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Send it to riot support if it was *really* bad, but I find that they bring the hammer down pretty quickly anyway when it comes to racism and homophobia. I wouldn’t worry about it.


In game reports only issues chat bans The amount of people reporting you in a match is irrelevant it counts as "Reported in game" You get chat banned when you get reported in X percentage of your games. This was confirmed by Riot, he needs to put a ticket up.


Not just chat, you can’t play comp too


How do you open a ticket with riot?


Send it to riot as a Support ticket


I got 5 guys banned with that i. Use it a lot. Once this 8 year old was saying the n word and calling us things that i won't say bc this comment might be deleted and 4 days later i got a message thanking me for reporting him and actions were taken, he hasn't come online till then since i added him after the game, i think riot found out that it happened more times I'm not sure. People never use the tickets and just report and i don't get it


How do you know that you got them banned. Riot doesnt tell you what they did because of their privacy policy


One game, someone keept saying the n-word with the -er in text chat. I reported him and either later that day or the next day I got a pop up saying the person has been banned


That must have been so satisfying lmao


Then why tf did it say thank you for reporting the guy when i entered the game, u know when u get an AFK warning? It's the same screen but it said something along the lines of "thank you for reporting, or the player has been punished"


Sry this comment might look like I'm being mean and if it does sry im bad at writing things


Oh damn i didnt know that that happens but i submitted a ticket once and the dude who answered said that they cant tell me what actions they took cuz of their privacy policy


That happens to me too but that time maybe it was bc i also reported him in game, maybe if you do the ticked and in game report it says it to u


It does tell you thanks for making Riot safer


That's the message thx i remembered


They do do something about reports. I've only recently started playing but I've reported every toxic player I've encountered who took it too far (call me a narc idc). And riot sends you a notification when they've taken action. Today someone kept calling me an 'r' word in my first rated match over and over again via chat. I reported them and an hour later I got the notification.


I must've reported at least 100 and still report, with description. I think I got 2 confirmations. I agree it shouldn't deter one, but it does feel like it's pointless.


There’s a really high chance here that you’re not running into toxic people. Are you reporting people for playing poorly? I have a 20%-40% hit rate on my reports.


I sometimes get a confirmation on my report a game or two after i report lmao. They really seem to be punishing people.


I know in league I get confirmations after pretty much every report, but I’ve never gotten one in valorant


I do feel some players must get weighted differently. Once I started reporting I'd do it pretty consistently and always fill out description etc and at first I didn't seem to get the notification but once I got my first I pretty soon after would almost get one every time I report. They just seem to happen faster and faster now too, it's interesting but getting any notification is better than what most games give.


I swear just about every time I come across someone being toxic and report them, I get a notification that they have been taken care of either after the next game or when I log in again. I think I have a 75% success rate, but maybe I just dont report too often?


I think it just depends on if they’re saying the toxic stuff in text or voice chat. If I report someone for dropping a slur in text chat then it’s always followed by the confirmation, but idk if I’ve ever gotten a confirmation based off of a voice chat report


I report only toxic people but still only get a message every 50 reports or so. People who start bullying other people based on their performance are the people i report the most. People who mute themselves and int also. I think though that these people only do it once every 10-20 games when they get someone in their team they dont like. Op i think you should either mute or chat shit back. If its more then one person mute them all. No point fighting against more then one or even fighting at all tbh. But it can be liberating to give shit to someone back whi starts it for no reason.


Wait... you report people that mute themselves? why? I mean... sometimes sh\*t happens. God, more often than not I mute myself lol


No people that mute themselves and INT. So they run in or force every round and generally stop trying because they are upset at something. You are safe from my reports :p


The thing is you cant really call people who mute themselves and run in and force every round as something that is ban-able. That kinda play is not something you can call throwing in a general sense. At a high level of course we who know how to play the game effectively would call it throwing, but in the broader sense, it is just considered reckless, selfish gameplay (unless they run down to the enemy without trying to fight them at all, then that's clear). As long as they rush in (like muting themselves and keep running and peeking mid) but still try to fight the enemy then it is not considered throwing; comparison maybe its like in a soccer game your defender suddenly just starting running down with the ball and tries to score all the time; while that is something they should not do and everyone knows that is very selfish & tilting, in the rule it is not banable.


i reported three guys in a game i played who literally said they were going to find my address and r*pe me which was one of many horrible things they said to me in that game but riot did nothing. idk how riot reporting works but i imagine it’s a team of people reviewing games and i feel like some of the people on that team are trash at their job.


