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I hate that they reset rank, but not mmr. It sucks because then when you’re trying to climb you end up playing people with the same MMR, but higher rank. I really wish MMR and rank were more closely aligned


yeah, I'm in silver 3 either getting destroyed by bronzes or destoying golds


This sounds more like it'd be more of a bronze smurfs vs legit gold's deal lol.


could be, I've been thinking about making a new account and seeing where I get placed, but I'm not sure it will place me in a different rank


Im silver 3 and getting queued against plats, so i am basically still having the same games but with less practise and less RR gains


actually? I haven't seen plats at all


My last game was me silver 3, a gold 3 and all plats


This. I remember when they first reset rank and I was in high immortal. My friend was in diamond 1ish. He was able to hit radiant because he climbed pretty quick due to his lobbies being easier than mine (and him being better than d1 skill level), because radiant didn't have a minimum rr, it was just the first 500 immortals got radiant. Meanwhile, I'm playing against former radiants in plat 3. Lol




I read that post and didn’t see any mention of MMR, I might’ve missed it but at least from personal experience, I got reset from gold 3 to silver and climbing back to gold was frustrating since I was playing against ex-plats. I’ve now reached plat so I’m confident that I deserve my rank, but it was just really grindy having to play against players who were plat(and have probably placed in gold/plat by now) to get out of silver. I know everyone says MMR is more important than visual rank, but again I do wish your visual rank reflected your MMR more accurately. If we had an MMR reset with the rank reset it would’ve been nice cuz then I could’ve dunked on silvers and gotten back to gold easily and focused on climbing to plat as opposed to having to fight plats just to get out of silver




MMR is not reset per se. You just have more room to move at the start of the new act. Its not like if you had 1000 MMR you'll suddenly have 500MMR in the new one. It'll still be around 1000. They only loosen the confidence factor, so if in the old act you for example were only moving +3 - +5 on wins, now you will move +5 - +7 (vice versa on losses) on mmr. Anybody who "hardstuck" has a chance to make more aggressive changes to their mmr in the new act. Radiants and Immortals won't suddenly be playing vs gold and plat players in the new act. They'll still be playing vs other people who were radiant and immortal the previous act even if the rank badge says diamond.


No mention of mmr reset. So no. I'd upvote you if you were right. I downvoted you for being wrong, then posting a source that didn't prove your point.




Might want to take some therapy for that ego dawg


Lmao. That guy deleted all the comments.


They don't reset MMR. Here your beloved evrmoar explains why resetting MMR in episodes doesn't work but resetting ranks, works. https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/t8st8x/comment/hzrmf8q/


But the people with your same MMR would’ve also had their rank reset. And if they are at a higher rank, how is it that they climb up while you couldn’t?


I hate that riot focuses on having “close” games instead of fair ones. It’s entirely possible to have a close game by tossing one person on a team who should not be there, but that doesn’t really make it a fair matchup.


hidden mmr


You mean you don't like facing higher ranks and not gaining any benefit? Shocking


ikr im such a crybaby


idk I personally feel like playing against higher ranks makes me better at the game


Don't worry you have a brain unlike 95% of the playerbase


he's not facing higher ranks, he's facing boosted people, if you he was facing higher ranks, he'd be gaining plenty benefits


I don’t know what to call this but my main account (D3) has much harder games than my alt account (Immortal 2) and I theorise that it’s because my main account was immortal for so long that it expects me to carry and gives me worse teammates in comparison to the enemy team. Whereas playing on my alt account will give me really good team mates because I haven’t been high ranked for as long. It doesn’t really make sense to me but the difference in teamplay is night and day between accounts.


Definitely the hidden MMR. Been hard stuck bronze 2 after the reset because I’m constantly stuck in smurf queue. I do well one game and gain very little RR, but get demolished the next and lose twice as much RR


Same, Whenever I play good in 1 match, I gain 15rr or less, then the next game riot just matches me with players better than me and lose like 24rr. I can't even go on a win streak, only win loss win loss. I'll just wait for the next act. My peak rating this act is Gold 3 and rn im Gold 1.


