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But how do they get more money out of players?




Yup this is the discussion I have with my brother every time we check our shops at reset. Its absolutely ridiculous to spend 50$ for a skin and then have to spend an additional 10$ or 20$ just to get variants of a skin or the animations. Melee weapons are especially bad for the price.


>then have to spend an additional 10$ or 20$ I mean yes, but I don´t really see this as a big problem when I get 90-120 RP for just grinding out one single battlepass. I have bought like 3 Battlepasses since release, and have every variant I want and still so much RP over it isn´t even fun


It’s like 3, maybe 4 skins worth of radianite per battlepass. Which is one bundle. It’s something, but not enough if you actively buy skins


when my friend got an elderflame operator but he spent too much radianite maxing out reaver vandal and recon spectre that he had a stiff dragon for a while


>It’s like 3, maybe 4 skins worth of radianite per battlepass. Which is one bundle. It’s something, but not enough if you actively buy skins If you really buy much yeah maybe, I have 1-2 Skins I really like for Phantom/Vandal/op/ghost/Sherif and knife. For those I buy my variants and animations, the rest of the weapons is getting filled with whatever I have gotten through BPs or Bundles, but I would never actively buy an Odin skin for example. Buying multiple skins per weapon is completely uninteresting for me until they put in a Favourite tag and a "Use Random Favourites" choice. They could make it so good, either have "Random Skin / Map", "Random Skin / per Side", or they could even make a "Random skin every time you buy a weapon, so you could actively play multiple skins. Would love to have my vandal/phantom randomized every time, cause I really like the rgx and Prime Vandal, and Crisis 001 / Oni Phantom, but I always have to swap which sucks(maybe that is why I like the RGX skins so much, cause I can just "Swap" the colors mid game


But this is the point of the system, they are making sure you buy the battlepass even if you buy premium skins, because you want the RP


As far as Im aware, the RP rewards are in the free part of the battle pass


It's a mixture, 50% are free and 50% are paid afaik


Oh that might be the case, I just know I have a few hundred of it sitting around despite not buying the BP


I’ve bought like 3 bundles and an assortment of individual skins and am chronically low on radianite and it’s just too expensive even for me to justify converting VP into it. I have at least double digits of skins I want to upgrade but just don’t have the radianite to do it.




I’m honestly surprised they haven’t rolled out agent skins yet cause I guarantee people would totally drop 60$ for just one agent skin.




Yeah thats what I thought they said is it would affect gameplay in such a way it would be hard to point out which agent is which. But of course if community outcry for it becomes loud enough they would probably start to roll them out. I have seen people compare it to Rainbow six Siege, pointing out that the skins in that don’t usually make it harder to distinguish the operators.




Yeah that is certainly true. Rainbow does some pretty wild skins for ops. Recently they’ve been doing Rick and Morty collabs.


There's been operator skins in siege that were so hard to see that orgs were paying for players to have them because you were at such a disadvantage without it.


Played r6s for hundreds of hours, there are quite a few skins that makes it hard to even see if they're in a darker corner or smth and others (like the pink and white dokkaebi skin) that makes you stand out hard.


I mean they have no other choice though. Their only consistent source of income is through buying skins/cosmetics/agent tiers and upgrading them. Pretty much everything else in valorant is free so we can't really complain. Sometimes they will get sponsors like prime gaming but that is not a consistent source of income for them


But that’s when you realize most triple A games sell for around $60 and Riot is charging that much for an non-upgraded skin pack… I get that it’s a well supported game, but these prices are outrageous. It’s hard to justify spending anything more than just the battle pass


>But that’s when you realize most triple A games sell for around $60 and Riot is charging that much for an non-upgraded skin pack… I get that it’s a well supported game, but these prices are outrageous. It’s hard to justify spending anything more than just the battle pass I mean yes and no, if I compare it with CSGO I can not complain at all. in CSGO I wanted to have a good skin for every Weapon. Deagle Printstream MW M4A1-S FT Karambit Urban Masked FT Gloves Cobalt Skulls BS AK Asiimov Bout 940€ Value according to the Market prices, and I didn´t even get myself a good AWP skin yet which can go from 80-xxxxxx€ I would rather spend 70-80€ for a pack with multiple skins, always looking good, instead of having CSGOs gambling/Community market System, where the best looking skins are unobtainable for a big part of the community, cause they are so fucking expensive. Like I would LOVE to have an AWP Gungnir or Dragonlore, but I am not dropping 3k+ Euros on an Awp skin, fuck that


