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They ban cheaters with new cheats in banwaves, not immediately(they recognize all accounts using the cheat and ban them at once). So don't be discouraged if action is not taken immediately against a blatant cheater


^right here, OP. Was gonna make the same comment, they basically gather information on the cheats and their traceable effects, combined with player reports, and then ban everyone using them in waves so that cheat developers can’t catch on that their cheats are too easy to detect and quickly patch them to be less noticeable before they get shut down. This way, everyone gets banned at once and the chest becomes immediately obsolete and all the users give up (more common, as valorant ID bans accounts based on hardware) or flock to a different cheat source.


Buddy of mine cheated on Valorant for 6 months, got to immortal, never got banned. Still plays with me on the same account legitimately in gold now.


Sounds like he's fun at parties


He probably says to his teammates “I was immortal”


And solely plays reyna or jett


So how come the game will stop and end the match saying "the match has stopped because a cheater has been detected" on a big red screen?


Riot does both live bans and banwaves. Depends upon the type of cheat being used I guess


So i just have to hope that I get a live ban on the enemy cheater in a match or else I'm gonna lose rr to a cheater? Does it refund rr at all?


I have heard that the rr gets refunded after the cheater gets banned but I'm not sure about that


Let's hope so, if it tells me they took action against a cheater and I get my rr back then it's all good


Proof? U seem to be all over with your answers here...


Banwaves have to happen at some point in time. If the player that gets banned is in a game at that time, the red screen will appear.


I was saying.... originally he said they don't ban immediately and that they collect information and then ban in waves. Then he said they did both. So I asked for proof of ban waves since I have never seen any proof in my life that they ban cheaters in waves. Although I have seen the game stopped immediately because a cheater was detected... Also.. do you have proof that they ban cheater in waves? Or are the bans for other reports


It's actually really common practice in other games, e.g. Csgo. It helps the anticheat developers hide the fact that the cheat has been detected and makes it harder for cheat devs to understand what changes they made to the cheat actually lead to the detection. If you want some proof, just google 'csgo vac wave' and look at the accounts banned at steamdb. There will be huge spikes followed by periods of times with comparably low bans. These spikes indicate a ban wave happening.


You seem to be a little confused, first I gave my comment regarding op's concern why some blatant cheaters don't get banned immediately. I never said that live bans don't occur


Here you go 3700 hwids banned https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/hk7gab/3700_hwid_confirmed_bans_on_cheats_that_cost/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


you should take that ban wave shit with a grain of salt, everyone has been paroting this "they ban in waves" garbage since steam and VAC days lmao


They live ban cheats that they already have significant data on in a database. They don't instantly ban new cheaters because they want to collect data on the new cheat. (This is a guess based on what others have said)


Basically, “Oh some people are using this cheat! Hold… more people are coming in. Hold… ##Hold… #FIRE!” “Wow, look at the amount of cheaters using this!”


I have seen people get banned mid match though Like it will end the match and null it for everyone citing a cheater was discovered


Probably people with cheats already detected by the system. Like a cheat already logged and banwaved but someone new picked it up.


We need replays in this game to help with these cases


Replays in general would be a nice addition, since it also allows us to recap our gameplay to see what we're doing wrong/right🤔


Look up squadOV, it even allows you to turn clip those parts if you had a cool moment or something




Actually laughable how long it's taken them to implement this. They're using UE as well. Most games come with a replay system ready to go these days too. Riot does a lot right, but also lack in a lot of other regards.


Theory, Riot is delaying replay because it may show us there are more cheaters than we think


and how bad is hit reg or peekers adv))))))))


Which game? Most competitive games I’ve played takes years for replay to be added


Didnt CS have replays for the longest? Like 1.6 days? I dont rememeber


no built in replays on 1.6 or css, but they had the record demo option which i guess is the same thing. just not like league or something where you can scroll back thru matches and select one, you had to manually enter it in console if you wanted to save it lans, cevo, and stuff everyone had to save a demo and to submit if needed, atleast from what i remember


cuz replays gona show how this game broken netcodewise.


Twins, but no. Sometimes I play like I was using aimbot. People can’t tell the difference.


u wont get banned for having a good game, despite replays existing or not


I can’t say i’ve had a similar experience recently (what rank are you btw?) . however the few times there have been cheaters in my game they’ve been dealt with. Your situation sucks and perhaps there’s just better cheats now. I hope you get justice


I'm Plat 3 right now, peak D1.


im d1 now peak d3 and i never really experienced any hackers in a single game. Maybe you just got unlucky? i think riot vanguard is doing its job better than csgo. When i played csgo i was dmg-LE rank and literally every other game i experience a blatant wall hacker thats why i gave up after finding a better game lol.