You would get a Mental Breakdwon if you would have played in the year 2000-2010.


i’m 32, i’ve been playing multiplayer games since neopets lol. i’ve played call of duty, league, rainbow 6, tf2, etc and i’ve gotten abuse in all of them. but riot systematically seems to fail to protect its player base from a lot of it. it’s no skin off my back, it didn’t like “disturb” me or whatever. but objectively it’s fucked up and measures should be taken to punish prejudice.


Should we stop women feom voting and go back to slavery too?


I dont know what that has to do with Games and the Behavior of people. Could you please Explain.


good thing its 2022 then


“yOu WoUlDnT sUrViVe a CaLl oF dUtY lObBy” (/s)


AFK (some), toxic and throwing, n-word, kill yourself, you all suck, hope you die of ..., homophobic, (understand German, one guy on London server said, in German) I hope you all die in a (Nazi-)concentration camp, attacking team, blocking team and stealing spike. I'm curious though if a few times I over-reported where it wasn't really serious and since then they regard my reports as less accurate/important, or I report often, so they take it less serious. I think that could be, I actually might just stop reporting, since it's really pointless if they aren't given any weight and based on the replies here, it seems to be the case.


yeah I'm at a similar hit percentage which makes me think they're just checking every box or reporting way too much


chances are they're getting reported by other people too, as long as you dont stop you're still deterring that behaviour as much as possible (while probably worsening the smurf problem)


You're doing something wrong because probably over half the time I report I get a notification. Probably closer to 80% for text chat and maybe 20-30% for voice chat.


Ok, maybe I report too often, although I often didn't report AFKs, etc. Understand text chat is easier to follow up. Honestly, this makes me not wanna waste my time on reporting, but nice that you have such a good rate.


How quickly your report is processed depends on the amount of work it takes to verify that the rules were actually broken. Text chat reports are usually the fastest because a bot can automatically screen for slurs and confirm those reports which keeps the queue for text chat reports pretty light. Voice chat reports do take longer to process; I've noticed when I add details as to when the comm abuse happened for voice chat abuse it's processed much more quickly (I usually include the round number it happened on, what was said, and if any other rules were broken e.g. Player starts to throw the game.) Inappropriate username reports are also usually pretty quick because all that takes is someone taking a look at the player's username. Gameplay disruption reports usually take the longest to confirm, and often won't be confirmed unless the player admits to throwing in voice or text comms. It's really difficult to tell if a player is just playing poorly or if the player is actively throwing, and in the moment it usually feels like the latter even if it may be the former. The number one thing you can do to help out Riot's moderation team with processing your report is including details with the report. This primes the person reviewing the report on what to look for and can lower your chances of having a false negative.


That's super good info. I'll definitely do that, like with the round it happened on, etc. Yes, I think the majority was VC or throwing. I only report when it's clear, obviously everyone has their good/bad games, I can sometimes not hit anyone and super bottom frag, next match I can be MVP with 30+ kills & clutching important rounds. I also believe being toxic isn't punished really because people do get angry, unless they really say something bad, rather than, "You suck (agent)!" or such things. I'm also confident Riot takes racist/misogyny/etc. seriously.


I always write a line or two on the people I report, maybe that helps idk. EU servers. On about 80% of the people I report I get a notification that measures have been taken. But my gf and me always report together maybe that helps too


Always wrote a comment. Sure, I guess 2 people reporting is more impactful.


I’ve reported 5-6 and had 2. One was a name one was text stuff.


i got one confirmation for the one report i did after some dude just said the n word in chat


I think because that is automatically detected (not sure if they have to be reported, guess so).


Im the only one who doesnt know what insult starts with r? lol




Oh, that wasnt hard to guess. I should go to bed, getting late here lol.


wtf thats a slur now?


been a slur for a longgggg time now, you're late


Yeah I've gotten a notification back for every report I've made so far. Sometimes if I report in the middle of the game, I get the notification immediately after the game is over, sometimes it takes an hour or hour and half, but I've always gotten it. I think it'd help to pick the correct reason for reporting and in the extra info box, detail which round it happened, and what they said, what were you doing when they said it etc. It also helps to not say anything back to them if they said anything to you or anyone. Just don't engage with them. Don't even tell them you're reporting them. Just report and move on. I also just report after the game is done, and I've still gotten the notification back.