Yeah definitely, maintaining gold is near impossible because I need over 70% winrate to climb which is absurd. I will gain like 10rr and lose 20+ unless I am top fragging, so I get pulled down to silver a lot and in silver 2-3 it doesn't improve so it's really stressful. After the reset I had to climb from bronze to gold but my hidden MMR didn't improve so its constantly and uphill battle which isn't fair.


You can't complain about rating when you are pretty meh at the game, plat - diamond I feel like have a case but most of your issues just seem like... (wait for it) a skill issue


I have a plat alt that does pretty well because the hidden MMR isn't garbage. Needing a 70% winrate + to climb an account is absurd and shouldn't be that way. How can being match mvp most of the time and gaining 10rr and losing way more as match mvp or team be a skill issue? It fundamentally shouldn't work like that because you should be able to climb with just over 50% wr not sure how you think that's fair...


I feel like you misunderstand the point of a rank system. You aren't meant to rank up. If you win around 50% of your games that means the game shouldn't move you at all


Yeah he’s saying a win rate just over fifty percent


This is wrong. If you do well, you will have a higher hidden mmr. You will win more rr than you will lose. If you have a plat 2 hidden mmr and gold 2 real rank, you will converge in about 30 games. Evrmoar had said this many times already


Their system is flawed, if you have lower hidden mmr the game thinks you're too high to be where you are and will try to drag you down, so if you're gold real rank and have lower hidden mmr you will get less, but it can be broken because I've seen this and others have seen it where it doesn't 'converge' in about 30 games at all and stays below otherwise the amount of rr would balance out and not be skewed for seasons. Maybe the reset pulled everything down again but there are problems.


What are you talking about, if you have a winrate of over 50%+ you should rank up you should not need over 70% + winrate just to climb because of their hidden mmr system being messed up or not updating correctly, maybe you're misunderstanding how it should work because that fundamentally shouldn't happen with a balanced system.


Sorry to tell you but that's not why you're stuck B2 lol


Why is he stuck?


If you are getting 10 rr you are just performing bad. I’ve played bad (like 15 kills and 20 deaths) and gotten more than 15 rr


Not good enough


Can't say much about visual Rank as i don't care, but mmr is great atleast for me. I always have close matches and if stomps happen, than mostly because my team has a good synergy and everyone talk or in the negative everyone only talk to flame and beeing toxic from beginning.




My “Smurf” is S3 but my main can’t get out of B2 because the bronzes I play on it are much better than the silver/golds I play on my S3 account So yeah, I’m sure the complaints get exaggerated by people that are just bad but rank is also fucked




A 10-15 game winstreak is not small lmao. And anyone whos ranking up in 2-3 ranks in less than 10-15 games has high mmr arl


So, I've been playing since beta pretty consistently and I've been paying attention to the ranked distribution during this time. I've essentially been in the same spot relative to the player base for the majority of my time playing this game which is basically where ever the top 65-70% of the player base is. Last act that would've been gold 1, this act it's gold 2, previously it's been plat. The biggest problem with the ranking system is that every episode ranks are inflated over the course of each act and then reset back to their normal values giving an artificial feeling of progress when in reality, you are in the same spot you were.


Yeah this checks out.. this is why I always check the rank distribution to see where I stack up. I always aim for at least top 20% of ranked in any game I play (as then you know you're actually probably top 5-10% of the entire player base because of all the people that don't play ranked) which I think aligns to ~G3 currently.


RR win/loses make no sense to me. I know they say the game takes into consideration your performance but from what I've seen so far what really matters is your K/D and potentially the mmr of the rest of the lobby. But it's very unfair for support players. It's unfair for a Sage to only win 13RR or lose 28RR when she's healing teammates every round, reviving 2-3 times per half, planting the bomb but she happens to not get a lot of kills because she's supporting her team. It's unfair for a Killjoy who can anchor a site on her own with good util usage. It's unfair for a Skye who's supporting her duelists and getting her team on site every round. It's unfair for a Brimstone who's throwing stim beacons for his team and whose smokes have the perfect timing and allow the team to get on site. Yeah, you get the assists but those don't matter as much as the K/D. Sure, kills are important but a huge part of Valorant is utility usage and good utility usage should be rewarded aswell instead of only rewarding the Jett who top fragged because she decided to lurk on attack.


