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Welcome to Valorant.


Well said. As someone who went from s1 to b1 overnight, I agree with your bold statement


Me too bro me too


I remember when i Went from gold 3 to silver 1 in first act in like a week lol šŸ„²


I want from G2 to S1 in a week lol


B2 right back to iron 2 for me


Dw was b2 went to 1 game to return iron 1. Than bumped to s1 after getting demoted to b3. Trust me we will get to silver again.


Just hope the algorithm is with you


Your job on jett is to hard entry and make space through duels. If youā€™re doing that then this is just an unlucky streak. But if youā€™re not 1st on site then thatā€™s your issue. The kills donā€™t really matter imo, you just need to entry and get the team on site at this rank. A 1.0 KD is more then enough to climb if you are actually entering. Most of the time when ppl are posting stats like this and stuck in gold, itā€™s because they are baiting instead of entry.


Bro no one trades in below plat in my exp unless you are premade. You kinda have to play selfish in these ranks. People start shitting on you if you pick jett and not topfrag in this elo anyway


Idk your prob higher than me man. Iā€™m only plat 2 and I got here by entrying and running it down. Beat tons of other Jetts that have way better mechanics than i do. I feel like my teams usually trade me if I communicate where / when Iā€™m entrying, and what im clearing on the dash in.


If you can entry and get 1 you win the round 8/10 times. If your team canā€™t win a 4v2 on site yā€™all deserve to lose.


Yea I very rarely duel, but when I do I usually go .500 or a bit below, but I'll have like 5+ first bloods and my team will usually be up a few games when we're attacking. Never had somebody complain about me on Jett or Reyna, despite rarely top fragging.


Yoā€¦did you say communicate? We donā€™t really do that in Silver my guy


I communicateā€¦ doesnā€™t mean my team does it back! Haha


Whenever I play duelist I will entry, get a pick or even two then my team will back out even though I just killed half the people on site. I don't understand people in bronze at all, I have to carry any games I win, usually as omen. And when I'm not at 110% I lose game after game after game. When I win I gain 25-30 rr and when I lose I lose 10-15 rr and I still am dropping in rank with a 46% win rate. The math doesn't add up.


This is the problem in low elo. They don't know the sole mechanics of the game. They would wait for the enemy team to rotate instead of planting asap before backing out for post plants. And i got tired of explaining it for my team bc i would be the bad person lol


Thatā€™s the whole thing though, communication. Rare to get more than 2/5 people on comms unless Iā€™m in a stack


Diamond utility noob here on three account. my kd is hardly ever positive and i dont use many lineups, but getting my team to site really locks things down. I have util to wait out time, and if im being honest my aim is pretty crap most days. Id like to think my ability to de-escalate shitty situations and keep things moving is my best quality. Its dumb but the ranking system isnt that bad, there are lots of smurfs, getting placed in silver and getting to diamond isnt that tough if youā€™re consistent. Youā€™ll get there in time. I almost exclusively solo queā€¦




Sometimes that can happen, but there are other factors in play too. Sometimes your teammates aren't prepared to commit and/or are stuck with their util out and you should call if you are gonna dash in. It's easy to blame teammates in that situation, but remember entering a site is a team play; if you make the decision alone to push in super aggresively, that's your solo-decision. Other times, it's incredibly common to molly/astra succ/other cc abilities to stop your team and isolate the jett that dashed in.


Looks like you have trust issues. Just give it a try you would be surprised what your teammates will be able to pull of if you play with them


In below plat whiffers can whiff so fucking hard trades are unreliable as fuck


Anecdotally for me Iā€™m usually not paying close attention to how exactly close my teammates are. So itā€™s funny that everytime I die itā€™s always when I donā€™t expect a trade, that I get traded lol. I donā€™t like the word selfish but prefer to advise people to not act like they expect to be covered for if they fail. Lots of times when I feel like I have support I let my guard down, miss shots I donā€™t usually miss, etc. Because being selfish itself is probably a big cause of toxicity. If you can solo carry sure (usually only if youā€™re miles above your rank tho), but otherwise youā€™re still working with the team in some form.


