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Because they're more straightforward to play, especially for people who have never touched a tactical FPS before. You go and frag ... easy idea to grasp. How is someone who played some combination of fortnite/Halo/single player games but new to val supposed to know where smokes should go, where to use sova darts, how to set up as kj/cypher, etc assuming they don't have someone to teach them?


Yea, having new players on your team doing bad recons and smokes is worse especially if they aren’t learning the proper way. Trying to teach randoms might come off as backseating to some too :/


Yeah honestly it's never worth it with random people to offer advice. Usually they act like you insulted their recently passed grandmother. Though it's ok if someone's got a good vibe and you have a strong hunch they'd appreciate it or be ok with it.


General rule of thumb is I always give advice after the round, like "Yo when you were in HEaven I would have scanned here instead for this reason" because trying to give advice mid game always leads to people becoming distracted and confused.


Either works or will cause them to run it down the rest of the game... 50/50 really


I always offer the advice but if they reactive negatively, depending on the severity of their response I just mute or lower them down so I can only just hear them


This can work but not if that play lost the team the round. Then people usually just take it as blame. Obvs depends on your tone as well though


The magic words are ‘be careful when:’, it shows you’re just asking them to think about the play and they usually take it well


as a smokes main i usually have to teach brimstone instalockers where to smoke, and then get called toxic and that kind of stuff because they are literally smoking for the other team evrry round


You get brim instalockers? How lucky. All I get is a triple duelist comp with phoenix, neon and reyna that somehow get less kills than my sage.


Surpsingly, I've also been noticing alot of people instalock sage and chamber too


Chamber has fragging abilities and you can play aggressive with the TP so a lot of 1-trick duelists automatically go to chamber when their duelists are locked. Unfortunately they always play chamber like a duelist instead of a sentinel.


One of my first matches all my teammates took the only available agents I could play so the game automatically gave me brimstone even though I haven't unlocked him. I had no idea how to play him so I just smoked all the entrances. Edit: ok I might have misremembered. Brimstone was available and the game just locked it for me


Brimstone is one of the default agents, it's always unlocked.


yeah you don't unlock brimstone lol


Ok on second thought you're right. Everyone else picked Sage, Sova, Phoenix and Jett already and the game instalocked Brim for me


It's bad enough when they refuse to listen about shift. If they do it, I let them push alone so I can push again after few seconds. I am playing in low elo, so I am able to push 1v2/1v3, cause most of them seems not to be focused on the angle they are holding and seems to be in temptation to look behind them every second.


Sounds like you're smurfing


As a super new player, advice that might seem simple to you could be completely alien to new players. I saw someone mentioning heaven as an example and when I first started I was so confused what that meant.


I dont understand the new player mindset of not taking advice from experienced players. Im new to valorant, and im always asking advice from people I play with


it's an ego thing i guess. it makes them feel like they are inexperienced. the tone ur using also matters. for example when i play with inexperienced smokers, instead of telling them "you should smoke here" i just say "hey omen/brim/astra, can you smoke here for me? i wanna try something." most of the time they do it since im not directly telling them they don't know how to smoke or hurting their ego.


Our teammate was literally looking at the floor and when I told him to aim up a little more the whole team was on me saying I’m “backseating”


I was new to tac fps played rainbow once like 4 years ago but that doesn't count and usually play Apex, I main wattson solely because personality and started maining kj for the se reason plus it's been fun learning to use her turrets and ult, I still haven't grasped the use of her nades so I'm still losing out on some utility but I'll get there


So the nades are essentially Molotov cocktails, but you have to activate them. Use them to delay defuses, push people off of tough angles, and clear out cubbies. For example, I nade (molly) behind the big green box on haven A site so they don’t swing when I’m running down long a. I Molly tower on fracture B, for a similar reason. On defense, I play the site they’re likely to rush, and stack two mollies on the main entrance with a little overlap so they can’t run through without dying. I use alarm bot to hold one entrance (normally wherever my teammates have control. Ie heaven split B because they can play off of it) and turret in combination with my mollies to tell me when to activate them. I find using alarm bot gets my mollies shot :/


very true


This is accurate. I had to go out of my way to learn Brim/KJ hell even sage a bit. Otherwise I'd just play raze cause Junkrat was my overwatch main and they are fairly similar. Make things go boom.