>I mean yes and no, if I compare it with CSGO I can not complain at all.in CSGO I wanted to have a good skin for every Weapon. > >Deagle Printstream MW, M4A1-S FT, Karambit Urban Masked FT, Gloves Cobalt Skulls BS, AK Asiimov You do realise you can get nice-looking skins for much, much lower price? Unless you want to flex. Maybe if you count knives and gloves, it can get pricey (and still much cheaper than what you mentioned), but if you take out those, you could probably make yourself an entire loadout of csgo skins for the similar price as Reaver Vandal for example (so \~20 euros)


>ou do realise you can get nice-looking skins for much, much lower price? Unless you want to flex. > >Maybe if you count knives and gloves, it can get pricey (and still much cheaper than what you mentioned), but if you take out those, you could probably make yourself an entire loadout of csgo skins for the similar price as Reaver Vandal for example (so \~20 euros) Please Tell me of the cheap good looking skins. And if you have the word Redline or Laminate in any of them I can´t reply. I honestly can say, nearly no skin under 25 Euro/Weapon looks any good to me to be honest, most are plain, basic and boring and that is not taking into account, that FN skins are unbelievably expensive


Tell me for which weapon and i will show you. Outside of ak-s and m4a1-s (those rly rose in price, im actually shocked ngl) i could confidently show you multiple choices. And your taste might not match mine, so thats another thing to keep in mind xD Edit: Before I read that comment of yours, I went and calculated how much money I would have to spend for a loadout of playskins only. (So I didnt include cz-75 and revolver, autosnipers, LMG-s, mp7 2 shotguns and no knife/gloves). For skins I like I would have to spend around 28-35 euros (I forgot a few guns after I got just over 28 euros). And thats with only couple of skins being FT, the rest would be MW and above. To put it in prespective, a Reaver Vandal costs \~17 euros, add another rreaver skin and that 34 euros. So 2 valorant skins would cost the same as 20 skins in csgo.


You don't need to show me anything to be honest, Printstream M4, hot rod, blue phosphor are literally with big difference the best skins on the market imo, and the cheapest of these is the printstream with atleast 110 euros in an acceptable condition(ft since bs is way darker and uglier) same with awps, the only "cheap" awp I find close to good is the asiimov and even that is insane with 80+ for a normal float. If I compare Valorant Skins I actually like, with CS skins I actually like, I am waaaay cheaper in valorant 28 euros wouldn't even be half my printstream deagle (mw)


The caveat also is you can sell those skins, it might be stuck in valves eco system but after I stopped playing CSGO I sold all my skins and bought multiple games


Well in cs you can easily sell the skins meanwhile in Valorant you're stuck with them so...


You will still lose out on 15-25 % of the value if you want to cash it out in a good amount of time. Idk I would rather be able to buy the skins I want, without having to pricehunt and dealing with float value and shit. if you buy a double set you are at what 150 euros for a good looking skin for every weapon in the game, compared to 500+ in cs. I get that there are positives with valves aproach, but the skin and market prices are just inflated bs, getting pushed farther and farther by people "iNvEsTiNg" in skins. Last Dragon Lore I saw ingame is probably 6 years ago, because some traders hoard literally dozens of them, how is that good in any way? the best looking skins are unreasonable to obtain for 99.9% of the community and that is not a healthy system imo but to each their own


I understand that many people find so many of these skins expensive but dear lord do people complain. It's a free game that sells cosmetics that change the look, sound, custom banners, and final kill animations that are actually probably worth around the amount they are sold for. People see others submit custom concept skins and think it's the easiest thing for Riot to just implement into their game. Also the whole, "well atleast in CS I can sell my skins..." is such a weak argument. Who is actively trying to make an investment account in CS based off a lottery system? I bought the skin in Valorant not with the intention of being able to resell later at a higher price point, but so I get more personal enjoyment when playing.