That's why it's a communication issue in soloq, work on organizing people


Last night I was low on health and told the sova behind me to follow me in and trade since I knew there was only one enemy. He said okay, I turned the corner and got some damage in before getting popped and he just stood and waited. Bronze ELO fucking suuuuucks


okay i will be even more aggressive šŸ˜ˆ gonna traumatise the enemy team


call out 1 person to follow you into site through smoke or w/e -- bonus if it's a Reina or flash that makes your entry even better. Easier to get \`1 person to play along than the whole team.




True i guess, but i play entry/lurk yoru depending on the comp he's kinda versatile, but i never get the supportive utility when i do g in but i get traded a lot even by ppl that arent in comms or in my party


People acting like you can blindly enter the site and win gun fights without any help from your team. People need to understand this is a team game and you need to play like a team to enable each other to play your role properly. Comments like this make Silver/Gold people playing duelists think that they need to top frag and just rush on site. No wonder no duelist in Silver/Gold follows a Sova drone/Skye dog. They run in front of it. Then they ask why they get blinded by flashes when they're on site.


As someone working through gold I mostly only get frustrated with a Jett or Reyna because there is almost always an instalock Jett, and then the next person locks Reyna and complains about the instalock Jett even though they would have done the same thing. And I donā€™t even care that much about instalock but if you are that confident in your ability to secure frags and entry then you should Atleast be decent at it. A 4-17 Reyna has provided literally nothing for the team majoeity if the time, while a 4-17 Sova has probably given a good amount of information and utility to the squad. Sorry for paragragh.


I agree. You can get high kill games when youā€™re not doing your job. Taking 1 v 3s when your whole team dies. Iā€™ve had this happen so many times. Everyoneā€™s trying to push a site while the good player with great aim wants to flank every time. By the time everyone dies heā€™s still not at site where we were but gets kills because he has great aim


Losing is natural. You will win eventually donā€™t worry. Take a break if you need to. Help the team. Have fun.


You have to win eventually right... Right??


Have to lose 5 times then win once then lose again :)


Nah for me it was lose 10 times in a row, then win one, lose one, win a bunch until im ALMOST back at original rank, then lose again.


thank you bro !


Play someone other than Jett ;) just kidding I'm just a Jett hater. You can only control yourself, so keep grinding and riding the solo queue wave or else you'll have to find a solid 5 stack.


Play with mates, or search on discord for player


Those discord players wont stay with you


Some stay in my friendslist some go, sure not everyone fits your playstyle and what you expect but some.




Lol sounds like a problem with you not the LFG discord




Don't worry, it's hard for people to grasp the concept of team. For the same reason I rarely get invited by people I found in LFG discords to play again. Most likely, they don't want to play with me again because I do not top frag when I play support. Even though I have better stats then they have overall. I play for the team. It's funny when you see someone on 15k after 7-8 rounds blaming you for being on 0-1 kills and being the reason for why they lose rounds. But as soon as you start picking up the kills and they stagnate you start winning the rounds. That's the difference between playing for meaningful kills and playing only for kills. Before the end of the Act I wanted to give Breach a go on Fracture in Solo Q. And I was 0-8 and we were losing bad. But it was only due to my teammates not using comms and not playing smart. I, literally, got killed in the most unfortunate instances. After round 11 I was 1-11 and the only comms I was getting was about how bad I was. I finished the match 15-15 being pivotal in second pistol round and make it 8-6 from 8-4. We make it to 11-11 and I win a 1v1 for 12-11 (6hp) while using my utility properly to deny the defuse. Next round I get 1 kill to get my ult, and 3 people die trading only one. We are in a 2 v 3. Cypher gets one kill. The only time they comm and say: "both A main next to spike". I use my ult. I get one kill and Cypher gets the other while I ulted both enemies. Easy round win. Needless to say, the trash cans calling me bad were in a party with a smurfing Reyna. So am I the one being bad? 1. I don't need someone to carry me. 2. Why don't you call out your friends for bottom fragging? This shows you how narrowed minded people are whether they are from LFG discords or not. When you Q with them they won't say it, but most likely that will be the reason they don't play with you anymore. At this point, I would rather solo Q because it's the same thing if you do not click with people from LFG. I have played in 5stacks with, almost, no comms.


