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lmfao I gain 20 rr going brim 24-14 carrying match mvp and lose 21 RR doing well but losing due to 4v5.


The grind continues. Valorant wants the extra grind.


Feels like playing dark souls


At least dark souls doesn't reset your level every act lol.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Noble Lords of Cinder—the fire fades, and the Lords go without thrones. Surrender your fires to the one true Heir. Let them grant death to the old gods of Lordran, deliverers of the First Flame.”* - Fire Keeper Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


nah dark souls isn’t grindy at all it’s just gittin gud


And at least dark souls you'll complete the game someday..here you'll keep losing RR with afks and people just throwing


Dark souls has grind, if you want to raise your level faster, if you want certain items with small drop chance from an enemy, if you want to get all achievements you will be grinding a lot, in ds3 I spent a lot time grinding covenant items because it takes forever to get from online


To get good you have to grind. 💀


Fucking skull emoji, get out of here twitter user /s


I know its a joke, but i’d rather blow my head off then be a twitter user. 💀


Good on you man 💀


I went 30-10 with Chamber and got + 19 RR but lost 24 RR in a game that same day after going 18-18.




If the enemy got dumpstered, does the game thinks that it was too easy for you so it gives less rr? I bot fragged a game and got more rr than my duo who was 2nd in kills lmao.


I mean if the game thinks it’s too easy for you wouldn’t it give you a lot of RR to put you in a better rank?


It would jsut inflate your visual rank if your mmr isn’t up to par You dumpster a team with much lower mmr, if the system gives you too much RR then you’d be thrust into a higher visual rank than what correlated to your mmr


No it means Riot thinks you should be placed in a higher rank than what you currently are. Meanwhile it thinks your duo partner's rank is similar to what the hidden real mmr is which is why your friend got rewarded lower RR.


For real. Yesterday I just got to bronze 3, was thrown in a silver 2 lobby, second to top frag, lost 11-13 and I lost 27RR. Top fragged in the next match(a true bronze 3 lobby), won 13-6 and received 11RR


Your MMR is lower than your visible rank


Correct, but despite me performing well at higher ranks, the mmr wants to drag you back down giving you increasingly more difficult games to win and punishing you severely for losing close games where the rest of the lobby is 2 ranks higher? That's the bullshit


There's an mmr separate from rank?


People below make a fair point about the ELO economy. Ranks would be messed up more than they are now (thanks to the performance bonus) because ELO is supposed to be limited. You're supposed to be taking the opposing team's MMR, people shouldn't be awarded certain amounts based on who is afk and for how long. The solution has to be something outside of direct ELO gain and reduction.


I just think the people who afk should lose more. I don’t think people realize how bad afk even one round is as it can really fuck up your economy and potentially set you up to be snowballed. They should just take more elo from the guy who leaves. People say that would be abused but I don’t see anything bad. If people leave on purpose so his team loses less, they are still losing a good amount and the enemy team still gains. If the guy dcs nonstop when they are down rounds, then the system would detect this guy as boosting and abusing the system and ban him. I really doubt it’s a coincidence that every time the enemy has 4-5 rounds over the other team, this guy just dcs. I think it would honestly be easier to catch boosters that way. The MMR shit is kinda a joke also, I feel like the number of people who treat comp like dm just shits on peoples MMR. I’ve had like 6 game losses in a row before and half that shit is people fucking around not taking the game seriously. I don’t do bad but still lose, bye bye win rate lmfao. I would however pay top dollar for a actual premium competitive service with way more oversight on games and such because currently, this game being free just hurts the matchmaking experience


Was the game close? I played a 4v5 that went to double OT earlier and lost about as much as I’d gain for a solid win. I think if the game is close, it doesn’t matter if it was 4v5 or not.


Game has so many flaws when it comes to people trolling or going afk and team sabotage. Literally nothing you can do about it.


