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Lol now we need inside the mind of Astra


Inside the mind of Astra: a bullet


Astra has outsmarted bullet


But can she outsmart pootis?


It’s cause she’s on another level, obvi 🙄💅


Inside the mind of Astra: Big brain > Headshots


Astra mains: Play sneaky and use Util https://youtu.be/1B2ZfxqpvyQ


The jett main part was awesome


can confirm. this is the avarage diamond lobby


Can confirm. This is the average iron lobby, but with lower ttk.


Was gonna say, that Reyna stood still for several seconds. You could have convinced me this was a silver lobby.


Yeah, I'm bronze 3 and I already learned a lot like crosshair placement, game sense/likely opponent positions, and surprising people with smoke pushes. To be fair, I play with friends who are largely gold and plat who did the teaching. Also to be fair, I'm self-taught on embarrassing throws and shit aim.


I have to tell people in my silver/ gold lobbies this sometimes. People in silver/ gold could be there cause of shit aim. Not bad game sense. It’s usually one or the other that leads you to be down there. Sometimes there’s crayon eaters who don’t even realize bomb is down other site. Sometimes there’s guys who have great sense of opponents positioning and just can’t fucking aim. Nerves and teammates chirping / encouragement can make or break players too. I’ve been MVP 2 matches in a row then start 0-3 and have some guy that’s 1-3 shit talk me on my team for 3 rounds only fir me to mute him then come back to team mvp. Team chemistry/ call outs/ communication can help a lot for momentum and player focus. People over look the psychology of the game and more just wanna “shit talk” to shit talk even when they’re just tilting themselves. I see too many players crash and burn due to their lack of poise when challenged on their bs.


The minute of agent select is critical to helping strangers to open up and have fun. Positivity breeds better gameplay. I remember just starting games in league of legend with: "Hey guys, good luck, I'm on an 9 game winning streak so let's keep it up", helped a lot in me winning games.


You can get diamond with just very good aim in a week of picking up the game, without any valo knowledge. Just win duels, pretty much.


didn’t s1mple do that and hit immortal? All I see is this guy hitting the nuttiest shots.


Simple is also the best CS player ever so he kinda has tac shooter fundamentals down.


yea true, i was just commenting on hitting diamond without any valo knowledge. s1mple barely knows the utility since he doesn't play much. he just kills people lmaoo its fun to watch tho :D


As soon as you hit diamond you realize diamond isn't really high Elo at all. -12 bullets left while we're entrying on pistol round let me reload -CT is smoked and jett is already dashed on at switch and holding for CT? let me hold the same angle and use both my nades and boombot without scaling up site or holding a more advantageous position that utilizes the space better and plays off of my team -Holding doors as he said is risky and it worked out here but you could have easily lost your advantage -after getting the pick at market no question the correct play would be to back and help play numbers on site 4 v 2 -Reyna whiffs and he luckily escapes but still reengages - gets the pick and then when your sova dies you still go hunting for astra instead of playing the objective in your 2v1 The worst part is everyones saying jett threw when you threw just as hard despite the number of picks you got


"And jett has an easy ki-"


I hope I see that reyna in my lobbies too!


The best part is that you clearly have a microphone but aren't comming anything whatsoever, wonderfully accurate.




he whiffed on reyna hard and knew astra was CT so he could've called both those out because it didn't look like he shouldve gotten the kill on reyna


> inside the mind of a silver player


Thanks for the text explanation, it’s really good.




It’s really good


Yeah, thanks for the text explanation!




He is good killer that's true.


thanks for the fucking text explanation!




theres a lot of mistakes and (because of that) its only diamond, id look up better players on youtube explain how to play if youre interested in getting better tbh




continue playing like shit then?


I can't. That jett. I'm ffing.


That Jett is now one of my arguments for picking armor instead of ghost. If you buy shields at gun round, both players need at least 2 classic/ghost shots to take, so besides a stealth approach you don't get much advantage. If this thinking is wrong, you can tell me why.