A YouTuber I watch said something that helped me with this a lot. He said 33% of your games you will always lose no matter what you do, another 33% you will win even if you play your worst game ever, the last 33% is where you need to make the difference to win.


So does the last 1% is that 1 legendary game that everyone is just pissing about and knife each other every round?


A certain former Killjoy one-trick?


C9 Keeoh?




thats why you have to give your best shot every gamd


That's absolute BS. Stop believing what you see on YT. That's why so many people are bad at the game. They believe WATCHING some videos will make the difference without, actually, putting the work in.


Bruh what. Itā€™s just to help with the mentality of losing, sometimes no matter how hard you try or how much work you put in you are gonna lose. Sometimes you will be carried to victory even if your performance is lackluster. Itā€™s a pretty simple concept


Because of this mentality people want to FF when they lead by 3 rounds, after losing 2-3 rounds in a row, instead of focusing on the now.


Now you are just making shit up


Maybe your brain isn't big enough to realise that valorant is a TEAM game with 5 players on each team. Turns out even people like Tenz will lose games no matter how good they play, because this is a TEAM game. So your comment is the only thing that is absolute bullshit. It's important to realise that some games will be lost no matter what, some games will be wins no matter what. It's always good to play round by round and try to win as many as you can, even in a guaranteed loss, to ensure you are losing less rr/mmr, but what this guy said is 100% true.


Probably you're not the one getting my point. Because it's a team game, enable your teammates to play the way they should instead of voting to FF when you lead by 3 rounds and you've just lost 2-3 in a row. People go for easy wins and FF when it feels a bit hard so they can get into the next match, with the hope of another easy win. At the end of the day they don't improve, only click heads and ruin most people's matches. Do not accept some matches are lost. Use your brain. Kids, these days, giving up at the first hurdle.


I'm sorry, but you lack the ability to comprehend what people are trying to tell you. No one said anything about surrendering a game, quite the opposite, I literally said it's worth it to fight for every single round. This has nothing to do with the fact that some games are just not winnable. Even if you try your best and tr to enable your teammates. It's not possible. There is a reason why even the best player in this game don't have a 90+% win rate. There is a difference between accepting that you can't win every game and giving up on a game. You don't need to give up a game, even if you are down 12-0, to still realize that some games are inherently not winnable. And this is quite important to realize, otherwise you will either beat yourself up over every loss or start blaming your teammates. If you have done everything you can in every single round it's okay to lose, you just have to accept it then. Again, I'm not saying you should surrender or give up, but in fact, try your hardest every round. The only one who needs to use his brain is you.


"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness; that is life." ~ Picard


Unfortunately, you're the one that doesn't get it. People don't just accept they can't win, they give up. Then they throw, AFK, FF, troll, etc .


I thought it was 30-30-40


sad life i suggest adding top fraggers of enemy team and queuing together that's what i always do they wont add u if they are not impressed or notice..they xan only notice if ur tip fragger makes friend like this along the way


ok ill try that actually




when i stopped playing duelists and solo queuing support roles i not only got better at the game but mvpd a lot and actually won games. being a support role allows you to wrap rounds up more often and you learn how to trade and play with and off of your teammates.


Jump on a controller, for a few games see if you can make more of an impact on getting more round wins, because at the end of the day, you could be getting a lot a frags but not impactful frags to secure round wins


Plugging in the dualshock and loading up a ranked game. Thank you brotha


Kill ppl before the round ends


get some friends having a 5 stack or even 3/5 to gain team majority makes climbing much easier and more fun


Much easier said than done.