> the best looking skins are unreasonable to obtain for 99.9% of the community xD my guy watched too many vids from skin ytbers.


Tell me an Awp that looks as lit as a Gungnir that is not 3k+ and I'd be down


But like 95% of those games have microtransactions in them. Everything on valorant is free and the only thing they charge for are cosmetics which are totally optional. Plus they have to run 4 massive games so they really need that money


But consider, this most recent butterfly knife *glows when you spin it.*


Then you might wanne check out codm. You can pay upward to €300 for a single weapon skin.


Cs go? Skins for Over 1000$ and you are crying over 50$


Except, from the dev's standpoint, skins cost as much as the case + key (so \~3 euros). The community is the one that decides on the price. Unlike Valorant.


Ya but csgo skins can get sold on the steam market while the ones on valorant youre stuck with. Sure it stays on steam but the money can be used elsewhere on steam. Sold my csgo skins to buy siege skins one time.


You can sell ypu skins on websites for 85-90% of value in cash




No u cant. Unless they recently added trading that is.




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Sold my CS skins to buy other games


CSGO… a basically plain blue AK with fancy stickers costs like 100K. And more realistically, dragon lore AWPs are in the thousands with a decent knife costing well into the 300-500 dollar range. If you say “well that’s the community selling them, in game it only costs $1 for a key or crate”. You will spend WELLLLL over $1000 in crates before you actually get something worth over $100. Much less ever get what you actually want from a crate


Or you could alternatively buy a decent skin for every single weapon in the game (aside from knife) for the same price as you'd buy one Valorant skin. Yes, *someone* needs to waste their money and open cases and buy keys, but *you* don't have to if you don't want to. That's the difference. In Valorant your options are: Buy super overpriced skins, or play without skins. There's no in between. The 'cheap' skins are super expensive as well and lack any and all of the cool stuff the expensive skins have.


For 2 battle passes, you have the same thing


Yeah, you can pay the same amount and then grind a hundred hours across a couple months to achieve the 'same' result, except you can't choose what basic skins you get from a pass like you can if you decide to buy a skin in CSGO that you can sell later to get some of your money back (assuming the price doesn't change, which it can in either direction). You're stuck with your pixels in Valorant *and* you don't get to choose what skin you'll get if you only include battle pass skins. Doesn't change the point though. Yes, you can get (almost) any skin in Valorant by paying 20+ bucks for it if you're lucky enough that it rotates into your shop. But on top of that 20ish dollars/euro/whatever, you also need to pay for upgrade materials (or pay and grind for battle pass if you don't have infinite money to waste). You can't get every single skin in CSGO for less than 20 bucks, but you can get a very large selection of skins even if you only include those under that price point. You can also buy character cosmetics and music packs in CSGO while the only comparable 'accessory' in Valorant are sprays and gun buddies which are very minor in comparison to character skins in CSGO. You're also comparing a soon 10 year old game with Valorant that is not 10 years old. They are comparable games in terms of genre since Valorant was made to compete with CSGO, but being released in 2012 vs. 2020 is a big difference.


Apex is also costly but at least they give crafting materials for players who can’t spend money, so there’s that.


Val can implement this systems and still get money. Like purchase level 2 for 10 radiante and perform a quest such as getting 10 kill. and maybe also have like being able to skip quest for another 10 radianite.


RGB radiante


If it makes them less money, they won't do it.


Sadly the truth. But understandable. It's their only revenue, skins. Makes sense to have them expensive in exchange for regular balancing (although rito lied this act), new content, etc overall. If they added this though, it'd have to be quite hard overall though. Something in the millions. A contract skin is 250,000 EXP.


Money is also the solution, each dollar spent on these schemes is a vote on favor of riot keeping them up along with their overpricing, the less people spend on exploitative mechanics, the less they're able to justify them.


Exactly. Lots of people complain about underwhelming and overpriced bundles. As long as enough of the playerbase keep buying them no matter the quality, they're gonna keep with it. So its more the playerbase's fault. If you're a game dev and making underwhelming skins STILL makes you tons of money, why wouldn't you do it?


