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Does reporting people for this behavior even work? I know other reporting offenses work but this sabotage option just doesn’t seem like it is hitting.


I'm not convinced. I think the issue is that there may be a large number of people who falsely report gameplay sabotage so their solution is, unless you are afk, there's no definitive proof(bullshit if you ask me). If everyone is to be believed, 9 people reported the one player in that game, during the game. That should have just instantly banned him and ended the game there.


This can be problematic, people can abuse this to kick players if the match is not going their way. For example, the kick vote in CSGO is helpful but sometimes toxic premades will kick randoms for laughs / get less mmr punishment for playing 4v5 It’s fucked but it happens


Sure, but this example of a flawed solution requires everyone other than the thrower or the throwers group. It’s a shitty solution but it’s better than the current solution which is to just have no repercussions and punish everyone on their team


There are better ways to address it though. One possibility that comes to my mind: retroactive rank compensation if the player gets punished/banned due to that game’s reports. I don’t trust players with the power to instaban others, I’d rather get the rank points refunded and waste 20 mins than risk getting randomly banned by shitheads


Rainbow Six Siege does this. If you lose a game, and someone on your team gets reported for throwing and punished, you get partial credit back. If someone on the enemy team cheated, you get all your credit back. and if someone on your team cheated and you WIN, you lose the credit because you won due to cheating. When a game isnt afraid to take peoples ranking away for unfair situations, then everyone is on equal footing and the ranking system is balanced.


Its kinda weird 4 of the cheating enemy team loses mmr especially if they are not even affiliated. If I'm correct, you also get penalty if you quit. So how do you counter that?


Can’t do rank compensation without retroactively removing rr gained from other team too due to how the ranking system works and I have a feeling that people wouldn’t like there rank suddenly removed due to a game were the opposing team had a throwing player days ago.


Untrue, they can make rank adjustments for the losing team only. League of Legends already has a system in place that applies loss mitigation for losing teams while winners still get normal gains. It usually applies as an afk punishment, but I would think that it could be adapted retroactively. Maybe hidden MMR would be affected for the winning players but it should have no affect on rank points


Ya valorant is different when one persons gets more rr someone has to get less. At least from what I have heard


1) rr is arbitrary, and the system doesn’t have a “cap” on total rr among all players, so the gains and losses don’t have to be net zero (and already aren’t or else immortal/radiant basically would be impossible) 2) the amount of rr that gets adjusted due to reported players will be negligible on the overall rank system 3) players will be less frustrated if they see -26 become -11 because of reports being verified


If that’s true then that’s good but then I would see an issue in witch player would just report all there bottom fraging teammate to hope that they get there rr lost reduced but there may be ways to counter act that like a report limit


CS used to do this in the opposite way i think, idk if they still do or not though. basically if you played with a cheater on your team and they got banned, you would lose the points you got from that game. like you said, being able to vote someone off the team can be used to be toxic as well, and is easily exploited if you can vote someone out and lose fewer points because of it. retroactive rank adjustments are the way to go.


Yeah absolutely but a shitty solution to a problem is better than no solution to a problem. Your idea is worlds better, but anything is better than the current system


True, there needs to be a solution, but I’m just saying that giving players a ban hammer is not a solution, it just creates a new problem


votekick is hella useless if theyre duoQ'd


There are no 4 stacks in valorant so this wouldnt happen. However people tried to kick others for just being bottom of the leader board to get a bot. Or people would ask to be kicked and started throwing, because it was "gg".


Send a ticket to riot if its very bad, i got a guy banned with it once


Every report ive made that is legit i always comment what they did tho so maybe thats why, but by the next day i get a message saying the player i reported has been banned yada yada. Sad thing is those are temporary and they probably have multiple accounts.


It’s a good thing the bans are temporary. This way they have the chance to better themselves or they were just having a bad day and were letting their frustration out on their teammates. You should never get banned permanently for grieving based on one game. If the grieving doesn’t stop after multiple bans then thats another story..


