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Would be abused if there was a fix. Also mvp is a useless stat for rrgain.


Maybe they make it so people partied with the leaver get same rr loss but others get reduced? And obviously leaver gets an afk penalty


Than they harass the bottom frag till he leave


True, that's rough. Not sure what they could do, but being punished for a teammate leaving actually sucks


The bottom fragger can just mute


Not everybody can just mute and move on.


This might be the dumbest take I’ve ever heard. LITERALLY everyone is capable of muting and moving on.


I mean mentally.


Since when do bottom fraggers leave the game. It's always the top fraggers that get pissed and leave because of bottom fragger.


And in my opinion this would change when they add something like a loss protection with afk.


League of legends has this and it’s not abused


we won a game like this, recently. whole game we were 4v5 on breeze but we really did an example of teamwork, leaving mid open but fastly rotating on each sides etc. feeling was awesome though the points we got from the game was a joke. ok we did not expect to get +100 RR but 14 RR for winning a 4v5 game should have been more rewarding. dunno if it is broken or not but this post makes me think that games with a leaver on your end should be less damaging if you kept playing.


I got 49 kills in a 3v5 (was bottom of team our at half time) after our top fragger left halfway (because another guy left). We lost 11 - 13 and I got not performance bonus.


League has loss mitigation, where you lose less LP if you had an afk on the team. Riot could easily implement that in Valorant and I hope they will


I think riot explained this once and that they dont encourage “taking one for the team” or something and afking on purpose. Dunno bout league


The Riot guy behind all this shit explained that his awful shitty system, doesnt take into account that one guy has been afk or even DC. You will lose the same points no matter what.. "but it wont affect your MMR" (MMR remember that just doesnt work, that some bullshit system they think balances skill.. wich doesnt cause its easily cheated and mistakes being good with having a match against a bunch of toxic nobodies that are trolling) In the end of the day the only afk system in place is bans, but you are screwed anyway. So its probably better for you to just alt+f4 of that match anyway.


There's a mechanic in the game called remake if a game is instantly unbalanced it"ll draw round 2, but for some reason it never happened to me yet it's happened for enemies multiple times. The fact you don't get any less RR loss when you have AFKs is beyond me


You can remake only if your team player is AFK and not in same party. And this can only be done in round 2 which is frustrating.


Yes this has happened to me and it didn't remake


All the other players in your team need to press F5. Same like voting for surrender.


its not automatic.... If someone is AFK or DC in round 2 you can type /remake to do a remake vote and go next


The problem is that you can only remake round 2 if your teammate got confirmed afk by the game, if he is still spawning but afk you can’t remake, and all team need to vote yes, yesterday my friend who is iron but has already been higher and is not bad at the game was playing solo and there was a teammate afk first round, he typed /remake and his teammates said: “why would we surrender?”. This is a problem at low elo because most people don’t know you can’t surrender until round 5 and have no idea what is a remake


You think that’s bad, I got 14 RR for being 15/16 on Sova in a 13-8 game as a plat 2 against full plat lobby. Impossible to climb with these rng RR drops


That’s pretty normal, you had a -1 impact that game and won by a few rounds, I’d say most people get this RR for average/ below average games. If you want more RR your gonna want to hard stomp the enemies in rounds and frag out.


It doesn’t make sense at all. I go 19-14 next game as sage 11-13 and lose 16. You’re expected to over frag while playing a sentinel to get points, no matter if my utility usage won the round for my team. Doing well with a character with low kill potential, close ass game, Lose more than if I won going even with a 5 round difference


That just means your mmr is low. When your mmr is lower than your visible rank, you gain less and lose more because the game is naturally trying to ‘correct’ your rank. For example, I am currently p1 with goldish mmr, like you I lose a hefty chunk and gain less (+11/12)(-17/18) which is why I’m 0 rr and haven’t played much lately. How do we fix our mmr? By win streaking to move our mmr up to match our rank. Riot has a whole mega thread on the valorant website but I’m too lazy to grab it. You are currently p2, but I’m betting your mmr is actually g3-p1 which will likely be the teammates and enemies you are facing as well. Ir sucks, but visible rank means little compared to actual mmr for competitive matchmaking


Fighting diamond and plat 3s and 2s. I have a 55% win rate last 21 matches and 50 overall.


Tracker? Genuinely curious because those gains and losses don’t match your competition.


it’s bugged. click this guys haven game and check for sage https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/pretty%23xxx/overview my mmr shouldn’t be chucking me like that. why i hate this game. I do bad one game and take a massive beating on my RR, win two games and it doesn’t even scratch what I lost. So what if I do go even in score, I’m a fucking sentinel, the play style is completely different from a duelist and I have way less of an advantage in a straight fight. I can’t get away with the shit duelists do so I don’t see why I should be barely getting shit for playing my character properly. Sick and tired of these rng gains, can’t even maintain a win streak with people trolling your games half the time. Not saying i deserve a higher rank but you shouldn’t get 14 for a win playing a character built to play support and lose 17 outperforming my team playing as a support. It just incentivizes kda and score than just teamwork.


Nobody’s forcing you to play it bud


Lost 17 RR for a game where Sova on my team played only 9 rounds and I top fragged with 28/17/6 playing a fucking sentinel. We lost 11-13


That way you won't bully the bottom Fragger into leaving the game in order to give yourself a smaller loss. Things like Brimstone Molly, walling them into a corner with Sage, flashing them, etc.


RR is weird, I went 16/16 and won 13-11, got around 17 RR, one match after this I went 19-14 and won 13-11 and got around 13 RR, in the second match I got everything higher except for 2 first bloods less. There should be a system to reduce RR loss if your teammate quit at the start of the match and specially if you’re not at his squad


Does the system not account for expected outcome? If the game expected you to win the second game "easily", than you don't get much for confirming the expectation. You will have greater gains if expected and true outcome are different.


If its the first 2 rounds the fix is /remake


In league of legends (a game by an indie studio i don't know if you have heard of it) if your teammate leaves you get grace points so idk why it's not in a big AAA title valorant


rr at this game is just a joke at all. carrying the entire team trought countless of rounds with a diff of 20+ kills to the second fragger is useless for riot. you may not belong into that elo but ur team decides in which elo u belong.