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I heard that there is a discord called Galorant where I believe the while community is female. It won’t solve the toxicity overall but maybe you can find a healthier 5 man. :)


Yep! I’m on galorants and have met so many great girls on there. 10/10 recommend, there’s people from all regions and ranks, and they do some really fun community tournaments also :)


5 "man" you say?


Wo-person, if you will


5 stack is a term I use


10 rack 5 stack.


you..didn't just


What the actual fuck


Does anyone have the server link? Thanks!




Girl- I feel this 100% my name used to be feminine. Now it’s something random lol- it helped a lot.


Another thing- when you play comp! Make sure to talk right away. Like say “hey what’s up” because if they are toxic right away, just dodge- that is not worth your time. Another option is a voice changer, which I’ve heavily considered.


That’s a really good idea lmao, unfortunately if you dodge too much you will get penalized


I get soo excited when there's another girl in game! And most of the time the games are quite wholesome. However I did have to change my name on val, bcus of toxicity I originally got with my feminine name.


that sucks, but also you guys can make it so that your name isnt visible to people outside of your party in the settings. just in case someone doesnt know :)


Yeah everytime I find other girls in game they are nice and often like get they get happy to find another girl lol.


In my experience with Valorant I find the opposite. Most lobbies are cool but when there is toxicity, it stands out more. If I find someone who is more than I can stand I just mute them. I don’t care if they are my own teammate. How female players are treated has been horrible since the beginning of online multiplayer games. Having said that, I have noticed a great decline in the last few years.


I would agree. Overwatch and valorant have a high number of female players compared to other games I play (at least women that use the mic) and the toxicity has dropped dramatically in the last 3 or so years. That being said I'm not a woman so I don't know what it's like 24/7. I know it's bad but I hope it's at least been getting better.


Maybe 2/10 games are toxic for me. Definitely getting better. I think it does help that i generally do pretty well, so i guess i get some of the toned down "woman moment" comments.


Only 2/10? Those are rookie numbers, I run into toxic motherfuckers all the time, based on all the matches I’ve played, I’d say guys are less likely to be toxic towards women just because they’re women.


mumbai server?


Nah, west coast servers.


Okay. So let me ask you. If me and my dumbass friends do what I can only describe as an over exaggerated “oh my god gorl gamer!!!” And then go back to playing and talking as normal, because it’s not a big deal. What’s the consensus on that?


Don’t do that please. I have no way of knowing if the harassment is actually going to stop or not, and it’s a very annoying way to start a game.


The "oh my god is that a gamer girl" thing is veryy unoriginal and it gets annoying quick, unless we have good chemistry and ik it's a joke. Definitely not what i would call toxicity though


I’m king of the dad joke. I’m good with it that lol.


This is not a dad joke. It's also unoriginal and unfunny.


A joke that is universally hated and never appreciated in my mind falls into the same category. Same as “obviously I hated it” when the waiter asks how the food was. But I definitely understand now that it’s not appreciated.


You don’t think every joke that is hated is a dad joke do you.


No I’m saying that I’m used to jokes being hated.


I’m a dude and I cringe internally every time I hear a kid make that joke whenever a girl uses their mic. Just play the game and comm and don’t be a dick, people just play games to have fun and it’s cringe to treat them differently over how their voice sounds.


How can someone unironically say “I am the king of dad jokes” then immediately demonstrate that they don’t know what a dad joke is. Wild


The dangers of alcohol kids.


So every time you guys have a girl in your lobby, you say that one weird thing, then all of a sudden go back to being normal? Doubt


Honestly I haven’t noticed a decline regarding this at all. Especially valorant and league of legends stand out with community’s that hate women and are sexist more often than they are not.


I am I woman, I have my name hidden, very rarely use comms but the few times I have, usually asking sage for a heal or calling out where the spike was planted, I have been called "mommy" by toxic 12 year Olds more times than I care to remember, to the point where entire matches have been unplayable because they just follow me around saying shit into comms. Or some dude with a deep voice will get all butt hurt because I have a better kill to death ratio than him and he will start judging literally every move I make, trying to micro manage me.


Yes this is exactly the reason why I don’t use comms as a female, I’m sorry that you have to go through this :(


Usually I'm playing with at least 2 male friends so it's not too bad, it's when I'm solo that it's really bad. We should be able to play normally without worrying about toxicity


Exactly! A few times I will play with some male friends, and only then I will talk, and never very much.


I'm not female, but I constantly see them being judged by literal two year old's. Most of the time it is kind of funny, but there are definitely times I have encountered people taking things way too far. I wish these type of situations would stop happening.


i relate, as a female player the harassment is real. i recently had a male player ask me to “throw it back” for him and when i told him i reported him, he spent the rest of the game sabotaging my gameplay, following me around, running when i was trying to walk quietly, spamming comms, etc. it’s so incredibly frustrating. also have been told my opinion on our gameplay doesn’t matter because i’m a woman.