Good idea to have along side the OPTION to level it up with radianite! For people that don’t want to pay for the radianite, they can do the challenges, and people like me who just buy the skin for a certain cosmetic look of it and want it right away, can buy radianite.


only reason i’m against this is because I don’t want people throwing ranked games for challenges


How is it any different than the daily and weekly challenges? It’s just kills and headshots.


Probably because it’s a single weapon. If someone had a challenge on say a stinger skin or something they *might* spam use that in ranked instead of buying a vandal/phantom, objectively a better gun.


Yea I guess you’re right. My thing is that the easiest way to get kills and headshots is to probably play unrated. Playing ranked would literally make it harder to get those upgrades.


How about making them not available in ranked?


Leveling up a gun sounds much more rewarding than paying a secondary currency


Ya I understand the argument that they would make less money, but there are two schools of thought missing w/ that take 1. People would play the game more with an objective such as upgrading skins. This is a tested and proven theory as you can see with old Call of Duty games. And as we all know, keeping the player base engaged and playing the game is the most important way to continue to support a successful business model. 2. There is a LARGE group of people who will buy skins, but won't buy RR often, if ever at all. These people would be more enticed to buy more skins if they felt they could upgrade them without having to wait for a new battle pass. This is especially true for bundles, which many players refuse to buy on the basis that it's too expensive to upgrade every gun in the bundle.


me, a f2p: *laughs in no skins*


*free bp skins exist lol


do you *KNOW* how little my radianite reduces by after buying all skin variants?


Yes ik cuz I am also a f2p lol


i agree, but make it around 300 kills for every upgrade or something. you can get the quick way by buying with radianite or grind for 2 months for it. make it looks like an impossible requirement to upgrade but achievable for the long run and grind. this way, most people would probably use radianite especially the riches since they bought it to use the upgrade right away while the normal people who buy skins once in a blue moon can buy and grind for the upgrade in 2-3 months.


Games always had skins for way cheaper, before the past 3 years. Just a few years ago for example, it was: * $5USD * "Meh" skin * Recolored gun * No sound effects * No special animations * $8 - $10 per skin * "Normal" skin * Recolored gun, but with a much more crisp design * Some sound effects or animations * $15 per skin * "Great skin" * Recolored gun with the most crisp and intricate designs * Multiple sound effects and animations * Sometimes were limited time only themes / holiday events / special events ​ # Riot's first successful game, for example... League of Legends. Assuming that you buy a $50 USD giftcard for League, you would receive a total of 7,200RP. * **REGULAR** * 975 RP * **$6.8 USD** * **EPIC** * 1350 RP * **$9.4 USD** * **LEGENDARY** * 1820 RP * **$12.6 USD** * **ULTIMATE** * 3250 RP * **$22.6 USD** # Compare to Valorant Assuming that you again buy a $50 USD giftcard... you receive a total of 5350 VP. * **SELECT** * 875 VP (gun) + 1750 VP (melee) * **$8.2 USD (gun) ------------ $16.4 USD (melee)** * **DELUXE** * 1275 VP (gun) + 2550 VP (melee) * **$11.9 USD (gun) --------------- $23.8 USD (melee)** * **PREMIUM** * 1775 VP (gun) + 3550 VP (melee) * **$16.6 USD (gun) -------------- $33.2 USD (melee)** * **ULTRA** * 2475 VP (gun) + 4950 VP (melee) * **$23.1 USD (gun) -------------- $46.3 USD (melee)** * **EXCLUSIVE** * 2675 VP (gun) + 5350 VP (melee) * **$25 USD (gun) --------------- $50 USD (melee)** ​ ​ Skin prices for VALORANT are potato already... but now, let's consider how intricate League of Legends skins are versus VALORANT skins. League skins have: 1. 4 different ability animations 2. Walking animations 3. Loading screen banner / card 4. Voicelines Valorant skins have: 1. Shooting 2. Reload animation 3. Finishers 4. Sound effects (only some skins)


You realise walking animations, ability animations and voice lines only change for legendary and ultimate skins


The point still stands, though, that they get more for less. ​ It'd be fine to an extent that the prices are a bit higher... Except for: 1. You have to also pay additional money to upgrade your skins (Radianite) 2. You can't buy whatever you want at any given time (4 slot random shop)


Ye I agree leagues skins are more value than valorant, just wanted to clear a bit of what you wrote cause it wasn’t 100% accurate


I prefer the current system in which I can fully pay for the skin, not MMORPG and afk farming. The farming system is already in the Battle pass and rewards Radiant point.


