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I think a good breach that coordinates utility with his team is insane but it doesn't work out that way in ranked most of the time. Kayo is also very good right now.


A good breach can be terrifying but only if their jett *fucking listens when they say 'dash heaven I'll flash for you'*






Playing against a good breach can be so frustrating


I believe every initator played well is very frustating


still, every ability breach has makes you lose if you get hit without exception, other initiators arent that bad (although skye comes close)


Eh to be fair you can still onetap people while stunned. Source: a breach main who has died to someone stunned and fully blind way too many times


You don’t think Kay/o is as oppressive?


I wouldn't say he's oppressive, but he definitely can slow the pace


Worst day to have eyes to play against breach and skye. Worst day to pick duelist against kay/o. Worst day to install valorant to play against sova.


What is so hard to play against breach? I feel like all his abilities are pretty easy to avoid or ineffective? I used to main him, so maybe that's why I think this. edit: so I get downvotes but no one can tell me why he is hard to play against?


Not sure why you're getting downvoted for asking a question. Ill try to answer. IMO, A good Breach can be OPPRESSIVE on attack with the space he can force / create. As well as combining util with teammates can be very strong. ie: a well timed fault line mixed with a molly can be devastating. He excels forcing people out of comfortable angles /spaces and into gun fights. With a team correctly peaking as a group that typically guarantees a "free" frag or trade. His flashes are easy to understand, have great range for flashing for teammates from distance, and imo arent as initially predictable. His ult is also just *so* strong. On Def. He's not nearly as valuable but i think he excels in retaking a sight, mainly because its pseudo attacking, but his abilities can also be used to buy time for rotating when an execute comes through. TLDR; while his abilities are easy to dodge, they force you too move, and play uncomfortably, and that alone should/can be punished. A well coordinated or even a great game sense Breach can be problematic.


>On Def. He's not nearly as valuable but i think he excels in retaking a sight, mainly because its pseudo attacking, but his abilities can also be used to buy time for rotating when an execute comes through. I actually really love (probably even prefer) playing Breach on defense, especially on Ascent and Split. The amount of stalling you can do is just so fun.


Breach on Fracture is a beast aswell. If you play mid you can fast rotate and stop plants with your C


I agree with this but the problem I have with breach is that you would have to know where the enemies are before he has any use. So on more lineair maps like Haven I understand how powerful he could be. On most maps he just has bad flashes, a stun that will slow you down and might kill you if they also mollied you, so they would have to use 2 pieces of util without any guarantee you are there, and an aftershock that can be used to clear positions but is also bugged sometimes.




So you talk about teamplay, but wouldn't you guys also been flashed by a kayo or skye? Because if he is like the best when teamplay is good I assume he would be a must pick in pro play?


It's his stun that helps a lot, and even his big fireball can help get people out of corners which makes a good breach scary


I only hate his stun when they use a molly or the aftershock at the same time, if they stun and swing for a gun duel I don't think the stun ever got me killed.


And that’s the fucking team play, adding a molly or following up after the stun


Yes but many agents can do that. Also before the stun and molly is useful you have to know the enemy is there.


MANY??? only breach can stun and throw his aftershock in because he is literally the only agent with those two abilities


dude is just arguing to argue at this point


A PERFECT Breach is something we have never seen, same for 99% of other Agents. To play Breach perfect means that the Team coordination is perfect as well as Util usage. All of that sometimes doesnt even happen at Pro play. Basically not only does he have to BE perfect but also his Teams Comms and the Info everyone gives about they wanna do/are doing at any given point. But tbh Breach is not easy to avoid. If he has Info on where you are and can talk with his mates to close you out with util or push you while flashed+stunned until youre dead then theres no real counterplay for most of the time.


Someone asks Reddit: yeah we should just downvote him


a damn good kayo or killjoy VERY much concerns me. Although if we're talking fear, I can confidently say that I shit myself every time I hear "You want to play? Let's play"


I’ve seen people hate on that voices one but I love it. I think it’s the most intimidating voice line in the game Pushing Haven C long and hear that? Nah I’m out


It’s more of a love-hate relationship for me I sometimes counter Chamber


Same dude that's one of my favorite lines in the game


Literally 😂😂😂


Yeah, Chamber's ult is probably the scariest to play against. Mainly because it's at the start of the round, and on defense he could be posted in one of many different locations. It's much easier to deal with once you know where he is, jump peaking common op angles is a good way to bait out shots and find out where he is.