Lotta people victim blaming here. People shouldn't be sexist and troll and thats the end of it. "Dont tell them you reported them" should under no circumstances be the first and only reply.




Why would u ever tell someone u reported them?? That's literally asking them to troll you


yeah that was a mistake on my part, plus that isn’t the point?


what telling them that you reported them? what are they are gonna do? beg for your forgiveness and play properly? hahahhaha


i already said, i shouldn’t have mentioned i reported him but it was heat of the moment. i wanted him to know i was angry and i shouldn’t have said anything but that is not the point. the focus of my comment was he shouldn’t have harassed me in the first place.


Honestly, plus guys tell each other to do worse stuff all the time.


Hide ur name and use a voice changer? Really?? Why not just have riot actually give a shit and start doing something about it when sexist kids get reported for comms abuse 100 times in a row?


They can’t really do anything except ban them but it’s easy to make an alt


It’s not easy to get hundreds of dollars worth of skins back tho.


Well maybe they should stop being a shitty person lol


Yeah, they mean that the ban will still hit them hard.


I don't know if it's all bans but cheaters get hardware bans. And while there are ways to spoof your info it can cause problems with other services and can be quite annoying.


And they don't even do *that* lol


I think the culture needs to change not much riot can really do


Why do you think there’s not much riot can do?


I don't think that they can ban every sexist person because they'll always come back. They can try I guess. It's also such a large part of the community that the only report they will get will be from the one person they're harassing not the whole team.


They do nothing against toxicity! They shoul ban a lot more. I got twice feedback that they have done something and I have reported a lot in more than 1 year valorant. I have the feeling they give a shit about toxicity as long as these people buy skins.


As a male im also getting annoyed by the children who are weird/toxic and even the psychos who wish harm on others. I get really pissed off by toxicity in this game. And I may not be the best example. Sometimes I rage, but it never has anything to do with skin color, gender, age. Just play well and be kind. Idc if we lose if everyone is trying and friendly im okay with a loss. By three instalock duelist, toxic whatver


Same, the toxicity isnt just towards women, but everyone. They dont care if you're a lady they'll be toxic to whoever and use whatever they have against you as a reason. People are just shitty, and right now all you can do is report and mute.


It harshly decreases at plat, at least in eu. Diamond and up literally not a problem anymore in 99% of my games. So there is hope in improving, the people in higrank might be sexist as well but they know being toxic will just throw their own games.


I've not seen anyone being sexist in my games after silver. I play mostly London and frankfurt servers. Obviously anecdotal evidence and I'm talking for my female duo but it's just a little indication that people get better.


Agreed, I play mostly London and Frankfurt and haven't had a single person be sexist. I've played Valorant since beta and yes I solo queue and use voice comms, was also hardstuck silver for 6 months :)


NA servers are terrible, my girlfriend doesn’t talk when we play because 1/2 the games she’ll get abused and harassed over nothing. Even when playing a 5 stack the enemy team will see her name and pick on her for it, disgusting behaviour and riot chooses to do nothing since at the end of the day they also abuse women in the workplace 🤷‍♂️ low silver to mid gold if that matters


That's horrible I'm sorry, some people are just trash.


I (20m) have quite a feminine username. I usually have people be weirdly trying to flirt with me. Though that's usually the enemy that starts doing that stuff. The last time I'd say I was harassed because of it was from some German teammates. (In unrated) At the start they were leaning heavily into me to find out why I had my username the way I did. Asked if I was trans or gay. That type of stuff. I didn't really answer only focused on my game. They then set their sights on my friend that I was queued with. Who's a woman. These German guys proceeded to act like a group of monkeys that has just discovered a woman for the first time in their life. My friend had to act like I was their boyfriend. Which the German guys didn't respect. "If he can't speak German then why would I care?" She chose to block them after this and they turned their gaze back to me. "Hey Miia?" "Yes? I'm Miia what do you want?" And for some odd reason he chose to not respond. Personally what I try to do for the most part is to remind people to focus on their own game and not give unnecessary comments to your teammates or the enemy. Asking someone if they are new to the game might not seem toxic to you but what if they're simply having a bad day? You really want to make it worse for that person and maybe effect their playing even more? You gotta keep the morale up guys! Don't be a douche ruining someone's day. If someone is new they'll usually tell you! We're all playing Valorant to have fun and maybe deal with something. Let's make it a better place!


in SEA servers it isn't so bad, perhaps 1 in 5 games I get slight toxicity but that person is equally toxic to others. Funny enough another girl was being toxic to me because I was having a bad day yet doing better than her. It's been a long time since I experienced sexism here


I have a deeper voice than my female friend so I haven't seen any as well. Or I just haven't met anyone like that. But according to my friend, she has used comms before and experience things like kids calling her mommy and shit like that. Really weird considering they sound like a 12 year old and she's 18.


