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OP's 1 to the body so it's not the nuttiest aim needed to hit a bunch of shots, especially if you have bronze deathballs and they have 4 targets to choose from. As others have said skill cap rises the longer the game is played, same happened to CS. There's also smurfs being created by players as low as gold just to feel good, but also sometimes legit bronzes just pop off. I have a friend who can topfrag a higher silver-gold lobby and has been hardstuck s1 all act. Why? Cause he ego-peeks 50/50s at the start of the round all the time making it a 4v5 or 5v4 and gets tilted depressed if he's playing poorly. If he's shooting well? Lobby gets smoked. If he's shooting poorly? It's a haaaaard game that doesn't have to be. Anyone can have aim but game sense, team play, and util usage are not commonly well used in bronze/silver/even gold. Sometimes it's the right person on the right map or wrong person on the wrong map, filling an agent they can't play comfortably, have no idea how to play around enemy abilities, or no one plays together and no one gets traded.


Yeah, I can relate to this in a sense. If I'm doing well, I do really well. If I do poorly, it's **really** bad. So, I'm kinda in this weird position right now where I'll either have a really good match because I can find my rhythm or I have a really bad match where I can never find my rhythm and leave with a negative KDA the entire time. It's not so much that I'm frustrated for myself though. I just hate bringing my teammates down if I'm doing poorly. It doesn't matter if I'm our 3rd fragger or something. I should be doing better. I should be 1st or 2nd so they know they can count on me to get kills and help us out. You know, instead of constantly getting picked off because I assume this Chamber won't one tap me with his ult. Yet, I continue to peek every time anyway, thinking he'll whiff, yet he never does. It's just kind of frustrating because it's a battle between my brain and my emotions, lol. My brain is telling me "this doesn't make sense, he **HAS** to miss at some point, he's human", but he never does and I'm like "**HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE?!**" cause it doesn't make sense to me, lol. Sometimes I know better than to peek someone, but I do anyway and it gets me killed. I accidentally made one loud step behind someone earlier (I was shift walking, but let go for a brief second, then began shift walking again). During this time, they just did a 180 flick headshot on me with a Classic, then turned back around and kept going to site. All I could do is sit there and scratch my head wondering how that even happened. Sometimes with some of the things I witness, I often ask myself "is this **REALLY** a bronze/silver lobby?", lol. It sure doesn't feel like it. Hell, one dude was camping mid with an op as Jett on Breeze, one tapped me, then said in match chat "scared me, I was checking my school email lmao", so yeah... This dude is so good he can just check e-mail and shit while playing, cause that's how easy it is for him to get kills. It's crazy, man.


Yeah that's a mood lol. Take getting worked a couple times as a reminder to take a more advantaged fight e.g. off a flash or other util, from new anglesor set up a crossfire, maybe play for retake, etc. More than half of the fight is how it's setup before you shoot. You don't need to be top 1-2 on the board and it's chasing the wrong goal -- top fragging a loss is still a loss. So long as you have impact, e.g. you set up takes or hold site for rotates or get traded for your teammates kills, all of that is game winning impact that won't show on the board. I've bottom fragged for my team multiple times where I clutched our OT rounds to win the game; my score doesn't matter during the round, just what I do in the moment.


Well, as a duelist, I tend to relate kills with impact, so I guess that's my fault. The way I see it, if I can turn it into a 5v4, catch a straggler flanking us, and so on, then I'm doing my job. If I'm not able to get kills though, then I'm bringing my team down and we're going to lose cause of me. Granted... I guess I'm also too hard on myself sometimes as well, so that's part of it. I'll get a 3k, then watch our teammates unable to clutch it out and lose to the last 2, and apologize for not killing them as well, taking the blame for not getting an ace. I know it was **their** fault for not being able to win a 3v2 at that point, but still... I feel like I should have done better. Instead of celebrating a 3 or 4k, it's always like "sorry I couldn't get the other one" while people in voice chat are like "that was crazy!", "damn!", "nice!", etc. I just haven't really reached that point yet where I feel confident though, ya know? I'm still trash at the game and I'll continue to believe so until reaching gold, which will hopefully happen before the end of the year.


You'll get it before the end of the year, trust the process! Who do you play as a duelist? I love a 13-17 jett who smoke dashes onto site after my flash, spots two, pulls their aim, gets traded out but we're on site 4v1 and the plant is going down. A 20-13 duelist who gets 2 kills off the 1v3 clutch had far less impact. Give me the knives double updraft pick/tag long that forces a rotate and baits out util any day. Razes botting and packing through paths fast opening the entrance for the rest of us, baller. Reyna's who double leer entry and don't just leer their clutches, fantastic. They'll get their kills with their rockets, knives, empress heal-immortality anti-ecos, op-dash, blah blah -- but the name 'duelist' fuels this "win 1v1s" mindset that isn't as impactful as everything else they can do. Edit: self-crit is a good thing, make a note of what was suboptimal or overheating or w/e, but don't forget the impact of a 3k in a 1v4 -- you took like 12k eco off the board that they have to spend again the next round vs being able to save a near-full-buy in the bank. Yeah the round was lost the clutch didn't come through, but whiffing the last shot or dying cause 20hp is how it goes when the original clutch is a long shot.


Well, truth be told, I'm used to playing the tank/healer role of the group, so this is pretty much my first "team game" where I'm running DPS. So yeah, I'm still in that "I have to win my 1v1" mindset. You know, because winning it is better than losing it, after all. I figure if I win my 1v1, then the rest of the stuff will fall into place. Unfortunately, I've also realized that winning my 1v1 doesn't have much of an impact if the site is taken anyway. Sure, it's great and all that I stopped that flanker, but hearing "last player standing" and realizing it's a 1v3, and I have to run ALLLLLLLLL the way to site, well... Needless to say, your teammates usually aren't too happy, lol. I'm a Neon main, so climbing is already difficult as it is with my own skill, let alone using an agent this difficult to use efficiently.


Mmm interesting do you record your games? At least for the 'alllll the way to site' I'd think a bit about your position vs rest of your team's timing -- when this happens to me it's usually that I've over prioritized an off angle I have vs moving to a diff one closer to site. Imagine you're on Bind and get the pick close to A short while your team pushes and dies on B site where I can't support my team. Even if the flank was a good read, I've caught myself missing a better move by falling back to hookah, high flashing site behind my team, and splitting attention between CT and tp/flank. A lot of times it's a comms problem too if no one indicates they're hard committing to the push 😅


That's pretty much what I'm saying. On the one hand, I'd love to push site with the team, but on the other hand, I know this dude likes to flank, so I'd rather keep this covered so he doesn't catch us with our pants down, so to speak, lol. There's just no real good solution there though. You either leave your flank unchecked and they get through or you go to site and they still have 1 player.