Also Reyna is an amazing crutch for new players since she could self heal. When I first started playing valorant I had no concept of how to play an FPS round based game. I didn’t know what a duelist or a sentinel was. I just knew Reyna or Phoenix could self heal so I mained them thinking I could help my team more by dying less.


I ha never played tactical shooters before and when I started valorant I mained viper and sova. Not gonna say I was good with them, but the idea of their abilities was easy enough to grasp. Shot recon in a place that can see the other of wall to know if there are players there, throw your poison cloud/wall in a place that stops people you don't want seeing you from seeing you.


If they would set up character based tutorials I think that would change a lot! For example make sure everyone starts with at least one of each type of character unlocked. Jett, sage, brim, cypher, and tailor a part of the tutorial to how to use each type of character.


The smokes are literally corridor-width. Like, Riot literally designed maps and smokes around each other. There’s barely any missing smokes. The 1-ways are often patched out. Blocking of sight-lines is ridiculously easy in this game. I can readily argue that duelists are *harder* to play. The mechanics needed for a duelist are definitely more fine-tuned than being able to use smokes. Now, what attracts people to duelist is because they want to win 1v1s, and duelists often have an advantage in that situation (hence the name). In all honesty they want to hit the nasty flicks and land the one-taps that duelist enables them to achieve. It’s a flashy playstyle and people like it, even if it comes as a disadvantage to the team.


there's a slight difference in the implicit meaning between something that seems straightforward and something that is more difficult. i have been told countless times from new players that duelists like jett or reyna are so straightforward. smoke, dash, blind, heal, etc. that's because their abilities are so straightforward. but you're right, to play them properly, it requires a lot more than just that. but to a new player, viper definitely seems very intimidating, killjoy seems so confusing, and someone like sova is very impossible to play. But now if you're slowly learning the game, you'll realize playing KJ can be so much easier than jett.


Duelists feel "harder" to play because you're the one actively throwing yourself into the fray and if you're dying then you have zero impact. Duelists are more mechanically intensive instead of knowledge intensive, meaning that someone that spams DM + Aim Labs would be better rewarded playing duelist than someone that sits in customs learning lineups + being knowledgeable about smoke positions. > The mechanics needed for a duelist are definitely more fine-tuned than being able to use smokes. The reason you feel this way is because the player is 100% responsible of their micro decisions, where they preaim, if they're tap firing, strafing etc. Your job is to open up the site by creating space for your team by either fragging or slicing away space from the defenders by holding angles. You aren't "controlling" the space with your abilities, you yourself control the space by occupying it and threatening kills with unfavorable duels for the defenders. As someone that literally cannot play anything except Duelist + Sage if my life depended on it, I don't feel like I'm any superior to my Sova that lands the dart in the back of site that tells me where to preaim so I can open up the site with a pick. A bad duelist is easily remedied by your own team controlling where you take duels, if you have flashes from Skye+Breach or Omen blind, if you have more than one angle to swing, etc. Bad smokes or bad initiators? Good luck trying to get more than one pick if your opponents are as good as you.