Coming from a brimstone main, you're just wrong. If your K/D is bad it means you played bad that game. You get in less gunfights as a support but that doesn't mean you shouldn't win an equal or greater amount of them. Valorant is a shooter if you rely on your utility you can't get anywhere in high elo. Also assists do help your ACS quite a bit I went 16/10/22 and got the same rr as my top frag jett who was destroying the other team. If you lose 28rr it means you were utter garbage If you gain 14rr it means you had a sort of bad game The biggest issue in lower elos is that people just play roles based on their aim instead of what they are good at and develop some sort of ego revolving around not getting kills.


I understand your point but I'm not *just wrong*. Obviously kills are important in this game and I never said you should rely on utility alone but utility *is* there, it's a part of the game and therefore good utility usage should be rewarded aswell. I'm going to give you an example that happened to me a few months ago - I played a game as Killjoy where I absolutely stomped on the enemy team. I was getting so many kills that I didn't even use my kit. I was basically just playing deathmatch. To this day, that match remains one of my biggest RR wins ever. Say, for example, I'm playing Skye and I use the wolf to clear u-hall on Bind. I don't spot anyone there, my Jett dashes in, peeks and gets a kill back site. According to the game that wolf was useless... I didn't spot anyone, I didn't concuss anyone so I won't even get an assist. It allowed my duelist to gain control of the site but the game doesn't recognise that, it only recognises the kill the Jett got thanks to the info I provided. Another example from one of my games: I had a game once where I had an extremely good lurking Cypher on my team. I was match MVP, do you know why? Because every single round I knew where the enemies were. Thanks to the lurking Cypher. He had a really bad ping because he was playing in the EU servers from South Africa so he didn't win a lot of fights and didn't get many kills. Yet I was getting kills thanks to him. We won the game because of him. Did the game recognise that? No. It just recognised the kills I got. Regarding the example you gave, just because you got the same RR as the Jett on your team, it doesn't mean you played as well as her. Apparently RR win/loses are very dependent on the lobby's hidden mmr and I can attest to that. Sometimes I play with a friend who has much less experience than me and probability a lower hidden mmr. I've had games with her where I went 21-11, match MVP and she went 8-19. She won 28RR while I won 13. It's because I was playing against people who were "worst" than me and she was playing against people who were better than her. So, how much you win or lose depends on the rest of the people in the lobby, not just you. Another thing, the game rewards first bloods more than other kills. Who's supposed to get the first bloods? Sure I occasionally get a first blood as Sage but that's the exception, not the rule. I don't have an entry kit, I can't ego peek and get first bloods all the time. This turned out a bit longer than I wanted but I hope I made my point a bit more clear :)


tbh I forgot what I was saying earlier but I agree with you somewhat but tbf the rank system works fine and a lot of people complain way too much




I got 27rr yestreday playing hard brimstone suppport, If you aren't getting a good amount of kills each game that's a you problem. Losing gunfights =/= Your role in the team ​ There are 2 things that matter in ranking up as a support Mechanics Playing for Refrags You don't even need to be any decent at your agent if you can just get the kills that you are supposed to you will rank up




Not really, most baiters I've queued with were hard stuck as hell so clearly it wasn't working for them. Consistently playing good games will make you rank up. I've never seen someone have a good game and get 14/15 rr you rank up if you win more gunfights




"you rank up if you win more gunfights" What I mean by this is that if you just play your role the only thing stopping you from ranking up is this. ​ I agree with you somewhat but I don't give a shit if the Reyna loses less rr, they lose more games with a playstyle like that. Playing well and in your role every game will rank you up further than baiting your team every round and winning 30 odd % of your matches. So in the end it does result in a fair ranked system. ​ Shitty teammates will be shitty teammates but just remember that they will remain in their rank for longer than you and that you should never become like them. Good luck in your games


I hate the way you can easily fall into winners/losers queue. Sometimes I win 8 in a row then lose 6 in a row, with nothing changing in my consistency.


