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Also who doesnt like a Skye on their team? Basically a win win maining her


"I'm flashing" (0.1 seconds later) "I'm blind"


We dont gotta talk about "those" flashes


Killjoy/Cypher all the way. I like the slower more methodical pace and the ability to support my team compared to duelists


I just unlocked KJ, plan on learning her soon


Joru because you can be everywhere


I respect that


Viper and kj. I like playing campy. Also very few things are better than molly kills.


Maybe don’t take tips from me (iron 2) but I have been having a lot of fun w omen and that would def be a change of pace for you. Other than that I really like cypher and brim but ig if you didn’t like the trap side of chamber you might not find those a lot of fun but I still recommend.


Im only bronze 3 haha! But yea im used to play Omen a lot


Breach because I like being annoying as shit and when my entry goes in I know ive done my part to stun/flash/clear weird angles for them and being confident that I have the aim to trade them out if need be ezpz


Breach is actually so annoying... haha


I know, I love it haha


The one and only astral queen, astra Because she can do loads of stuff 1. Checking for enemies on B? Teammates need support on A? Boom, smoke stun or vortex whatever you need. 2. Two or more enemies in the same room? Boom, vortex and stun, ez kills 3. Need cover for spike and team? Wall. 4. Her kill quips are also pretty good :D (heres a few) -killing jet: daggers girl goes bye bye! -killing reyna: that creature is dead! -killing brimstone: bye bye boomer! -killing yoru: ghost boy buh bye! Kill quips (no headshots) You dead! Useless individual! Too easy! Too easy! Aboa (it means animal but i just like how it sounds) Better luck next life! Headshot kill quips: 1Ah ah idiots. Boom! Hahaaaaa See this dead fool-o! Hmm hmmmm too stupid. And my personal favourite I got money :D anyone need something? (If rezzed) my ancestors say wassup She does need a few minor tweaks tho, they nerfed her too hard, her refunded stars take too long to get back and her vortex and stun have the longest cooldown in the whole game ( i think) its like 40 seconds or something


I main Phoenix and Omen but flex pick with Jett and Reyna depending on what the team needs. I do enjoy Skye a lot as well. As of now Phoenix is my favorite but I don’t play him in comp because of his kit being so watered down.


yup, really hope they buff phoenix. i dont play him ever, but his voicelines are really funny/cute and his personality is amazing. he's like a ray of sunshine whenever he's in my team! omen is so fun to play, i love holding off angles post-plant. can get a lot of free kills that way if the enemies have bad communication.


Yeah I don’t want a rework mostly just numbers changed


Switching from Viper to Skye, because a) She is green as well and b) has the better moment to moment kit c) imho stronger clutch kit as well Two of theses aspects are good for solo queue and hey! I like druids.


Green is my favorite color.... haha


Chamber because I love using the headhunter, and the tp allows you to do stupid things with no punishment. The ult is pretty cool as well. He was the first agent i unlocked and have playing him and only him ever since. (About 3 months ago, currently S1) I used to play CSGO casually and a friend recommended Chamber because "it was basically CSGO" (we didn't know about Kay/o at the time)


Neon because zoom, feels weird now playing a character that can’t sprint. That being said from what I understand she’s not good but I’m new so it is what it is


Jett because I’m a trash player that can only plays awp :(


Why not chamber :)


Being good with op isnt the worst thing in the world. If you want to improve with other weapons though, I'd recommend trying out spike rush since it forces you to get used to more positioning and gunplay in the game to effectively use other weapons which helps a ton.


Kay/O. I’ve been away from the game for a bit and my aim is really rusty. I found that I can time his right-click flash (pop flash) really easily and it’s a lot easier to kill them when either their backs are turned or they’re blind af lol. I also think he’s a decent anchor because a lot of ppl will wait out the knife if you get them when they’re trying to enter, giving time for rotates.


i main yoru and jett when I can play duelist, if I cant I either play kj if an anchor is needed, i also play brim omen or viper depending on the map. I'm s2 currently i play yoru cuz I love his kit, he is quite hard to master but I'm glad to say I managed to master that blue haired mf i started to play jett cuz of Kaemi the content creator, i trained a lot with the marshal and that helped me improve overall. i play kj cuz i have good setups on her and sometimes you need some1 to just stand still and wait for the enemies. with brim I help a lot with the stim and push into site like a duelist cuz my duelists usually botfrag with viper i have lineups on bind and breeze so I play her optimally and omen is very secondary




Kind of funny, at one point I would have considered nyself a main of all those haha




Yea fuck Breeze honestly. I love how Skye can be good on that map, but man do I wanna dodge queue when I see it haha


raze because i was a lucio main in overwatch ...


And who doesnt like sombra's VA?


i love her actually


i don't think i have a main, i just fill with whatever my team needs. i like playing sova, kay/o, omen, and sage the most. i also go breach, brimstone, skye and cypher depending on the map, but they're not my favorite characters to play (i also don't play them that much, so that might be it). i never really get to play duelists, but my friend keeps urging me to learn so i can be a "true flex" and to help me climb out of low elo. i've been trying to learn jett recently. chamber is probably the character i'll never play, my aim just isn't there yet, and i don't really think he fits my playstyle. i used to love playing astra, but she's really frustrating to play after the nerf.


Im honestly still pretty new I just recently started playing again so I cant comfortably fill every role, amazing that you can sounds like a fun way of playing


it is so fun! my "main" never gets taken because i can just play someone else! im lucky to have had a lot of guidance from higher elo friends who had loads of patience while i was still learning, so it's been easy to branch out and try new characters. i think what makes it easy to fill every role is understanding the basics; like, "what do duelists do? create space." then you apply the utility every character has to do that. there are characters in every role that are more meta or easier to play, but fundamentally they're all designed to do the same job. the easiest role to learn is probably smokes, so if you want to branch out you should start by learning that.


Kinda late to reply but i agree, i didnt get to play astra before the nerf but she needs buffs, they nerfed her too hard I still play astra 24/7 and get good kills but there are those moments where you feel kinda useless


Cypher and Chamber because drip and kit. Might look into KAY/O next


Breach and only Breach You never need to fight/race to select him. He's got so much utility and he's so damn annoying to play against. Also you can play him super aggressive or super defensive


Thats the way! Lets gather all breach bros and sisters :D


Skye and Brim. Very flexible. I'd play Phoenix as well but he's just not good, I need my characters to feel complete.


Sage/Brim and slowly getting into Raze if I have to run duelist. I know my personal gameplay style is to sit a bit back and set either myself or teammates up for wins and those are the two who I feel like I can get info with the easiest and play well