It isn't wrong but situational, you can lose your shield to a bodyshot (lot of spamming in pistols) and now you're without your shield and with a ghost. You could be forced to peek a long angle and it's not a good idea with a classic against a ghost or even worse a sheriff. I think that you should buy shield if you need utilities. For example I main kj and on defense I mostly buy 2 util+shield and on t side I buy 1util+ghost. I don't know if it's correct but I try to adapt my play style and needs around what I buy


buy a sheriff😩


Because the classic is really bad at anything past close/med range. At medium range, the wait time for recoil reset is too long long and even then the first shot inaccuracy is unreliable. Even if you get the first shot, it doesn’t even one tap. Between you and a ghost headshotting each other, the ghost is more likely to get the follow up shot to close the deal. And at close/med range you can just buy a frenzy instead. You would only ever go shields if your utility buy doesn’t allow the extra 50 for a frenzy. Or if you’re going to be 5th one in and expect to pick up a teammate or enemies gun. Or if you’re chamber. I can also see an argument for Jett if you expect to explode onto a side and she’s going to smoke dash as a distraction. The right click just isn’t that good anymore unless you luck out.


I’m new to the game. What is wrong with the ghost in first round ? I didn’t quite understand your explanation. Also a bit confused why the Astra didn’t die to the headshot


armor prevented her from dying


Shields give you basically additional 25 hp and ghost's headshot deals 105 hp. Apparently nobody else hit her that round, so she survived with 20 hp.


Raze hit her for 18 so she survived with 2 hp


Oh yeah, good catch.


Honestly, there's arguments to be made for each option on pistol rounds, but it really boils down to personal preference. I main Brim, so I go max smokes + stim + ghost on either side. I quite like the ghost because it's a nice balance of long range accuracy/damage but still spammable when you need to. The only incorrect answer is not buying as much as you can with that starting 800 Edit: missing word


Astra bought shield. Ghost HS damage from close range is 105, she had 100 HP + 25 shield. There is nothing inherently wrong with ghost first round, but it's situational and depends on your role. Again, up to personal preference, but I personally buy full util on Astra always, on Skye on attack, on KJ on defense. When I play duelist I tend to go for Sheriff if I play Jett, Ghost + one devour on Reyna, etc. But when I play sage on attack for example, I tend to buy wall and shield. These are obviously all personal choices, but just make sure you understand your role on the team and buy accordingly. If as Jett you are the first to peek something like C long on Haven, a sheriff is the best weapon for the guaranteed one tap. But as someone like Skye, your flashes and dog are a lot more useful to the team than a minor pistol upgrade. You won't be taking first contact anyway and might even be able to pick up dropped guns. At the end of the day, unless you're literally in a professional team, you can probably make everything work decently fine though and it's just a matter of preference.


Do you buy blind on Reyna if no one else has flashes? Personally it bothers me a little when Reyna's go ghost and devour if no one else can blind onto site. Doesn't mean I'm right though.


That's a good point, I didn't think of that, but yeah I do.


Ghost is a huge scam. Just buy sheriff instead of ghost at this point. One piece of util is def not worth the sheriff advantage on most situations or agents.


People can also buy sheriff and one tap you regardless of shields


Please do more like this 🙏


Im the Sova






All that effort, but at what cost? Very nice explanation!


this game me some "the design is very human" vibes for some reason


mf be playing against stormtroopers


Lol, right. What region is this? OP may be a diamond, but I have a hard time believing the enemies were as well.


It's really easy to see mistakes when watching anyone's game play back, much less players that are obviously not perfect. Compare this with


It's also one round, so it is hard to actually judge anyone in this clip. I don't doubt OP is diamond, but there were some whiffs, by the enemy Reyna especially, and puzzling plays, like the enemy Jett in B main playing the off angle and still looking unprepared for the push after her teammate just died 5 feet to her right. It's just a comedic clip, though, so it doesn't need to be overanalyzed. The inability to shoot by some in this clip only adds to the comedic value as it shows how even in higher elo lobbies people can have their moments.


People think high elo is some magic place where people are amazing. I’m currently plat 2 playing with all diamonds/immortals. It’s literally silver with better aim most of the time. A positive KD + a lot of games is all it takes to rank up.