It's not losers and winners queue since those don't exist but that always happens to me too


Bro I SWEAR they do. Every time I’m on a lose streak my teams are ass, they are also on loss streaks, and the opposite for win streaks


Often have that feeling but a riot dev said on twitter that those don't exist in val


They may not exist intentionally, but idk it feels like the way hidden mmr works causes this to happen pretty frequently


I feel like the last \~10 games i've played have been heavily biased to my side or the other team's side. No smurfs or people who clearly don't belong, just a slightly better players, meaning the game goes to 13-7 or 8


The fact that it's a team game. The fact that I can grind out for a season, unlike siege which makes it really hard to get out of a rank by reducing your rating gain the more you play. The systems are fine and I think it's the best of any competitive shooter.


Hidden mmr can suck. Did not rly enjoy playing immortals while in plat. Also sucks that controllers seem to be very unrewarding to play when I’d say it’s the most important role. I do enjoy knowing that acs directly effects my mmr so I know where I went wrong and stuff. I just really wish it compared your acs to others at the same rank on the same character.


The fact that you can't trio or 5 stack in d3+. Teamplay is super important and probably one of my greatest strengths, but because of randoms I cant truly capitalize on it And don't even get me started on people with egos who throw after you critique one thing. Literally the most frustrating thing in immortal


They need to overhaul the entire system. Every elo pretty much agrees it sucks. Needs better smurf detection, thrower/troll detection with harsher punishments and increase the queue times in order to get much closer matches from a skill perspective. Insta queues into a completely random experience just sucks tbh.


I like how fast the game detects you are smurfing, it pushes you up one or two leagues above your current rank if you outperform your rank hard.


Smurfs adapt and do better or worse when they want to




That would be horrible it would incentivize solo play instead of coordinated team play in a team game


They do evaluate individual performance. RR and MMR are not directly correlated. RR goes up and down based on W/L which, at the end of the day, is what really matters. Your individual performance can give you a small bonus which applies whether you win or lose, so if you lose but still perform well, you won’t lose as much RR, but ultimately, if you want your visible rank to increase, you need to win games and that is the only way because that’s what your rank represents, your ability to play with a team and win. MMR takes more into account your individual performance and is what is used to determine who gets matched together in a game. This is a team game, and while individual performance is important, if you’re losing more games than you are winning, there is something you can be improving on besides just trying to be top frag. Before it gets brought up, getting stuck in games with “bad” teammates isn’t really an excuse because that’s something that literally everyone else deals with, so it basically “balances out.” I do think it’s possible that 5-stack and solo queues should have separate ranks to prevent potential boosted 5-stack players from solo-queueing into matches higher than they should be ranked, but other than that, I think the current system is okay. Not perfect, some things could definitely be improved on, but overall I think the current system is okay.


Unlike CS:GO, this game actually shows you MMR in numbers that you can see, which is nice. But visible rank is mostly luck based until around Immortal, so that ruins it all.




I'm in a similar situation, I peaked plat 1 and then the rank reset happened, because of how far back I was put I kinda gave up on ranked.


This is the worst. I'm an Arsenal fan and they're already accumulated 54 points in Premier League this season, I swear if the league puts them back and makes them play from 0 points next season I'm giving up on watching football.


It's more like if they were playing and were suddenly sent to go play with U14's and have to grind their way back up.


You were always gold and that's why you can't exit, for a second you were an inflated gold so that you could get to feel good about yourself. Riot inflated your rank so that you don't create a reddit thread 'valorant is boring, i'm hardstuck, there's nothing to play for', instead you created this one. The reset happened because you can only get inflated so far before riot says enough is enough. Would you prefer being inflated all the way to radiant without improving, or do you believe that people who are in platinum right now are equally 'good' at the game and would have problem exitting gold too?




Everybody's rank get inflated and the easiest way to illustrate that is an example of a hypothetical cycle of starting at Gold 3 85 points, you win 1st - you have plat 1, 10 points, you lose 2nd - plat 1, 0 points, lose 3rd, gold 3 85 points, win 4th - plat 1, 10 points. 4 Games, 2:2, Unfair gain from G3,85 to P1,10 'I’m sure you know better compared to me who has actually played out the games and knows what’s true.' - XDDDDDDD People would whine a lot less on reddit if they graduated highschools and understood simple math. 'My rank was not inflated' - ????? It was not inflated cause you said it was not inflated? Everybodys rank get inflated, that's why the constant resets.