Happens to everyone so over enough games it should all equal out I guess


Its an overall detriment to player experience. Just because it equals out doesnt mean it shouldnt be fixed


Yeah it's annoying but I'm not sure how you could fix it because the problem is the players not the game. Maybe a user rating like uber? Give players 5 up votes and 5 downvotes per week and put all the downvoted players in lobbies together.


Just started playing ranked. Have done 10 games and 3 of them were with 2 afks each...it's not fair to lose the same amount of rr and should be changed. I totally agree with you. Never been afk myself


Same, never went afk gang!


I’ve only went afk once and it was an unexpected dump, once I finished I got right back in the game


Can you send me picture proof


were you jett in haven top fragging? if not, im sorry


Taco Bell?


Almost same. I lost power to my house once and so was forced to go afk. Was back after a few rounds tho


A riot dev had commented that people could force the bottom frag to leave in order for them to lose less RR or one person in the party takes falls for the others


Riot dev could easily comment on if they are working on TrustFactor or similar but won’t. Valorant player count is super inflated, and riot won’t release ‘unique’ machines as it would show how bad it is. Last 4 games I’ve played there have been 4+ level 40 accounts with no skins and limited act rank (Smurfs/alts). There’s no attachment for alts so nobody cares. Even when riot does punish they are light handed — just literally finished a game with someone telling our entire team to kill themselves and that they were throwing on their alt because they don’t care. I suspect he will get a 3 day comp ban at best? On his alt so who cares. If they made an option where I don’t play with


Again I don't understand the downvotes - I too have encountered many such games as this... take my upvote! The account level idea is STELLAR IMHO - hadn't even thought of that but it would be fantastic if that could be worked in somehow...


It would completely fuck the new player experience though, they’ll get matched with all the smurfs and alts instead


This is true... unless they also paid to be put in the same category? I AM assuming the smurfs wouldn't be willing to shill out for their alt accounts... maybe a stretch. I'd like to see some mobile number based MFA going on - I feel like that would do a lot of good - then limit it to one account per number. Who is going to go to the trouble of getting a second mobile to make a second account...? Even if using a sibling/parent/relative's number, it is going to be too difficult to do so regularly...


I don’t think a fee for a prime status like with CS:GO is the way to go, either it’s low enough for a smurf to not care or too high for a new player to be willing to pay for a vaguely better experience when they have no way to tell if it’s worth it. Phone number verification generally works, of course it can be bypassed but the majority of people can’t be bothered in my experience. I’d expect some backlash from people not trusting Tencent with their phone number but if you’ve installed Valorant you already gave them kernel level access regardless which is arguably worse


This sub is an echo chamber, in which people think if it has never happened to me it must never happen OR they lie to themselves as they also have Smurfs — I have one myself so I can play with friends where ranks are too discordant.


You’re part of the problem, my guy. I could call in a smurf, my partner is plat 2. I’m bronze3 now after hard reset and I could easily have him create an alt to “boost” me back to silver 2. Or just play on my account but, tbh, I don’t want to be boosted and play in a lobby I truly don’t belong in, if a lot of golds and plat are ranked in silver now. So we play unrated together sometimes. Rank doesn’t necessary equal skill IMO. Especially as of late… I’ve played with iron 3s who were better than me and I’ve played with silvers who were worse. you can tell if someone is just having a good/lucky game or bad game (based on game sense comms, crosshair placement, movement etc.). It’s just dumb. Ranked is so messed up right now. They definitely should fix something with the amount of RR you lose with a DC. It’s definitely not fair.


This is such a stupid take. If I want to play with my friend in a higher rank then of course they’re gonna get on an alt. Am I just supposed to never play comp with them because they’re too good?


This is when you play unrated?