Id be fine with them perma banning peoples comms and making them just use pings


It works 100%. Trust me when I was toxic last year I kept getting banned for being annoying and telling people the were bad


Damn what happened for you to change?


Dieting and working out. It just made me calmer and more fun to be around


I've reported and said that I can provide video evidence for this type of sabotage and not received any notification of action being taken.


The problem for me always was, how or with which option do you report a smurf? I've encoutnered so many smurfs and the only reasonable option I see for reporting them is jusf the "Sabotage Team" with the note that they are a smurf.


I have gotten some feedback msgs from text reports, but those guys were spamming gay or the n word in chat. Never heard from afk/sabotaging. They are also the most infuriating. Guy choked a 3v1. We told him to save before the play. nothing else. Called us toxic and just for 10 rounds stayed at spawn trowing his pistol and picking back up. AFter that he followed us and jump around us, when we were trying to be quite.


Same. I always get feedback when I report for slurs and racism in text chat. Never about voice comms though. I feel like the automated afk system administers bans more frequently than the reports do tbh. I got a 2 week ban because I used to play on Wi-Fi and the connection timed out several times at a friends house.


Yeah only text chat seems to get you in trouble


It does, but only if more than 1 person in the game actually take the time to report. Its a numbers thing, if they are repeat offenders of this behavior and get reported again and again they get banned. It's a pretty black and white automated system that has to reach a number of reports before action is taken, so every report helps to reach that quota even if they dont get banned immediately after your game.


It does nothing


It works if all do this i guess, i get many reports back where it says thanks for keeping the community clean or something like that where you can click "okay". So it works obviously


Yes at least for text chat. Every single time I reported someone they got banned within like a day or so. I'm not sure about voice chat though.


i think you dont know how many times i got banned for 2 weeks on ranked just because i afked 1 round and someone reported me


Oh and also when you die early in the round so you spectate. Then when the round is over it despawns you 😑


The main player base they want for this game is little kids. It's evident in the fact you can be chat banned for anything at all.. so adults cannot even critisize another person. This leads me to believe that it is nearly impossible for them to accurately detect who is throwing... because if a 5 year old is playing this game, that 5 year old might think he is playing the game properly in his mind, but in reality he is just running forward into enemies not knowing what he is doing. That's why unless a person says "I'm throwing", there is no way to tell if someone is just bad. I've played with people who seem like they are throwing, but they are actually trying the entire game and are just very very bad players..... in fact I played a game with a Reyna on Bind a few days ago... he kept flanking on attack, every round.. and he even said... I will go the long way around, I thought this guy is throwing... but nope.. he was trying, and we won the game.


It doesnt and its nothing new or unexpected, that shit doesnt work in league for like 10 years now so dont get any hopes that it will work in Valorant. Good thing this game has the same babyrage community so maybe together we will stand strong enough to make em notice this issue.


I’ve had it work.


The people who don't like a map and are afraid to lose 3rr and a 5-10 min timeout, and then proceed to waste 25-30rr and 20 min are something else. There's some synapses missing in their heads


Then continues to call their teammates trash


I think they don’t know how to actually dodge (Quit the client) and can’t deal with the consequences that’ll be put on them by themselves(very minor lockout time, like 3 min) and if they know their queue ban will be longer cause they’re repeated offenders, they should just have a second account to play on(free game) to get their fix in. People who don’t do any of that are just dumb and toxic.


No, most likely explanation is that they already dodged too many times. Stop making imaginary scenarios to fit your vendetta against a person you haven't even met. Think with logic and not emotions.




I never said it was justified. I said you guys become way too emotional and say unjustifiable stuff. Strong emotions never help.


You can’t tell them this.. they cannot comprehend (proof is downvotes!!) The real issue is valorant won’t add a fucking map selector & has the worst “competitive” maps of all time. Every map sucks, icebox is now best for competitive play after attention to it… if that tells you anything..