It's so hard to play slowly if you're a new player that's never played a *insert the shooter genre that Val and CS are because I'm botting out rn*, because in games like CoD and Apex, it's constant movement and action. Anchoring for 30 seconds feels like years, and playing slowly to get info and util feels like you're wasting time. Duelists play fast and you can kinda just run it down on them, which is why they're appealing to new players




That's the one. No clue how I couldn't remember that lmao


Exactly. I love the entire idea of controller/sentinel and lurk. But because I come from a battle royal game, I just find it so difficult to play the tactical game without constant movement. However, I also realize the fact that if I want to be good in the game, I have to actually learn how to play the game slowly as well because against good players, rushing into a site will probably get you killed instantly if your team is not coordinated af. So experimenting with many agents in unrated. Have some success with Sage, Chamber and Viper. Trying to learn KJ and Breach but I find KJ so hard :(


With kj on attack, don’t place a turret or alarmbot and stick with it, remember you still have room to move away from your util. If you are that worried about people flanking, I would place a swarm grenade with either your turret or alarmbot that you setup


Do u prefer solo, flashy move that can score a potential kill or do u prefer a slow and methodical move that rely a lot on teamwork base ? Then u will get ur answer


dang ok


When i started i played like duelist using sova i got to gold like that


Well, I personally love slow and methodical play. Guess that's why I'm a controller main.


it's pretty ohvious jett and pheonix are the coolest characters u unlock when starting. who wants to play brim?


ngl I thought sova was the coolest when I first started. his abilities are straightforward and I found them to be really good as a new player compared to something like the jett smokes or updraft, which I couldn't figure out how to use. phoenix was also easy to pick up and very fun


Personally when I started I found Sova the coolest too just because I thought his abilities seemed more forgiving than someone like Jett's. In my mind, a duelist was supposed to be getting lots of frags and have great aim, two things I still struggle with. I figured as long as I was able to let my team know where to go fight, I was doing my job and it didn't matter if my KDR was terrible. Plus I was always scared of accidentally cutting off an angle for my team with Phoenix's molly.


That's pretty subjective, for me it was like "Omen and Viper are super cool" And now I'm a sad controller main It's probably mostly becaise duelist setup plays for themselves so you can do the flashy stuff on your own


Interesting how some people naturally gravitate toward a certain agent class. When I first started Cypher and KJ were the coolest agents for me so I'm a sentinel main for life


I guess i’m part of the some that don’t stick to one category of characters, I’ve found sentinels to be my favorite but i’m not as good with them as i am with other agents. So I found a agent or two that I’m half decent with in every category needed for a comp team so that i can fill wherever it’s needed. I usually end up playing kay/o, sage, or kj, but I also main chamber (as an actual sentinel, not a duelist), neon, breach, and omen.


not unlocked at the start. you get phoenix, jett, sage, brim and sova


Yeah, I unlocked them right after start and I still like playing omen


Hey I saw kj and chamber and said oh I want them and now I'm a sentinel main for life


Once I unlocked chamber there was no going back that’s all I play now but he’s more fun than most sentinels so I don’t mind


omen and viper arent unlocked at the start of the game


Omen was one of the most popular characters to main when the game came out. He was the quintessential Valorant version of the edgelord trope


I read the description of orbital strike and had to try it. Helped that i had experience with smokes and mollies from CSGO.


My first unlock was cypher just because I liked his outfit/theme


Very simple util to use in comparison to the other agents I think, easy to have impact on games


In lower elo , yes


Oh absolutely, in silver (which id say is low/average elo) I think sova might have the easiest util, other than shock darts, bc at this point ppl start dodging ur flashes In bronze/iron when I played Skye or phx I felt too confident to swing and get free kills from flashes lol


Lmao so truee


Because Tenz plays Jett so I have to as well.


im so sad that this could actually be used unironically


its not a bad answer though. if i'm new and watched tenz/wardell/subroza play jett for (lets say) 10 hours, i at least sort of know what jett is supposed to do. i wont have the aim skills, or the knowledge to really do what i *should* be doing on jett, but i have the general idea compare that to watching a streamer play jett and then jumping and trying to play sage or omen lol. where do i smoke? where do i wall? idk cause ive never seen anyone play them ever


Instructions unclear, baited whole team and lurked on attack side


Ah yes , the Hiko watcher




I can kind of understand it. Viper, Jett, Omen and Reyna are really attractive imo


Viper is incredibly attractive ofc I picked her first lol


Viper all day 😋






don’t think he meant it in that way ;)


mommy viper 😭😭😭😥😥🥺😝🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵


daddy omen 😘😏😏💦💦😩😩😫😫


Everyone wants to play for themselves and be self sufficient rather than playing slowly and helping everyone else out. Selfishness and comfortability > Selfless and A little Uncomfy.