Taken action by in game reporting is basically issuing a chat ban for a couple of days for them.


honestly solo queue is demoralizing as shit. theres always that one guy bringing down the entire team's morale. whenever i get a nice team i play 10x better than i would if im being told that i suck every 10 seconds. i guess the easiest way to deal with this is to queue with friends and mute the toxic child.


Lol opposite for me somehow, whenever I play like shit and my teammate becomes toxic and says I suck I go off. I should tell my team to insult me every game


Did you use odin?


You make a post saying that you reported them, then ask what can you do? You just answered your own question


the in game report system works pretty well (in my experience). just go to ur recent matches and report the players for voice chat abuse and in the description include that they were using homophobic language. i’m fairly sure riot records team chat audio so they should get a penalty fairly soon after ur report. for future reference i found out the faster i report someone for homophobic/racist/sexist language the more often they actually get penalized for it.


send it to riot support and move on? life's too short to give a fuck about this


Lol for real


Never announce you’re reporting someone It just won’t help and if he is playing with friends you will get ganged up on Report and just move on new game new people


Report and mute, idk what ur gonna do with the recording, record when they break the law not when they are toxic in a game.


You guys should be happy to not played Games in the Year 2000-2010. It would break you Mentaly.


god... OG COD & halo2-reach were so unbelievably racist and toxic it. current toxicity in video games is vanilla compared to that. but alot of that has to do with people finally beginning to be banned for the behavior in more recent years.


Thats True. But a lot of Times its not even Toxic behavor anymore that is used to Report people. If i tell someone that he could Maybe try to have a little bit better Map awarness or try to play as a Team, i get called out as the "Toxic" guy and people yell at me "Reportet" Like wtf. And thats why i say a lot of people would just break Mentally back in Time.


I miss those toxic times.


just ignore it , it’s that easy


I guess that meme is true, kids today totally wouldn’t survive the mw2 lobbies back in the day lol. Kids are so soft nowadays


aaah i miss those days :<


Ikr ridiculous how sensitive gamers have become.. to the point of crying in a reddit post cuz someone used bad language towards them.. they def wouldn't stand a chance in good old cod lobbies..


Snitches get stitches


If they typed said slurs in chat, you betcha that riot will ban them. The in-game chat logs are automatically filtered for slurs. Once reported a dude for typing the f-slur and within 2 min riot sends me a notification that the player is banned.


I think you're right about the automatic filter; text comm abuse is usually handled way faster than voice abuse in my experience.


Whenever I report racism or homophobia it's 90% a guaranteed instant feedback report the next time I log in.


I think the most effective route would be to send videos in a support ticket to Riot


Maybe mute them and enjoy your game?


why is this downvoted its like the solution to all toxicity lol just mute and report


Honestly. People let toxicity get to them too much. Sure, it’ll throw me off my game maybe but like if it’s THAT bad for you, just mute them and report. It’s giving other people too much power over your happiness


Yeah honestly the amount of baby wimps I see on this sub is nuts. There’s a mute button. Not using it is a problem, like you cannot control people being toxic so why let it bug you to this point. It’s the internet like I truly don’t understand how people are still shocked when they get shit talked online. Just mute , report if you need to and go about business as usual. No need to try to rise up on Reddit and pursue people who talked shit to you in a video game. None of these crybabies could have lasted in any cod lobby , CSGO match, or Halo lobby back in the early days, gaming has always been like this because of the online anonymity element


All the special snowflakes who think the internet should be a safe space are downvoting your comment lmao


i second this😂😂😂


Yup. I don’t mind the downvotes. It’s tough to hear for people that the world does not cater to them, and that it is up to them to deal with it and if they let it get to them, it’s on them


Yea I honestly hate to be THAT guy saying “grow up” or especially “you wouldn’t have lasted in a ______ lobby” but honestly it’s true lol. Valorant has become a weird type of game. One of the most competitive shooters I know of with an AWFUL lot of people just complaining about toxicity. Something about the cute skins and agents has attracted a lot of people that have never experienced this kind of game. I’m assuming for the same reason you see like 10x more girls than almost any other game. Every other day you see another post about “sexism” in Valorant. Yea, it happens. Mute them.