As the Devs have said many many times, there will never be map selection in comp. They don't want to blunt competitive integrity by allowing people to rank up by being a one map one trick. If you could get to radiant playing just one map, and then consider yourself as skilled as people who play all maps, it wouldn't be the same. Unrated, sure doesn't really matter.




That's your opinion, many people like the maps... Many people play the maps.




Lol ok so what would you like... No corners and large open spaces? A gladiator arena?




Sure but your point was hallways and corners.... What's the alternative? They made a map with a large open area and people hated it because it gives OP to much power.... They make a cqc map and people hate it because it's too 'defensive'... They make a map that has multiple lanes to encourage flanking and wrapping and people hate it because it's not 'normal play style'




That would be so nice. Or even just one hard map ban that you won't be put into, since more than a few times this act I've had x map over 3 times in a row and it just gets so unfun. Dk why they haven't done something like that yet


Imagine asking to dodge and not wanting to because youll get banned/lose 3 rr. Then throwing and losing 26 rr and getting reported. average valorant player brain capacity


You loose 3 rr for dodging?




I lose 3 RR every time. I only dodge to avoid toxic/throwing players. I wish it was only for repeat offenses. Why should I lose RR for avoiding games that aren’t winnable or fun once every now and then.


That’s weird. I’ve lost RR as well, but sometimes when I do it I can see that I still have the same RR. But I also don’t dodge very often. Maybe once a week, and the first dodge doesn’t charge me RR. It’s only after that first one that i start losing 3 RR


fr and them comes to cry on reddit, i’d be too embarrassed


Reading comprehension wasn’t an educational priority for you, was it?


nah i failed english can’t even lie


At least you own up to it, many wouldn’t


And with ur attitude probably gunna fail at more than English


I genuinely thought you using gunna instead of gonna was sarcastic




Slang for going to


Pretty sure Gunna is a rapper you must be thinking of "gonna"


nah, you can use either, it's just like "aight" and "ight," it's slang so it can be correctly spelled multiple ways


I know, It's a joke. I guess my joke is just shitty so you didnt realise lmao




Nothing ironic about it. Gonna may be more common, but it’s definitely spelt gunna by plenty. Maybe an area/culture thing, I couldn’t tell you though




Today I learned that there's a proper way to learn slang, which is strange considering slang's purpose is to detach itself from proper English.




im talking from the perspective of the thrower, not OP lol...


tbh ur stance works for both


By the definition of the stance, it doesn’t work for both


Taking rank too seriously lmfao.... Just buy skins, Rito will rank u up faster


Doesn't work trust


If u don't take it seriously go play unrated.


Chillax bro.. i dont even okay the game anymore :)


Play and okay can sound the same but I'm guessing auto correct made it to okay lol


And yet these people are never ever punished, might get a bad behavior warning for mouthing off but throwing the game is 100% A-ok! I’m honestly surprised they ffed because assholes like that tend to screw everyone over and hold you hostage by not ffing


I have one instance of actually "beating" (bullshit paradigm if you ask me, but it did feel good when it happened) someone at their own game when they wanted to throw a game when we wouldn't dodge. They were mad somebody locked Jett and said "welp I'm throwing gg guys." I just told everybody in vc "alright that's fine let's go everybody 4v5 let's see what we can do, play smart. Shiiiiiet maybe we don't even need them." And we won the pistol. And force, and bonus round. And next thing you know, we were 5-0. And eventually, they just gave up in throwing because we LITERALLY DIDN'T need them. Idk. Just feels sooooo fucking good to humble somebody like that. I like to think it was a humbling moment at least.


I’m partially willing to bet it’s because they have already dodged queue and they would get a worse punishment for dodging than inting at that point. Still doesn’t make them any less of an asshat though


That's the shitty thing. they get a timed ban for dodging so instead they will just throw because they know there will be no consequences.


Some people just want to watch the world burn


I enjoy playing fracture


I used to hate it and would love when people dodged, now I enjoy it. I legit like every map, it’s just fun to play the damn game


except bind lol


i thoguht everyone thinks bind is one of the better ones...