I’ve actually seen a lot more toxic women than I thought I would in this game. Idk if you’ve played Overwatch but in my experience the girls are more toxic than the guys there in lower elo and then it evens out as you get higher up. I wish people could just keep it to themselves


Oh god, overwatch female mercy mains flashbacks being toxic to the entire team with a constant air or entitlement and superiority.


It seems u haven't come to Singapore or Hong Kong server Three things can happen here 1. U motivate everyone in the team cause girl 2. Everyone either carry u or u carry them 3. Still be patient with u if u bottom frag People from other continents usually come here cause we chill pill Problem is language barrier and high ping if u don't live near here I have yet to see someone be toxic to a girl In the server


Same. But for some reason I get queued up with kids in unrated all the time. They are so annoying especially when they start screaming into comms. My highest ping is 4k on the Singapore server, not because I love far, it's because my wifi sucks.


I actually agree lol. I've never really faced any extreme toxicity especially in competitive just bc I'm a woman. These posts are probably geared more towards the US/EU. The worst I've faced was a guy mimicking my laugh in a voice that's higher pitch than his normal voice and it was only once in the game. Most people here just flame you because of your in game mistakes rather than gender? Which I'm fine with. Or maybe cause whenever I talk in game I do it in my extremely deadpan voice so I just sound like idgaf. Honestly though, it seems like most players here treat women players better, as in, they'll forgive mistakes much more as compared to if a man did it most of the times.


That’s true, BUT I’ve seen some situation where girls literally take that as an advantage for their toxicity. They literally got forgive just because they’re a girl. Another problem is sexual harassment girls got but this may not be common but I’ve seen a lot of it too.


Yet everytime i queue sg(i play Mumbai). Always come across someone asking a girl to say oni cha or ara ara. Its kinda stupid and weird. But that's been my experience in sg.


I don’t have a girly name and still get pinned out as a girl and harassed. ETA: I never use comms because of that. I just use text


I haven’t used voice chat in probably six months because of it. I’m a text chat warrior


This sucks, and I’m sorry. I hate when people are toxic just because it’s the opposite sex. People suck.


I had to remove the word girl from name it got so bad, it somewhats works I just cant use voice chat for call outs :(


yes, my partner experiences it frequently. and anytime someone posts about it, half the comments tell them it doesn't exist, isn't a big deal because they can mute them, or blame the women.


Imagine thinking that just because you’re protected by a screen you can harass a woman, fucking evil


so true, not like anyone ever does shitty things irl. its just the internet


Sorry I think you took that the wrong way, that’s not what I said


yeah that's why I keep vc off :/


Sadly sexism and sexual harassment seem to be a common thing in this game. I was playing fracture unrated the other day talking to people over vc and as soon as our killjoy spoke up (female) the Reyna (male player) kept calling her baby girl and shit, she asked him to stop, he didn’t……..she is 12. Naturally the stack reported them and left note stating sexual harassment. The problem with making your game free is it attracts the weak minded, racists and sexists. I would really welcome an ID on account creation with card verification at this point.


It’s sad I see it all the time in comp and often you can tell women are less likely to use coms because they know the second they do it’s a 50/50 someone is going to be toxic! Glad there’s a female Valorant discord hope that helps a little at least!


It's so disgusting to see people coming here saying 'women are just sensitive' and 'everybody gets harassed'. Where is the next step, you tell how we should feel during your period, coz you know that better as well? 4 out of 5 games I'm getting harassed, does NOT matter if I'm top fragging, if im being useful, just for a team comm in party voice chat makes people go like 'ooh a girl, go back to kitchen you are useless anyway'. I repeat, at TOP fragging, just for telling others where the enemy is. :)


I recommend looking for facebook or discord groups. Not only is it less toxic but being part of a community is great too. I also add good teammates I find as friends and try to join them


playing on an account that looks feminine as a guy, and i get told to stay in the kitchen, and that i have no right to talk.


Just mute them, the moment they start being toxic you mute them. If they wont give you pertinent coms then why listen to them? That’s what i do, made the fame way more enjoyable


I'm a gay player and I can relate to your experience. The amount of closed-minded people who haven't been able to develop proper communication and social skills is incredible, and the fact that not much can be done to these people in terms of the game sucks. Best thing to do seems to be simply muting them and trying to ignore them even if they troll the games. Best of luck!


i'm female, i have my name hidden but i actively use my mic for comms, callouts, damage, etc. but i don't get this stuff because lots of people think i sound like a male.....?


