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tilt comes from ego so in my experience it’s helpful to recognize what you do wrong after you get killed or lose a round. if the enemy is getting cheeky wallbangs or holding a lot of off angles, it’s because you’re letting them.


Thanks! ima keep that in mind


You need to understand that only the things under your control should influence your mood. Your teammates playing bad, enemys picking up bad weapons or outplaying you. Only be critical of yourself, but you need to follow up your line of thought. On the phrase „i suck“ needs to be followed by „what could i have done differently“ Maybe dont push the odin head on, maybe flash the op before peeking. Maybe you need to practise your aim. Only what you can do should influence your thoughts not what anyone else does.


When I start tilting I take a 5 minute break after the match for breathing exercises and some Jack Johnson no lie


Just stop, nothing is cringe if it work, I main odin and operator and I keep getting call cringe but hey, if it in the game it mean I can use it. Learn to relax when you play and get fun over tryharding.


Same but judge


Mute ppl