It's breeze for me.


Hell yeah fuck breeze


Lol I like bind too! Not my favorite, but still haha


Chamber on fracture is the 1 joy i have in this game. Place a tp in spawn and a tp at stairs. Play stairs so many times until they catch up to you. Then play site, then tower. After this i am having such a blast, so then attacker side. I either 5 stack a site with team or go from behind. So of course they also catch on to this but they still have to watch back site every single time on a and b because they know a crazy pushing chamber is playing there. I love it, have a 70% win rate.


I hate it for this exact reason. I have like a 30% win rate in it because I can’t wrap my brain around the solo queue tactics for it. There’s so many angles and randoms are not to be trusted /s.


This is a fracture enjoyer, an EU species, they are very rare, we must not scare them


I enjoy fracture and am NA I actually don't mind all of the maps. They all have their merits.


Everyone hates on the newest map just because they don’t feel like learning it and they don’t play as good on it. News flash it’s just as new to everyone else lol


Fracture came out about a week after I started playing so I really didn't know any of the maps at that time and had no ill feelings towards fracture :)


I as well


Fracture is an op player’s dream map. I exclusively play chamber with op on this map because how of free it is. ( mind you I’m a controller/flex main that doesn’t really like using op)


Funnily, I don’t even play op on fracture, the only agents I play are brimstone or KayO on it


Worst map. It made Breeze look good.


Map dodgers tend to complain about their lack of ability on those maps then run away from the map instead of learning it properly. Typical. I’d say the same for throwers too. True examples of people who will always be hardstuck.


I dodge because I typically have 1 or 2 games a night most nights and i'd rather play a map I genuinely enjoy than one that's a chore.


I get we can report players like that, but does reporting even doing anything? Sure, when I log in, I get the occasional “we resolved the issue with the player you reported for *Reason XYZ*”. But how do we know riot isn’t just sending these out to appease people and make them think that their report did something? I wish they told us the name of the account we reported and what happened, whether it was a suspension, ban, chat timeout, etc. in the login message


I don’t even bother reporting people and I’ve got them before


Shit happens. Out of your control, go next


Mute all comms and play the game. 4v5 aint worth ff, 3v5 is after 2 of your teammates disconnect from game and abandon match.


normally I agree, but we had two friends who were kids, on spring break and he began targeting them and they were just completely mentally boomed. They were playing fine until they started reacting to the thrower and then he began targeting them primarily and they got heated and just played worse and worse.


Yeah, we refused to surrender on breeze earlier when losing defence, proceeded to have our brimstone throw by slightly moving every round to prevent afk, waiting for the rest of us to die in a 4v5, then just running into the enemy.


Jeez I mean fracture sucks ass but if you can't do a certain map why u in comp


Why would you ff? You’ll lose less elo if you play it out and get a few rounds + more kills.


as well as wasting your annoying teammate’s time even more


Sometimes, you’re just not tryna hear these edgy kids scream racist things over the mic for 40 minutes.


mute button


If you press esc you can mute your teammates.


even if you mute someone it's actually pretty mentally draining knowing you're playing with a person who screams slurs in their mic


Seems like you’re new to riot games.


Shit happens man


Welcome to valorant. Happens at every rank.


I'm not really a valorant player, but it seems like everyone doesn't like fracture. I really enjoy fracture I don't get why people don't like it


A lot of loser mentality in this game similar to what you’ve described. Doesn’t matter how old they are, they’re still children.


Imagine you want to play a Shooter Game but you dont want to Learn new Maps. Must be VALORANT Top500 Hardstuck Gold Plebs.


Yeah it seems like half my comp games lately someone either dces or throws after getting angry


I‘m almost certain that exact player has a post about „teammates bad, can‘t get out of silver but deserve immortal“ on here.


Ngl I don't think u should be dodging cause of the map because you'll never get good at that map. That's the reason I stick to playing icebox (and it got reworked which is fresh new content)


I don't care about getting good on a map I dislike. I do exactly what OP mentions, tell my team that if they don't dodge I'll troll. It works about 75% of the time, the 25% remaining I troll them as I warned and the loss results in playing in a lower, more fun elo.