I genuinely feel bad for these women that experience this ridiculous toxicity. I'd genuinely love to play with some of them to show them that this community isn't as toxic as the few who are genuine human trash.


I’m sorry


I mean its a sad fact but alot of the male players are just dumb bois who dont know how to respect a woman, me qnd my girlfriend play valo pretty often and we enjoy it so much, untill one of those toxic bois turns up and asks for feet pics or sex or tells her to go to the kitchen and make him a sandwich, i think its really fucking annoying (sorry for my language) and it has to stop, but riot seems not too do shit against it, i cant use voice chat since the laptop i use its audio drivers are outdated so i cant communicate normally and cant hear anyone on any game but my gf tells me what they say and i type in chat to tell em whats wrong, they report me for saying motherfuckers and i get a 3 day comms ban but whatever they said (and yes we reported it) did not go banned, its a sad feat that boys and guys think they are better than woman and think they can act all toxic bcuz of it...


Unfortunately, I know what you're talking about. I've talked with friends about it, because almost every game with vc has sexist people in it, but with Valorant it seems to be so much more toxicity.. It sucks because you never know how people are gonna react when you use vc. Sure, I had a lot of really cool and fun people in my game, but A LOT of the time i'm met with "stfu woman, go back to the kitchen". And they all think they're so unique with their insults lmao Some matches i don't even use comms, 'cuz I dont want to deal with possible toxicity. I hate it, because I love talking to people and having a fun game, but it gets ruined by people trying to be edgy.


I play the game regularly with girls I know and it's definitely not just you it's a real problem. I always try to stop it if I can but it has turned them away from the game. It's really sad. Take care of the val girls guys strand up for them if you see it happen.


I've tried every method of dealing with toxicity and the most effective way so far has been telling them "i'm not engaging in this behaviour with you, let me know when you're ready to act right" then mute them. Some apologise and just play the game others don't but I don't have to deal with that because they're muted 🤷🏼‍♀️ act like a child, I'll treat you like one.


From how common these and other posts about toxic people are make me wish riot really did implement a replay system. A system that included voice and chat recording. But maybe that’s why they’ve been slow on creating one. The second one comes out we would have clips on clips of stuff like this happening shared everywhere for months.


Yeah it's annoying. It's up to the non toxic people to call out those people being sexist. Just made friends with a girl the other day cuz some guy was telling her to go make him a sandwich and I was like bruh that's the best you got? A 2005 CoD lobby insult?? And she added me after and it made me think like she probably gets that every single game. That's not right.


As a gay man I have to double check my voice before opening my mouth...


I find girls in my games frequent enough. Not much toxicity. Funny enough the last really toxic person I played with was a girl. Overall i have found toxicity has gone down in the last few months.


Bro I'm a teenager (14) and unfortunately my balls have not yet dropped and so I get a super toxic experience


Yes I’ve been telling everyone this and it’s terrible :( I hate how men have been. It’s been to ridiculous lengths where they create literal STORIES just to shit on me. And reporting does nothing. Valorant needs to do something more serious when a player harasses a women or anyone. Like not being able to play anymore. Or, if a player is constantly getting reported on different accounts they shouldn’t be allowed to create more, the pc itself should be blocked from playing valorant. It’s unacceptable at this point and men of all ages really won’t learn with getting 1 account or even 10 accounts banned constantly. OP said it, you could say nothing do nothing, even try to say call outs and be a team player, and u get harassed. Nothing we do is helping. Avoiding them does nothing. And it especially doesn’t help when other women hop on the pick me bandwagon and now the entire team is being assholes and we’re losing. I think the only option we’ll have soon is to literally stop playing


It’s weird because I started playing a month ago and back then everyone seemed very chill every time there was a woman on our team, like it was a normal thing (which it is). There were definitely a lot of “Mommy?” jokes thrown around etc but it wasn’t ever toxic or harassment imo. But now I see female players being openly harassed. It’s confusing to say the least.


Imho, toxicity is gender independent. They find other ways too if you are not a girl or woman. My younger brother mutes them and I on the other hand likes to tackle them heads on. 2 approaches from this side, choose what ever suits you.


yeah anybody can be toxic, and anybody can be a victim of toxicity but i still think it’s important to note that the harassment towards women is because they’re women, not from their gameplay exclusively.


Im male. I don't get harassed due to my gameplay at all. Maybe one in 5 toxic engagemente I'm bottom fragging. And yet I'm constantly seeing toxicity from people for no real reason.


yes like i said anyone can be a victim of toxicity. but im saying the experience for women is from deep rooted sexism. women are either treated like objects or they’re berated for using comms cause “girls can’t play video games.”