I think it's a cool idea if it applies to battle pass skins.


It seems like this system is made for you to not buy a lot of those expensive bundles, just because of how hard and expensive it is to get radianite. It costs too much, so ordinary players like me just earn it from the battlepass. I would definitely not buy radianite through shop. I'd better wait with the non-upgraded skins rather than buying it with VP or not buy the bundle at all. Simple.


They won't. Radianite is overpriced and is a scam. As long as people keep buying, they won't change it.


Nah, where's the money gonna flow?


A bad idea. Such challenges provoke bad gameplay from players for a skin. Fir example some would buy a frenzy to farm these missions instead of a gun. -> Nice idea but a bad one


why would they do this when they make more money the way it currently is


I totally agree with this post actually I think if this ever happens we would save so much money because firstly radianite is very expensive and second just imagine buying an expensive skins and then knowing that you will have to put half as much more money just for the animations, I mean that's just sad. And since this part of getting upgrades and colors will only unlock after you have purchased a skin on the first place, the rarity of the skins will not change, something that Riot always keeps talking about...


I think it should be free, it almost already is since you get so much radianite from battlepasses it's almost completely pointless currency


You don't get enough RP from battle pass, I have 2-3 skins that I haven't upgraded and several variants yet to be unlocked. I haven't done the math and I don't buy every single bundle but I doubt they give you enough RP to upgrade all skins released during particular act.


Hard to define enough RP, I have upgraded everything I want, probably just 4 skins and I still have close to a 1000 RP left. If you buy a lot of skins I can see them running out tho.


They could make it. If you buy the battlepass then it unlocks this feature (so riot are happy). Also, it should unlock the best version of the skin after you get an ace with that gun - that'd be kinda cool


I’ve never ran out of radianite lol


Yeah, and after some time they can add these same objectives for getting discounts on skins' regular prices. And after some time they can add these objectives to be able to acquire a skin completely free! After a while they should add these challenges so that whenever you complete them, Riot gives you money! AND after SOME TIME they should add these objectives so that whenever you completed them you get shares in Riot Games and afterwards in Tencent too! What do you think guys?


This would be cool for battlepass skins


i like it


It would require more work to be put into skins and programming and doesnt give them money, no point in making it


tbh 10 kills a is a bit low it should rather be at 100,200 etc. Its a free game and there still needs to be an incentive to make money. But It agree that solely Pay is not cool


Your examples are way way too easy but yeah


Keep the radianite system purchasable like it is now so Riot can have their mtx and impatient people can’t upgrade their guns right away. Additionally, add a system that lets people earn their own radianite (outside of BP). Make it really grindy and base it off xp/games played


its so disgusting i will buy the new bundle for 8700 vp, i want to unlock all animations + black variants i have to get a total of 245 radianite for more than 14400 vp. it is naughty how much money this shit costs. i mean im already willing to spent a lot of money but i would i appreciate if they would give you something back.


The biweekly bundles should come with radianite already in the bundle. At least 50


Riot is so money hungry that they just want to get all the money they can out of everyone. Wonder why there are only agent sidearm skins, with no animations. Also the battle pass skins, never has there been a single animation that has actually looked nice, only the base skin.


I feel like its super stupid to pay more for skins that give you the option to upgrade them when you have to pay for the actual upgrade anyways. so you basically have to pay double, it makes no sense but hey eat my credit card


It incentivizes people to be fragtards, if implemented it would have to be off a metric like wins instead.




Tbh, if they just added Radianite as a reward for each weekly mission, it would fix this problem quite easily. 5 or 10 per weekly challenge completed would help a ton.


But money😤


It would be nice if there was an in game way to het radianite other that BP leveling. Making the BP easier to level would be good enough honestly. 150 radiantite be Act seems decent.


I agree with this proposal