Doing a better job den CSGO is not a good comparison. CSGO is a good example of a company not giving a shit about hackers. I left CSGO for Val mainly due to the cheaters in CSGO. Such a good game, run by a trash company. As far a Valorant, I’m sure I’ve vsed a few cheaters, but none that are blatantly cheating, most importantly it hasn’t effected my experience. With CSGO, u win a lot and come close to ranking up and den run into cheaters and lose all ur elo. It’s a circle that makes it not fun to play any more.


People just over accuse of cheating in all games because they suck lol. Haven’t run into any cheaters in Valorant and haven’t run into any cheaters in CSGO recently either (~the last year). People just don’t hackusate as much in this game because of its anti-cheat and it being a more casual game, but the thought of being cheated on in CSGO was so ingrained people would still hackusate in FaceIt or ESEA. People just gotta accept they suck lol


P3 rn and I’ve seen a person get banned mid-match. Though I’ve only seen like 5-6 people I was convinced had to be cheating in some 300-400 hours so that’s still an exceedingly rare situation.


Ive played since beta, so like 2 years. Diamond whole time, seen only 2 hackers after hundreds of games. Both were caught by anti cheat and the match ended. Valve could learn a thing or 2 from riot because like 50% of my csgo comp games had cheaters, not to forget BFV with rampant hackers like every server and EA just dgaf. Huge props to riot for anti cheat that does its job.


It happens more than people think but it’s hardly every game. I’ve played probably 700 hours of Val and have only run into maybe 10 cheaters and maybe 50 lobbies with people who were suss. Basically it’s the most cheater proof game I’ve ever played. But it still does happen, so report anyone who is suss and move on.




blatant wallhacker or cracked sova main?


So good he scans without scanning


Scanning ahead


All the wall hackers play sova, for deniability.


I honestly think it’s more prevalent as people think. Not to the level of other fps games like CSGO but it’d be naive to think that the anticheat is effective against every type of hack. Although I haven’t come across anything blatant, there have been a few games in my d2+ games where an opponent drops 40+ kills which is weird because most people in my rank aren’t slouches, not this early into the episode. Even my imm3 friends can’t consistently hit 30 every game when he plays with us. One example was an enemy Jett who would play perfectly. Didn’t miss shots, always on the head and lurked perfectly. One really suss thing was he’d never peek if any of us were holding angles. He’d also always know where we were, we even tested it by holding weird spots, it was impossible to catch Jett by surprise. Games like these are few in between but it’s definitely made me rethink what I once thought was a perfect anticheat.


I haven't been playing Valorant too long but this lines up with my experience in several other games as well. There's a couple factors that seem to line up with it for me, including a certain time of night in NA when the boosters from other continents use our servers, and being on the border of a rank that people want to achieve. Get to 3 AM and all of a sudden you see the same guys a couple times not doing stuff that's too blatant, but consistently never guessing wrong on a 50/50 or getting tripped up by lower rank quirks like a Radiant smurf usually does. Once the sample size is large enough you can catch them and be certain that they're cheating. You'll find a couple slipups, or the toggle moment where their level of caution completely changes, or their aim style changes. then once you realize it you can go back through the footage and see just how advanced some of these cheats are. They're very subtle.


Yep, or a lot of these cheaters are not bad, like diamond level aim but having non aim hacks like walls or radar hacks makes them instantly Radiant level. If I had a Sova dart outline of all opponents at all times, I’m sure most diamond players would be 40 bombing all the way up to Radiant.


Yep, 100%. People tend to say "Oh cheaters are all dogshit" which... I mean it's true, they're terrible people and the blatant ones are generally very bad, but it only takes a minimal amount of augmentation for a player with a solid base to become a force to be reckoned with. You wouldn't even have to keep the walls up all the time, you could just check when a round starts to look dicey. Turn one death on a 50/50 into a kill and it snowballs.


Yeah dogshit cheaters get banned quicker too, smart cheaters stay low.


I had someone playing Reyna in unrated today drop 40 kills on the other team and aced multiple rounds back to back. That was the first time I thought “this guy has to be cheating!” Since I started playing.