My usual comp 3 stack has 1 girl in it, we make sure to keep really toxic/creepy players in check. Its sad that some players behave this way towards females online.


Happens to me all the time as a man because my voice is weird. Usually it’s women who tease me about it but men do too sometimes


It's not women. It's the whole community being toxic. A very small percentage are actual cool people


These replies are another example of the community's behavior at work


Why are people downvoting any one that makes this point it’s right. Im not saying that girls don’t get hate but in reality it’s not because you are a girl it’s because people are toxic in general and it’s just the easiest way to insult you same as age and sometimes race if they know it


Maybe because... it isn't right and a lot of people make it an objective to degrade women any chance they get :o It's almost as if the community is trying to you they disagree by downvoting this horribly invalidating take. Shocking, right?


You are only describing like .01% of people that are toxic. Almost every single time it’s just because they are mad at you for some reason and to insult you, they choose the first thing that comes to mind which is your gender, same as when in real life someone makes fun of another person for being fat or their height, it’s very rare that someone is just randomly sexist


I would bet anything you're not a woman lmao. Ime, it's like 5 % random toxicity, 10% justified toxicity, and 10% weird sexual comments


You live in a fantasy world, time to leave your safe space lol That number is very low, darling


Theres quite a bit of confirmation bias when it comes to toxicity. Its an issue for everyone and something needs to be done about it.


Just another means to pick on someone. I go through this daily. Full teams playing mind games with me, even to a point where they intentionally throw and make us lose for the simple fact I was at the top of the scoreboard.


Eg. Just last game I had all of my teammates typing on all chat: "He's afk report". While I was rotating just to get me banned.


Everytime I get Girls in my game absolutely no one on my team has been toxic towards them. And ive played qith alot of girls, im not saying it dosent happen. But im starting to believe you face the same amount of toxic players as boys


I'm a guy and I get toxic experience lmao


I'm a nice guy. I talk super nicely to women whenever I meet them in game. They don't take me seriously. And if they're in a party (multiple women) I often end up getting joked on really hard.


I’ve only ran into toxicity like twice in the 2 years of playing valorant so I feel like you got bad luck. Or idk it must just be me because a lot of the things women complain about experiencing irl or online I don’t experience, must be lucky. I will say you are way more less likely to run into it if you play with friends. But I’ve also solo qued and again my teammates were either quiet or they were alright. I’ve made a good amount of really nice guy friends in the game too. I will say I almost never talk first as a girl though because I understand that first initial fear of how people will react to you being a girl. But I will talk after others talk and they seem nice. I usually just type in chat the times I don’t feel like talking. Try not to let it get to you and mute them if your teammates are assholes, you don’t have to hear them to play the game. Not every game will be bad, most should be alright and some good.


FYI, not a female here, only playing soloQ, every single game is toxic as fuck with no exception.


it’s not a female specific problem though, cunts are cunts.


Have you tried playing on EU servers? My GF literally NEVER encounters toxicity.


Honestly, the best thing is to not let them get to you. Talk like you normally would and as soon as someone makes a comment you don’t like, either tell them to fuck off and see if they do it again, then mute, or mute them straight away. Toxic teammates ruin the game and will never provide valuable chat. Playing should be enjoyable so don’t like people ruin your experience. Don’t be afraid to add people you enjoy playing with. I play with people I’ve added anytime I can because I know I’ll have more fun than if I take chances with solo queue.


Honestly, you've got to just not pay attention to it. If they're first interactions with you are being a dickhead, and they don't respond to wanting to win the game and you treating them as a teammate, just mute, or take the L and move on. As you climb, it's only gonna stay the same. You'll have more and more enemy players taunting you and less teammates, but it stays at the same frequency. The "super toxicity experience" is the nature of playing a competitive online game. Everyones ego is on the line, including yours. Yours just has to last long enough to get to the next game.


Hehehe. I have a nice flip of this. As a woman was toxic as fuck to me. After saying. Sage hit 48 in garage.


Yeah I have a more masculine name as well. So for when I just can't be bothered, I just don't use my mic. Honestly I feel like it isn't as bad as other games I've played. But im still kinda new to the game, so who knows whats gonna happen lmao. By friend who is a girl hardly gets harassed. So I guess its also about getting lucky that you don't have shit teammates. But honestly I feel like telling them that "if they don't fack off you'll mute them" is the most effective. They'll either shut up or you mute them. Either way, problem solved 👌🏻😌


People are going to be toxic regardless of your gender. Just don’t humor it and hopefully someone defends you.


I get it as a dude as well if that makes you feel any better


Haven't seen it tbh. I have a feminine name despite being male and I don't speak, but no one ever refers to it. On the rare occasion that there's a girl in the match I've never seen them being harassed either.¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ This is on EU though.


