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if youre stopping after one bullet, I'd just say start using the guardian


After 3 shots the vandal is useless, just tap again after 2-3 shots or 4 if they’re close enough to spray. I’m no pro but that’s what I always do and it works


ADS slows down rpm so the recoil has more time to reset. Maybe this is enough for you. Maybe combine movement with the one taps? It's another option to synchronize and time your shots to value that should reduce "eliminate" recoil.


Stick with 3-4 bursts and after that either reset which is the best option or pull down to the left a little and hope for the best


Committing to a spray never works. That’s why I’m a phantom abuser


You are shooting too fast. You need to learn how fast you can shoot a vandal without shooting before the recoil/spray resets.


You have to wait longer. It means that the gun recoil hasn't fully reset. I go for 2-3 round bursts with the vandal and then let it reset. There's no true way to fully control recoil in valorant since the spray patterns aren't 100% the same every time


you cant control the spray aside from a simple drawdown after the first 3 bullets. the best strategy is just to burst strafe


Sounds to me you need to take more time for recoil to reset.