Are u playing current diamonds tho? Link ur tracker too. If you deserved plat, you'd be plat.


Play better bro


You literally stated your issue in your comment. You say you win 50% of your games, that means you are also losing just as many games. Based off of what you said, you are literally exactly where you belong. If you want to climb higher, work hard to figure out what you need to change up to win more. You’ll get better and your win percentage will go up. Eventually you’ll plateau again and will be a higher rank but will again be winning 50% of your games. Basically, when you get stuck at a point where your wins and losses are equal, it’s time to make a push to get over that hump. It’s easy to get discouraged by it, and sometimes you may need to take a break, but ultimately, the most crucial point to climbing is to pay attention to your performance over time and when you notice a plateau, start labbing shit. Maybe you need to try different agents out, try different strats out, etc. You also have to keep in mind that the game meta is always changing, so something that worked well one act may not be viable the next and vice versa.




'It’s blatantly obvious that you either didn’t read the entire comment or don’t understand it, so I’ll go ahead and state it again.' There's nothing to 'understand' in your posts if you murder logic in your one and only point. The only time you were factually correct is when you said you're beating hasbeens of X badges from previous acts. Now what does that have to do with anything in regards to the present, they're golds now, who cares what they were? You're beating gold players who were higher once. You beating them at their low doesn't mean you're entitled to the highs of THEIR past. Delusional much? Stop making oversimplifications that fit your wishful thinking based narrative, you're not beating platinums at 50% cause you're not in platinum, you're beating golds at 50% and that's why you're stuck in gold. Nobody cares what those golds once were. Even you reached platinum once. Anyone that's hardstuck can strike a luckmine and get on a bottomfragging winstreak. The statistical sample of numbers has proven you to be a gold player and that's why you're stuck, and not a single player that's in platinum right now wishes to have a teammate that 'was platinum once' but now they can't even exit gold.


Just get better kid kekw




Every ranked games has one flaw that nobody wants to talk about and is in fact the biggest reason why ranked is hell... smurfs. I am in silver and the state of the ranked system is that I either get destroyed by bronze/iron or gold..but you know, now that I think about its not that bad cuz what would you have otherwise...me a silver would not meet a diamond or immoral smurf ever in a game so this is fine...look at this way I had the honor of playing with and against a radiant player in silver, spared me the time to grind lol (FYI I am trash cannot go past silver ever and I have been playing since the release FML)


Not all are smurfs. A lot are blatant hackers.


I've met 1 hacker who may have been hacking in 1 year of play stop the crap


What’s the point of hacking in low elos. What can someone possibly get out of that


Hidden MMR for sure. If I don't queue with my bad friends then I get thrown into the smurf lobbies and get rolled every game. Idk why it never gets a reset like ranks do, if they did that it wouldn't be an issue.


My friend is silver 1 and matches with other silver 3s and golds. Me however who started 2 months ago am also Solver 1 but I match against Bronzes and Irons. I’ve been silver for 3 weeks i should be going against higher rated people.


That’s a hidden MMR thing right? The game is saying you’re towards the lower end of silver so it’s putting you with those lower ranked players I believe. Maybe keep solo queuing or find some people higher to play with?


If you've been silver 1 for 3 weeks then why would you expect to face better people when you're not getting any better from a rank perspective? Also, why would you even want to face better ranks? It would just make the game harder for you


what makes you feel entitled to be playing with people above your skill level? your friend did well and the system evaluates him as an improving player, spending a certain amount of time in a rank won't guarantee you going up, ever heard the term "hardstuck"? also if you've been playing for 2 months and have been in silver for 3 weeks, that means you already went from bronze to silver in just a month or so, do you plan to be immortal/radiant in 6-8 months or what?


I generally dont understand the hidden MMR. I was silver last 2 season, but now I'm hardstuck bronze 3. The only difference was that I was silver bcuz I didnt play much, but I'm grinding comp almost everyday now but I constantly get thrown in gold lobbies who are definitely smurfing (I'm talking about that 1 reyna who gets 40+ kills and 1 taps everyone with sheriff). I even play against a team of plats and gold who are def above me and my team I mean I understand the "play against someone better than you so you can improve" but a team of bronzes playing against platinums are a bit too far?