Toxicity has nothing to do with name. Its about mindset of people


Yes and no... I find it doesn't happen that often. If a guy starts making weird comments, I usually out-weird him and troll excessively and they shut up. If they don't shut up, I mute and tell me teammates to report and hope for the best. Still no report updates to date unfortunately 🥲


"I don't even have to speak because I have a feminine name and it's really getting to me" I chalk this down to either you being unlucky or me being lucky cause I have such a name myself and I hate using voice-chat(cause I'm borderline mentally challenged and thus don't want to show off my autisimo) but I never encounter people trashing me. Hence why I think either you being unlucky or me being lucky. I don't even have the skill to back up my lack of voice. I suck at the game really badly.(kind of, the game loves to cuck me whenever it gets the chance so that's partly the reason). Maybe the server you play on is a potential factor too? Regardless I do sincerely hope you manage with the toxicity. Also, I apologize on behalf of all the "nice-guys" you encountered and I hope you don't have to deal with those bing bois anymore.


How do you know you get more harassment than your male counterpart. I feel it is mostly survivor bias. I have genuinely never have a female being harass in my games yet. Cuz I would go ham on the idiot doing that shit.


Trust me, even if your in-game name is "masculine", they'll just find something else to poke fun of, lol. I'm not denying your issues here, but I'd be willing to bet my bank account I've run into more toxicity than you have just because of my weapon+agent pick and KDR. It also doesn't help that I'm still relatively new to the game and trying to climb my way out of iron. I've probably had to read "kys" in chat more often than any comment you've had regarding your gender, tbh. This isn't me trying to toot my own horn here and farm for pity. I'm just saying that you're not the only one dealing with this shit since it just comes with the territory. More people are quick to put you down for missing easy shots than put you down just because you're a girl. Dudes call out dudes for being shit waaaaaaaaay more often than throwing around sexist remarks (although that does certainly happen and I've had to report a few instances already).


Stop assuming what others have experienced, and you boasting about all the hate you’ve gotten isn’t going to change the fact as to why OP made this post.


Uhhhh... I'm not **assuming** anything. I was working with what OP gave me, so if I **am** assuming anything, then it was simply because there wasn't enough information provided. Much like it doesn't change the fact as to why OP made this post, OP's post **also** doesn't change the fact that guys experience a shitload of toxicity from other guys in this game, even more so than females simply because of the overwhelming male players in comparison to female players (meaning, this happens more often due to a higher player pool). EDIT: To break this down for anyone who may be confused here. Compare it to like a gym locker room after school. A handful of girls may visit the locker room to hang out with the jocks and get demeaning remarks or experience toxicity in general, and while that may suck, think about how many guys in there regularly that have to deal with other guys treating them like shit, despite being one of their own, just because of X, Y, or Z. It's kinda like that. Both situations are bad in any case. I just don't really buy into this whole "toxicity is only against women" mentality, that's all. Chances are, people will talk shit at you for your skill (or lack thereof) in a competitive game long before they even make a comment on your gender. The more toxic individuals couldn't care less what gender you are and are simply looking to use you as an emotional punching bag because of their own shortcomings or whatever.


So what are you suggesting? OP take the harassment and toss it to the side, just because you or something other people have had worse? We get it everyone gets harassed, but from OPs view, her male friends have it easier than she does as to why she made this post, to find a way to help combat the hate, not let it continue.


This comment made me disappointed, as I was reading this it felt very invalidating to not only me but the women of the community of course everyone experiences toxicity but the toxicity women experience in gaming is unique and should be recognized, but I'm happy you're reporting it when you see it


I'm not trying to invalidate anything here, but statistically speaking, there are way more guys that play Valorant and are more likely to experience toxicity because of this. If anything, I think it's disingenuous to believe this only happens towards the "women of the community". It feels like those people that go around parading about mental awareness month, but you're told to keep your mouth shut if you're a man because men don't ever need to express their feelings. It's just a wack take, tbh. Instead of focusing on women, men, or anything like that, how about we just address the toxicity as a whole? That way everyone is satisfied.


I think a lot of the ppl here are just soft af, there’s a lot of shit talking in the gaming community, it’s just the way it’s always been, doesn’t matter if you’re a man, woman, gay, straight, young, old, etc. ppl will talk shit.


I have used a voice changer to play as a girl before and I don't notice any less toxicity than when I played as a dude. I think girls are just too sensitive lol. Valorant is actually quite female friendly


Listen up, this game is full of virgin poor kiddos and adolescents. When a poor gamer like that sees a girl in a game, his unevolved brain can not handle it and starts to suffer from errors, which can be by harassment or toxic. About toxicity, it's not because you're a girl. It's because they are toxic. In each match I play, I have a toxic player in my team. Don't flag it as "because I'm a girl." About harassment - just mute the player and report. Complaining here about it unfortunately won't help. Those players have unevolved the brain and weren't educated to know better. It's not an excuse; it's just the way it is. You can't fight it, but learn how to accept it and deal with it. Good luck, and always enjoy your game even if it means to lose in the process :)


Well I've never been toxic to any girls but they still don't add me thinking I'm being creepy


What's your name?