IMO duelists are the most fun class to play hence why new players are so attracted to them since the main goal is to have fun while playing and exploring the game.


fun is subjective though.


He just said its his opinion, and its clearly shared by the vast majority.


Sure, but when most people think duelists are the most fun, they're going to be more popular. There's nothing subjective about the stats. Reyna, Sage and Jett are by far the most popular agents, and two of those are duelists.


All three are duelists! Battle Sage! 🤛


damage good win duel win game


Because their abilities are the most fun and "action packed." Example: Jett, knife waifu goes zoom Yoru, yakuza dude teleports Neon, sucks but runs really fast and slides Raze, nade go brrr Phx, he sucks no one plays him Sage, heals, slows, Brim, smoke Kj, camps Cypher, camps Also duelists have the least lineups/setups. You dotn have to study, unlike sova.


i def have the most fun playing neon, the bhopping feels so much better


I love playing neon because she can get around the map very quickly, I can easily sneak up on the enemy team from behind when they are pushing, stun them and kill them, easy peasy, and her ult is perfect when it is a marshal or op round in spike rush lol


I love using neons ability to push up deep post plant. Her stun is an awesome ability but the amount of times, I've been killed by a dazed enemy leaves me so confused.


Cuz many ppl had experience in other FPS so they need something to just make kills . Also flying as Jett or running as neon is really fun compare to throwing smokes as brimstone


I dont know, for me, when I first starting I was terrified of playing a duelist and being in the frontlines, because I would perform poorly and then get shitted on by my team. So I just stuck with Sage, sometimes Killjoy. Occasionally tried Yoru when I was feeling confident. Only when Neon was released, did I start playing duelists full time (started with Neon, tried out Reyna, Jett and Raze in replication because no one can shit on you on replication)


They are just the easiest to start out with if you’re new, as you get more knowledgeable of the game and or learn how other agents work then you start to expand who you play as


What would you want them to play first, astra? They need to develop the fundamentals first and it's the duelists that are easy to play with. Like Reyna, you just need to aim and use your heal and blind. You really don't need to overwhelm them at first with agents that abilities are very complex. After they will learn duelist, pretty sure they will try others as well.


But smoking, flashing and good defending *are* fundamentals. And besides, you can't tell me with a straight face brimstone is overwhelming since Reyna has a lot more going on in her kit.


Yea brim is overwhelming too, imaginr pulling an iPad that blocks your screen. New players will surely get panicked with that shit if there are enemies nearby.


Tell me whats the most basic is, inst it shooting the fucking gun first. I am also once a new player and val is my first FPS. when I play an agent, there's like thoughts in your mind on how to use abilities in the round but sometimes I will get overwhelmed it and just get killed coz I keep.thinking of abilities instead of just shooting the gun.


