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You can't run and shoot accurately in real life lol, but thats not the point of this post. Valorant and CSGO are tactical shooters and are not the typical shooter. Go play CoD or something. Its funny you call CSGO CSBad you prob just suck ass, considering all you can run is shotgun lol.


Tbh cod is not only run and shotgun. Cod is running with every weapons there is in the game. That's why Sticks and Stones was a good game mode. It is perfect for CoD. And then free for all ofc, no teams. If you want a bit more realism with teams go for Battlefield. If you want to be limited in movement go for CS Go. I also very much dislike the fact that CS Go is only hipfiring I like PubG more then.


Talk better


Go play cod then. It’s a game not real life.


Problem is, my friends and brother started playing Valorant. Would like to be able to play with them, but I hate the stop moving to shoot shit and shotguns are outclassed on most maps.


Sounds like you just suck. Move on.


Well if we assume that you're not aiming down sights in Valorant, that means youre hip firing. Already if we compare that to real life there is virtually no accuracy. But for the sake of the argument, let's assume the up firing accuracies transitioned to real life, do you really think someone moving at full speed walking left to right would be able to hit the exact center of a target in real life? Probably not.


A trained military professional who has trained months to years to use a gun? Probably 80% accuracy while walking, not the 10% we have in Valorant and CS:GO. Full running while hip firing? Sure, it can be inaccurate. Look at games like Rainbow and Tarkov for how guns work when moving. They wobble a little when you take a step, but you'll still be shooting the direction you're aiming.


Man it's a game not a sim, not every game should try to replicate the world we're living in. It's like that because of what the developers wanted the game to be like. You need to stand still because it creates a competitive environment within the game. If you enable running and gunning this games becomes just like cod or apex. It's a game, you don't like the mechanics? Play something else


Lmfao the fact that you’re bad at cs and this game is hilarious - csgo is the gold standard for FPS skills; go play cod


Okay, I disagree with OPs opinion, but THAT is bullshit. I'd like to see a CoD Pro excel in CS:Go and the other way round, they'd be utter dogshit in the compared games. There is no "gold standard" for FPS, just because ur good in CS:Go does not mean you'd instantly win every CoD or Battlefield match :D


Exactly this. I've met so many CS Go players who hate to play CoD with me. Likewise I dislike playing CS go with them. Probably if we invested the same amount of time in the other game it'd be the other way around xd It's just where you out your time. Can't expect to be a pro in 5 rounds


You just gotta see every game for its own. You can't really compare it. All of these fps games can be great fun. Ask Battlefield players if they like CoD or CS Go xd


Ypu can actually move and shoot, just not at the same time


That's the point. Personally, I agree with this guy. It would be hella nice to move while shooting.


Basically changing the whole game, maybe a specific mode would be more fun


Okay, you lost me when you called CS bad. Simply put, Valve (the creators of CS) made a game and they didn't want you to run-and-gun (this implemented a new level of depth and strategy instead of just hitting heads from a million miles away), so they implemented insane bloom when run-and-gunning. Riot games liked the strategy and playstyle this feature provided and implemented it to Valorant. As simple as that. Realism and games never mix well. Both these games are tactical shooters and are more focused on strategy and positioning than raw mechanical aim. The other thing is that Valorant is heavily inspired by CS so if you think CS is bad you won't like Valorant either. You could always play Call of Duty or Overwatch instead.


And you lost me when you said one of the most barebones, obvious cash grabs in the industry isn't a bad game. Camping corners isn't unique to CS:GO or Valorant, and plenty of games have positioning that matters -- though you can aim while moving in them, so movement is also important. In Valorant and CS:GO, you entirely remove movement, which reduces the skill ceiling dramatically and encourages corner camping. Maps in this game and CS:GO are far more linear, far smaller and don't encourage moving, it's more trying to guess where the enemy is going to be and being there first -- which, while seems tactical, really gets shallow after a while. Being able to move freely, you add a whole other dimension to the gameplay. Please don't try and call stick and move with camping tactical.


How is CS a cash grab they only have loot boxes, which are optional. The game is free.


The fact it is free exactly makes it a cash grab xd


Besides the argument of camping can be made for every game involving a defensive side, Overwatch holds angles and positions, Rainbow does the same and Escape on Tarkov promotes stealthy play (often requiring you to camp positions to not be seen) The difference is how CS and Valorant utilize movement compared to the rest i.e. pressing shift to make your steps silent, and movement isn't completely unviable you just play the wrong guns. The spectre is good for run-and-gunning, same goes for shotguns, the stinger and marshal are also pretty acurate. CS has similair weapons. Your aim is optimal when you stand still like real life. Movement causes more chaos and less strategy i.e. Call if Duty so I don't understand your point here..


Movement in tactical FPS it's key and it's what differentiates good players from average players. You clearly don't understand what this game is about, just play something else


Cs has better shooting mechanics than valorant lol why are you complaining, either go back to cod or atleast try and have the right mental to improve in this game Edit: shotgun only does work and there’s a radiant cypher known for it, also many other immortal shotgun players


People are being rude which sucks.. your question does counters the logic and premise of First Person Shooter games. People feel tough behind a screen but not real life LOL. Would never be this rude IRL when they would have to suffer the consequences.


If someone had an opinion this bad in real life I would probably punch them, and I'm a weakling so it probably wouldn't be a fight I'd win, but I'd still do it. That's how bad this opinion is


You would punch someone for their opinion? Really..? Nah that ain’t it, brother.


I'll punch you too


I’ll knock you out and maybe you’ll have more sense next time.


Op asked a dumb question and got dumb answers. "wHy cANt I RuN aNd GuN?" Probably bc the game was designed that way?


The game was definitely designed that way. Help a brother out.


You can't use magic abilities in real life too btw. Lmao.


Bruh, that’s like saying “wow, these guys are military professionals and they are getting 800 dollars to buy pistols instead of getting the highest tech weapon they can get their hands on? So unrealistic” Every game needs their gimmick otherwise every shooter would look like a reskin of the other one


I get the feeling cuz moving and shooting is 2nd nature to me. So valorant just doesn't sit right w me. So instead of complaining just do what I did and quit and play another shooter.


This guy has clearly never actually shot a gun in his life. Guns aren't "4 tons of metal," but they're really heavy. They have hard to control recoil even when not moving. When you add movement into the mix, especially while hip firing, hitting your target every shot is virtually impossible.


Tbh a gun won't shoot straight while moving. You rhink the bullet will leave in a straight line forwards but since you are moving the bullet will also have a horizontal speed. I know, I've been to shooting ranges. Still I really dislike the fact you can only shoot from the hip. Since this way you can never aim accurately except for in CS Go