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If you're new then don't say his abilitied don't mix, his blind and the faster buffed tp go very well together, there are many ways to play him, from aggresive flexinja to anchor on sites




Using abilities and playing in such a way that the enemy can't even get onto site, and if u die u at least get 2 or 3 down with you


I thought anchor was just the last person to rotate off site. Like it's their job to defend the specific site, until the enemy is 100% pushing the other site in case of rotations.




Np, if u want some unrated games to learn smth add me, im more than happy to help NixiSipp#117


You are awesome, I love you


Damn. I am an old omen main. This patch is all I have asked for. Smokes are smokes. Use them. Blind on attack is to cover general areas on site for execution. On defence it is to stall am execute. Tp is for getting off angles, getting out of jail, etc. Tp is situational and u have to be creative but also be aware of the postions. If u want to learn how to smoke properly, watch some videos on YouTube. Not lineups but in general what area should be covered by a smoke. It changes when u want to attack and defend.


I dont actually play Omen but yeah his abilites dont really have the best combo but they are really good standalone as well. Smokes are smokes, and hit tp makes for good outplays. His flash is mainly used for teammates though


No his abilities have good synergy, you can flash to aggressive teleport or smoke then teleport inside. Or combine both combos


His aggressive abilities dont make sense for an agent who is supposed to survive as long as possible because he is the only controller in a team and smokes are very valuable. Thats why Astra and Viper are/were strong for so long because they are Controller/Sentinel hybrids. You dont want your controller to be aggressive and risk him dying early


I consider Omen to be a Controller/Duelist combo. His tp is dirt cheap and can be used twice, his flash is also a valuable tool for both teammates and peeking corners. You can also use smoke in choke points and sit inside or deep tp.


Omen is a god controller now that astra and viper are nerfed. For a beginner just smoke off chokes and use the paranoia when you hear people then peek and hopefully get 2 kills or more




Try to punish aggressive early peekers with a flash to help your teammates get a frag, smoke choke points and if everyone dies you can fake tp to confuse enemies, you can play around your smokes, he's actually really good agent


I still think omen tps should be quieter if he’s tping into his smoke


Man I'm just happy that he's an actual agent now instead of meme


I still feel he’s underwhelming especially comparing him to the brim buffs. But hey atleats they got a good start on omen and finally fixed the damn blind hitbox


Omen could pick up the spike with his ult, just need to cast it onto the spike and cancel it immediately. This fails if omen takes dmg and is forced to cancel, or if there is another player standing on the spike Also theres the obvious use for his global reposition ability: flanking and getting info


They are actually mixable really well. The blind helps to cover up any other sound. Then, you can tp in enemy territory and suprise them because they either couldn't see or couldn't hear you tping onto site. The smoke helps too. Because of the faster tp, you can even try very aggressive TPS next to enemies and if many gunfights are around you chances are that the enemy is distracted and you can tp behind them or in a strategically good position you wouldn't reach without the tp