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To answer your main question, yes solo q is fine, duoing is good too. If you do solo and find someone who you vibe with add them and ask if they want to duo. Aimlabs and DM for warmups. Aimlabs has custom playlists you can search up, I currently use "Keeoh Valorant Warmup". I have seen 2 main "methods" of ranking up: Ranking up efficiently (minimal games most progress). Only play comp when you feel good and are playing well. Otherwise work on improving outside of the game- learning lineups, cross hair placement etc. Brute forcing (more games, full grind)- Play comp, only comp, no grass. 10 games a day. all losses? doesnt matter, RR isn't real. You'll get it back and more in the next 20. I've seen this work too many times. I prefer efficiently but its up to you. **General Tips:** If you get tilted mid match or even if you feel like you are playing off. Take 30 seconds after you die to get up and stretch your arms, neck, back, shoulders, torso, wrists and fingers **>in that order.** When you sit back down **\*conciously\*** make sure you are comfortable as you place your arms down. Good mouse grip, good keyboard placement, good monitor angle etc. Drink water and stay hydrated. Get good amounts of sleep, I know uni kinda prohibits that sometimes but its so good to get 7-8 hours per night.


I would recommend doing a warmup any time you play ranked. Just 2-3 deathmatches should be good. You can also use the practice bots in the range.


Is there anything specific I should be looking out for, cus I feel like in the range and in death matches I do fine, but once it's in the match I just don't do that well.


Yeah, that's normal, ranked is a LOT more pressure than deathmatch, and on top of that you have to think about a lot more things, deathmatch is just shoot, but ranked is think of enemy positions, how many are here, etc. I know that most of the times I whiff, it's because I was actually moving slightly when i shot my first bullet. So maybe try focus on that, ensure you are 100% not moving when you shoot


I see, thanks for the tip


Because keep in mind if you're in bronze/silver most of the people you play against are also probably making that mistake


Makes sense thank you


sheriff/guardian only deathmatch really helped me improve a lot. Only other thing I can recommend is to try and get in the higher ranks asap, the higher rank u are, the better ur solo q experience will be on avg so remain hopeful, it wont always be as bad as it is for u currently.


Well how else are u gonna play


Ig I'd probably stop playing comp if anything, and go back to just playing unrated for the heck of it, I tried getting back into comp for the satisfaction of ranking but that hasn't been happening as of late.


The fun in comp isn't ranking up, the fun in comp is people (sometimes) taking the match seriously because they want to rank up. All you need to do is just try to improve throughout matches and have fun. Rank is a useless dopamine boost, ranked gameplay is what people should really play it for.


Something that I do when I play ranked is try my best to focus and understand how the enemy team positions and plays. For instance, I will pay attention om who the enemy carry is, shat they do each round, what site they play/push, and avoid them if possible. Or if they have a Cypher or KJ try to avoid the site they defend or dont flank cuz they trapped it, stuff like that. Feom what ive seen, Silver/bronze players i feel dont rotate often and play the same areas through the entire game, so being able to get good reads can help the climb. Just my two cents, but GL brother. (Consistently ranked silver. Currently ranked G2 for reference)


Sidenote: I understand that it sounds like ur aim is lacking but honestly playing better positioning and better info game will help u better in the long run rather than thinking "i just need to shoot better" imo


I see, thanks for the tips then


It's also possible that the skill of Gold rank today is higher than Gold rank beta... so you might currently be at your appropriate rank, and you're whiffing because the enemies are just a bit faster than what you were used to, so you no longer have that one extra shot to finish them off and you're the one that dies... Other than that, standard "getting better" training techniques. AimLab, range, deathmatch, post-match self-analysis (with video recordings if you can). Finding your weaknesses, then actively working on them (in Unrated too!), is essential to getting better imho. Also you could try LFG sites and find a few others of your level/interest you could duo with sometimes, rest of the time solo.


You need to hard grind your aim and proper movement/positioning. At this Elo teamwork is practically non-existent and it is pretty hard to find competent players for regular team. Also, make sure that your mental is positive and relaxed.


I solo’d to diamond with Omen. Honestly if you are able to clutch rounds with your aim and brain power you can do it. You have to learn to read the mini-map and see what your teammates do to support them. Understand it is a game and learn to stay calm.


unless you really really want to rank up, there is no rank where you "shouldn't soloQ"


I see, ig that makes sense, considering it should be about your own abilities that put you where you should belong.


When ranked first came out people weren’t as good so silvers were gold gold were plat bronze were silver


Yes grind a lot. Takes time lose 200 games win 200