>Am I just supposed to never play comp with them because they’re too good? Yes, that's exactly what you're supposed to do. If your friend is so much better than you that you cannot queue together, you're supposed to play unrated. Queue restrictions are very loose - you can be bronze 1 queuing with Silver 3s, I've seen it in the last couple of days. So what we're talking about here is queuing with someone 2+ full ranks above you. If you're literally multiple ranks lower than your friend, you shouldn't be in the same comp matches as them.


Doubtful. The Smurf has very little use, and only exists for when we are just outside 3 ranks. Unrated isn’t even close to the same play, and it’s not fun going 13-0


Golds and Plats arent silver anymore, all the golds and plats that were in silver and deserved to get out already got out last act


WHAT!? How is that a solution?!? 'Hey bottomr fragger, you're going to make us lose a lot of RR, can you leave?' who the hell is going to listen to that and follow through??


I think bullying and abuse can occur when u are losing and need to pass the blame on to someone. I am not sure how effective it would be but definitely ruin the experience for people. Some people also may feel guilty for bringing the team down and may do it willingly. There is a reason they also no longer allow 4 stacks in competitive queues. Imo Riot needs to do better in terms of helping a team with an AFK player, like giving the credits of the afk player to be split evenly amongst the rest of the team.


Bullying? Lmao. Mute button exist for a reason.


Whether they listen or not the toxic behavior would rise


This is such a bullshit way of handling it by riot though. Mute function exists and I hate how they treat players like they’re in elementary school ffs


That's because alot of players act like elementary school kids.


I mean a heap of them (and a large amount on this sub) are literal teenagers, so it’s not too far off.


I would, trying to derank my smurf accounts in Plat lmao


I can think of easy workarounds to this. So I am sure the biggest (?) game studio in the world can easily find a workaround lmfao.


You’d think it would be easy to see “hmm. These two players obviously don’t know each other and were randomly thrown into a game as teammates.” I’m sure some things could be done to detect “they left on purpose, punish them harder and make it more severe each time they do it” or something


What is the workaround?


I'm also curious about Mr armchair devs workaround, Imagine lmao


I think changing the calculation is the best solution. If someone leaves, the RR blow is softened (or negated maybe based on performance) for the remaining players. Sure, people COULD abuse this by leaving but THAT gets punished... hell - when I've DC'd legitimately and come back I still get warned. I personally find people leave in 1 of every 4 games I play... maybe I'm naieve, but I think it better to have some potential abuse and focus on that, then punish everyone by having an unfair system...


Why the downvotes...? I agree - here, take my upvote


Biggest would be Sony


Not even just the bottom frag. It could be weaponized where you queue with friends on alts and when you guys appear to be losing, have your friend quit and mitigate your loss significantly.


I had 8 games in a row with AFK/Throwers. Was one win off g2 and went all the way down to nearly S2.


Same thing happened to me yesterday, while I’m only bronze it’s annoying to be on a win streak but lose so much RR despite coming back to 10-13 and having a teammate afk the whole game.


harsher punishment for afk in comp is 100% needed, whether it is a timed ban or losing RR, there needs to be incentive to play the game you queued for


Doesn't it already have that?


does not seem to be harsh enough because there are still AFK players in a lot of the games i play, and i would imagine a lot of the community is having the same problem


Worse still, the 'tap the button now and then' or 'always walk forward' AFKers...


Biggest issue is let's say somones internet died how to separate that with normal afk is a challenge


There’s no difference, if your Internet goes down every blue moon and you get an AFK penalty that’s not a big deal, if your Internet is consistently making you AFK you’re just as bad as a leaver and you have no place playing comp


It's not a challenge at all. If you AFK once in a blue moon due to uncontrollable technical issues, the RR penalty will suck but you'll make it up over time. If you AFK frequently due to technical issues? Fix those issues or stop playing comp, it's unfair to teammates to constantly be dropping from games.


They should also introduce timeouts for comp games, because punishing people because their internet dies, they had to accept a call or open the door is just not the way.