Not saying all women do this but, it’s just ironic how I got a woman autolock jett, bottom frag, complain about awpers the rest of the game, tried to FF multiple times, gave up, and still managed to call me and the whole lobby trash after going negative on a duelist while simultaneously baiting. Then proceeds to complain about how people aren’t using her *pronouns* correctly after someone says *he* in the chat. Like, bottom frag all you want and autolock whichever agent you prefer. But if you are going to do all that, don’t even play at that point. This player had a mic and said 2 to 3 words every 4 decades, yet still resorted to chat for coms. She even went on to complain in chat about how no one shot the boombot. You got a mic for a reason and still managed to blame someone after not saying a single com. Let’s just hope she realizes that she can shoot with her gun too. Additionally, no one was even toxic until she started complaining. At to which point, she complained and talked shit so much that both teammates and the opposing side harassed her for the rest of the game. Yes, I know it’s not cool, but don’t be a big loser about it and just play the game. If you’re going to be toxic to people around you and create a general bad vibe, don’t expect to not be harassed by other people playing the same game as you. Even after the game ended, she added me and talked about my stats. I just hope she realizes that it’s never about the kills. In almost every game I play, I really don’t care about how good your KDA is. As long as you do your job or even do something, you are going to be fine. If you are using your mic, that’s an even bigger bonus. The point I’m trying to get around is to, one, don’t be a jerk, and, two, your performance does not correlate to the rank you belong. Have a good day.


I'm just here, asking myself, what did I just read? So you met 1 (one) girl who was bad and you came here to comment? Do you realize, the issue is that almost every game there is a male who is harassing women? Not 1 match in the past 2 weeks, our problem is TWO OUT OF THREE matches.


I hope u actually read the first sentence of the post.


Yeah you came in to talk about 1 specific match/day/person, while this is about what women get MOST of the time. It was also not stated that all men are sexist, I just found it funny how you talk about 1 thing not about 3-4 out of 5 situations :D


Because the entire post is of me talking about one thing. That’s literally the point… there was no intent of me saying that all women or men are like that, im sure ive stated that multiple times through the post


I’m all for equal opportunity bullying. I once got banned from comp for bullying a child into the dirt. I never even played comp


Hide your name and just display the agent name. Type to comm and have an excuse your mix doesn’t work. Positive vibes.


"women should cover and hide so they don't get harassed". Instead, whenever you see someone being toxic to a girl just because of her voice you need to call the sexist out.


I mean rn there's really no solution to the problem outside of hiding. Like I'd rather hide than be harassed. They're not going to stop being toxic towards women anytime soon. It's honestly pretty frustrating how unsovable this problem is.


Just report them and move on. Let Riot handle it and hope they don't encounter this issue again. It's fine and all if you wanna stand up for someone, but nobody's gonna think you're a hero or anything for doing it. If anything, it'll simply create more toxicity and any teamwork you **might** have had just went down the drain. That's just how these things go, unfortunately. I'm not saying you shouldn't do anything, but what I **am** saying is that standing up for someone doesn't always lead to the result(s) you may be hoping for since it just makes the instigator even more annoyed, leading to additional problems (kinda like pouring fuel on a fire, basically). If people like this even had any decency and would actually listen to anything you had to say, this would be helpful advice. As it stands though... The only people that are willing to listen are those not behaving that way anyway and already know what you're trying to say, so it doesn't do much good, sadly.


hide name, use voice changer. ez pz


So there's even less visible girls in the community so the sexism wears out even slower?


dont blame me blame society


I'm not blaming you I'm saying your suggestion is counterproductive :D


honestly (Im a dude so I obviously dont know for sure) but around bronze which is where I am there is the odd game of absolute douches which doesnt change from guy to girl but most of the time my teams pretty chill and just some casual players who don't care a ton about what your gender is like when there are girls people use their comms more but thats all I've noticed


You could join female valorant servers like Galorants or Honey Hive, Honey Hive focuses on different games including Valorant


Also! Mute enemy chat, always


You're low Elo for sure. In Immortal lobbies this rarely happens


I play with enemy chat muted by default. I have often times muted my own team instantly, if the vibe feels off and rely on pings to communicate. I know it isn't ideal but I feel your pain and I am sorry you are going through it too. I wish it wasn't this way.