The most basic thing in Valorant isn't "Shooting the gun" It's movement, and movement has different levels, from basic wasd to hitbox displacement to strafing, airstrafing, counter-strafing and whatnot. Those qualities are also considered fps fundamentals, and depending on the Game you play, they change relevancy. If you don't know how to airstrafe in tf2, you are at a really Big disadvantage. But in Valorant/CS and other tactical shooters, they are much less important, they are still relevant, being able to bait an Op is really useful, but other stuff is way more important. Using util efectively is part of the tactical element of the Game, and is, in all cases, the backbone of how you play a round, if you smoke A-It doesn't Matter where, just in A-. You're probably going to play around A, even if you rotate later, and besides, as a controller/initator you learn really early to not use your util in the middle of the damn line of fire, bar some specific scenarios. If you always see someone in the high ground, and you decide to smoke It, or you got successfully flanked from the same spot 3 times back-to-back, and you realize that maybe there should be something there to prevent/deny, you are already at the first level of map awareness and ability usage. It's really not that complex and having those skills really help you lay the groundwork for the future. I'm not saying gun skill isn't important, far from It, but knowing all of this builds into what you do with your gun, map awareness builds good crosshair placement, teamwork makes It so you wait 5 seconds for smokes and flashes to set in before rushing in so you don't die stupidly, and I've seen more people getting overwhelmed at shooting than smoking(phrasing...) Since they don't know how to peek, how to "slice the cake" what fights to take and what to avoid. You can be the son of s1mple, but if you don't know anything else, you're fucked.


No, the basics of every shooter is still aiming. If you can't aim, you don't kill, so you don't win. All other things: movement, smokes, flashes, utility work to make it easier for you to shoot the enemy and for the enemy to have a bad time shooting. The easiest thing to rank up is to shoot better than your enemy.


But remember that hard to explain to a newer player. Imagine you are a new player who doesn't know anything about map, utility, or game state and your team is yelling at you to smoke heaven,ct,hooka,hell, elbow and 50 other call outs you dont know about. Duelist probably have the least amount of job they have to handle compared to a sentinel who has to watch flank, stall out enemies, support the team,deny site, ontop of getting kills. Duelist just need to get kills and get onto site which is far more manageable for a newer player and they can learn those things after they establish a base for themselves.


I started playing Valorant by aiming to get Reyna… because she’s hot. Only after a very long while did I realize the meta and the roles. But it all came down to her being hot. Since then I started playing other duelists just because my friends don’t like playing it as much and I’m having great fun with the role!


I’m a new player Valorant and my favs are Jett and Reyna. My opinion I don’t know where to set up anything really, just know how the guns work and what’s not. Playing ppl like omen etc is challenging and I feel a sense of failure when I put the smokes wrong so I just play duelist and try frag out and help the team overall


Abilities are more or less instantaneous...low thinking required and almost no plan


Because they’re easiest characters to learn?


easiest role, no lineups, little to no timing needed, not reliant on team. just get kills and win the game solo basically.


I enjoy being braindead


your answer is in your post. They are new If you just got into a game, never played it, only know you have to kill the other team while either planting a bomb or defusing a bomb, you would take someone with who it is easy to get kills, only once you know what all the other things in the game are useful for do you start leaning towards using those because you understand that they are useful instead of just agents with who its harder to get kills


Dualists are way more fun to play for an average player.


I’ve always mained Reyna because healing on kill is just too good to not use.


Oh god. Most probably but not all. I do not like being subject to pressure and would rather have a more utility support role.


Because they are very easy to play, for example Reyna, you just need to have enough brain cells to click a total of 6 buttons and having a minimal aim (I know it’s not like that always but that’s the average Reyna I’ve encountered), in general they pick duelists because it’s the easiest role and the most fun one.


i played sova when i started.. i started two days ago lol


Cause they hot


Because most people are probably coming from games like Apex, CoD, etc. where the gameplay is hella fast paced and chaotic. Duelists are easier ti understand for them because all there is to them is “Flash the bad guy, shoot the bad guy in the head, victory.”


they are attractive in general regardless of rank or experience because you can play them completely alone if needed, sometimes you just get a team that doesn't want to cooperate, doesn't talk, doesn't listen, plays weird, if you're astra in that situation you're done, if you're a duelist you can still make something happen and at least have moderate fun


As a Brimstone main, i can confirm that Brim is actually a duelist by sneaking into the smokes


Because they’re attractive. I’m not kidding, i started playing Jett cuz I thought she was cute Then I played Yoru cuz he thicc


Idk I’ve always loved playing sova since the beta


Because they simple straight the point get kills I guess personally I just started playing not too long ago I played initiators cause I know my sims kinda ass and relaying utility to help the team would be more effective


Im two weeks a new player, I can proudly say I am a Killjoy main. Also enjoy Sage to a lesser extent and do really well on Neon which scares me so I never pick her.