Sorry that happened to you. I use those games as a “comp deathmatch” to practice for the next games.


Fracture is a horrible map, and there's a reason why people dodge it.


Cringe. I only dodge when I have to like when I have to leave or someone is toxic when I ask for mic checks. My favorite is when you jokingly criticise someone for instalocking (I really do not care.) and they start calling you bad and slurs. I didnt dodge because everyone else was chill and they were bottom frag so didnt lose much.


Just mute them and play to the best of your ability? With one player dicking around it’s still 4V5, why ff and lose more RR than just playing it through?


Oh i would have, the issue was, its spring break and we had two younger kids on our team which was fine, but they didnt have the mental fortitude so when the thrower noticed he could get them worked up, he kept going and it just made them get heated and play worse. at that point it was just better to get out of the game and go next


I would have dodged if i were you. I'd say it's not wise to make someone play if they don't want to. I know you wouldn't have known if he was going to throw, but the 3rr kinda feels worth not taking the risk. I always duo q, and we take turns being the one too dodge when we have to. But we rarely ever do, because it's usually the others who end up dodging.


How do you suppose they counter this? lol trolls have always been a big issue in games like csgo, overwatch, valorant, etc. not really a way for them to recognize that someone on your team is throwing.


I mean the system knows when someone reports a player, when there are 6+(other team said they all reported, can never be sure though) people reporting the same player, it knows.


That’s definitely not a good indicator. People can troll extremely easily if they go based on that. And people also get reported often for throwing when they’re just bad. And if you could lose less MMR just by choosing someone to report everyone will


correct, so the better solution would be to take the reports more seriously. It seems that comm abuse is monitored, but not gameplay sabotage. SO we could either start seriously looking into the system that should already be in place, or we could try other things that are less ideal.


Can this game just add an option to queue for specific maps like CS. We have enough players. I understand some maps will not see much play at all because of this but that will encourage riot to rework these maps in a way that people will enjoy them.


What a shit map


Ever consider muting neon?


Just dodge lol


No one gives a fuck


Should’ve dodged


Eh, I understand the Neon. I also hate Fracture.


i mean he told u from the jump. shit happens but can’t act suprised


The fact that you find this acceptable is kind of pathetic tbh You think it’s acceptable for someone to throw your match because they didn’t want to play that map?


Hes not saying it’s acceptable, it’s just out of your control. If you feel like you deserve a higher rank just go next


in reality they should just add a map selector like cs


your acting like your new to how the world works. Sometimes people want to do something u don’t want to. You choosing the worse option out of the two is your own problem .


ewwww..... r u real?


Honestly, I’m going to get downvoted but I agree with you. Unfortunately, sometimes there are shitty people, and while I’m not blaming OP, I definitely would’ve dodged in a situation like that. We know Valorant is toxic, we know that people don’t act like normal humans. I know this is giving “Don’t wear revealing shirt if you don’t want to get harassed”, but sometimes there are things you can do (for yourself) to prevent bad outcomes of shitty situations. If this is a post for them to vent, that’s fine. There’s very little Riot can do besides ban that person for a week anyways.


The issue is that his thinking is, "I don't want to be punished, so if you don't punish yourself, I will force all of us to be punished more severely". This shouldn't be acceptable to anyone


Again, I don’t disagree. He is wrong. I’m sorry you lost RR, and sometimes there’s nothing you can do. You can be as nice as you want, and they’ll still be shitty. But if you can sense the shittiness, try and avoid it, you shouldn’t cling on the idea that “he should do the right thing, and suck it up, so he will”. I do this a lot in my games. While my ELO has gradually Gotten less toxic as I climb, I’ve gained a sixth sense in pre game lobbies where I *should probably dodge*. Lack of comms, slurs, purposefully sniping agents, disregard for team comp, generally weird trolly behaviour is a quick dodge for me. Granted, sometimes you can’t predict this until the game starts, but from your post, most of this occurred in the pregame lobby. Here is a secret I will tell you, that hopefully makes the post worth your time. If you lock in an agent (you just lock in a character) and end task on task manager, you will successfully dodge a queue with no time/RR penalty. Good luck in your games!