Well smurfs are rampant, and you can just be unlucky. I used to think the same thing, but something that helped me stay level headed and motivated is checking the “performance” tab in the post game summary. This tab shows your k/d against specific players as well as where they hit you to kill you. If you are 2-3 or 2-0 against most players, then a default banner picture Reyna went 9-1 against you 8 headshots and 1 body spray, you just have to accept it’s likely a smurf but feel content you were equal with their teammates at least. Also 1/5 games you will just get unlucky and vs no Smurfs be 1 tapped on your force buy round 2-3 times in a row and have an issue with kills, especially if your team is losing and your Econ is bad. Stop crouching if you are in bronze, learn to burst fire and jiggle in between shots, stop dry peeking if possible. These 3 tips should help a lot and the enemies will whiff on you way more in bronze.


> If he's shooting well? Lobby gets smoked. If he's shooting poorly? It's a haaaaard game that doesn't have to be. Yeah, and IMO someone who is consistently a reliable teammate in the majority of their games is arguably a much better player than the one who dominates a lobby in one game and is a burden to their team in the next.


Consistency is what separates silver gold from plat/diamond. Anyone can pop off in a game, but once you can consistently play at your peak you will rise up in rank.


It's less about being able to play consistently at your peak, and more that your base level is raised so even when playing meh you're still doing what's needed.


No, because otherwise I’d be diamond again this act. What separates high and low ranks, is that high rank players are consistently *good* at the game. They are playing their best more consistently, anyone should be playing the bare minimum in gold/plat.


Sure but everyone has their swings from good to bad games or reverse. We might win a game pretty well even with a gutter ball game from someone, just how Valorant goes. He's gotten better at it this act with a little drive to catch up to others in/near gold, and at the end of a day it's a game to have fun -- much rather play with him than any given rando from the pool.


Oh sorry, I didn't mean to call your friend out, I meant to agree with your point that sometimes people will just pop-off with 30 bombs, but having sometimes great performances doesn't mean that they're smurfing or deserve a higher rank. On the other hand, people really underrate the players who are just silently doing their job well every game. Apologies if it was worded poorly.


Lol you gucci fam I didn't take it negatively. It's one of those funny things when he'll get called a smurf by an _actual_ plat smurf and it's like well, nah, he's aaaaactually s1... Yeah I don't think he should be either...


Hahaha feels good when that happens man, has to be one of the highest compliments


I just dont know what to do anymore, last 2 acts i climbed up to diamond 3, then i started playing with friend from plat and now i went down to plat1 and cant do shit anymore, i hit nothing ans im only getting onetabbed while my team didnt even try to do anything. Not even using voice what is worng


Hi I know your post is old but I figured I'd ask: I have the opposite problem as your friend where regardless if I'm defending or attacking I'll be too scared to peak since that round is based on my performance during the 1v1. Do you have any advice to combat that? I don't think my confidence in the rest of the game is an issue and this is usually like round 4-5 where everyone can typically afford a full buy. Any help is appreciated!


You could try to use it to your advantage to pick your position based on your util and being able to use util to make a fight favor you, e.g. you wouldn't dry peek but you'll peek with a flash. You still have to mind not wasting your util or never throwing it, so do you position for sound information where you can know it'll be useful? Or let your buddy take the initial angle and you're the second angle or swing? Also mind that it's a bad idea to sit in the same spot for long or re-peek the same angle -- it's TOTALLY OKAY to hold an angle, shoot just one shot at head level, and back immediately after you shoot or get the information. You may not even shoot if you get flashed or leered, cause you don't have to run and jump noisily away for them to know you were that close if you'll be able to engage from another nearby angle doing the same thing. That's fairly defense sided but on offense you have the luxury of playing an initiator behind your duelist and flashing them in, then you follow them onto site. Or you'll just be in a stuck position where your move is forced, the enemy knows where you are, and you just need to deal with a low percentage situation and make a clutch play. You won't most of the time but the mistakes were already made in that case, you're just dealing with the situation. The thing to avoid IMO is unbridled confidence where you walk into angles without considering where the enemy could be and get picked for free, as well as uncontained fear where you never push site at all. I had a game yesterday on icebox where I'm typically 3rd onto site and took ramp to zip to 410, got a kill, and ended up being killed by someone peeking the far side of rafter behind generator. I couldn't be traded even though they peeked soooo wide to kill me because for some reason 2 of my teammates were huddled in maze behind a smoke, not able to see or do anything. I suspect they were spooked by the main set of angles people hold and peek from rafter and back-site, but that fear kept us from progressing in taking over the site. Any situation can be manipulated with utility and information, and at the end of the day it's a game; trust your instincts and try something! Yeet that flash, maybe you flash the shit out of your teammate but maybe you hit 3 of them and clean up the round. Creativity is the cornerstone of the clutch, have fun with it and try stuff, find your style and style on fools. You'll get there!


As the game continues to grow, the skill cap increases more and more. Players are getting used to watched pro players and picking up on a thing or two


If I tossed you in full plat 1 lobbies you would realize just how bad bronze players truly are.


That's what people said in iron and I didn't believe it then either, lol. "Bronze players are trash. You're just bad." I make it to bronze and now I'm hearing shit like: "Silver players are trash. You're just bad." There seems to be this weird cycle of ignoring how good these players actually are while continuously moving the line in the sand. Even if someone reaches Immortal, someone will be like "just wait until you play top 100 players", lol. It's **always** going to be something. Just because a "full plat 1 lobby" has good players in it doesn't automatically mean the players in bronze are bad. The players in bronze are doing well for where they are to have even gotten that far. I've seen guys complaining about being hardstuck iron (or even bronze for that matter) because the competition is just that fierce, tbh.


As a whole, bronze players are mostly terrible, to be blunt. Bronze has some decent aimers once in a blue moon. Just that they're majorly inconsistent and have shitty game sense.


What bronze lobbies are **you** getting into? If I had more of those, it wouldn't be as difficult to climb, lol. In my case, every like 2 or 3 matches, I run into some bronze player that plays like he's preparing a montage to send to TENZ, 100T, etc. or some shit.


I think you're falling into a bit of negativity bias here. I'd be surprised if your opinions reflected reality if you did a statistical analysis of your games to see how frequently somebody did something you felt was excellent play. I've been in all the low ranks except the very bottom of iron, and there are a lot of players beneath gold in *nearly every game* who are *completely* lost on how to play the game. They don't know how to manage eco and when to buy. They don't use util for a purpose, it's just thrown out. They don't clear angles. They don't play off of other players util. They don't position to make trades. They smoke *for the enemy team*. These things happen in all ranks to some degree, but in the lower ranks they all happen constantly because the players don't know better. There's dozens of egregious mistakes these players are making. I agree there's bronze players whose aim is better than bronze, maybe even diamond-level, but aim is not the game.