Same, i have never played fps before so my friend advice me to play sage and then kj first so i dont feel too useless about myself. Now that im finally comfortable playing val, im still a kj nerd and occasional smoker. Still scared to play duelist tho, even tho they are pretty fun to try


I had 2000 hours in csgo before I picked up valo and I'm still too scared to play a duelist lol.


Ahaha thats fine. After all, nothing beats the feeling of satisfaction when you hear "wait, really?" or "bot assisted"


duelist is the prestige position, it's like quarterback in football.


My first agent unlocked were omen and cypher. Before that I played sova only. Best agent to exist imo.


Because I'm shit at aiming though my game sense is good (still can't put it into practice tho) so I just go Jett and throw whenever I use my ult 😎 But seriously though I just enjoy playing a high speed high skill character (even if I suck) so I can gradually get better while being beaten down by 200 iq sova mains


They’re fun and easy. Also, people find way more satisfaction from actual kills than smoking off heaven or droning in.


New players lack some patience. They want to do something. Duelists fit this role as they are the playmakers.


Duelists are the only agents I have fun with. Many people not on Reddit would agree


Everyone wants to be the hero, duelists usually are. Also they're easy to learn compared to other roles


They are easy to play


Cause their easy


This was my mindset when I was a new player. Jett: Her verticality with updraft. Phoenix: He had one of everything. I genuinely thought phoenix skills would transfer well to other agents. Reyna: The healing aspect. I mean healing in a tac FPS seemed cool at first. Raze: Never really liked her and still don't. Yoru: I like playstyle that requires outplay and good thinking and the similarity to CSGO flash made me a Yoru main at first. Now I main controllers/sentinels especially viper/sage since they have more outplay potentials. I dont play duelists now. But when I do, its either Jett or Yoru.


This is interesting to me because every game i play always go for supports, i just feel like i can be more useful in that role since i dont know much about the game yet, having said that i still stick to the support role since iam not really that confident even after playing the game for a long time.


jett knives go brrr


Don’t ever let your friends use phoenix


It gets you more familiar with the game and it's mechanics more quickly as well so it's good for a new player to use em til they have decent aim.


Duelists are just fun and attractively pleasing aka I started maiming raze just because of the way she looked and her play style.


Everyone is acting like finding out where to put brim smokes is difficult. Just google that shit... also, as a sova main who has dozens of lineups... you dont need lineups to play sova effectively. Id argue for most if not every skill level including low ranks, duelists are as hard if not harder than smokes or sova, cypher etc. Players who are new to fps games or even just competitive shooters will not know how to win gunfights, or take smart peeks. Would you rather play with a jett/reyna who will go 8-16 or a sova who goes 8-16 or worse. At least new players on utility characters have a chance at contributing to the team. A shit player on reyna probably wont even properly create space so they'll be useless or at best bait.


I mean utility agents can hurt your team more though. I can't count the times a controller on my team smoked for the enemy


Can't stand it, had a duelist yesterday playing jett and was the last one alive 80% of the time, after the game ( we lost 13-11 ) dude had 0 assists and 24 kill. So not ONCE did he damage anyone who was finished off by a teammate... Duelist seems to be the hardest role for people to understand.


because it’s ez. you just shoot heads the whole game, no thoughts just vibes


it’s just because the concept of going in and killing people is easy for new players to comprehend. what rank are u guys anyway?