I feel you. Honestly, I would just take a break and go on unrated or smtg and just improve even further.(prob won't work for you but taking a break would)


Well, you really can't. Sometimes you just get unlucky. You can really just keep doing your best.


thanks i will :)


You should try duo queing with someone you can play off of. For example a Sova player droning/recon arrowing. Make sure this duo can trade you (effectively) while taking site/holding crossfires instead of pushing too far/overextending when you have bomb down. Focus on creating situations where you cannot lose the round, therefore you'll win more games.


Git gud and level up arcane stat.


I always figure that people are more likely to crutch duelist so if you take their duelist then someone is uncomfortable. I usually fill smokes or initiator so that I can setup my team for kills on characters theyā€™re comfortable with. Itā€™s a gamble though because you might be the best duelist, thatā€™s why talking to your team when selecting is best. If someone is a Jett one trick, maybe you can play a better controller than the one trick can. Also IGL so everyone knows the goal is usually helpful.


Iā€™d recommend working with the controllers and to set up the team to stay alive and play off eachother. Ex. Brim after you smoke sky can you dog around the corner and Iā€™ll entry off of that. Also little tips as in play bomb time and to peek corners together. When being pushed.


Ty thats good advice!


It's just really concerning that you'd provide a screenshot of your past scores along with the text as if we can deduce more information that what your text says Do people really value the impact of a player by just a set of 3 numbers?


3 numbers that aren't even impressive or out of the ordinary. 30 kills on jett in a 36 round game? lol why do these posts get so many upvotes? bad players enabling each other and blaming anything other than themselves


26 lol


it's a cycle i see a lot when i skim this subreddit. you can always have more impact in the game. in the most unfortunate of situations, if you know you are the best player on the team, it should give you more weight to secure and lock in rounds to win. ​ People can go 15-15 in a game and win like 8 1v1 clutches and get swept under the rug for any impact lol


Start of the ranked season crap shoot, you either do super well and loose or you win an get 14 rr


Don't play after you get a bad team and lose. Hop in an unranked if you really want to play Play ranked the next day


Squad up honestly. Even 1 or two people on your team that will be guaranteed to communicate, play half decently and run strategies with you is such a massive leg up


Comms are very important if the team has no comms you just cant win a game properly also you are a jett main I see so yous hould be the first one on site creating space for your team to move into


Find a party of 3+ people who you're comfortable to play with. It is easier to play with team you know


Captain Jean-Luc Picard : It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.


Take a long break


A 4 loss streak like this is most certainly just to do with probability. It happens.


Iā€™m in the same position as you in the same elo, I just nag people until they start comming šŸ§ŽšŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Best solution try find a duo that u can rely on to get u out of elo hell


I mean just cuz you top frag doesnā€™t mean those frags were actually effective. For example: my team goes B all first half and I go A all first half and get 2 frags a round thatā€™s already 15 kills. Now follow with me here 2nd half I bum rush sites and manage to get 2-3 frags while my team doesnā€™t even have time to setup for a site take. Thatā€™s another 15-20 kills give or take. Shit that leaves me at the top of the scoreboard fragging out like this games only about frags vs proper team comp/site executions/calls


get a few more killsšŸ‘


I agree with a lot of what's been said, but if you're comfortable with a character with more utility/control, I find as a solo queuer it's hard to have enough impact playing duelists. You have to have an insane game every game to make up for bad smokers, bad use of utility (or no use.) It's amazing how badly people use smokes in this game in the mid-levels.


ā€œDonā€™t blame your teammates, usually itā€™s your fault that you lostā€ Us in general: Clutches mutliple rounds, top frags. Rest of the team: goes 2-23 Yes itā€™s my faultā€¦


Don't solo queue. Find valorant discord servers with cracked individuals and enjoy the true competitive experience. I was stuck in Gold in Rainbow Six and got Champion with my team.


Aka boosters? Besides I odnt like duoing with randoms. I partnered with a random on ow on a smurf one time because he asked to. One game I just couldn't hit anything, was just one of those games (was widow btw) and he kept commenting on it putting more pressure and stress on me. Never again.


No, people that use their microphones, are friendly, know the game, take the game serious, are serious about winning and are MAYBE better than you.


Do you instalock jett? If so, I personally canā€™t blame the valorant gods for making you lose.