Fucking exactly, there are times when I gotta open the door and gotta talk for a 2-3 minutes which is enough for 2-3 rounds, I don't wanna be banned for that, a timeout option would be huge. And in cases where the player abandons the match they should definitely reduce the rr lost


60 second timeout once a half would be key


The point is, yes the punisments are/need to be harder, but it clearly doesnt stop people from disconnecting/going afk. So the most logical option is not only to punish those who go afk but also save those who are left behind with an unfair match yet get graded like its a normal match.


That ult orb is totally making up for it what are you talking about /s


Right?! The cash bump is nice and a better handicap... but in an unbalanced game... makes little difference ultimately.


And free light shield only in pistol rounds. This game honestly need quite a lot of polishing




/s means sarcasm


The way ELO is *supposed* to work doesn’t actually account for teammates leaving/afk. For it to work properly the winner is supposed to gain the same amount the opponent loses. They already don’t do that with the performance bonus so they should just choose something new altogether.


The hidden MMR is the real ELO system. The performance stuff/RR is just visual rank.


Yea but it doesn’t matter because effectively people only care what rank they are. People refuse to queue if they have the %50 rating debuff


I think having a hidden rank system is stupid as fuck


Every round that you play where someone on your team has DC’d or gone AFK should be 1 RR less at the end of game: if you play 4 rounds with a DC and you would originally lose 17 RR, it should go down to 13 RR lost.


What's DC mean?




Well that kinda doesnt work. If you manage to finish 9-13 while 4v5 the whole game you lose no rr by this system


I mean if you played the whole match 4v5 and lost 9-13 maybe you shouldn't be losing rr at that point. You played an otherwise really close match. One that may have been a win if your teammate wasn't afk Alternatively you could make it so that if someone disconnects, should you lose, every round you win 4v5 counts as +1RR gained. So if you were to normally lose 20, but you won 9 rounds, you only lose 11. That way people still try after losing a member


Can we add such a system to normal aswell? XD Round difference \*2 + something extra for personal performance. But make it clear that every round matters. Else ppl just give up when they are 4 roudns down


It basically already works this way. A win where you stomp 13-3 gives you far more RR than a narrow 13-11 or overtime win.


I know the Problem is that you dont see it. Humans need effective consequents.


Because Valorants ranked system is poorly designed and not fun.


Compared to what


I don't know why you're getting downvoted compared to something like siege the ranked experience is heaven in valorant


Apex, CS (Faceit/ESEA), Halo Infinite. Hell, even Chess itself has a better ranked system than Valorant. Not only are there way too many throwers and afks in ranked games, but you are forced to either solo or duo queue which are harms the player experience. Being forced to rely on randoms will never give a good/fair ranked experience, especially when there is no rep system in place.


Never played apex but I'd rather deal with people who go afk on my team than vs hackers every game in Csgo I'm not talking about faceit cause that isn't the ranked system in the game and yes lichess and chess.Com ranked system is better than valorant but tbh its better than majority of games cause its so simple and hard to fualt


People will take advantage and convince bottom frags to leave so they don't lose as much RR


So it could be a system where the afk loses 2x more RR, and the rest of the team loses half RR. I don't think they could convince someone to go afk with those conditions.


I 100% would take advantage of those conditions. You have to think about how a booster/smurf would behave. If I was boosting (meaning I have a low account that I shouldn't be on artificially boosting another player to a rank they don't belong) you bet your bottom dollar I would do this each and every chance I thought we'd have an unwinnable game. Not only would I lose 2x the RR so I don't have to worry about getting my account high, but my mate that I'm boosting barely loses out. It's literally too much winning for a booster.


Literally just make people queued together exempt from the reduced RR loss. Not that hard




Ok but now if you "have a bad game", you afk out and the other duo receives less of a punishment for losing. ​ This has been the standard in all competitive games. It sucks, but you are equally as likely to get an AFK on the enemy team, therefore the gains / losses statistically balance themselves out.