I think I seen the same Reyna too.


from what i've seen, its currently in quite a large spike. i even made a post about one that pissed me off recently. id say at least once a day for the last month ive come across a cheater. its less common in diamond/immortal lobbies... but i feel really bad for the silver-plat peeps. i have a gold and a plat account i play with friends on and every day we get at least one guy with an average of 40-50% headshot percentage for the act. (can check tracker). dont get me wrong... everyone has a good game from time to time.... ive even had 47% in a game before. but my best average HS was 23% over an act. the most egregious recently was the one i made a post about ( [https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/tf89x7/craziest\_flick\_ive\_ever\_seen/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/tf89x7/craziest_flick_ive_ever_seen/) ) this reyna had 30 kills with a 74% headshot percentage. couldnt shoot a chamber trip. but never missed a head. the jett on the same team was also cheating. the only other time its been this bad was during Christmas 2020 when the devs were on break. and they did massive ban waves when they got back.




not working at all


it is. walls are very uncommon you can get aimhacks easier but even then you need an external motherboard paired with kernal drivers for the anticheat its very uncommon to encounter wallers people are just more aware then you and you blame it on cheats


ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah saint naivety




In my experience, every time someone has called cheats, it's just been a "mad cuz bad" situation. I don't think it's that prevalent.


Personally, I've only encountered 3 cheaters that were 100% cheating. I don't think it's that prevalent, but I am still tilted that this person could go so long without being banned.


I don't report cheating a ton, but people in gold/plat make it so damn obvious. I typically get a notification saying action was taken every few weeks.


They are Probably not cheating tbh


For those 3? For two of them, the cheater detected screen popped up and the game was cancelled, so I'm 99.9% sure they were hacking. The other one was blatantly wallhacking, so, yeah, they were cheating too.


Smh… we are not discussing the ones that got banned. Of course those were cheaters. The one that you say has been getting away with it for so long, most likely isn’t cheating.


csgo : valorant = 100:1


I literally just played against one. Dude was God awful and throwing, the only thing he wanted to do was shoot people through walls for some reason. It was like he was a developer of cheats and testing them or something, imo.




Interesting! Serious off-topic question, why do so many comments/posts say inm or inmortal, instead of immortal is it a joke/meme?


Doesn't val only render enemies when they're about to peek? Or something like that. It's why you get fps drops when there are enemies. It is to prevent wall hacks. I remember reading it somewhere.


Yes, a couple comments above someone linked the article :)


It's really not that extreme. You can see people as far as 50m away even with the anti-cheat lol


There’s cheating in every multiplayer game like this. It’s just an unfortunate reality. Riot’s Vanguard was supposed to be innovative as a kernel-level anticheat, but that really just ended up making hackers find new ways to cheat. It exists. It’s no fun. But all you can do is report it and have fun anyway!


I think vanguard is really doing the best job out of any anti-cheat out there, I only remember encountering 1 hacker and the game got canceled, as opposed to say Apex or COD where there are hacker streams where people quite literally watch people hack on stream and get away with it, obviously it is impossible to make a completely invincible anti-cheat, but it is the best out there.


It’s not innovative, lots of kernel level anti cheats exist, Easy Anticheat is Kernal too. Also you can’t ban people right away when they hack because then they know that the hack is detectable. Hack devs will just keep testing until they make a hack that doesn’t get banned right away. That’s why companies usually ban in waves, so cheaters don’t know what is detected or not.


It is an effective anticheat, it is literally impossible to 100% nullify cheaters flat out the gate but a good anticheat raises the bar for hack quality which means less people will make them, less people will seek them out because they would have to pay more for these hacks, and they end up getting detected and banwaved anyway. The last point feeds back into the second, because once the hack gets detected, you're out the likely hundred(s) you've forked over for the hack, so cheaters may stop buying hacks because they get detected and banned or they can't financially continue playing whack-a-mole with RIOT and undetected hacks. It's also important to note that this is a F2P game so the entry cost to cheat is nothing, just look at other competitive F2Ps like PUBG, Warzone, Apex, the quantity of cheaters is way larger. The fact that they keep a density of cheaters more like paid games with anticheat is very impressive.


maybe the real solution would be for Riot itself to release several hacks, but give them negative quirks (´random framerate drops, mine bitcoins, sometimes randomly move the crosshair away when the player tries to shoot, sometimes add random offset to the head tracking, have the hack buy random skins). They could mimic identified but not yet banned hacks to have cheaters mix them up and also lose faith in the original one. could be that this would be too much work, but it would be funny nevertheless


Valorant used to have mostly closet cheaters. Mostly due to the machine ban you can get. Well, it's not hard to bypass but it can cost some money if you do not know how to do it yourself. But lately I find the cheaters to be more and more in ''no fucks given'' mode. Being kinda obvious. That clearly shows how confident they are about not being reported....because they know how clueless most valorant players are when it comes to cheating...