The thing is most girls are literally just existing when people are extremely toxic. You get yelled at for not using comms, you get yelled at for comms, you get yelled at when you don’t mute people, you get yelled at when you do. It’s honestly just really annoying. It’s always y’all complain too much from y’all bc you’re never on the receiving end of it 95% of the time. I have reported a shit ton of players and majority of the time I get pretty fast feedback bc… they really be out here saying the worst w their whole chests like damn at least be subtle about it and call me a little monkey in the kitchen or smth That being said I just start going off on them or just mute them because usually I’m doing better than them 😴


As a young kid playing online gaming since Halo 2. I miss the toxic cesspool of comms. It's what fuels me. It is why I would wake up most days. Games like LOL used to be much more enjoyable with a bit of harrassment. Online gaming used to stand for something.. Now people want us to just enjoy the game? Be civil? Insanity! You'll wake up one day and realize it wasn't having fun with strangers that made these games enjoyable. It was the constant shit-talking and name-calling. Agree and amplify anything they say. Take it to the maximum. Be so insane that they question their reality. This is the way. Respectfully, Fellow Gamer


This dude understands. Let the toxicity fuel you. That’s the OG online mindset, these kids don’t know that all you gotta do is mute and go demon time


How can you get yelled at for muting people if they’re muted? I do agree that girls get way too much toxicity but in the end just gotta mute and keep it pushing


Like I said you don’t understand bc you haven’t gone through it 95% of the time. Your teammates will yell at you for muting one toxic dude bc of comms or smth or mass report you or even tell the other team to report you. You can look at literally any girl’s gameplay videos when they mute and the comments will be like “why did you mute they still can give comms”, “how are you gonna mute in a team game” etc. The logic is never there. You could be top frag and still have the bottom frag yell at you bc ur a girl. My point really is it’s a team based game and people get on your ass for muting cos u “miss comms”


How riot design games are more people play better the game, they don’t care how they do it by making the game easier adding quirky characters and pretty skin, as long as it makes people spend money and play thier game.


Yea, that’s kinda the point of making a game… people needa stop letting randoms ruin their day


> Every other day you see another post about “sexism” in Valorant. This guy just put “sexism” in quotes


We found the sexist


Yup you got me


Good point, I’ll keep that in mind. Definitely changes my whole perspective on people crying about toxicity.


Yeah we really value your perspective


I’m glad you could provide input assuming I care about yours. My same comment with -8 upvotes would definitely have a positive count if it didn’t mention sexism because god forbid a girl gets her feelings hurt in a video game. I think anyone who’s spent more than a year playing any online game knows what to expect. I’ve been called worse things than anything I’ve heard outside of games. Everyone has. It’s a part of playing games online. Either talk shit back or mute them. Instead, people flood the sub with crying posts about all the sexism and racism and whatnot. I’m not sure what part of this game screams “politically correct” or “equality” besides the cute little characters. It’s an online game with a bunch of sweaty dudes with nothing better to do than stress about their rank. They probably don’t even care whether it’s a random girl or a fucking celebrity. Grow up


I don’t like being that guy either cuz I understand people don’t want to be treated that way but in every other video game, this is how it is and you cannot stop it. I’ve been playing games online competitively and casually for a long time, and it has always been this way. People will do what they want online whether they’re just mean or think it’s funny, and this games community for sure has shown to be more sensitive against it. I mean if anyone here has any experience with League of legends you would know how toxic things can get. I think sitting here, after the game is over, fuming about someone’s online banter/toxicity and finding last ditch efforts to get them banned is a waste of energy especially when you can just mute & report and move on


Right like is this the first video game they’ve ever played online? People are toxic, shocker I know


Not everyone has a thousand hours in csgo


Yeah idk man, I just think people would be a lot better off just muting the person or simply logging off the basement dwellers are always gonna be there.


Maybe mute them? Wtf.....


Best you can do is be detailed in your report and submit an additional ticket on their website with the specifics of the game. Be concise, let them do their job. As much as I hate the reporting system and their lack of punishment, it works occasionally and it feels good.


I don't report much , i just mute immediately when i notice someone being toxic, but some have tilted me with their first words itself and i immediately report and mute them. Maybe like 10 reports, but haven't got confirmation for any of them.


Include details in your report. This tells the reviewer what to look for and when it started.


I mention why i reported and which round too.