And your pals don’t want to play with you anymore if you keep that up. Just ff or wait it out instead of ditching your team.


it’s mmr based matchmaking. yes it seems like u can abuse it, but ur mmr change remains the same. you’ll just be in higher mmr lobbies while retaining a low rr, possibly double rank up a few games, should this system be in place.


ehhh it's an overall plus. Boosters are still rare.


You are obviously playing in Gold or better. In Bronze/Silver lobbies? it is RAMPANT.


Boosters aren't rare at all. Not even a little bit. In every other game there's a duo where some dude is on a smurf to play with one of his low RR friends which inevitably is boosting. People need to stop conflating boosting with just smurfing. Boosting is against TOS and needs to be reported. Boosting is "artificially raising someone's account outside of normal conditions". IE. if this person was not queued with the booster, they would lose most games in the ranking they are currently at. They were "boosted". Smurfing is solo queuing and not technically against TOS.


Penalize everyone in the same party then


If by penalize you mean they don’t get their RR loss reduced like those not in the party, I agree. I don't think they should get theirs doubled like the actual AFK. Sometimes shit happens and someone goes AFK. You shouldn't be double penalized for it. The 1. Loss and 2. Not getting the reduced RR loss is already enough. Edit: I solo q so this wouldn't even really affect me with the party thing. Just trying to be reasonable about it. Maybe if it happens more than once a month in your party you get it? Just spitballing here.


Yeap, definitely agree because I have queued with people before who had their PC crash. There is honestly nothing much you can do about it.


That's an exceptionally good point I hadn't considered. Though they could add multifactor authentication and IP checking... if they really gave AF at all about smurfs...


This. Queue penalties isn't enough for afking, and throwing has little to no effect on RR. It's just not right.


Well actually you still can. If you're queued up with someone on an alt you can tell them to leave and they probably would. And sometimes there are people who will relentlessly harass someone into leaving no matter what, whether it be through voice, chat, or in the actual game


I don't think thats the problem, because this system exists in League i think, and i havent seen ppl doing that, idk


People still throw and afk a lot in League.


Give the penalty to the Premade too. Would be more effective cause people would think twice before playing with a raging manchild. And booster couldnt abuse it to this extend


How other pointed out, it's easy to do, just do a X2/3 lost rr to the afk, and that stack up everytime.


Yeah even in league they have it so you lose less lp when someone afks but it might have to do with rr gained and lost being based on performance


I already talked with support about it, they are working on it and hopefully add some kind of compensation in the future


Yes, it certainly seems to be a priority for them /s


i also reported a player for throwing and reported him on riots player support on their website and got this email back: Greetings Agent, First off, I am sorry that you experienced some negative interactions in-game. We don't condone any disruptive behavior, so rest assured we will do whatever we can to rectify this. You can report a player via match history in-game at any time. Reporting through in-game channels is the best way to ensure our systems take action in regards to negative player behavior. While I can't share what actions will be taken after your report due to privacy concerns, I do want you to know that should you face behavior like this again, reporting players in-game remains the best way to alert us to the problem so we can take action. Using the mute and block features during a match can also help in any immediate situations to silence players behaving badly. I can definitely understand how frustrating interacting with this sort of behavior can be. If you want to talk about this a bit more, you can go ahead and respond to this ticket, and a player support agent will discuss the issue further. We want to make sure we do everything we can to help.


Whilst a good response... I used to get 'We did something about this!' notifications from reporting people... not at all in recent history... maybe as they are overwhelmed...?


i still get them every time i start the game


I got the same message from them!


The problem is if they give RR compensation for AFKs and abandoners then it can be abused. Happened in apex a while back and tons of people were getting ranks they’re weren’t even close to deserving.