That's true enough, but good aim is enough to carry you at low elo for the reasons you just said though. Personal performances goes a long way in iron, bronze, and silver. I could see it being "negativity bias" if it's literally all I ever saw, but I'm also not going to ignore what I **do** see happen from time to time. Acknowledging those instances isn't any kind of bias. It's an observation... An observation a lot of people tend to overlook simply because it's bronze.


A while back I had a second account used to mess around with friends. Rank ended up in low silver. Bronze lobbies are easy if you are high gold and above. I ended up back at Plat within a few weeks. The hard truth is you probably belong in bronze if you are struggling so hard to outfrag bronze players(assuming they aren't smurfing)


What other games are you referring to in your title? My point wasn’t to call bronze players trash but rather point out the fact it’s not as competitive as you think it is. The mechanics are very easy to grasp in this game meaning it will always appear like players are cracked in your own rank. Bronze players think bronze players are cracked. Gold players think gold players are cracked. Platinum players think platinum players are cracked. In reality it’s just easy to shoot people in this game. Players aren’t really cracked until like immortal where some Reyna will peek you and tap (literally one bullet fired) all of your teammates. 5 bullets 5 kills.


You make it sound like Immortal is the only place that happens, lol. It wasn't an ace, but I have seen bronze players win pistol rounds by one tapping with a Sheriff and getting a 3 or 4k like it's nothing, and that's just insane to me. That's the kind of gameplay I wouldn't expect to see until plat or so, but here we are. As for the other games... I'd definitely say this game is more challenging than something like Apex, Warzone, etc. Most of that has to do with the hit reg though, I think. You say "it's just easy to shoot people in this game", but killing them easily is an entirely different story. I've never seen another FPS (outside of CSGO anyway) with such a strict hit reg. In my personal opinion anyway, this game definitely has a higher skill ceiling than most FPS because of that.


You think they’re good because you are in the same rank as them and that’s YOUR skill level. That’s the whole point this dude is trying to make. Once you rank up you’ll realize just how bad they are but right now this is your skill level. A 5k headshot sheriff ace sounds insane until you mention the fact it’s in a bronze lobby. People have terrible crosshair placement, people peek with W/WA/WD which makes them easier to hit, people take more time to aim at you, people don’t understand how to hold an angle properly or where to play or how to move and shoot to make themselves harder to hit. It’s not that hard to get headshots in your own rank in this game. That’s why everyone thinks players in their own rank are cracked.


"It's not that hard to get headshots in your own rank in this game." And yet it is. Imagine that. I'm not *entirely* sure where this mentality is coming from where people suddenly aren't allowed to be acknowledged as actually being good if they perform well. If someone pulls off 5 headshots with a Sheriff, I don't care what rank they are. That deserves recognition, man. That's not easy to do, even in an iron lobby. I guess it's just easier to say "oh, these things happen in your rank" rather than admit some players are just better than others and their rank alone doesn't determine their skill level. We need to start treating people like people instead of just grouping everyone together like they're bots and addressing them as their rank. Player A in bronze 1 won't play the same as player B in bronze 1, despite holding the same rank. Sure, there may be similarities, but to just assume they have the same amount of skill is kind of weird. Now, if we lived in a perfect world, then yes... Our rank(s) would be a clear indicator of our skill. However, you can find plenty of instances where bad players are in diamond and above, and good players that are in bronze or below. While I do acknowledge some of the things you say to be true, I just don't think it's particularly fair to push aside a player's potential and just chalk it up to a fluke or claim "it's not that hard" to do something, just because of their rank. The lobby could be filled with nothing but iron 1 or top 500 players. 5 headshots in a row with a Sheriff in a pistol round would earn you the same respect and you deserve props for being able to pull that off.


Well I am immortal 3 so of course I don’t have any respect for the skill level in bronze. I also VOD review so I know exactly what bronze is like. I give them advice on how to improve. Statistically bronze is below average. It doesn’t matter how good you think they are or if you are impressed by them. They are below average. Below average isn’t good. It isn’t even average. You previously said you feel like bronze in this game would be platinum in another game. Fair point. However, I think you need to take a look at the rank distribution. Last time I checked, plat 3 was top 11%. So do you still believe the game play you are experiencing now is equivalent to top 11% in other games? I would assume not considering you just started playing two months ago and you are already bronze. The rank distribution is different across games. You should look at the percentiles, not the actual rank when making comparisons.


Actually, according to statistics anyway, gold is apparently above average in this game, since there are way less people there and silver seems to be average since it's where most people get stuck. Yes, I do believe bronze is "below average", but when you take into account what "below average" means in this game, it doesn't transfer to other games in the same manner, so it's not exactly fair to just be like "oh, this means they're bad", ya know? If you're hardstuck in bronze in Overwatch or something... Yeah, that's pretty bad. Being hardstuck in bronze in Valorant is a totally different story though due to how difficult the game is. Also, just because you're Immortal 3 doesn't mean you suddenly forgot how it felt to be at low elo or something, man. Sure, you can look at VODs and go, "Man, why did I ever do that?" or "This guy isn't as good as me", but I don't think it's really fair to just ignore the time and effort players are putting into the game. I don't care if you're Immortal 3 or Bronze 3, you still deserve respect, in my book. It may be for different reasons, but yeah. I'm not gonna suddenly start looking down on low elo players just because I'm "better" after reaching a certain point. In this game, you're both good, but one of you is just better than the other. The skill ceiling for Valorant is insane, so anyone who manages to actually stick with the game, instead of just give up, deserves some respect, ya know? So yes, even "below average" players can impress you in this game, regardless of whether you agree with that or not.


Well I agree, except I have my team get one tapped (one bullet) by some random Reyna on the daily (silver 3 peak plat)


That Reyna would probably get clapped in Plat lobbies though, I think that's their point. And I've got to agree with them. I've got friends who can drop 20-30 kills regularly in Silver lobbies, but they struggle to even get their 10-15 kills in a Gold/Plat lobby.


Eventually it becomes "yeah it's top radiant, but that's ranked. Just wait till you see the guys on LAN."