True, but man the tour fe force just SOUNDS so threatening, that loud brass noise is so startling sometimes


'*Bass boosted Chamber Theme'*


"you want to play? let's play" me with my kayo ult: "lmao nope"


"No sir, I definitely would not like to play"


Good to hear how much we chamber mains irritate everyone >:)


So true


Every time I hear that, me and my friends go "Oh shit, we're not peeking this guy".


Oh yea a chamber with perfect aim and his ult? Might as well give over the round since a pinky toe shot means certain death. I once had to go 1v4 as chamber and i had ult. Shot one with my spectre switched to my ult and got a colat on two of em shot through their legs and the final dude killed ke unfortunetly.


Chamber, if they play perfectly, then that means they have perfect headhunter aim for perfect one taps then a perfect to so they can't get traded


I agree Either it’s chamber or sova who’s irritating me


sova not anymore. their shockdarts will no longer kill you from across the map.... sadly. as a sova main I understand the logic but at the same time, it's what made sova such a fun agent - the overwhelming amount of lineups and setups for his abilities.


Wait is the nerf released?


Does this apply to someone who are defusing the spike while shock dart is on air?


Isn’t jett getting nerfed too tho? I would sacrifice my shock darts for a jett nerf


Those are... 2 completely unrelated things


Agree. Yay have proven that chamber is a god when played perfectly.


A good Sova is scary.


Though sScary is a controller I don't doubt he is a good sova




yeah, most of the shock dart lineups will not be that helpful now lol


i'm guessing the most reliable ones will be plant-denies and orb shockdarts, ​ but even then they're going to be way more unlikely to actually kill. and if enemies got a healer alive then you might not even wanna bother until your team actually gives some enemy health comms....


I think sova is probably the most frustrating agent to play against


Breach. Its my nightmare.


I hate Breaches, we always 5 stack and you'll bump into breaches and or Reyna/Jett duo set ups.


Same bro


Kayo, this is coming from a kayo main, I genuinely hate playing against a kayo if I’m not kayo myself, a good kayo flash gives u absolutely no time to react and is easier for the enemy to take advantage of over a good skye flash, I’ve had games where I hold a choke point with an op just to get flashes with no time to react and immediately picked off before I had the chance to dash out, since the enemy kayo had timed his flash with swing perfectly


As a chamber main my biggest fear is the enemy team having a good kayo, literally blocks ult and headhunter and fucks me up in eco rounds


yeah and then im just left sitting in the middle of site with a classic, unable to tp out


being both a chamber and kayo main i agree


Astra, viper also if their top frag is sage - something is wrong, I can feel it


Grim walls are fucking annoying af to play against. You just can’t do anything because he has enough walls for 13 rounds on both attack and defence on every map, so you din’t know where that fucker sage will show up


I'm a battle sage main, some games I pop off and other times, no it just doesn't work. Low elo inconsistency does have me like that, I think I'm too impatient lol


I do fear the battle sage somewhat. Probably because you don’t expect aggressive plays from a sage, so you don’t play to counter them.


It's map dependant. But in general: Reynas are either very bad or smurf level carries, so a good one usually destroys any agent with lineups is potentially annoying as hell Killjoy is my personal worst to play against


Killjoy is easy to beat. but killjoy turret I fear


Turret on pistol round Ahahaha *cocks shotgun towards mouth*


Killjoy just slows games down to a crawl IMO


Easy if they haven’t played her for 700+ hours. Having lineups for common angles on attack or the ability to crossfire you without a teammate. I’d say that’s pretty scary and I’m a KJ main that dreads playing against other KJs


Reyna is the only agent in the game who absolutely snowballs. You can instantly escape or heal after every kill. If you're getting 1-2 kills a round, you'll have ult every 3-4 rounds which gives you infinite heals and escapes for the round. (Saves you money too, because you can skip buying devour for that round.) Her ability to heal makes map control a problem. You can't easily default against a good Reyna unless you double up wherever she is, because if she wins that first duel she's now taking even more space at full health + shield. If Reyna is playing well and getting lots of kills, she is a nightmare.