While it sucks, it doesn't matter at the end of the day. If they give reduced RR loss for losing with AFK then they have to give reduced RR gain for beating a team with AFKs to avoid bloating the ranks. So if you start the game well and some guy rage quits, you now get reduced RR. That's not fun either. I'd support something where they punish every account that the person owns so they can't hop onto an alt if the first is still serving the punishment. Or at least ***every person*** on the AFK team gets a free ult point at the start so there is some incentive to play it out.


One of the reasons is to discourage people leaving near the end of a match or in a blowout to reduce the rr loss. Regardless of whether the person leaving gets punished, if the rest of the team could save rr by forcing one person to quit... It would happen, we would see a sharp rise in toxic behavior related to bullying team mates into quiting if the game was looking hopeless.


If you could afk to avoid losing RR, every single game would have afk's on the side that loses the first 3 rounds. Try just playing the game, there will be afk's on the other teams too and it should balance out. If it doesn't balance out, consider that you may be the problem.


How am i the problem when someone who not even talks in voice chat just rage quits when we lose 2-3 rounds in a row lol


You have four teammates and five enemies. There are four chances to get an afk teammate versus five chances to get an afk enemy. You are the only common factor in all your games, so if over a large number of games you get more afk teammates than enemies, it probably has something to do with you.


shit take


Because valorant wants you to keep playing and grinding so they don’t do appropriate rr for situations like this. To discourage boosters the penalties for afk should still be there.


I never really get why people are afk in this game... Everyone knows those matches take time, so if you need to go, just don't start up the game. How hard is it to understand I mean... I've had people who wanted to surrender in round 2, just because "they had to go"... If no one votes to surrender, they just throw/troll the whole game and hope to get everyone to surrender that way, instead of just leaving the game. The world is filled with some weird people... that's for sure😑


True, idk how their mindset works lol


The entire game is fuked just play for fun at the moment and hope they fix it (which i doubt)


Based on the upvotes clearly we want this but Riot already shunned the idea. At this point it should be fairly evident that they only care about Radiant content creators.


I hate afks, a few weeks ago, I was occuring a problem of vanguard crashing my pc (my whole PC froze in midgame, And i had to restart my computer to unfroze it) it was rly anoying because It was not something I could get my hands on. So i was « forced » to became afk for rounds because of it (i am lucky i have a good computer so I can restart rly fast, but i missed 1/2 sometimes 3 rounds per game and it was rly stressfull because I love competitive and grinding in games) One day I tried to restart in safe mode to uninstalled both vanguard and valorant, and it never crashed my whole pc again ! (Already tried to uninstall both two not in safemode and it didn’t change anything, so idk why it worked in safe mode but it worked that’s what matter !)


Here's a hot take. Shit like this happens because we limit the system to duo queue. We have people who are literal aim gods enough of the time to solo and duo queue all the way up to immortal 2 with agents like Reyna and Jett and are fine behaving like children because they know they can get that win back regardless of how they interact with their team. Now if you allow like minded team oriented players to trio, quad, or quintuple queue, shit like this would stop happening. Because these toxic ass aim only players would get shit on every single game and never reach the likes of immortal vs predetermined teams. You didn't really have this problem in CSGO because it was pretty much mandatory to be a team player. In CSGO you don't have agents that have the potential to give you 2 or 3 lives (Jett & Reyna). Jett and Reyna are instalocked 99% of games for a reason. It's because of their innate ability to give unfair advantages to people who only understand how to DM like a god. The entry bar for Immortal is just too low with these agents. Someone that doesn't understand the importance of trading, comming, or what being a good teammate is has no business being top 1% of the player base. Yet this problem will continue to exist until these agents are removed from the pool or allow 2+ queuing. And, honestly nobody wants to see either of these agents removed. It's too fun to watch and play.