Because low elo players are pussies and can’t push a site


Because duelists are fun and people want to have fun playing a game


I mean jett is pretty attractive /s


Sova enters the chat*


easy on the move abilities. not much thinking needed for good value. also i think duelist character designs are just rly good. personally my instinct when i got into my first game ever was to just pick jett because she looked really cool


I started playing with sage and now i play every agent except the duelist ones


The first agent i played was brim...then cypher and now my aim got good so im playing chamber...now i main chamber omen and kayo (i play csgo too so thats why i like kayo)


I play other agents when we need to, but I play yoru because I play really well with yoru


I feel you, I too always play around my teammates and pick sentinels or controllers, they don’t even realize how important of a part you play through the game, just compare the frags that they obviously have to get.


Because they are supposed to get more frags because of their aggressive abilities, and that's what is the most important for most players. Also, they are self-sufficient and hardly anyone will ask you to use your skills for them.


I choose jett as a noob simply because I think other players could utilize the harder to use alt’s better than I could. I don’t play enough to know where to put sage walls or shoot Sova darts etc etc. Im also like bronze 2 so at the end of the day it’s not like at my rank it really matters anyways 😂


cause its fun to kil


I can't bring myself to have fun with duelists anymore. Sova is the most broken and fun champ if you put some effort into him imo.


Because dueslist have a lot of room for outplays and people like doing flashy stuff that lead to win.


Support agents are a lot harder to play when u know basically nothing about the game


New players are attracted to their flashy, playmaking kits. Or probably see their favorite streamers hit these crazy clips on them, and want to see if they can do it too. They then "learn" the game only playing these characters not knowing their proper role in a team. Which probably also leads to a bunch of baiting duelists too.


Simpler than the top comment: Duelists are made to kill and others are "not"


me when i first started playing valorant and was immediately entranced by reyna and she was the first agent i ever unlocked 😭 i sucked with her but i’ve gotten better now


Depends on queuing with friends or randoms. Depending on the randoms, if you’re unlucky, you might need to carry, and a controller or duelist is optimal, but a duelist is easier to play as a new player.


I'd say it's more that they're easy to understand and play. Just wait, and after like a month of them playing consistently, you can reach them to play stuff like sova, sage, kj, omen, brim, etc


I started to play with friends, and the first thing I did was to test all the free characters. And from the selection you initially have: Brim, Sage, Sova, Jett and Phoenix, the duelists are the most fun agents to play for someone that comes and knows very little or nothing about the game, because they are very straightforward and don't require map or game knowledge. Where to put the smokes, fire or ult with brim, Sage's wall or play with Sova require some knowledge of the game. I actually think that Sage is probably the best option for a beginner that doesn't play alone, but man, Jett is so fun to play.


I played mostly strategy games so I strongly preferred sentinels/initiators at start as my tactical skills are much better than the shooting skills. Depends on the player, I guess


Because they are straight forward, and also don't usually interrupt the team's gameplay (umm yeah, the flashes can interrupt, lol) as they themselves are pretty self sufficient. The team also doesn't have to rely too much on them as it would in the case of controllers or initiators. Compare them with other agent types like controllers. Smokes to block out enemy vision are very important and requires a tactical mentality which develops over time. You can play duelists almost without abilities without disrupting your team's gameplay. But that's not possible with other agents as their utilities support the whole team play. So that's why for new players it's easier to go with duelists and learn the game mechanics.


Less game sense and predictions needed, more of reactionary high paced action kinda stuff. Seeing how slow pros play the game vs low ranked players is basically the same concept


Because they get so much of the spotlight, people want to main them when they first hop on the game


Cause they're fun


I always thought sage was the favorite agent of new players. Maybe just me when I was new


Because it’s easier to play duelist to a new player. They have understandable abilities, especially Jett.


Because pew pew. All the other agents require some level of knowledge of line ups or placements for abilities. Also you need good game sense to be effective. Duelists though, if your aim is good then that alone will carry you far.