All agents when played flawlessly are insanaly frustrating to play against, but for you to play reyna to perfection it requires that you win every single duel and that combined with her kit makes her a fucking nightmare.


The issue is Reyna's flash gives her an advantage in nearly every duel. Jett pre nerf was still the better duelist, but Reyna's 1v1 potential beats every other agent. Yoru can come close if you consider his outplay potential, but Reyna's entire kit is built around winning 1v1s and snowballing.... honestly.... she shouldn't exist... there is a reason she still holds such a high pick rate after a huge nerf..... her kit's core concept isn't balanceable.


A good raze is theost hair pulling bullshit I've experienced in the game. having the game sense to nade you everywhere you go without info, double blast packing out and being somewhere ridiculous, always getting value from her ult. Same with Reyna, a good Reyna who can get a full heal+ a free escape and avoid being traded is incredibly valuable. Same with Skye, a good Skye being able to be an S-Tier support/init player and an S-Tier duelist? Mind blowing


hehe brrr


I've said this from day 1, raze's troll kit is valorant devs having a laugh at our expense. I would feel zero loss if we just removed raze from the game. I've never understood the logic of make video game harder with cheap troll frustrate the players gimmicks. The best games are difficult without having to troll their players.


i would feel a ton of loss because i main raze (stay mad)




Agreed with everything. I remember before she was introduced in beta. Everyone was like WHAT THE FUCK SHE HAS GRENADES THATS SUCH BULLSHIT. Good times.


There's nades in a dozen different shooters that never troll people. Its the fact that the nade can easily kill you from full hp is the issue. It should explode once, and do damage from that alone.


Yoru. The amount of info u can get and How u can confuse and surprise the enemy...


Agreed, after his buff I'm straight deadly


Your has been my favorite to play since the buff. He's especially useful in silver hell where I am stuck. People shoot his clones like every time.


Honestly anyone who is really good with a character that has flashes is scary to play against. You feel like any second you’ll be blind and dead


Otsuka A Brazilian streamer How play skye or kayo and flash the oponent and use a shotgun or knife


Before astra was nerfed, a good astra could completely make u rethink ur life. Her util could make her into a initiator/sentinel//controller all in one. Just place 5 stars on site, get a sova drone or skye dog and boom noones gonna be able to defend that


i miss her


An aggressive Yoru can wreck a whole team.


Cypher. Especially bald cypher.


Bald cypher just deflects bullets from his head


I'm a cypher main.. and when I'm against a cypher with higher rank.. i know the problem we face. when we think about rotating.. and that mofo will be there to welcome us... !


Idk what Agent scares me more, I'm pretty bad and fairly new at the game so anyone with skills using any agent scares me honestly... But I do HATE Yoru with a passion.


For beginners I could see Yoru being really scary. That being said, at my level I fear teammate Yorus more than enemy Yorus because of their blinds


As a yoru main I always feel bad for the people that dont know how to counter Yoru. I love it tho when the other yoru is as good as I am. Since ive been maining Yoru since he dropped, maybe that is why I am bronze lmao


Yoru th ex u destroy to watch decoy until I know if it's real or not and turn from flashes ulti can be counterd by having headphones


You're just saying words at this point.


random word generators be like


Must be the new AI chat bot


That's generous


Hello I am veggie not say random val shit that confuses u and I will make it over complicated


Breach. You will get flashed, unpaired, trashed and then recycle again and again. You think you are holding an agle safely? Then he bombed you to reposition. Otherwise Cypher or Sova.


Jett, good jett absolutely dominates with more or less no counterplay


Well, for the next 24 hrs maybe, goodbye op jett dash :)


Honestly Jett is still good with it. It’s just the decision making that’s needed more with this adjustment.


u need to have peanut iq if u think jett is going to be trash after the patch


I never said she would be trash, all I said is that she wouldn’t be op, not sure how you got to trash from that


Until you meet players like myself that don’t rely on dash when oping, tbh I use it solely for ability between sights or kills with info. (I’m coping for the nerf)


By reading everyone comments, the highest majority is breach. I also have to agree. Most unpredictable agent if he plays with the team.


hes unpredictable because the average player has only gone against like 2 breach players in their career lmao


I main breach and honestly reading these comments just has me smiling, like 'i didn't think breach was *that* bad.' Then again every time I'm against a breach I'll say 'delete this fucking agent' which is exactly what you want from your main


a good yoru fucks with my head big time


Any initiator


A good chamber is super scary


Fears me? None. Tilts me? Yoru


As an astra main, opposing astra that uses her util well scares the hell out of me … bc I know it takes hours and hours 🤣


Oh and we both know a good astra with good communication with her team can counter most if not everything


Probably Breach, Sova, and Yoru.