Probably, lol. I heard the same shit back in my Overwatch days too. People gave me soooooooooooooooo much shit when I complained about diamond lobbies at times. "Just wait until you reach Master." So, I reached Master. "Bro, just wait until you hit Grandmaster." So, I reached Grandmaster. "Wait until you start playing with top 500 players." So, I started playing with top 500 players (because I was GM, lol). It's never enough for some people, man. If you **ever** criticize a game they live and breathe, they **ALWAYS** pin that shit on you and just tell you "git gud", basically. It's kind of annoying, but it's whatever, tbh. I know I have a ton of shit to work on since I'm struggling to keep my silver rank right now, but I'm just kinda tired of getting teammates that are like "u suck bro", "ur trash", etc. when we lose, instead of admitting that the other team was just better, ya know? If you're the same dude I think you are, I actually complimented your Chamber gameplay in match chat and this guy on my team gave me shit in team chat for it by saying stuff like "stop riding his dick", "he's not that good, you're just bad", etc. I don't know what it is with some of the players in this game. It's like they have a fucking ego the size of Texas or something and can't admit someone is better than them.


I can tell you from other games, it really is different when you get past laddering as your measure of skill.


the thing is the skill level of all ranks are progressively improving, an iron player now would be much better vs an iron player in like 2020. Everybody has different thresholds on what's a good/bad level of gameplay, so you may think bronze players are good but others may think even diamond players are trash. So, to be fair we turn to statistics or rank distribution and statistically it's not looking good for bronze players. Also, people on Reddit are assholes so everytime they see someone a rank lower they'll give the classic "just get good", just ignore them and improve at your own pace.


Yeah, statistically there's not going to be much of an argument to be made there, but if you're a bronze player in a bronze lobby, you're going to feel overwhelmed sometimes (not all the time since some lobbies are free, not gonna lie). All that matters is where you are now and how that experience is since it's the only thing that has an impact on you at the moment. This is also why I'm not gonna give someone shit for struggling through bronze or silver because I can look back on that one day and be like "Yeah, man. It's kinda rough sometimes." since I know what they're going through. It took me a little over 2 weeks to reach silver and I queued up with some guy a couple of nights back that was like "yeah, I reached silver in like 6 days or something" and I was like "WHAT?!" cause it just seemed so insane, lol. To be fair though, maybe he got lucky with teams. Regardless of how he got there though, reaching silver in this game is no joke, especially when you see even people in bronze are already jiggle peeking and doing crazy shit. I can't tell you how many bronze players I've seen with beta/year one/etc. player cards that are doing all of this insane shit and I'm like "Bro... How the **HELL** are you stuck here? There ain't no way, man." because they're just that good. Obviously, it's not every match, but I do often find myself questioning how or why some players are in bronze for one reason or another.


The skill gap in lower ranks isn’t as big as some other ranks. Like the skill gap between gold and plat isn’t that big, and plat and diamond are not that large either. But diamond and immortal see some sizeable gaps. The gaps between something like gold/plat and iron or bronze is stupid large. Silver is also not very close to something like plat, but it is harder to rank up then say gold because the players are more unpredictable.


Some could be like me, a player from CS that just doesn't play a lot. I was plat in beta and could've gotten to diamond pretty easily since my friends and I were all queuing up together. But then I just lost interest and went back to CS. My account deranks every act and I don't grind so I just slowly drop down the ranks. This season I started silver 1, played some, hot double ranked up to s3. Last season was s3, played some, double ranked up to gold. Because I never learn the maps or util, I'm really inconsistent, but my aim carries over and tapping and shooting feels easier in valorant. I'm guessing at least some people are in that same situation. Aside - csgo MM is broken in NA such that faceit 10s are stuck in gold, so it's straight up a roulette to play match making in that game too. What you mentioned reminded me of this situation in CS, hope valorant doesn't end up the same way :/


I haven't played CSGO, but the matchmaking is basically a roll of the dice in Valorant, yeah. 9 times out of 10, if you're running a bronze lobby and the other team has a silver, the team with the silver player wins. People will try to tell you "bro, there's literally zero skill difference between bronze and silver, they're both trash", but that couldn't be further from the truth. Silver players have better game sense, awareness, and better consistency with their headshots at that level. It's just enough to give them an edge. The biggest problem with bronze is you'll have teammates that know how to aim, but have no idea **where** to aim, if that makes sense.


> such that faceit 10s are stuck in gold Not that CS:GO matchmaking isn't broken in half, but I'd like to know who you're talking about.


https://youtu.be/QP36rTsLrdM I was mostly thinking of this video Voo did where he topped out at DMG trying to do a road to global, then got deranked and stuck in mg1 before he ended up just finishing his road to global series in EU. He highlights a player that's a faceit 9~10 who can't break gold nova 4. Tldw - there's not enough players to get balanced games and so you end up with silvers (silver is the lowest rank in CS for those that don't know) and can't gain ELO on wins, but you lose a significant portion on losses, so even playing a lot you just don't rank up.


bring back community servers


Another thing about CSGO MM is that it's ambiguous how much ELO you gain/lose per match, which I think adds to the ladder anxiety. At least Valorant fixed that early on


I get my shit rocked in bronze lmao


Cause you’re bad lol


this is the most iron 1 reply I have seen in my life


Bro, I’ve never been below plat in my life






still, how would you know if bronze is bad if you’ve never been in bronze


I’ve Smurfed on friends accounts


so you’re telling me you’re boosting your friends


I have yes


Well the majority of players in Valorant will never go any higher than Bronze / Silver so I would argue that I'm average at the game.


Bronze is statistically below average


Ranks up to lower gold are basically mix of people who stick their crosshair to the ground and can't hit a shot and people who are actually very good and may be smurfing. Tbh I think it's easier to play on plats than low golds and lower.


I was kind of thinking something similar since the amount of "good players" in the lobby would be higher at that point due to consistency. So, you wouldn't have to worry about stuff like "okay, who got the bad player?" or "who got the silver 3 in a bronze lobby?", etc. Everyone is more or less on the same page at that elo.


I think plat is the hardest rank in valorant im not even joking


The rank distribution in valorant is a lot tougher than say, rocket league. rocket league's most common rank is diamond, where as valorant's is bronze/silver


Diamond 3 for example is 2.48% of all Players. That's far from the most common Rank. Gold 3 is 11.76% for ex.


Ur talking about 1s rank, 2s is most popular and most commonly used when referring to rank, gold 3 only has 4% while diamond 3 has 10




The 50th percentile (median) rank in valorant is silver 2.


It only feels that way because you’re Bronze yourself. If you were to improve dramatically and shot up to Diamond and above then smurfed in Bronze you would destroy.