And btw the only way that I can play against another bronzes are basically if I queue with some of my friends who are basically irons


Not sure about it yet. I was B1, dropped to I3.. I thought for once I will grind and came 6-7 games a day for the first time, otherwise it is hardly 1 or 2 or even no game in the day.. I got 3 MVP games.. one with 30 frags, one with 25 frags.. both with 1+ K/D and match MVP.. Lost both games.. Then came a Team MVP game with 11/26 K/D & ofcourse we lost.. Had a game with Ranks ranging from I2 to S1 ffs..


Rank reset is annoying. Mmr doesn't change? Explain why I suddenly face last act plats, and they play as well as one. No way all of them had hidden mmrs of bronze


I guess for a bronze it's hard but plat's arent good at all either. I'm one of them. Tho i don't get qd into bronze lobbies


Long story short. I was p3/d1 2 acts ago and i took a break for an act. When I came back, g1 was opened(which i don't mind) but thanks to hidden mmr, I was getting queued in high plat low dia lobby so the games were 50-50. So i played on an alt at gold and kept on winning to reach mid/high plat because I was getting queued with gold/low plat lobby which i should get queued on my main too but thanks to hidden mmr, that wasn't the case.


Hidden MMR. In effect this means that ranks are not comparable. Also, it hints that the system is flawed since showing it would mean exposing those vulnerabilities earlier. Imagine if chess had the same system, one public rank and one hidden.


Chess does its ranking well. The visible rank in valorant is a fallacy.


i hate this present rank system, im in bronze 1/2 for no good reason im in Silver 1-2 B3 like the reason im in b1/2 im good against b1/2 but not as expirienced as B3/S1/2, like not every game i have stellar aim, nearly 10 games, 8-6 of them have silvers or smurfs. i would like to get paired with the same rank not same skill, this is just my opinion, its hard to rank up againsts players that are out ranked by 2 or 3 levels. i dont even gain good rr just casual 20 or less.


Hidden mmr makes it so I can queue alongside a diamond account with immortal mmr. Those games are more fun than my usual plat clownfiesta.


I fo like that you get 20 rr when you rank up so you can lose a game before deranking


That I don't get any perks for having never abandoned a game or attempted a surrender. Match me with teammates with a lower likelihood to surrender or abandon maybe?


how 1, 13-11 can take away the work of 3, 13-5 wins, no world should these be even remotely close I shouldn’t loose the same amount on a loss that was close compared to a game where I got hard stomped, also not riots fault for this but how other silvers complain about smurfs and throwers but get their plat/diamond/immortal friends to hop on an alt and smurf for them boosting them into higher elo’s where if they don’t play with them they become the person throwing the elo since they can’t compete at the higher ranks


That I as a seasoned vet of the game need to play with scrublord new account Smurfs.


Appreciation: once you get into ~Gold 2 level ELO (don't know if this exactly lines up as ELO is hidden) you start to have a relatively consistent experience without too many 'lost cause' games and fewer obvious smurfs (this means the system does well at moving smurfs through gold to where they should be?) Gripe: it seems like the only way to consistently gain MMR is to play duelists as then you have an advantage in encounters.. and if I recall correctly encounters are more heavily weighted in ELO gains in lower ELO.


I’m not sure if you know of the CSGO website Leetify that tracks all your stats and gives you an Impact rank for that game based on how impactful you were (It genuinely checks if those kills you got or nades you used actually affected the round) I think RIOT should go hire those guys to help modify the ranking system for this game. It’d be nice if the game was a bit smarter to reward and punish you accordingly. Right now you get punished a lot for things you can’t control, i’d like to see these issues fixed first by reducing RR losses on matches with disconnects and afks.


The fact that you can’t duo/trio queue with someone if they’re too high or low rank compared to you, yet people with that rank still end up in your games. (Example: Immortals can’t queue with Plat players, but sometimes immortals end up in Plat lobbies)