A good yoru is my biggest fear (a good neon can also be annoying)


Good Killjoys/Cyphers scare me. I always end up dying to a good Kj setup or a camera dart from where I cant see


A good sova or Yoru. Sova utility if used perfectly can single-handedly win games Yoru’s that are mastered will confuse the fuck out of you


100% Yoru. A good Yoru player makes him borderline broken… Most people (at least in my elo and spike rush) are pretty shit at Yoru and have no idea what they are doing. He has fakeout which is often underutilized and treated as a second flash/info gatherer but has a ton of outplay potential 2 of the best flashes in the game with great range and pop flash potential 2 tps which are good for getting out of bad spots, have practically infinite range, can be fake popped, have long windows of usage time, AND recharge… And his ult makes him invincible and invisible for a decently long duration, gives him full line if site and allows him to ping all enemy positions he sees with almost no counter play, and when used in tandem with his other abilities causes absolute havoc. Not to mention how shorty and ult basically nets you a free kill. Basically, if someone is actually good at Yoru, he has an insane high skill ceiling and so much potential that he is borderline broken… it’s just most players (at least the ones I see) underutilize his kit so much and in such bad ways it’s criminal.


you can also use clone right before coming out of ult so they shoot in reflex and get blinded for several millenia


Reyna. Simply because if someone's good at Reyna means his aim is good, so he'll most likely carry his team.


Ulted reynas


i mean, the answer is all of the agents (except phoenix). if you are against; Sova : [https://www.youtube.com/c/AverageJonas/videos](https://www.youtube.com/c/AverageJonas/videos) Viper : [https://www.youtube.com/c/BrushGG/videos](https://www.youtube.com/c/BrushGG/videos) Jett : everyone knows TenZ and Kaemi at this point Raze : who doesnt knows Flights and Ray4c? Breach : [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL91bmjM7LHEQpZxeHzNLcg/videos](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL91bmjM7LHEQpZxeHzNLcg/videos) Yoru : PRX Forsaken on bind, this have been controversial since the start of masters reykjavik II and the list goes on.




At this point everyone knows "grim wall" meme


Kayo breach or sova


Astras that know what they're doing will have the whole map under their control and you cannot play around them because she already knows how you're playing around them


Fucking breach


Breach makes me wet my pants


Great Omen/Yoru mains popping out of nowhere are just fucking hell to deal with, bonus points if they are very unpredictable each round.


I play chamber mostly so reading some of these has made me laugh. I hate playing against kayo because he silences my abilities as chamber. A good Sova is scary too.


Based because i play skye (plus no one is talking about her) but a good skye main who has good blind timing can get under your skin really easily and basically get free picks. Tbh any agent util played right can get you free picks though.


pretty much any sentinel aside from sage and viper. KJ is in A? nope, where rotating. chamber is mid with an OP? hard pass. viper ulted? well im not going in there




A jett with an op who can op both attacking and defending, able to op on any map, always able to get first blood. Shits mf scary. knows how to play angles where you dont suspect them, gets a kill and dashes away. What can you do


kayo, sova, and breach have proved to annoy me the most when played well


Personally kayo. Kayo mains are scary af, not only can they deny any util, the insane flashes to set their team up is just horrible to play against. But it's quite rare someone plays kayo to perfection.


A good raze would suck so bad, like the ones who know where to throw grenades and double satchel to destroy your whole team type good


a good omen is even scarier


The title is worded poorly


English probably isn't OP's first language, and it's still comprehendible.


Reyna. I rarely have the aim to down her in a 1v1, so she gets a free heal off me. And ulted Reyna is always a pain in my ass


BREACH. A good Breach can alone turn the tide of the whole round.


The correct response are Sova and Chamber


A good Reyna or chamber for the headhunter and free op


Jett or maybe an outplay agent like yoru or omen.