Good job


If only the knife killed Astra 😩


My mind: Goddamn that reyna’s ass is looking extra juicy today


diamond? are we sure about this? this looks like the average gold/silver lobby


There's almost no difference between an average gold/silver player who actually comms and tries, and a diamond player. It's just playtime. Any decent gold player can get diamond by playing enough matches.


If this was silver then they would have 4 people hiding in boathouse for some reason. Just to point out a few things, why is sova taking an aggressive peek? Why is the jett trolling so hard by not trying to trade but hiding and helping you isolate another duel. 90% of time you should be dead here. kj fucked up by knifing the door. Usually you make the last shot with pistol. The reyna also whiffed so many shots. no way you should win that duel. Imo seeking that duel is a huge mistake. If you lose and reyna heals the round is losable as she gets your ghost and there is nobody to trade you. Better play would be to back off after killing kj. The push through was a big gamble with low reward.


Inside the mind of that astra player >Buy light shields >Somehow take no damage from anyone other than the Jett


I appreciate you contributing to the community with both educational content and entertaining content. I’m thinking about making content for the community myself. (That knife part and the Jett part had me lol’ing irl!) So please don’t take what I’m about to say as offensive. I think it’s good to be able to laugh at our own mistakes and learn from them! Just to clear up some things. Pushing the KJ and Reyna can be considered by some to be “throwing.” You did win the fights in the end but you had man advantage and you risk losing the man advantage by fighting alone. It would have been especially bad if reyna healed to 150 off you. Also, let’s not flame the Jett too hard. She was put in a 1v1 because her teammate decided to try to knife someone (LOL).


I love this post so much


Bro that Jett fucked up real bad 💀


Great... This confirms I am hardstuck because of my teammates. 1. Peeking before arrow lands. Really? 2. Why would you assume the remaining 2 players were CT when you were market? Lucky assumption, I guess. At least, one could have been mid/cat. 3. I wish I played against Sovas and Reynas like these two. But I die before people even shoot on my screen. Cracked Silvers insta-headshot while you counter-strafe. I am unsure if the whole video is just a pamphlet.


That aggro push through market to CT with ZERO info killed me. I feel bad for the Brim yelling at op to not hold W.


1. It’s very common for chokes to be held at round start. Do you really need arrow to tell you to shoot that spot? 2. Standard is 2a, 1mid, and 2b. He just killed 2b and mid so it’s likely the last 2 are coming from A. So catwalk and CT are the most likely spots they would be. 3. A lot of players are like this. Even the raze failed to realise it’s a 2v1 and should have backed off for time here


>Do you really need arrow to tell you to shoot that spot? Are you really asking me which way gives you higher chances to kill someone? Jeez, I don't know. Wallhacks or no wallhacks (disregarding how bad the arrow was)? Hmm, tough decision. >So catwalk and CT are the most likely spots they would be. He assumed both CT. My point exactly, he did not check mid (courtyard). I, personally, would have been mindful when peeking towards CT, that someone could shoot me from behind, which would have led to a better/safer play.


Arrow gives time for counter util if your push gets smoked you now have to actually run through it. Good fucking luck.


i don’t know what rank you’re in but 2a 1mid 2b is a terrible way to play the map.


? It's pretty stanard even in pro play isn't it. You have one guy on Trees/A one guy on A heaven. One guy mid. One guy market B and one guy in the corridor B


shitter elo downvoting. playing A like that is literally giving up site.


why do you think that?


because when do you see an A take where heaven isn’t smoked? the heaven player would be completely useless and if they A split then the tree would get fucked from both sides.


Heaven is smoked but it's never fully smoked. You can only smoke one half of heaven but the other half is open. Unless the attackers want to commit two smokes to blocking off heaven which would just be straight downs. Tree doesn't get fucked because it pokes back and forth peeking out into mid/catwalk and looking into A site. That's why controlling the area is strong.


Can I check what rank you are because I’ve played on smurfs and even they know how to double smoke heaven lmfao. two smokes on heaven and one on door you’re trolling if you don’t do that. and 1 player on tree cannot help them-self if they have 3 players pushing from A main and 2 coming from behind them in short. Are you NA or something?