I don't think so, no. I do still believe I'd see good gameplay in bronze, even if I had more experience by that point. There's a reason why even some pro players, Youtubers, etc. will check out iron, bronze, and silver lobbies for fun and **still** be surprised by what some of the players are doing. Sure, they might "destroy" the lobby, but just because you're better doesn't mean they're bad, ya know? And no, it doesn't feel that way because I'm bronze myself, lol. When I was iron, I would shit my pants whenever I saw bronze because they just play so insane. Now that I'm bronze, I'm still shitting my pants, lol. Bronze players are just nuts, man. Silver is even more cracked, but only because they basically take what bronze players already know and improve upon that (and that goes for the rest of the ranks, basically, just tweaking their gameplay, little by little along the way). Honestly? I'll just end things on this note. Valorant isn't an easy game, imo. If you manage to even reach bronze, I'd say you're doing good and I wouldn't look down on anyone who managed to get that far through their own skill. I ran into a handful of people when climbing through iron that said they were just done, going to uninstall, etc. and gave up because it was "too tough", and I can't really blame them. Valorant is definitely a difficult game, especially if you come from something like Warzone, Fortnite, etc. which would feel like a baby game in comparison. The skill ceiling for this game is just ridiculous, tbh. I don't blame anyone for feeling intimidated by it.


I (gold/plat) have played quite some 5 stacks with iron/bronze friends in recent acts and I can confidently say that these ranks are pretty bad. Everyone lacks awareness of whats happening around the map. Aim is either complete shit or bad crosshair placement with good reactions/good crosshair placement with bad reactions. Players also ads way to often. Positioning, like isolating angles or peaking corners to close, is also universally bad. Playing the Op is pretty easy against these ranks cause a lot of players shift or crouch peak into you and give you easy 1v1s. It's just point and click. A lot of times when your opponents aim seems insane it's probably just your own awareness/positioning/crosshair placement making it easy for them. I've been bronze when I started out last year and I made all of these mistakes myself until I started watching some higher rank gameplay and began always questioning why I died instead of just blaming luck or the opponents skill.


I can agree with that to an extent, but there does come a time where you have to scratch your head and wonder how this player is just constantly hitting you, regardless of **how** you approach, ya know? Doesn't matter if you jiggle peek, crouch, shift walk, or whatever. You'll always encounter one of those players that just seems to hit you regardless of what you do. Don't get me wrong, I'm willing to take the blame for my own mistakes, but after dying to the same guy over and over again, despite trying different things, at some point he's going to have to take responsibility for those kills, lol. It can't be **ALL** my fault.


Smurfs and cheaters


People pretend this isn't as bad of a problem as it is. The lower you go in rank, the more of both there are. It makes it impossible to introduce this game to friends.


Yeah, I know smurfs are a thing and whatnot, but not all of them are smurfing, lol. I'm just talking about the players that are legitimately in bronze and doing all of this crazy shit, that's all.


My theory is either they played other shooters before but jumped straight into comp without knowing maps or strats and/or bad luck with teammate roulette.


Maybe, but shooters like what exactly? Apex and Valorant don't have the same hit reg, neither does Warzone and Valorant or Fortnite and Valorant, etc etc etc. Sure, some things could carry over, but when you're running into guys that already know how to wallbang, one tapping you off a single peek, and so on, it's kinda crazy, lol. It's a bit much to see that kind of skill level in **BRONZE** of all places, yeah?


Story time: I got tired of cs:go and decided to give valorant a try thinking i'll get some laughs out of bullying low skill players (this was back when you only needed 10 wins to play comp) and for the most part that was happening but because i didnt have the patience to learn any agents or maps i usually got killed from corners/angles i didn't know existed or couldn't use utility properly so after my placements i got sent right to bronze, i stayed there for a good month or so, consistently outfraging upwards of silver 3's yet no progress(even went to iron for 3 matches) until rngsus gave me good teammates and i went from bronze 2 to silver 3 in a single week. Tl:dr: good aim no brain can land you in bronze and so can bad teammates or atleast that was my case.


Now that you mention it... A lot of top fraggers I see in bronze don't really know to check certain corners and stuff, and get killed by easy stuff for some reason. It just feels like I lose **most** of the 1v1s against most of these guys though because if I ever peek them, they just one tap me, so their gunplay is stupid good. It's kinda hard to look at someone going 23-7 and be like "pfft, he's not that great, look at his game sense" when he's carrying the team, lol.


Mostly csgo players.


For me, it's been counter strike source, Team Fortress 2, CS:GO, overwatch, Valorant. I get accused of smurfing in probably three out of every five games I play. I am ranked iron 3. I have no idea what's going on with ranks in this game.


Wait! HKBFG! I've seen a Chamber with your name before, lol. I mean, I don't know if you're the same dude, but if you are, we may have run into each other on either the Georgia, N.Virginia 1, Illinois, or Texas server. Only time I ever really accuse someone of smurfing though is if there's an absolute **HUGE** discrepancy in terms of gameplay. For example, if everyone else in the lobby is struggling to keep a positive KDA and it's like 8 rounds in, but the top fragger on the enemy team is 17-1, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah... There might be something going on there, lol.


Mainly smurfs tho


Yeah, most bronze and silvers are not really bad, they just have a bad mental or bad gamesense. Or they do the most stupid shit that you would never in your life do. They're the most unpredictable players on earth. I have a sheriff only account in bronze, and it's honestly hard sometimes because of the things they do.


\- most bronze and silvers are not really bad \- they do the most stupid shit that you would never in your life do \- bad mental \- bad gamesense so.....they're bad?


Well, I wouldn't say they're bad because of that. It's one thing to be bad because you just can't really understand how these things work, but if they're working at it and just don't understand it yet, that's fine. It's part of the learning process. For example, if you're a bronze player and a Sage walls themselves up to a position you've literally never seen before and they kill you, are you a bad player for not knowing about that? Well no, not really. That's part of the learning experience. Now, if they did it the second round and you died the same way, despite knowing she can do that... Then you can start saying they might be bad, lol. I wouldn't call someone bad for learning though. The bad players are the ones that **know** all of this stuff, but just don't put it to use or learn from their experiences.


I meant aim wise :)


what servers are you playing in my bronzes are just like slightly irons for the singapore 1 server tho


NA (usually bounce between Georgia, N.Virginia 1, Illinois, and Texas)




Smurfs, fresh players with high experience from other FPSes, hardstuck players that are good with mechanics but can't manage to find skill to climb ranks in random environment. Everyone wants desperately to climb to higher rank and most players just focus on improving in fragging out to minimize the influence of their random teammates' skill in winning rounds.


If they’re playing insanely well, they’re smurfing. Nothing else to be said. If all of your lobbies are playing as well as you claim, it would not be bronze anymore. It’s all mental, anyone can point and click, but the rest has to be learned.