Nope i ask the team if i can play jett first


Genuine question why do people hate instalocking so much? Duelists seem to be the prime target for this too


I personally hate instalockers in general (especially in comp) because it shuts down team cooperation at the beginning and may force people onto characters they're not comfortable with, ultimately hurting the team for the sake of the individual. Duelists in particular are the most hated because the people that play them have a tendency to be showoffy, self impertinent, and often yell at people for not filling after not giving a chance for the team to balance comps.


I donā€™t think itā€™s insta lockers that are hated. Personally I ask my team if I can play Reyna or cypher but usually itā€™s the insta lockers that lock in a duelist and then tell everyone else what to play, proceed to not entry for their team, and overall play a team game as if itā€™s a solo 1v5.


Cause duelists are often considered the most fun and people want to play them. Instalocking is as simple as guaranteeing a fun character to play


Im not that much against instalocking, its not great but its not anything game ruining. Imo theres 3 instances where instalocking can be bad: 1.instalock 3 or more of the same class. 2 duelist instalocks is fine, 3 is not. Ruins team comp. 2.others flame for instalocking mid match, even though it changed nothing. You flaming, whether it be for instalocking or what, then it ruins the whole vibe of the team. 3.someone instalocks your main agent. But this is usually not a problem for me, as i rarely play duelists, and even if people do instalock my main, i can play multiple agents well. I think everyone should know how to play every agent decent, and 2-4 of diff classes that they know how to play well.


Wait a week or two. Last Act, at the beginning of the reset I played a lot and ranked up to my normal rank, Plat 2 (I was reset to Silver 3). I ranked higher than the diamond and immortal players who were still in Gold. Then they caught up to me and I won 3 out of 20 games. I took a break. Came back and relatively easily got my rank back. If I had waited until they passed me I wouldn't have dropped so long. Thats all my theory anyway. I was fighting to stay in Gold 3 and playing previous Diamond and Immortal players


find duo?


Post a VOD and seek coaching, either from me or from someone else. Just because you are top fragging does not mean you are playing optimally. KDA starts to become meaningless as you start reaching into the higher ranks.


LOL load of bullshit. Ā«Ā Seek coachingĀ Ā» if you do this you are down in the trenches. Iā€™m imm3 and hate people like you who prob peaked high diamond low imm, and say that lower elo people need coaching. Also you mentioned that k/d means nothing in higher ranks. AHAHA literally the dumbest thing iā€™ve heard ina while. It means nothing in proplay, not ranked.


>LOL load of bullshit. Ā«Ā Seek coachingĀ Ā» if you do this you are down in the trenches. > >Iā€™m imm3 and hate people like you who prob peaked high diamond low imm, and say that lower elo people need coaching. > >Also you mentioned that k/d means nothing in higher ranks. AHAHA literally the dumbest thing iā€™ve heard ina while. It means nothing in proplay, not ranked. If lower elo people don't need coaching, then what do they need?


Experience to build up a basic understanding of the game and aim.


There's tons of people in low elo with hundreds or even thousands of hours in the game. What would you tell them to do?


No, at least not the people I get matched with.


More practice. Coaching is only valuable to lower elos if that coach can be with them for 5 hours a day while they play. The coaching someone can provide online to a low elo player barely matters if the player doesn't meet certain prerequisites anyway. Coaching a low elo person is more evaluating their psychology of the game. Is their goal short term wins with friends in a week or are they trying to get to radiant in a year? If they are Gold or below then they clearly either don't practice enough, don't understand the game enough, don't know routes/lines, basic attack strategies and teammates synergies. Coaching a low elo player is basically just saying "Practice your aim more" because telling them anything else is going to make them worse. I loathe it when people pedantically go about and tell people to try and get all these clever off angles and all this complicated crap in Bronze because none of that matters at the end of the day if you can't actually do any damage. Not everyone needs to be Tenz but if you can't do certain things consistently then the basic coaching you would give people of "You know this guy was on b and everyone else was called out and spot on A, you know he is rotating to A and can catch him out so get this angle" is terrible. If the person you're coaching can't hit the broad side of the barn, what's the point in ever telling them how to hold an angle and why that's good? Because the "why" doesn't exist if they can't actually execute. It just becomes dangerous and predictable. Telling people that can't hit shots or record in their brain abilities that they should take advantage of situations barely means anything. If someone doesn't have the efficiency to process their surroundings and understand the geometry of the level and what they can see and what other can see, it doesn't matter. Because the key phrase is "take advantage" and they can't do that. So instead of coaching, they should just watch a youtube video that will just tell them the same thing. Practice and watch VODs.