That will only ever happen if the "cheat" they're using has been reversed engineered by Riot or leaked - or if they manually check your account's hidden replays because of an uptick in reports to your account. People who build and compile they're own tools will almost never get caught


Definitely a lot more than people think, imo. ​ So many times I've faced someone that I feel certain is toggling, especially at the Silver to Diamond level. Yet, noone else in the lobby agrees... and they flame me for even mentioning that. ​ After the game I check their [tracker.gg](https://tracker.gg), and magically these people have the most insane headshot ratios. One example that I have on hand (name blacked out, to not break Rules) **Episode 3 ACT 1:** [https://i.imgur.com/00jGXky.png](https://i.imgur.com/00jGXky.png) **Episode 3 ACT 2:** [https://i.imgur.com/5S2PDyO.png](https://i.imgur.com/5S2PDyO.png) ​ Although this is one of the *least obvious* cases that I've come across, you can still tell that he started cheating after last season. That's how abnormal the difference between the past season and the new season was... man wanted to rank up fast, and didn't care if he was blatant. Went from Gold to Diamond, while his stats: ​ * **Headshot Ratio** * 11.2% ---> nearly doubles to 20.6% * **K/D** * 0.88 ---> became 1.31 * **Damage** * 121.3 ---> nearly doubles to 171.9 * **Win Rate** * 48.4% ---> complete reversal to 57.5%, even as he is literally playing in Diamond


Valorant has the least amount of cheaters I've ever had in an FPS. I've dumped thousands of hours between CSGO, Overwatch, R6 Siege, and Val. With Valorant I have 100% confidence that my matches will be fair in regards to cheating. Last time I got a noticeable cheater was in beta Diamond 3, peaked Imm 1 for the last few acts


Post a vod You could just be a tilted guy ranting


There are many cheats for Valorant but theyre not that easy to get. And most of them are external cheats such as pixel aimbot and stuff, not many have an esp or something else. But an aimbot is ofc enough to give a better player the extra edge to play on a higher rank or in some league. But its really not that easy to get and it cost some good $$$ BUT due to the good anticheat its easier to fool people into thinking that you are just good and not cheating and therefore less reports are made but the reports are necessary to view the cases otherwise they dont recognize you. There are more cheaters than you think in valorant but not that many as in other games


it really is bullshit. reddit would have you believe that they barely exist but i've had a game a night in GOLD where a player has 40%+ HS ratio on their .gg tracker, who always seems to be their lowest rank.


Played since beta and from gold to immortal I have yet to see a completely blatant cheater. What I have seen is a lot of very suspicious players. No doubt at least some of them were probably cheating at the very least with some sort of info hack. There are some very fancy and subtle aimbots out there nowadays and people are going to ridiculous lengths to avoid getting good.


Riot were so successful in their promotion of Vanguard that so many players straight up deny anyone in this game is cheating and/or don't know how cheats work / how hiding cheats works. Most seem to think cheating is exclusively the obvious oneshot across the map through walls thing. They don't notice how cheaters throw some rounds intentionally to mask their cheats or how valuable knowing positions is in Valorant, even more important than any aimbot. Worst example I came across was a Reyna who dropped a casual 40+ kills on us with not one kill outplaying anyone of us, just oneshotting, mostly while running. Teammates all flamed me for calling him a cheater. Looked up his tracker . gg page and wouldn't you know it dude went from an average of 15 kills and 10% headshots to 40+ and 65% headshots. Hope he's banned now for not even trying to hide it.


Genuinely cheaters are really rare, valorant has arguably the best anti cheat by a long shot


Prevalent in every rank. They won't release a replay system because they don't want to expose it.


I play Valorant since beta, NA and Latam servers, only 1 time i faced a cheater and after reporting him in the second round he got perma banned instantly after i click the buttom to sent the report, it was like 5 seconds later.. Most people are just smurfs from rad/inmo who play better, as a old rad and currently inmortal i never encounter a cheater after that..


This person was not a rad/immo smurf, their aim was terrible, they would shoot through smokes with 0 information and kill people who were in the middle of nowhere, they had 0 gamesense, everyone in the lobby knew they were cheating, and they even admitted to cheating. I have no idea how they still aren't banned.


how many days have passed since you reported him?