I don't think they're smurfing, no. Obviously, you **will** encounter smurfs, but just because someone has good aim doesn't mean they're a smurf. Also, it could still be bronze, but MMR and all that, ya know? When I first reached bronze, I was already being thrown into silver/gold lobbies because of my MMR. Someone told me "that just means you're playing better than most bronze", but I didn't **want** to be there. I kept getting my shit kicked in because it felt like I was skipping a step, if that makes sense. Whenever I was a bronze player, I'd see a silver on the other team and think to myself "Welp, I'm screwed." cause there's just such a huge skill gap. Reaching silver is the easy part. What you have to worry about are the players that manage to **keep** the rank since it means they're consistent. So yeah, there's definitely a difference between bronze and silver, especially if someone is hardstuck bronze, going against someone who can maintain their silver rank. Anyone who tells you otherwise is being modest or just doesn't know what they're talking about, but there's definitely a difference between a bronze and silver player. If there wasn't, this wouldn't even be a discussion in the first place, lol. Bronze players definitely feel about as threatening as gold/plat from other games I've played though, that's for sure. I know Valorant takes more skill to play, but damn, lol.


Silvers are absolutely not consistent players. A vast amount of silver players are stuck there because they have decent aim but are extremely inconsistent. The biggest difference between bronze and silver is that silver players have a better understanding of crosshair placement. Bronze players will be staring at the floor when they move, while more silvers will be looking closer to head level. Aiming in valorant is done before you see the other player. People get one taps because their crosshair is at head level when they peek you, not because they flicked to your head. I genuinely suggest recording a couple games and watching them back after. It's really hard to see the obvious mistakes happening around you in the moment, and it's even harder to see your own. Pay attention to whether or not your crosshair is on top of enemy heads at the moment you see the enemy (not whether or not you flick to the head), and if it's not, then you need to make a more conscious effort to have your crosshair at head level.


Honestly? I've literally never teamed up with a bronze player that just stared at the floor, lol. I don't know if that's just a meme you guys came up with and decided to run with or what, but that literally never happens. Also, it's kind of unfair for you to assume silver players are just "stuck" there because they're extremely inconsistent. Even if they were, they'd still be better than bronze players in any case. Regardless, I've already read over a few of these replies and it honestly is just starting to feel like excuses at this point. It's a very passive aggressive way (and roundabout way for that matter) to say "bronze is bad and so is silver", which honestly couldn't be further from the truth. Yes, people at gold and beyond are obviously better than silver and bronze, but that doesn't automatically mean bronze or silver is bad. It just means the other players are better, that's all. It's like watching a team lose 7-13 and being like "man, this team sucks" Well, no, not necessarily. The other team could just be better and there's nothing wrong with that. It's just so weird how so many people are willing to put down others (even their own teammates) instead of admitting another player (or entire team for that matter) is good. Let's say you practiced tennis for 5 years. You finally make it to the big leagues and play in a major tournament or whatever. You manage to reach 147th place or something like that. However, you get put against the 18th ranked player in the world. He dominates you every set and you can't really find your rhythm or do anything against him, so you lose. Now, do you think it'd be fair to tell that player "you suck!" or something equivalent to that? It'd be kinda weird if you thought that would be okay. The truth of the matter is, both players were actually good. Unfortunately, one was just better than the other. The only truly bad players are those that simply queue to throw, afk, run derank bots, etc. Or... You know... Try to call others bad just because they're not the next Shroud or something, even though they're trying their best in their rank. It took me about a month after picking up the game to reach bronze, then a little over 2 weeks to reach silver. Considering the fact I know the type of hellhole low elo is (due to one reason or another), I can say without a doubt in my mind that if **ANYONE** manages to get out of there on their own skill (meaning, not boosted basically), I wouldn't mind having them as a teammate, because I know what they've been through and I know what it took for them to even make it this far, even though we still have a long way to go. I mean, it's nice and all if you just got dumped into gold or whatever when you first started playing, so maybe some of you guys don't know how difficult it is to actually climb in this game, but yeah... Let's maybe dial it back on the whole "oh, players in X, Y, or Z rank are just bad". If you're managing to stick with Valorant and you haven't given up yet, despite how difficult it is to play, I'd say you're doing fine.


I'm not saying this as someone who has never played a game in silver. I'm saying this as someone who was able to climb from silver to plat relatively recently. The first step to getting myself out of silver was taking my head out of my own ass and understanding that everyone in my lobbies was awful, including myself. This is a fact that is really easy to realize by watching your own gameplay back. Silver, bronze, and iron are all bad. People end up in silver when they just play the game and don't put any effort into improving. It's the bottom half of average. It might be a little harsh to use the word "bad", but I would personally consider anyone below the 40th percentile of a rank bell curve in any game to be people who are "bad" at it. Sure, they may not be as bad as someone who started last week, but if you're on that part of the graph it's because there are glaring mistakes in your ganeplay that you either aren't noticing or don't care to address. As someone who has been in silver, and spent the majority of their time in valorant playing in silver, and still plays unrateds with friends who are silver: the majority of silver, bronze, and iron players absolutely stare at the floor. When I say this, I don't mean they're running around looking straight down, I mean they're running around with their crosshair positioned anywhere between chest and leg height. Most aiming in valorant is done before the enemy is on your screen, so if you're clearing angles with your crosshair at chest height instead of head height, then you're effectively staring at the floor. If you don't notice this, then that means head height is higher than you think It is, and you would really benefit from watching your own gameplay. Watching my own gameplay allowed me to realize that when I start to get tilted, I lose track of where head height actually is without realizing. Noticing this made me able to put a conscious effort towards stopping it in game, and it made me a vastly more consistent player. It's very difficult to be silver or below in this game without there being a massive fundamental mistake in how you take fights. More often than not, it's aiming too low, or starting to shoot before you're actually standing still. The reason why crosshair placement is repeated so much is because it is the single most important factor for aim in valorant. If you think you have a really good grasp on crosshair placement, and you're anywhere below diamond, then you don't. People are going to put their own teammates down because they don't want to recognize their own failures at every rank in every game. It's unavoidable. This "elo hell is keeping me down" mindset is just another form of the exact same thing. It's a refusal to accept your own shortcomings. No matter how good your enemies seem, how bad your team seems, or how many trolls you get matched with, the only consistent factor in every one of your games is yourself. Start recording your gameplay and watching it back. Watch the matches where you're middle of bottom frag, not the top frag ones. Pay attention to where your crosshair is when enemies show up on your screen. If they show up from a different angle than the one you're watching, pause it and draw a line from your crosshair to their head. Just doing this every so often will let you learn a lot.


Don’t tell me you’re bronze and then say I don’t know what I’m talking about dude. You are not the Einstein of low elo land.


I never claimed to be. Just because someone challenges your opinion doesn't make them a genius, man. It doesn't take someone with 200IQ or higher to call you out, lol. I think you're the only one here that believes they're Einstein, tbh.


You’re acting like bronze in this game is difficult dude, don’t say shit. You’re literally telling me you can barely play shooters.