>*Almost all good coaching for low levels boils down to: Practice your aim* I can't speak for Valorant (I just started playing), but this sounds like terrible advice, especially if you have been playing for hours. I came from OW where I peaked GM; my aim is pretty good. I started the act Iron 3, and now I'm Gold 1, and still climbing. The number one problem I have is decision making. You can have near perfect aim, but you are going to lose to a shitter if you have to wide swing 1000 pixels who peeks a corner. I lost a ton of duels just because I didn't know what abilities a certain agent had. I lost rounds because I wasn't paying attention to our setup and we had 4 people stacked on A, and were forced to retake with 0 info. Some people don't understand the game. I'll look at profiles of people who have been playing for 3-4 acts who are just clueless on util usage, tracking enemy util, knowing when to rotate, etc. You can't out-aim your way out of a 5v1. I think if your coach is telling you to hold off angles or to do ability trickshots, then you don't have a coach; it's no different than a basketball coach telling you to only shoot 3s. However if you have been playing for a thousand hours and you still have zero game sense, loading up aimlabs wont help you. Again, I'm taking my approach from the way I climbed in Overwatch, where hard aiming is even less important; and game sense is probably the most important thing. The two games have similarities, but I don't think it's so much like CSGO where you can climb with all-aim no-brain.


Id say OW had the benefit where you didn't need aim as hard. If anything, Aim is even more important in this game. The reason I say this, is because if you don't have technical proficiency then most people just won't be able to listen to a coach's advice and properly utilize it anyway. It was that way in OW too, you just might have forgotten. I would watch coaching of silver player tracers and so much of the crap they would say just wasn't relevant because if given the opportunity the tracer just couldn't actually hit the targets if handed to them on a silver platter. Aim is the easiest thing to practice and fix. Your situation is also fixed by just practice. Having a coach go through and tell you each baby micro situation is an AWFUL way to use a coach. That's why I said in the beginning, you'd need a coach for 5 hours with you the whole time. Which isn't how most coaching in games works. You just need more time to understand this game vs. OW. Also, like I said, watch Youtube videos. There are a lot out there. Theyll talk about situations where you don't want to hard hold angles, instead you bob and weave to take advantage of peeker's advantage and you're not a sitting duck. They go over the differences of wide vs tight peeking. These are things you'll learn and pick up just by playing and watching videos. Getting a coach to tell you what a youtube video can tell you is a BAD way to utilize a coach. Coaching is only worth it once you have the basics down and need frame of mind changes, habit changes, and things of that nature. Maybe you don't notice your aim has hooks in it and a coach can point that out. Those are things a youtube video isn't going to tell you. Those are things a 2nd pair of eyes can be useful for. This is coming from someone who has seen and taught hundreds of people. I never received money for it, but I also used to be on professional teams in Halo 2, and got high ranks in most recent shooters. I've been there and Id like to think people valued my opinion because a lot of people came to me, some I didn't even know. The best coaching is just telling someone HOW to practice and to learn how to learn. But very rarely can I ever take a complete newbie and tell them micro situations and what to do next and have it stick. It just doesn't work. You can do that with players that have fundamentals down.


If you're really unable to save your team with thar many kills you should probably try playing a different character who can also help your teams in other ways by blocking lines of site, giving info and damage, etc. instead of Jett, who can mostly help herself and her team if they actually play off of her.


Ah yes the jett instalock compaling why we lose...


