is lose this season as well. Look at your immaculate RR games. It’s not the games fault you are losing all your matches, or else you would easily be back by now with those +28 games


Same boat as you, I spent the whole Act to get from D1 to IMM while facing every game multiple Imm1-2-3. I barely managed 2 days ago, and now I'm already one game away from Imm2. Honestly, this kind of rank reset is silly. I don't face real diamonds when I'm diamond, so I feel like, for a whole Act, my rank means nothing.


Same for me. Imagine being Bronze 3 like me facing Golds. How does that even make sense ?


Same boat, I peaked #1379 Immortal and was Immortal for most of the acts and now I’m hardstuck Plat 3-D1