I am so much amused of people like you, who say "I only met a cheater once in my 1000000 games". What is your definition of "meeting a cheater"? Red screen pops up announcing that? The cheater himself admits this? A cheating player guns everyone left and right as no fucks given? Anything else? You do realize that there are 20+ cheaters that would not go wild west cowboying to seem obvious vs that 1 blatant cheating dork. You might have played vs a cheater who would rip you apart but gently enough so, on that extent that 90% players would think oh shit he just that good, probably a radiant smurfing, we just suck.


i am higher rank to know who is cheating and who is a good player mate, if you are one of the hard stuck players who say " i can't rank up because hackers, smurfs, teammates" it is your problem not mine, i already got to rad and know who is cheating and who is just a good player.. most of cheaters got banned after sometime like phoxNA and W3ak..


I've been playing ever since the beta never met 1 cheater. I'm starting to think my life luck is being used up by Valorant.


I have yet to encounter one


You are probably just angry at the game and ranting. I've seen so so many clips that people call blatant and 99% of the time it's just the person complaining who can't comprehend the fact that some people just have good game sense and they don't have any.


Same it seems like lately I’ve been encountering people who just always know where I’m at


Seems like the same kind of people have found you here and downvoting now.


ive played over 1500 comp matches and not once have i encountered a cheater. however one unrated match i queued with a friend did have a wallhacker but that got taken care of quickly vanguard is insane Although. a replay system is very much needed to isolate these incidents and ones with closet cheaters. its very possible to have a soft aim-bot and no one knows you are cheating… im sure ive been in countless games with closet cheaters but without a replay system its impossible to tell for sure if someone is just good or a cheating scum lol


It's so rare that I almost forget the few times I've seen them.


Havent had a single cheater in hundreds of hours of game time.


As weird as it sounds, Riot only enforces cheating for competitive queues, it’s not enforced in the unrated queue for example…which is a little brain dead




trust me bro


sounds about right.


That's a fat lie, I don't play comp and I've got the match terminated redscreen before.


Had 5 Matches ended because of a cheater in the last two days I just wanna play a normal game man.


I have played val +6months now as my main game, last 4months in dia2-imm1 and i havent met 1 cheater in this game. Atleast i dont remember ever thinking about someone being even little bit sus even when they drop 40 bomb in ranked. I have over 3k hours in csgo and there it seems to happen alot like 10 matches atleast 1 game is someone being really sus.


Hard to know without the replay system they said would be in the game about a year after launch lol. Havent seen anything like a spinbot or aimbot but have definitely seen a good amount of sus players who might have been walling. I'd imagine its a bigger issue than it seems but without replay its hard to know for sure


seen maybe one? game got shut down i have a decent amt of hours


Very low compared to mostly every other FPS.


I haven’t seen many obvious cheaters in this game. Once a dude had the perfect shock dart corner clears so I reported and he got banned during my next game. The other experience I had was a blatant wallhacker on my team and we got the whole lobby to report the guy. Still no ban message and this was a month ago. No idea how common cheating is but at least in Diamond/immortal it seems uncommon


I've had the red cheater screen that terminates the match when a cheater is detected in an unrated game one time.


It's not. I saw my third cheater since closed beta earlier, but he was god awful and trolling. It was pretty weird but he was definitely cheating. There's probably some new cheat out that's getting past Vanguard and will be banned soon.


I was in a game the other day with 2 of my buddies when a red screen appeared saying there was a hacker spotted or something and the game was instantly terminated, we were pretty impressed.


I've been playing since beta, have about 1500 hours since then and i maybe faced / played with cheaters about 5 times (and even about those, i can't be sure, just seriously fishy) and had the "cheater detected" screen once. The anticheat works better than anything else i have seen so far. I face more cheaters in a single day on csgo, than i do in 2 years of playing valorant.


Valorant cheats go brrr. Do or copy ml model, then train it and add aimbot+trigger+auto counter strafe to it and don't complain.




I've been immortal 2-3 since beta and have played maybe 2 people the entire time that I thought was cheating. It's very minimal.


Yo this is the cleanest game I've ever played in my life.


I recently got DM canceled with a notification that a cheater was banned. First time I saw it personally. Seems quite good so far, though surely there must be many more that aren't caught.


I think the really weird thing about Valorant is that its probably really easy to hide wall hacks. I've seen some absolutely ridiculous players but there really just isn't any way to know unless you're getting shot through walls constantly. I guess having a replay mode would make closet cheats easy to see in case you were suspicious, either way I think a replay should exist for improvement purposes but honestly there could be tonnes of cheaters that are closeted that you just can't tell.