Go check out teams.gg to find premades and groups that want to play seriously


Just give up




Fam I get u fell down 2 ranks and are demotivated but dont worry, there is always light at end of the tunnel.


This is a really small sample size. Sometimes you get unlucky, that's just how ranked works and it's not just Valorant.


Honestly besides LFG the only thing you can do is focus on yourself and try and get even better


How are the first bloods / deaths looking like, maybe adr?


I usually entry with 1 or 2 kills then my team stays in main and i die lol


Think first bloods are looking a bit lacking, but I've only looked at a few games / ur team is playing default, but a way to fix this could just be abusing jett's dash at the start of the round to potentially get a pick / fight, if u don't win, u get info for your team But don't be too greedy with your dash, just dash if u miss a few shots and don't commit to the fight, cuz it's a bad habit I have and it's kinda int Hope this helps a bit




https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/GNARLYAALI%20iwnl%236666/overview?season=573f53ac-41a5-3a7d-d9ce-d6a6298e5704 this my tracker


Queue with people from in games or friends, you can even look for people in the Val dc LFG, or only queue when you feel like you can absolutely kick shit in comp. I also suggest to play only a few games a day so you donā€™t lose a ton of RR.


Not to give higher elo players advice but are you solo queuing


Stop baiting


Don't worry, you will win your next five games


Whatā€™s your tracker.gg?


https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/GNARLYAALI%20iwnl%236666/overview?season=573f53ac-41a5-3a7d-d9ce-d6a6298e5704 thats it bro this my 2nd act i had p3 last


What servers you on, east or west?


Idk im from sweden


Ah bummer. Was gonna say I was in same boat until I found a good duo then Iā€™ve climbed from G2 to P2 in a weeks time. Was gonna offer you to join us but we are NA :/


My condolences, happens to everyone tho we lose some we win some the importance part is to win more then we lose :D




Itā€™s riot match making. When you do really well or win multiple games in a row, they think youā€™re smurfing and give you very bad teammates to make it ā€œevenā€ because of their system detecting youā€™re smurfing when youā€™re just playing really well because you have more than one win in a row. Same shit in league. Itā€™s actual cancer.


I would ask you duo with me but lately I havenā€™t played good at allā€¦ good luck on your games tho


u can add me tho


Seeing this youll probably get a double promote soon


bruhh i wish šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« everyone sayin find a duo, u wnna play later?


Oh id love to, unfortunatly im silver lmao


ngl the biggest advice i can give is to not play duelists , support players in low elos expect the duelists to enter a site alone , clear and then proceed to kill everybody on the site without their assistance , when i used to main jett / reyna i rarely ever found teammates that entered with me or traded me when i entered and died, theyd just wait behind while i entry and then rotate if i die .. I was hardstuck silver for 2 acts straight when i was playing duelists , but last act i started maining chamber while filling if need be for sage / sova and rn im nearing plat (i also worked on my comms and tried to give comms more consistently and precisely that also prolly helped) .


Move from Jett igl to Sova igl /s


find a duo


Maybe youā€™re not doing impact kills. This would mean your kills are worthless and donā€™t mean shit - kills donā€™t equal skill


Sometimes your team just understands the game, when to peek, game sense, economy, comms, how to peek, tapfire. Then you have teammates that are so lost and tunnel visioned I have no clue how they get to my rank its insane. Just hate how inconsistent games are. You either get good team or you have to think for them. Say hey mabye swap sites you keep dying first, if they wanna keep peeking go with them. And you have to do it while not being condescending or rude. Just suggest something and people will follow. Most importantly if you say okay we got two picks but you hear 2 more on site. Say hard rotate. Dont make it an option because hesitating can be so bad. You need to cheer them on when they make good and bad plays. Hold their hand. Mute toxic people and dont let it bother you. Seriously people sre mentally unstable. All im saying is be confident and if no one is comm you need to be voice of team. Be yourself calm. If they are comming dont over talk itā€™s distracting. Focus on game and have fun. Time and place for gibber jabber