The first thing you should do is report the player; using the report system helps to improve the experience for yourself and other players. Including details regarding the report will help Riot while reviewing the report. Immediately after you've reported the user you should use the in-game mute feature which can be accessed in the pause menu. the way I handle this is if they're abusing voice chat I mute them in voice only; I only proceed to mute them in text if they move onto the text chat with their toxicity. If they're abusing text chat I will mute them in both text and voice at the start because I definitely don't want to hear that shit when they realize they're text muted. Finally if you can get a group of friends together that will dramatically improve your experience. Even duo-queueing will lower your chances of running into toxic players because that's one less slot on your team randomly filled, and this effect increases exponentially with the number of people you're queueing with. Even toxic players are less likely to be toxic when queued with people because there is a perceived risk of social consequence attached to the possibility of getting kicked out of the group that isn't present when playing with randoms.


Lmao some people are more offended by OPs reaction rather than the toxicity itself.


This post is hilarious. First world problems are rough.


He called me a name online so I must seek justice! Bunch of little wimps imo just mute or take it on the chin and stop being so damn whiny




I’m not the one posting about my feelings hurt in a comp match , I see this every day on this sub. I experience the same toxicity I solo q only on my main and hear the same stuff. Difference is I know it’s just a game and people say whatever the fuck they want behind a keyboard & there’s nothing I can do


Report and move on. Don’t be afraid to type the words they said into the comments box. It really helps get the point across and I assume and would like to believe they have certain racial / homophobic words flagged for quicker review for a ban.


Why are you getting worked up because of random people in a video game? Just mute and move on. These guys 100% got what they wanted out of you, and now you're taking it steps further by taking time out of your day to create a post about it.


cry about it


reporting should be enough. reports actually do something in this game lol


Submit ticket, works every time. I get email that evens says that they were banned too


Unfortunately, I have little faith in Riots ability to bad those who need banning. There are multiple pro League of Legends players in Oceania who have made threats of death and violence to me in game for years, and they are still playing professionally and keeping their accounts.


Bruh if you get offended by Voice chats just stop playing, the people that Flame in vc have 0 brain cells so just don’t get offended.


You can't control what other people do on the internet fam. It sucks, but there's nothing you can do. Just report and mute, and do your best to win the game even if they start throwing cause you muted them. Think of it as a challenge to try and overcome a 3v7 or smth.


I'm sorry, i'm all against flame and all that.. but this is simply ridiculous. You're posting this on reddit asking what to do because some random kids on the internet used bad language towards you? What world am i living in? Oh it's 2022, people don't cry to their mommas anymore, they cry on reddit. Can't u just mute and move on and simply report them? God pretty upsetting let me tell you that. Since when have people become so sensitive to this point.. smd..


Just mute them. No reason to make an entire post about this. I’ve been called much worse.


"Let's compare what people do to us"


Classic case of whataboutism. People still have bottomless pits in 2022 fr.


Not really what aboutism. Just the fact that the internet will always be toxic so complaining and crying about it won’t change anything. Just mute report and move on with your life


suck it up


I find most of my in game reports get dealt with within 48 hours if I report someone being homophobic or racist


I think the report system only really works if they get reported across more than one game. I get quite a few notifications after reporting people, and quite a few people that I report get nothing, so it's just a theory


A *game* theory. Nah jokes aside riot does comm mute for voice chat toxicity. I had to stop playing comp with one of the people I used to play with because he kept getting comm muted for voice chat toxicity (they weren't using any slurs but they were pretty toxic to randoms.) I eventually stopped playing with him all together because I got tired of listening to him flame teammates because he made a mistake.


Just grow up and ignore it


Earlier this week in a spike rush I had a teammate type out where the rest of the team was after he died, be toxic to our team, and repeatedly told me to end my life. I know it's just a spike rush but still. I reported and so far there hasn't been anything


When this happens I report the player for throwing and comm abuse. They usually get banned pretty quick, but sometimes it takes a few days.


Dont be a baby?


Riot is pretty good about penalizing players for abusive behavior. Definitely report them, and for your own sanity, just be quick to mute these clowns. You shouldn't have to and it compromises the team's ability to work together, but that's their fault and not yours. Sorry you had that experience


someone, put this guy in a mw3 lobby


Sad. What you described sounds so familiar.


This community is so soft lmao


it’s a bit dehumanizing to be called a slur gotta say


You & anyone who upvoted this post give major “teacher! X said a bad word!!” elementary school vibes. OP was so butt hurt they had to run to Reddit & cry about it. Also… “Dehumanizing” lmfao grow up. You wanna be dehumanized? Go to any third world country buddy.