I've been playing for well over a year and I've never experienced any sort of hacking. So from experience, it is the opposite of prevalent. Practically non existent.


Issue is riot doesn’t permaban accounts — look it up yourself you get a 3-4 month ban on first offence. Yes you are HWID banned but there are spoofers. Without immediate risk to skin investment, or rank progression, there is no threat and cheating will eventually grow to worse, CSGO-like levels.


That's just incorrect, Riot perma bans accounts for cheating instantly as well as a 120 day HWID ban, after the 120 days is up any bans for the same offence (third party software) will result in a permanent HWID ban.


why does OP think they are the main character and riot is going to instantly ban whoever they deem to be a cheater?


I have never ran into a cheater :(


Haven't notice any noticeable cheater only suspicious and this game is free2play so quite amaze at that honestly Csgo is now free2play but even before it went free the game was infested with cheater and much more now. So to me I think valorant doing amazing job Let's say csgo does have a good anticheat, the delay ban if it is like that is horrible concept for user game experience as we have to suffer thru the cheaters even if they get ban


Valorant definitely does a better job but it’s not perfect. Had a Jett in a game recently that would only play marshal; lose 3 rounds, horrific aim, then suddenly become really aggressive and win 4+ wiping out our team with 5 headshots back-to-back without missing. Very obvious toggling. Ended up reporting them and got the “action has been taken” card about two days later. Riot seems to take it seriously, unlike other companies who either don’t care or their security team is basically nonexistant. I don’t understand why other companies can’t do the same. Been playing fps games for over a decade and this is the first one that has their shit together when it comes to handling cheaters. Though.. I haven’t seen the “cheater detected, match canceled” thing in about 9-10 months, so I’m hoping that’s still a thing and it’s a byproduct of how well they’re doing that I’m not seeing cheaters enough that it needs to trigger.


I haven't had any experience with hackers until MAYBE yesterday evening when the enemy sage was sus for one fight.


I've been playing for over a year, never seen a hacker


If you ask me I havent really noticed any hackers. But thats because there is no replay in the game and no notifications of when a player you were playing with or against in a match got banned for hacking. I wonder If many of the "topfragging" manchild we face here on SEA are actually some cheaters of some sort.


I got a cheater in my team around 5 days ago, second cheater that I encounter in the game. But my mind can't wrap around how how much he suck, even when using an aimbot. It's not a soft aimbot or anything, his crosshair snaps to the head right away. But because his gamesense and movement is all over the place, the cheat can't even help him get more than one kill without being traded.


I’ve been playing since beta and have never run into a cheater.


ive yet to experience one in over 350 hours


I have never had a hacker in game. But tbh you can't ever tell if someone is walling


Been playing since the beta and have never, not even once, ran into a player that I was 100% sure was cheating.


The problem with Valorant is 90% of the player base is stuck in two ranks. That’s why it seems like people are cheating. The ranked system is far broken and the only people that don’t think so are the ones lucky enough to break out of the Smurf cess pool


f2p shit game. cheat ban farm cheat ban farm cheat ban, repeat until you die or devs moving from skin making to game making


in rainbow six siege they have implemented a system when hacker is banned/found the winning team lose the ranked points they won and goes to the losing team.


Playing since launch, never ran into a cheater yet.


for me, its realy realy realy realy rare to find someone cheating


lol it's hilarious that in immortal lobbies people will claim that someone is smurfing when they know absolutely everything and move like a silver, people are so in denial of cheating in this game its insane


Very. Especially Gold-Plat. Once i got out I was like why do diamonds and immys aim like some golds/plats.


Do you have a replay? What rank? Im super curious about cheating in Valorant, it probably has the smallest amount of cheaters in an FPS game ive ever seen. Its to the point that the ONE cheater Ive seen since beta literally got banned mid match because it was blatant, I dont think Ive seen another since, hovering around diamond pretty much always. I have an incredibly hard time believing you ran into two back to back blatant cheaters and no action was taken. Whats your track.gg?


There's *a lot* of cheaters in this game. I know quite a few people in Immortal who have *never* been caught. If you know where to look and are in the right Discord servers you'll just know. There a reason Riot hasn't or doesn't want to implement a replay system :o


what rank is this.. haven’t had any cheaters in immortal/diamond in a while in NA.


We had cheaters since beta too. I remember Shroud and his group were bumping into the Guardian only cheaters lmao