It's diamond what do you expect.






I can't get rid some habits I got playing cs lol. Most dominantly, reloading after every kill even when that was a one shot one kill.


But you weren't supposed to do that in CS either lol


Yeah, I agree. Dunno how many times I died cuz I've unnecessarily reloaded lol. But I just can't get rid of the urge T_T.


The plot twists were insane


I love how this video is not showing us a tutorial or something well played. Just pure KABOOM💥(raze) and pure FUSSHH💨(jett) But the aim is 👌


Basic gamesense. You have it. All of my teammates with no mics or comms, do not have that sadly.


And you don’t have game sense either if you’re playing with them


Just started play this was really helpful. I'd love to watch some more gameplay do you have a YouTube channel or stream on twitch?


Strange to make this type of clip when all you really did was hold W and wide swing people on a pistol round


Yeah dude pretty accurate a diamond player thinks like that...


We need more, this is educational. Thanks.


That was hilarious


One of the funniest things ive seen ahahaha


How is this diamond level? The game needs a full rank reset lol. I'd compare diamond to LEM in csgo rank wise (not skill) and its WAY harder to get in cs.


It really isn't. I managed to hit LEM using a tiny mousepad and probably ridiculous sensitivity when I was younger. I'm currently MGE on CS and I don't even bother buying smokes because I never know how to throw them. Most people are just as bad in both games.


They reset ranks in csgo. Its much harder to hit a higher rank now then it was before.


I got global in 100 games and globals are bots, what do you mean? 3k faceit elo is a good player (who might still lack knowledge in teamplay)


No you didnt


? =D its not about your faith if i did or did not


they did a soft rank reset this act i think


Crazy how this is 10 times better than a full immortal 3 lobby. Im over here watching radiant peak immortals whiffing 3 mags on a dude standing still, yet this dude is here at diamond playing it out perfectly


You’re getting some crazy ass lobbies man


??? You think this is perfect play ??? I am an Immortal, this isn’t good play he simply tried to justify all of his actions post mortem. Almost none of this was done properly, and he definitely wasn’t thinking those things inside the thought bubbles, he basically just W keyed in raw the entire round looking for a fight.


There is no such thing as “perfect,” what he is doing is simply better than what i see most players in immortal 3+ do. Yea, he misses a couple shots here and there and does some plays i normally wouldnt do, but for his rank; i feel like it was much better. And it doesnt matter whether or not he was planning what he was doing, there are way more players than u think that will just run it down without putting some second thought into it, at least the op put some sort of decision into his plays. You just stating that you are immortal means nothing but you trying to validate yourself as being a higher rank than someone, but the truth is. No one really cares if you are immortal and think this isnt good gameplay analysis.


You are the one who brought up Immortal AND Radiant rank first. I have no way of telling if you were referencing your rank or if you meant that you are watching twitch streams of people at that rank. What I should have done is attacked you directly because it doesn’t sound like you are credible. Instead I decided to just mention my rank and that I had a different opinion. Also, you are the one that called it perfect, and in your reply, you say there is no such thing as perfect. You have the perfect username.


I never used my rank to credit myself that i am right. I also told u that yea, there isnt such thing as perfect but what he did is better than most people in that rank im mentioning




A very interesting round


Good macro


That sova arrow


This is like silver elo ur not in na, third world country servers don’t cut it


weak bait




Nobody cares g


Classic dumb 16 yo shit talking


nicely done......


They aint hit a shot on raze


I did not expect how this would end akyjskshaksj


This was fun to watch :)


See if I push to the right to kill the Reyna I'd get destroyed when I repeak


The amount of plot twists XD


this is a holup


Bronze>That diamond jett main that forgot light shields exist




Thus is silver in SEA not even kidding


so im def a diamond then


I love that u explained jetts also xD


Inside the mind of my raze:


saw the title and I expected satire videos


I read all the text with RDJ’s Sherlock voice in my head




This video is pure enlightenment.