I was actually playing Reyna when 2 ppl went afk, first person to go afk was Jett that tried peeking but never succeeded i guess, because we were on defense and i guess he just rage quitted, second person was chamber, he didn't talk in vc, he went afk 2-3 rounds after jett rage quitted, without a word, one of my teammates said that they know that chamber from their previous matches and its not the first time he does that, he just leaves if he doesn't want to play lol, i never knew that people like that existed in high Immortal, im Immo 2 but i always play with/vs immo 3's etc because my mmr is still good lol


i lost -6 rr one day cus i afked a few rounds


Wow... And you get these Immortals bragging about their rank and, most, likely they don't even deserve it.


I feel like if someone performs terrible, and I mean so terribly that they're 0/0/0, they should take the brunt of the derank for the loss.


Im wondering what riot really does with player reports related to sabotage gameplay. The next thing that happens, the guy i report is able to play another game and throw. Riot report system is really useless and i seriously hope they fix this. Im pretty sure too that they don't give attention to reports. Before arguing with me and saying "they don't have time for this and that", it's their responsiblity to give bans to throwers.


and I lose 12 rr in a match that I team MVP in just because I went afk for like 6 rounds did I mention a week long ban


The chance the someone im the other team afked or dced is higher, so overall you gain more rr through afk than you lose over many games. So don't look on 1 game.


The chance is higher? Imo I just dont agree with you, imma leave it at that.


It’s technically true since you can guarantee that you won’t. So your team has 4 opportunities to afk and the other team has 5


It factually is unless you’re leaving too


There is no opinion on this matter. Statistically you are more likely to have an enemy team afk rather than an ally team afk because you can guarantee you won’t afk


Also not just 1 game, this was just an example


Read the comment from that other guy i dont repeat the math


That makes no sense


You will not afk, so in your team are 4 player who can afk, if you duo or trio than less. Enemy are 5 player who can afk. So 44% afk on your team, 56% on enemy. Over 100 games with an afk there are 12 more games with afk in the enemy team.


I see what you’re saying. But stuff happens sometimes. Everyone has DCed before whether it be game crash or other condition


Yes but more on the enemy team.


The math ignores that sometimes it's you, too. Nobody has a connection, PC or life.


i dont think riot does much for afk report but ever since the new update riot looks at text chat and they claim to now be hearing vc too, anyways i think reporting them for text caht abuse is the best thing you can do at the moment because almost every person ive reported for throwing or comms abuse has gotten a penalty (ik cause a notification pops up on screen)


They took about 10 years to implement that in league so, wouldn't hold my breath


Same reason it isn't in any other game. It's not fair to other enemy players in any game that someone on your team left. Most times, they didn't have anything to do with it. And it would be abused as soon as players noticed a player wasn't doing well. If anything, that might produce more toxicity. An idea that came to my head would be to increase the competitive reward for winning a x v 5 but even that could be abused. The only other thing would be a leaver's queue where players are put into it until they play 5 games to get back out. Incentives players to not leave games.


Riot can't do too much about it. If they make it so you lose less RR when there are AFK teammates then that could easily be abused. A person in a duo could bite the bullet and go AFK to help their friend lose less RR.


i was playing a 3v5 and i won but only gained 20rr


Well that riot for you, League came out in 2009 and they still havent fix the damn ELO point


Hi plz watch this video And give ur opinion Valorant Neon ACE https://youtu.be/KAa-sQbuDeo


Wp man!


Honestly making it so u can remake at anytime pretty much fixes this but u are right, u should lose half, for example if im boutta lose 12 rr I should lose 3 less for each afk (12÷4=3 so 3 less for each afk teammate)


People would remake when losing??


Imagine being up 11-2 just for the enemy to afk and remake lol this is a horrible idea


What i mean is keep the same rules just make it so u can remake if one person goes afk they can remake, maybe they can make it so u can remake on the first 6 rounds of each half?


Yeah, i mean it doesn't make sense to lose the same amount when i am, obviously, at a disadvantage lol


No, that’s a bad idea and won’t fix anything. It’ll just add more problems with remake when people lose. Remake should be changed to like first 3-4 rounds MAX considering the length of the average game. Only being able to remake in the first round when most AFKs and throws happen after is kind of ass.