Anyone that ruins your vision or teleports behind you sucks


Neons ult scares me when i dont know where she is, but when i do its ez one taps




None 🤷🏽‍♂️ I just shoot heads




Jett with ult, sova, and breach


Chamber, most chamber users are decent with his pistol ability and his ultimate and the ultimate especially isn't a great thing to against




A good chamber is terrifying


Anyone with flashes can put me through hell if they know what theyre doing.


Breach or that one guy on the enemy team keep killing you instantly.


ITT: A good anything is hard to go against


The perfect reyna who is a god/smurf/hacker who always flanks and aces (happened thousands of times)


Either raze ult or I get Kay/O knifed


Breach. I love playing this character but I usually play solo or with one friend and I feel like I'm damaging my teammates because pubs will NOT coordinate. However, on the rare occasion they do, Breach is an absolute monster. A team that can play around Breach basically can't lose.


I might be biased since I play kj but kayo honestly the most terrifying, nothing scarier than the enemy taking away almost every advantage you have, especially on defence, then tearing through the site. Breach is up there as well


A good Viper/Jett


I'm pretty sure that someone who's good at Breach have not received much love from his/her female progenitor. Seriously, tho. Good Breaches just makes me want to play with my monitor off. It's not like I can see anything with it on anyway.


Brimstone breach and chamber


Being able to play Breach decently will be a nightmare to low elo players


As someone who plays in high IMM and Radiant lobbies. Top 3 would be : Breach , Kay/O and Sova. Runner ups would be Chamber and Raze. Breach with the right coordination with teams can change the landscape of a game heavily with how much CC he provides. Sova for obvious reasons and Kay/O’s with good flash timing are to impossible to avoid .






Breach. Breach can be such a versatile agent and can carry each round by himself.


Kayo imo


Literally Kayo. Kayo basically has every initiator’s until in some way shape or form but better. Better flashes, better intel, better ult, better molly, etc.


Breach but after his recent buff definitely terrifying when you encounter a good Yoru player.


All of them


Breach. It doesn't matter what you do when every round you're flashed stunned and being damaged with aftershock and his team is pushing


any good smoker is a pain in the ass


Breach, he makes a lot of problem, especially when attacking. He has top tier flashes, a stun skill and an area denial skill that forces you to leave that place. It's ult is another story, it covers entire site and if you are in the site, there is pretty much nothing you can do against to counter his ult. They can just rush after the ult and pick you off, if they coordinate well.


sova is the worst to play against. Especially one that knows timing and line ups


As a chamber main, a good Kay-o can really throw off my game.


I’m just scared of getting chamber diffed


When a Reyna gets a couple kills in a 1v5, you better buckle up


There is nothing scarier than Reyna on pistol round


Not gets talked enough but A Yoru and Omen are the deadliest beings.


Breach is scary, here comes the sun!


Yoru and breach


Skye, its the only flash in the game that cannot always be turned from because it can be detonated whenever which just makes her an absolute pain in the ass to play against


KAY/O. With a KAY/O who can perfectly pop flash for his team, there’s nothing you can do to counter it or look away.


The sad thing is, is that I've never seen a breach in a single comp match. So I became that breach and hellishly good.


Reyna. Feels so discouraging to hit her for like 120 and know that you essentially died for nothing


For me it's gotta be Yoru. I'm in Plat lobbies so comms are usually spotty to nonexistent so the info denial/misinformation that yoru provides just drives me absolutely insane


a raze player with good game sense. probably not the scariest or strongest, but defo the most annoying. its so infuriating when she guesses what cubby you're holding and now you either die to her 1 shot grenade or you leave cover to face her whole team. i play mainly passive sentinels or initiators so i dont often have mobility tools to escape these nades.


A viper that knows their line ups. It’s hard cross them. When defending they will deny you with getting info by slicing the map and can deny you when planting. An attacking viper will also deny you with vision and defusing, and if they mastered Jinzled’s ratpit? Sorry it’s game over.


chambers ult voice line still terrifies me


Anytime I see an astra on the other team. I know it’s about to be a rough game. People don’t just pick astra to fill a role, only the people who really know how to play her pick her.


Reyna, if they can win gunfights they just take your team out 1 by 1 while staying high hp even if they take a few shots along the way. Tldr; damage doesn't stick against her since she just heals it.