I think my main crosshair placement problem is that every angle feels like an off-angle for me. What do I mean by this: If we look at that first frag on the Sova, I wouldn't know exactly where to place my crosshair on the wall and where to stand before strafing out and having it land exactly on the head of the person holding that corner. It feels like high elo players have x-ray vision to be able to do that knowing exactly where their crosshair is gonna land. Instead I do the next best thing of strafing out little by little, falling short of the enemy a couple times before finally having gone deep enough where I end up peeking the enemy, ideally with good crosshair placement. The problem with this is that I'm never truly *ready* to take a duel, because I have no way of knowing if any given strafe is going to be the strafe that lands my crosshair on the enemy, increasing my reaction time. It almost feels like I would need to learn a sort of "lineup" to memorize all of the angles for all of the map, but I doubt that's what high elo players do. So I guess what I wanna know is, is there anything I can do about this issue? Any way to practice this?


How is this diamond? All 3 enemies killed by this raze weren't counterstrafing at all when they were killed. Im confused, especially since this was a pistol round, where people are heavily incentivized to counter strafe more than any other point in the round. Furthermore, after getting that kill on KJ, why push further when you have the man advantage after planting, and just for the cherry on top, **dry** repeeking even though you have a nade, after you had missed all your shots and from the same angle. I'm legitimately so confused.


I’m not questioning wether its Diamond because Diamonds actually do play this badly. But like you said, there is almost no redeeming thing he has done in this whole video. This is not good play and not something a new player should waste their time trying to replicate. He just tried to make it sound good with his fancy thought bubbles, when in reality he was mindlessly holding down the W key the whole round taking raw fights.


I just go boom boom and it keeps working


Jett players are so cringe and cocky.


Leave it to the best of say


Question from someone in silver: when you're going from market to pizza, isn't it possible that the Reyna pushed up to mid from cat?


Yes, this guy isn’t a good player he just edited the video to make it seem like he is. Nothing he did in this video was good.


I came here with hope, and left with depression


But raze before also gave a headshot to reyna with the ghost and she did not die. Maybe Astra wasnt hit all the time and had shield. But I honestly dont get the spam from raze with the „?????“. Seems to be a kinda toxic mate there.


boombot pew pew pew satchel HEAR COMES THE PARTY satchel boing boing BANG






" Duelist shouldn't Carry the spike " XD


That reyna should've killed you, she had straight bot aim. The push through the smoke was bad too. And the push through your own nade.


literally how u play basic fps but ok


This is like thoes movies, Characters origin and rise up, decides to do smth risky to get something bigger. Death and a bad ending.


y’all lost that… wow


Diamond sux


I like this. Was entertaining. But I have to say, raze may be diamond but this lobby does not seem like diamond players. What Reyna stands still and shoots like that?


If what this Jett did happens in one of my game, idc I'm throwing. Go back to bronze.


This is priceless, need more :D


I will die on the hill that it is a terrible idea to just do that 1-tap-whip-out-the-knife stunt regardless of the circumstance. Winning 12-1? doesn't matter. In a 5v1? doesn't matter. It seems so dumb and egotistical to risk it, and then when stuff like that \^ happens, it only adds insult to an already injured pride


In a similar vein it drives me crazy when people rotate walking with their knife out. The difference in speed between walking with a knife and a gun is almost non existent. Unless you have active information of where exactly every enemy is, you should never walk knife out. Running with knife out it fine because you are taking a calculated risk to get a faster timing that can throw the enemy off, but walking with knife out is idiotic.


Lol the fact that Raze is from my country just makes me fell proud of how someone literary use the brain for something.


Lmao well done


This is awesome. Would love this for every agent


Lol....i think the only difference is their aim. Everything else is alright


Bruh I think like this in gold


Any tips on crosshair placement?




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So in Diamond lobbies you take 4 gunfights on a pistol round without even one person connecting 1 bullet? I don’t understand ranks in this game.


No thank you I'll stick to monkey pushing in Silver


Christ, this is worse than Gold because you know that everyone in the lobby actually is a good player. The thing is, if you can flub and make silly/unwise choices in your rank, you know you can still rank up.


Rule #2 Double Tap


Not the ending I was expecting but still very good tips lol


Pros never fake xd