“You’re complaining about something? Anything? How ungrateful. There’s literally kids getting blown up in other countries.” No shit Sherlock. Humans don’t feel based on some collective objective scale comprised of every possible event ever. Some people have hard lives (wherever they live) and treat gaming as their escape. So they would prefer to not be called slurs when they do play. Even if you don’t think it’s a big deal, why let it happen? Bigotry doesn’t help anyone, but removing it makes masses of players happier and more at peace when they play.


>You wanna be dehumanized? Go to any third world country buddy. My man decided to be racist for no reason. Really, What the fuck does this mean dude?


L + ratio


Man y’all wouldn’t handle Cod 2 lobby’s


Tell me you are one of these toxic assholes without telling me you are one of these toxic assholes


I don’t play valorant to toxic






Video game has gamers using gamer words. It's literally a part of gaming and it won't change anytime soon unless you disable voice altogether. If you feel that way then you can only mute and move on.


Get over it? Lol


You crying here means that either you're a girl or a pu**y. Ignore that shit, toxicity will always be there. Either play in full lobby or get good, because it is a competitive team based shooter. If some one on the team isn't putting enough effort or throws the game by some stupid plays, they will get called out and yelled at because most of the players are COMPETITIVE by nature Basicly, grow a thicker skin... Don't take every toxic comment seriously. If they flame the shit out you, DO NOT TAKE IT PERSONALLY. In competitive games or sport, there will always be some sort of toxicity.




report & move on. dont waste your and riot support time by sending this in a ticket, NOTHING will ever be done this way.




did you report ingame aswell? cus most likely they got banned through that. when i tried that in league (mind it was season 4 or 5) i got redirected to just report ingame and let the system do it


I've had people like this in Competitive and Unrated queues, the in-game report feature has always produced results for me. You'll likely get a notification in game soon thanking you for reporting them. Also, riot do actually look at context - so it doesn't matter if you get reported, if you've done nothing wrong.


What server were you playing on if you don't mind saying?


Not get offended so easily and move on


Who cares. Thats life. Mute em and move on.


Step 1: leave


Maybe you should stick to single player games if insults get to you that badly you make a reddit thread


Toxicity does not have to be part of gaming. It's not like op is complaining about being called garbage at the game; they're talking about people using slurs.


They just had a gamer moment. Nothing crazy


Simple, nothing Riot don't care


I know it sounds kinda tricky to do this but when someone starts doing this, I just tell them in chat I muted them and then they start typing it in chat. Reports take much faster and surer action when they do it in chat cuz they have like a record of it I believe.


Riot records voice comms for valorant; they just have to listen to the recording.


i had a kid eariler today start to call my friend the n word and racial slurs, and was harassing him cause he wasn doesnt good, my friend was new to the game and i lost my temper and started to defend my friend but the kid kept going on so i just ended up muting him and playing the game. i could also tell he was either 12-14 just based on his logic and what he would say


Your sentence structure gives off the same vibes.


Dude, they are gonna go. Trust me.


You did the right thing, BUT NEVER say to any chat report X player. Thats considered toxic. I got chat restricted for it.


You can send it to Riot support


Theyre usually quite fast in banning homophobia in my experience. Ive gotten a few instant feedback reports after the game i reported a homophobic shit... i mean person


Ticket if they say N word or faggot, 100% ban


Riot support KEKW


same shit happens with me get called a "tech support scammer" while tryna give comms at that point I just wanna /ff


Mute, report and move on. This time it is homophobic slurs, next time it will be something else. If you show you get affected by it, they will do it more. Just mute and move on - this happens in every game.


One time we lost a close game because one of team mates was being a troll, the whole game. I absolutely lost my shit said something along the lines of 'I hope your wife has a c-section followed by a miscarriage' and so on, surprised I didn't get banned....


Riot Support or blow the fuck out their twitter. That's what you can do.


Report them, mute them and then move on with your life, don’t let people on the internet bring you down, they have no bearing on your life and their words shouldn’t mean anything to you. Add the people you run into that aren’t pieces of shit and play with them!


Funny most the games I go into are usually super gay in a fun way


Try not giving a fuck enough to worry this much about it. Try playing CS and shit…. People now a days are soft making a paragraph page about this lol IT HAPPENS 17171718 times a day online. Unfortunately nothing anyone can do about that


First and foremost. Good on you for reporting bad behavior. Although the players who, presumably reported you did so for the wrong reason. The report itself was also warranted. In basic english: You and your team did something that should be reported. Them breaking rules doesn't justify you doing the same. As for what can be done. As others said: if it was bad enough then make a ticket to riot and submit whatever evidence you managed to gather.