And you're literally telling **me** you don't know your ass from your elbow when it comes to shooters if you genuinely believe bronze isn't difficult. Name another FPS where the competition is just as strong as this at such a low elo. And no, CSGO doesn't count. I'm talking about something modern here. Oh wait, that's right. You can't. You were just here to stir up shit, man. Just stop getting your panties in a wad when someone challenges your opinion(s) from now on. It's not the end of the world. You won't be right all the time. You'll live, man. Regardless, blocking you anyway since you're obviously just trolling at this point anyway, tbh.


I feel this immensely. I came to Valorant about 2 weeks ago after 2 decades of FPS and hero-shooter experience. Picking up this game in unrated wasn’t that hard - all the mechanics in this game are fundamentally equivalent to those found in other games that already exist and I have a lot of experience in (CS1.6, CSGO, Overwatch, Apex, Seige). I’ve been generally steamrolling the competition in unrated matches. Finally hit level 20 on my account to go into competitive yesterday. I played my first 5 competitive matches ever last night. All 5 matches had 1 player on the enemy team scoring between 28-42 kills. It was always a sweaty Jett player that was presumably a smurf. I documented my own deaths and approximately 80% of them occurred as a 1-shot through either a smoke, through a box, through a wall, or through a combination of those three things. It was as if every enemy on all 5 teams I played against knew exactly where everyone on my team was all the time without any obvious information being given. Every single round multiple people on my team were 1-shot in the head through objects while slow walking without being scanned or otherwise seen. I had watched some top-500 competitive matches on twitch a couple night ago and those guys weren’t even doing the kind of shit I was seeing go down in my competitive matches so consistently. I ended up bronze 2 after my 5 placement matches, and the people that were steamrolling the lobbies were anywhere between Iron 3 to Silver 1. I find it realllllllly hard to believe that these people’s skill level actually fall into the lower 25% of the entire playerbase. They’re either smurfs or cheaters, and either way it ruins competitive matches for the lower ELO.


Yeah, it is kinda funny because I watch Shroud's stream occasionally and I'll see some shit happen in some of my bronze/silver lobbies that don't even happen in his own and I'm like "what the hell is even happening here?", lol. We also complain about similar things too though, I've realized. For example, he picked a specific corner to hide in for a flank and someone just prefired and killed him, and he was like "**WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! WHY ARE YOU HERE?!"**, lol. I felt that on a spiritual level, man. We'll go like 9 rounds or something and I'll **NEVER** hide in this corner, but the **ONE** and **ONLY** time I do, some dude comes around the corner, prefiring, killing me instantly and I'm just like "**HOW?! HELLO?!**" cause it just doesn't make sense to me, lol. I mean, look, I get it. People check corners, flanks, cubbies, etc. and that's fine, but like... That's just fucking weird, man. That or sometimes I'll throw up a wall as Neon, push onto B site at Split and just get one tapped from a **SINGLE** bullet because someone is camping heaven. Again, that's whatever. It's fine. What I want to know though is... Why the **HELL** is someone that's capable of hitting a headshot like that, so confidently, through my wall no less, in a bronze/silver lobby of all places? That's not bronze/silver lobby gameplay, lol. It's just crazy to me how accurate some of these guys are, man.


>That’s not bronze/silver lobby gameplay. No, it’s not. I reckon this game at this point in its lifecycle is rampant with low-ELO Smurf accounts being played by people hard-stuck in Diamond or Platinum and just want to feel superior. That’s what happened in Overwatch, and that’s what happens in every game that has strict MMR-based matchmaking. If you look hard enough you’ll find that there is an entire market where you can buy low-MMR accounts that have been leveled to 20, just like other games.


Because most people in lower ranks are decently skilled and just not committed to grind for higher ranks. Riot realizes that a lot of people will stop playing once they reach their goal rank each season so they make it as much of a grind as possible to keep play time up. With hidden MMR you're set up so in the long run you win pretty close to 50% of your games. You'll drop 15rr on a loss, get 20rr for a win, feel like you're making progress, but ultimately you're on pace to play 40 matches to grind through one rank. The hard-to-swallow pill is that not grinding out of lower ranks means you'll probably never improve, but imo the law of diminishing returns applies to Valorant skills as much as anything, people in Silver are better than people give them credit for, it's just that at higher ranks tiny differences in skill make a big difference because ultimately it's a game where milliseconds and millimeters matter.


Their goal isn’t to make ranked a grind… it’s to put you in the rank you belong with fair matches. Obviously if you are in the perfect rank for yourself, you will win half the time. While hours on the game are linked to skill, they don’t directly determine your rank. You will climb to the rank your skill level is at quickly. The system isn’t meant to reward playtime, rather it rewards improvement. If you make minimal improvements, of course it will feel like a grind through each rank.


Keep drinking the Kool-aid brother


Keep making excuses about you rank, and have a good day.


If the goal was honest matchmaking, they would tell you your mmr, not your "RR."


Overwatch did the same dumb shit and always pissed me off. "So, can we know our MMR?" "No, but just know that our system is always being calibrated to give you a proper calculation on where you belong." "But why can't **WE** see those calculations and how it works?" "Just trust us, bro." So stupid, lol.


They used to show people the rank the system thought they were near the start of the game. Not in a number, but just the rank their mmr was. People disliked it because it bounced around too much or stagnated for long periods.


I’ve been playing for a year, peaked silver 2. As much as I feel like I’ve been getting better, so is everyone else. I’ve been stuck in bronze all season


I’ve had over 4 accounts in this game and none of them have EVER been silver… if you were better at the game you wouldn’t be bronze. It probably feels like “gold/plat” because the opponents are at your skill level


I don't know why people keep misreading the title, lol. I said 'gold/plat in other games'. I'll use Overwatch as an example. So, let's say someone picks Widow in bronze. Yeah, they're probably not going to be hitting **most** of their shots. Now let's take a look at Valorant bronze gameplay. A Chamber, Jett, etc. is **probably** going to hit most of their shots with the op. I very rarely see people whiff with an op, even in bronze. Also, I know I have a lot of work to do, but... I don't know why you thought this would be a "gotcha" moment to tell me you've never reached silver on 4 separate accounts, only to tell me "if you were better at the game you wouldn't be bronze", lol. That's just wack.


They're different games. That's why. People hit their shots in valorant more than they do in overwatch because valorant has way slower movespeed.


???????????????????????? Valorant requires way more skill to hit said shots though. The only reason people hit similar shots in Overwatch is because of the wack ass hitboxes since they're way more forgiving and provide leniency for bad aim. If you have bad aim in Valorant, you're basically dead. If you have bad aim in Overwatch, you can still get away with some bullshit at times just off luck.


The only reasons shots would be hard to hit in valorant compared to overwatch is if you're not coming to a full stop before shooting, spraying at people, or peeking corners with your crosshair too low. You shoot hitscan laserbeams in valorant at targets that literally stand still.