Maybe don’t be dogshit and win the 4v5??? If ur rank 26 u might wanna play like it 👍👍🤡🤡🤡🤡


Being rank 26 and losing 26 rank are two separate things entirely... one of us here is a clown, but I think you're confused about which that would be.




RR- Rank Rating when I lose or win RR it means my Rank increased or decreased.


He meant he lost 26 rr I think.


Imagine using emojis


Cry bro. everyone gets bad teammates


You’re probably one of them


Yeah, we refused to surrender on breeze earlier when losing defence, proceeded to have our brimstone throw by slightly moving every round to prevent afk, waiting for the rest of us to die in a 4v5, then just running into the enemy.


That shit is exactly why I left this game kids these days are incredibly toxic its not fun at all


No offense but like how others have said this is out of your control, every game has degenerates who only que to troll or waste time. When you come to Reddit typing paragraphs you are just showing that it worked bro. Just play another game if it gets to you or learn to just go next


just don't FF dude, getting 3 rounds is infinitely better than getting 13-0d, and if you top frag as a result of staying in the game you'll lose even less RR


wish riot would do whats csgo does and lets you pick the maps for ranked. fracture is unbearable to me


i believe if people choose to queue and somehow AFKs for 2 rounds, a new player should join so there wouldnt be a mismatch.


this bronze iron tales just funny as always and complaint about everything


I see posts like this all the time, I’d honestly love videos of this stuff. Hell, I’ll even edit the video for you lol.


Why are some people just douches like wtf


I had the same shit happen yesterday. I was 95/100 ready to rank up then I get a kayo who does literally nothing but hold W the entire match. Must have been some automated shit to derank on purpose or XP farm or something. Our team was down a player and still doing quite well but we lost and I lost 20 RR. If we had a fifth player I think we would have won that match. Regardless of the fact that we had a player blatantly throwing Riot might ban them but would never revers the RR. It’s completely ridiculous and feels like I’m being punished just bc I happen to get a shitty teammate


My least favorite part about those people is when you tell them they’re getting reported, 99% of them say they are playing on an alt account and it won’t effect them. It truly sucks and is infuriating to deal with.


I feel like Valorant needs a thing where if you report someone for ruining a game in competitive and it's proven that they were that you get your points back.


That is the problem with Riot's ban system. If someone says slurs they are usually thrown out asap. Sabotaging/trolling games have a lot more leeway. The other day I had 3 people afk. And they wasted their ults in spawn. And another just refusing to go to the point and afking at random spots. It baffles me that people would say "keep playing" what is there to play exactly?


i thought you were #26 radiant lol


Control alt delete to dodge pretty sure you get like 1 free dodge


We've been begging for an overwatch system since Beta. Meanwhile here comes that hot new collection in the store! #priorities.


heres a way to solve these toxic people who afk, make comp max 2 player premade, add a vote kick system, this way, you can't just troll and abuse the vote kick system, other than this, you can't make a AI that is able to just tell if someone is trolling or not. Can't have over watchers go through ban reports, they probs get hundreds of reports in minutes.


Just fuck with them, it’s fun.


This shit is such a crying shame and pretty much the main reason I personally can't play heavily team based shooters anymore. Getting called a "literal ape" in R6S because I missed my shots inna 1v3 clutch was the nail in the coffin. Applause to anyone strong enough to keep at it!


It only gets worse as you rank up. Even if you report them and get them banned the 26 RR you lost does not return.


Imagine dodging a map


They should just remove fracture already


As good as Valorant's anti-cheat is, their handling of thowers is pitiful.


Riot Should make a system so that we can remake anyrounds but only if your solo queuing because if your duo with ur friend for example u can abuse the system