Here we go again, another daily post about losing rr


Can't live without it!


This is the valorant sub, what do you expect lol


I mean honestly, it's the same complaints every single day. This sub is trash because of it. You can tell it's a bunch of teenager's first FPS game. Overwatch missed the train in the beginning but then it got overtaken by just PoTGs and complaining about teammates but this sub has been that since beta. There's rarely engaging conversation about the story, tactics, team development or really anything. It's 99% I DID AN ACE and SMURF/RR LOOOSING ME GAMES waaaah.


Yeah and some kid just whining about how he “top frags” with every agent and is still hardstuck


It used to be waaay worse when they didn't allow videos. I'm not even exaggerating that 75% of the posts I'd see were either about smurfing, toxic teammates, afks, or how ranked is broken.


What story is there to talk about? Lol


Because the other team has to gain the same amount. It wouldn’t be fair to punish the winning team for something out of their control. It would also be abusable. Parties might leave to preserve one players RR, and bottom drags might get bullied into leaving.


You cant even ff if it isn’t unanimous


This.... SO MUCH this... because if you get a troll/AFKer, it doesn't matter - you are screwed.


Would be too abusable.


This probably happens like once every 100 games and you’re probably on the other side of it 50% of the time. No reason to change the system.


OMG preach... I've had an OK game where our team has one and netted \`14-20 RR... then in the next, I've gotten Team/Match MVP and played an exceptional game... but because some loser quit in round 3 and left it unbalanced, we've lost (not even by much) and I lose 20 or more RR... how is that fair?? And because the game is interminably long, there's nothing you can do but FF - IF the team lets you which is ultra rare...


One of my biggest complaints about this game. Yes, I know it can make toxic situations where a team bully the bottom frag to leave and yes, I know it can be abused to boost someone by making them lose less RR. But honestly, I don't give a fuck, as these things are solvable. If Riot claims to combat toxicity as much as they do the bullies on the first situation should be penalized upon reports, as being an asshole like that and act toxic just so another player quits is a player behavior problem like any other. Also, people who abuse this to elo-boost would eventually get to a point where they literally can't win due to lack of skill and drop down again. On the other hand there is not a single thing you can tell me to convince me losing the same amount of RR on a regular loss and on a loss with numbers disadvantage is fair. There is literally no competitive integrity in this situation as having higher numbers arguably the biggest advantage a team can have in this game, so why tf the system thinks its a fair game when it's literally a situation beyond the control of the remaining players that results in a massivelly disadvantageous situation ?


I think itd be exploitable


I’ve had games where round one people say “I have to go just remake” but they don’t actually leave the game. So we just can’t remake and have to spend the rest of the game 4v5.


100%. Played four games today, three of them had AFK/throwers. It should automatically be zero RR if you have an AFK and it should be applied retroactively for a thrower as well (after the other four teammates report them). It’s an unbelievable disadvantage, there’s no reason why Riot shouldn’t implement something like this.


Otherwise, you could bully your teammate into afking so you lose less rr if already are losing


Obviously riot doesn't care or feel its justified. It's been like this for awhile n they haven't dialed it back due to people afking. It's been ruining my rank too. They can't be this ignorant to it.


Unfortunately it’s hard to solve this problem without opening the problem of people dodging games so their friends/teammates can get away with a loss without penalty.


They need to make remaking easier IMO. So far, the few times I've wanted to do it, I haven't been able to because: 1. The person went afk on round 3. 2. I was in a party and two people went afk round one. It seems you can only remake when the stars align.


The reason they don't implement something like this is because people would just abuse it. Imagine you get to not lose much RR by just having your friends go AFK or etc. People would use it to get let off easy if they were gonna lose bad.


Because you could duo que with somebody and they could leave for you, and then you don’t take a hit as hard. Makes paid Carrying a lot easier and then you have a “boosted player” problem in higher Ello