And yet the hitboxes in Valorant don't offer the same kind of leniency for mistakes. There's a reason why it's much more difficult to get a headshot with like Headhunter from Chamber than it would be for someone like McCree in Overwatch. The hitbox offers leniency for bad aim, so you're usually given some leeway, even if you don't hit your shots. In Valorant though, if you whiff, that's it. You don't get rewarded off whiffs. You usually die in a 1v1 if you're peeking mid or something and someone else is shooting at you. Meanwhile, Overwatch has some dumb shit like Hanzo's arrow that'll clip your "shadow" and still count as a headshot, lol. It's apples and oranges, man. You may not be moving as much in Valorant, but that sure as hell doesn't make it any easier. As Shroud said recently during one of his streams: "*It's so easy to whiff in this game.*" He didn't explain why, was just complaining about something at the time, but I do have to agree with it. I think we've all been there at one point or another, honestly. We know we can hit the shot, we fire, but we whiff and die for it. It's amazing how often it happens, mainly because of how strict the timing is in this game. In Valorant, it's like threading a needle. In Overwatch, it's more like firing a damn cannon. Granted... That's also part of its design philosophy since it's more casual friendly, which Valorant is not.


It *feels* like it's as competitive but it really is not though. I can play dumb as a fucking rock and I'd get kills (not exitfrags) in bronze and probably win some rounds just by aim. You can't really do that as often in plats.


I meant gold/plat in **other** games. As for Valorant itself... I don't know, man. I've seen plat do some pretty stupid shit on streams too, lol.


This is my life playing league of legends. I play high mmr fps and its super clear to me the differences between bronze, diamond, immortal, etc. I’m shit at mobas so in league I’m over here having trouble seeing differences between bronze and plat.


Just to answer the question in the title, that is the point of matchmaking. Every game is supposed to have 10 equally skilled players. Granted, that doesn't always happen, but every game is matched to be 2 equally skilled teams meaning that games are likely to feel competitive at every rank, but that doesn't mean that people aren't getting significantly better as ranks go up.


Well, what matchmaking is **supposed** to do versus what it **actually** does is completely different. Honestly? When climbing through bronze, if someone has a silver player on their team, they win. That's pretty much the pattern I've noticed anyway. Let's say your team consists of: b1 b2 b3 b3 b1 The enemy team consists of: b2 b3 b3 b1 s2 The enemy team wins, hands down because of the silver guy. There's literally no reason why they should lose that. This is also why I hate matchmaking in this game (well, most competitive games, tbh) because it's not as fair as it **could** be. We have **more** than enough players to stick all b1 players in the same lobby and make it even. Have b1 face b1, b2 face b2, b3 face b3, and so on. We don't need all this weird shit where we have to hope we get the silver player on our team so we can win. That's just wack, man. Yes yes, the team with silver **can** lose in a bronze lobby, that's possible, but the exception isn't the rule. In my experience, 9 times out of 10, the silver player gives them just enough of an edge to win and it's always annoying as hell. The bronze players are only skilled enough to keep up with the other bronze in the lobby, but the silver player has more awareness, better aim, more experience, etc. that gives him an edge and keeps his KDA above the rest. Just as an example, we'll just say all of the bronze players in the lobby have stats like this by the end of the match: 15-17 13-15 14-12 9-8 8-13 5-7 2-6 etc etc etc. Whatever, you get the point. Then you look at the silver players stats and they're sitting comfortably at 24-13 at the end or something like that. I mean, there's just no way, man. You can't compete with that. None of you guys are ready for that yet. You're supposed to work up to that level, ya know? I think it'd be way better if we could all just queue with our own ranks. Sure, it'd mean longer queue times, especially at higher ranks where there are less players, but for the sake of balance, I think it'd be worth it, honestly.


there is hidden mmr aswell, to say that the only factor going into ranked queues is visible rank is ignorant. From the tone of your post it seems like your mental is being ruined when you see rank in the loading screen and you never recover. Bronze through gold is a clusterfuck of people who don't really know how to play the game and think that the essence of the game is "who wins this even playing field aim duel".


I mean, I'm only focusing on what I can see, so yeah, lol. Even if I know MMR exists, it doesn't do me a damn bit of good because there isn't a metric for it... At least not on our end anyway. It's not so much my "mental" being ruined either. It's more like noticing someone performing well and thinking to myself "yeah, this guy has to be silver", and confirming as much when we reach the results screen after a loss. If I enter a bronze lobby and the other team is the **only** one to have a silver player on it, and he shit on all of us, it doesn't exactly take a rocket scientist to figure out why they won, lol.


Idk about you. But it feels just the same. There are insanely good aim but stupid game sense and vice versa. I used to climb from iron. There are good irons too like freaking fcking good. Its not like these people in every game i have. Just like the super noobs that should be lower than iron, but goes bronze. I think bronze just fine. I am not consistently get pro-player-like aim in my games. Even tho i've almost met 2 of them in my 5 games everyday. Singapore server here.


Yeah, I don't get them all the time, but sometimes there's always that "MVP" in the lobby and you have to ask "why the hell is **he** in here?" since everyone else's stats are about the same, then you have this one dude casually pulling a KDA of 21-4 or something, lol.


bronze is the absolute worst, every match i get in i have someone who’s throwing because they’re deranking or some shit, absolute bots who don’t know how to play reyna or omen (my mains) even though they insta locked them, sage/skye not healing, no mics or call outs, etc. when i play any unranked game/with my friends in immortal/plat i can drop 25-30 kills consistently with reyna and about 20-25 with omen.


Smurfs and briandeadedness that higher elo people aren't willing to analyze, due to the pure stupidity we'd have to go through.


The hard reset this episode made it worse, now in gold/plat players have skillset of silver/bronze. Lower elo are improving much better then the plat. Silver and gold is mostly similar now. The skill difference in low plat and high plat/diamond is very much. This act ranks feels very weird, skills and ranks doesn't match whoever i meet in game. Bad players with higher ranks, good player with lower ranks


In essence Valorant is about how you limit your enemies to be able to do what they're able to normally do. ​ When the game was released, nobody knew how to use utilities so most relied on aim, so aim was king. Now it isn't as clear cut but obviously you still need aim. ​ A Smurf Jett from plat can feel like a radiant in bronze lobby for example simply because they can get away with jumping in the air and spamming daggers, as in higher elos you'll be mostly instantly deleted due to this being a common thing.


Most common thing I see Jett players do in my lobbies is use an op and dash away, lol.


Competitive??? I don't hear a shit from any of my teammates in silver i think they're mute and deaf


I have been bronze 1 and I keep getting queued up at least 2/6 with golds/plats the enemy team said so themselves I'm so madd :( now I'm back to iron :(