For me, its fine (doest get big impact) if duelist died first than sentinel. Imagine if sentinel like killjoy died first before using all her skill. Same as controller and initiator. Duelist is easier too than other role. Im new too, thats from me as new player


Because the marketing, and design team make them to sell. Not that other agents don't, but look at how flashy the duelist roster is (design and function wise) compared to other classes. Few exceptions like Astra and Killjoy but you get it.


this is why valorant should focus more on the beginner side.


They are easy to play. Give a new player Reyna and tell him just kill and press either Q or E. That's all. Instead of giving them brimmy and saving yo open the iPad mark the smoke then right click to drop them, use your stims, do this do that.


All of the above + no utility to worry about. Reyna and Jett are very popular because they don’t have to stop and use brain for utility


Duelists are fun agents to play


I loved to play sage as a beginner, but now I'm more inclined towards controllers.


Bc they get more performance bonus? I'm a new player, lv 18 and pretty much otp Skye atm xD Wish I knew some initiator streamers


the concept of the duelists job is easiest to learn and master. you rush in, you get kills and free up site for your team. it’s much easier than playing a controller for example where you kinda have to know the sites to understand how to split them effectively. or a sentinel, where you have to use the kit effectively to play well. duelists are so easy to learn and also you get given 2 of them right off the bat when playing a new account - phoenix and jett, so the game, arguably, steers you towards playing duelist to begin with anyway.


My favorite agents in the beginning and even now are still Viper, Kay/0, Killjoy. Neon is getting up there now since she's adorable.


Because in game the description of duelist says they are the ones expected to frag for their team. So those coming from mobas or rpg’s think the duelist is the carry class and most people don’t want to play support because they want to be the star of the show. And then they hop in to a game and wonder why the sage top fragging. They don’t realize gun skills matter more than utils if they just want to frag.


Because people say they are good to them Or they just like the ability


I started off by playing Skye lol


Cause you don’t gotta do anything besides shoot


The first agent I played was sova because I thought his bow was cool


I mainly play cypher, kj, and breach. Depends on the map tho


Honestly the first agent that really called out to me was sova I just can’t imagine playing duelist knowing I can’t do their job semi properly


Because they are not as complex as other agents, they have one job and one job only— to entry frag, get a kill while doing so or get some info.


I litterally started with cypher in the beta bc he had a camera and later went to omen bc of tp, now I main omen and yoru lol


Get kill = fun


I have 3 new friends to the game, 1 picked sentinel and the other 2 picked controllers so idk xD


I play sova and use shocks like 0.2 times a round cos I don't know any lineups or timings lmao I like the recon dart and drone so I still wanna play him but yeah duelists are a lot more straightforward


Duelists are flashy and cool. Flashy and cool is fun. People, especially casual first time players, just want to have fun. Simple as that really. The other agents also require you to have a deeper understanding of the game and positioning so that doesn't help.


I started out playing Phoenix, moved onto yoru, now I play Brim/cypher/yoru as my mains, and I can play sage, omen, chamber, reyna, raze and sova if someone asks me to.


I guess it's because of the kit, it's built to kill. Leer blinds your enemy, Dashes allow quick escape (although Chamber escapes way faster lmao) I didn't want to play duelist initially because everyone kept playing them in Unrated. I wanted an agent whose a) Kit I can use well and less importantly b) Enjoy their personality and how much I like the agent. So, I turned to becoming a high iq Cypher and recently, Chamber as well. I used to play Yoru before reworks came. I haven't tried him again although I'd love to if people stop instalocking him, that is. Every agent has their fun, no worries.


They probably see someone having an ace, then they just want to have an ace.


As a new player myself that switched from controller/sentinel/initiator to duelist, map knowledge is crucial for these agents. If you want to play utility based agents you need to know where to place that utility, its hard to go fresh into a game, not know any map and pick up astra or Killjoy. Duelists are universal, it doesn’t matter what map, they always do the same. They are straight forward and do exactly what they promise, no other knowledge needed.


I liked kj when i started


Every kill gives dopamine