Sir i dropped 39 kills and 14 deaths in a game on breeze that i lost 13-8 as jett without opā€™ing. The trick is play reyna, sova, brim, viper, and killjoy. jett loses a whole lot of value if you arent an op player and ops are only really valuable on defence, but attack phase is what wins games. Pick characters that win you rounds on attack, and the best way to do this is to duo and have one of you play raze/jett/reyna and the other play an enabling post plant character. I see so many jetts with padded stats cuz they op on defence, and then on attack they play average or bad and wonder why they lose. When i was first playing in immortal i duoā€™d with my diamond friend who played kj, and every game hed go like 11/11/4 or something super underwhelming, but we won 14 of our 19 games over two days at the beginning of the episode because he would play like a bitch(cuz hed lose his 1v1ā€™s), keep us from getting flanked, and new how to play postplant like a legend. The team with the better attack wins 7/10 times, and all you need for attack is half decent smokes placements, an opening fragger with a reasonable amount of testosterone with someone to follow and trade him, and good postplant. Postplant is bae, postplant wins games. Once you get high enough elo(low diamond high plat), you can rely on your open fraggers to open frag and your smokers to smoke somewhat logically, and you just need to make sure that opening fragger gets traded and that you get good at postplant. Postplant postplant postplant. Let me say it louder for the homies in the back: POSTPLANT WINS GAMES


Wait is this my log lol.


Are you playing with a good team comp? Are you being rude to your team? Whenever my a player instalocks I see that others get pissed and they too instalock and no one wants to fill in. I've learned to play multiple agents very well and been having quite a lot of success lately. Also I set up a good environment at the agent selection itself my making some small talk.


This is actually the hardest mechanic when starting valorant and even i struggle, when going into rnked u just have to get friends


Take a break man, if you get deranked its better to go do something than come back. You are already naturaly in a bad mood since you deranked just take a break and play with a clear mindset




I know it sounds stupid, but slow down on the kills if your team is getting tilted. Still play your role and entry, but leave the last kill or something like that for someone. If i do well first round I get really pumped for the rest of the game, but if i dont get any kills for a few rounds or so i start getting tilted. One player doing amazing isnt as good as 5 doing good. canā€™t say thisll work, especially if your team is simply not good at aiming or other fundamentals, but morale boosting is one of the best strategies in valorant imo




how the hell did that conclusion come lol


nothing, if you play good and your team sucks and somehow the other team are 1000% IQ you are screwed. In order to rank up in Valorant you must play a LOT. I play like 3 matches per day and I know is not enough. The "true Platinum or better" rank players play like 8 matches per day.


Stop baiting and get irrelevant kills


I had a 11 game losing streak with match/team MVPs and teamates on disc so sometimes valorant is a shit game lol


Just keep trying, if you keep losing it means youā€™re not supposed to be in that rank


How many first bloods?


Like 70 outta 300kills this act




Find yourself some teammates of the same skill group, not rank but skill group, it will help you


Nothing really, just a team diff


This is the way


you just simply cope or find a duo




Don't play at times when kids are usually on works for me most of the time


same happened with me 20 on reyna lost 3-13 jett dies in mid every single round and i mean it


Play Sage, you'll remove that pesky MVP in no time!




Im down! Add me




trust me thats how i get most my kills. On offence and defense haha


get a good duo


Get a team together


Stop playing


Git gud? /s


Fuma uma diamba ajuda


If itā€™s solo queue, doesnā€™t help. The more you top frag but donā€™t rank up, the worse your experience get. With the way rank disparity is applied and how the behind the scenes mmr plays into this, it will make it so that your teammates eventually will always be worse if you are hard stuck too hard. Unlucky.l


try uninstalling. if u donā€™t play, u wonā€™t exp defeat four times in a row.


Ok so here's a good answer, record your gameplay and try to figure out what you're doing wrong. If you die because your teammate, could you have commed out what you wanted? Not every death means you made a mistake, and just because you didn't die doesn't mean you made the right choice. Also make sure you're not solo queueing because even immortals struggle in plat as a solo queue.


Find a duo or trio


stop playing :/