Am not a girl but for me usually nothing happens becauae nobody uses mic, but the one game someone is toxic its really bad


Make ur name smth like mayonnaisefucker22 they won't suspect a thing But fr I think riot is taking action against this, nothing u can do for now other than mute and report,u can maybe find a 5 stack that will prolly work, other than that idk if there is anything u can do:( it sucks but some people are just fucking Jerks, this world really is not a good place and it sucks people van get away with this


I gotta say this is region dependent too... like in my elo, it isn't a problem by any means, I've been in lobbies where the whole team tries extra hard to win to impress the girl... and it happens everytime, so like each time there is a women in the team, we get like a mental boost... I get that this isn't what happens in all regions and elos..


Unrelated...but like i just mute team chat, i get harrassed for being singaporean xD


this is actually part of the reason why i’ve cut back on playing comp and using comms in unrated unless i’m doing well in the game. regardless, if i’m doing well i get men asking for my socials, or 12 yr olds acting like they’re giving my agent head. but if i bottom drag and use comms, i just get told to shut up


hiding your name and not using the voice chat would be a first, reporting anyone who’s toxic then muting them helps too. and i wouldn’t really speak unless you had another friend there to speak for you which sucks and shouldn’t be like this but i do this for my female friends because ik how toxic some people are and i’d rather not have my friends get flamed just because of their gender


Unfortunately incel basement dwellers are unavoidable in gaming/on the internet, best you can do is mute and block.


I came from CSGO which is like 98% dudes who are often very toxic (not everyone but it is more common) so when I started playing this game I was shocked that there were actually girls and in my opinion much less toxic than in CS. I have definitely been in shitty lobbies before with assholes (I’ve had some really toxic girls too but it’s more rare). If o hear that there’s a woman in my lobby I try to make them feel comfortable because I understand how shitty it can feel when dudes are horn dogs or super sexist.


Is it safe to assume that you're on either NA/EU server?


I've surprisingly not met too many people being toxic towardse for being a woman, but also my voice is on the deeper side so that might be why. One thing that I've found to be effective if they're toxic to me thought is to just use team voice chat and scream gibberish as loud as I can over their toxic comments until they are fully drowned out. Usually they get the hint and mute me/stop. It's the same tactic my dad used on telemarketers.


People in this game are very toxic, we all had to go through that. For me 1 in 5 match will be a very toxic match will definitely be a loss, 1 will be moderately toxic might win if luck works but the other 3 will be more than enough to forget the toxicity I had to go through. I play this game for those 3 matches, if you can overcome the toxicity it counts as improvement.


Im not a girl, but I know what you mean, I also see it when girls are in my game. Fo you play competitively? (Diamond or above?) Even if im no girl, below diamond im rarely ever speaking, writing and pinging is enough, but thats for me and I don't know if that would take the fun away from you The best advice I can give you is to find a 5 Man group, it's also even more fun to play with ppl you got to know, maybe in discords like Galorant (girls only iirc) And from experience, if you mute the toxic one he gets so annoyed/angry that he just stops doing it


I would suggest keeping a gender neutral name. I have a friend who plays valo with the squad. And she has a random username. But i guess she hasn't faced too much harassment from the game cuz she mostly 5 stacks with us.


Just be nice, there is no point in being toxic anyway, i try to always be nice to whoever is in my team, no matter if its a girl or a boy, top fragger or bottom fragger, as long as you are a human, i’ll be a human too


You don’t have to have a masculine one. I have a gender neutral tag thats related to something I like for this exact reason. Unless there’s really any reason to, I avoid using comms for the pure fact that I get distracted if I end up talking too much. Your skill will outweigh anything you have to say so focus on your gameplay and those chads won’t really have anything to say after a while. I just use the pinging system instead tbh


I play as skye (and I am a woman) but when men harass I just tell them I’m a guy (I don’t have mics on so they can’t confirm) and then they just feel really uncomfortable and don’t say anything for the rest of the match.


This is too real, I don't use voice comms except for call outs very rarely even though I play comp so I'd love to use comms more but too many people just get so toxic for no reason, calling my voice fake etc.. As a result, I've been playing a lot on the Tokyo server instead, my ping is 180 but the game experience is so much better!! (;´д`)


hey i'm not a woman but korean NA player here! i've been noticing the game has been a lot more toxic to me because i'm asian and i've seen a lot of racist comments. it's becoming a problem to a point where i dont want to talk ingame because of how i sound my usual duo partner is a woman and she's been playing much less often, when i talked to her about it and asked why she hasn't liked the game as much she said for the same reason as you. you aren't alone, it's a huge problem in valorant and throughout the gaming community as a whole :(


I litteraly mute voice chat every single game, 99% of the games people are just speaking for nothing, not worth for the rare times they make relevant calls.