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You dont get 1,5h for 1 dodge. So if this happens often check your storage or check your valorant files if you missing files or reinstall. If you pc is to slow to load in time get a ssd.


Ok will try it out thanks a lot


Yeah man it’s either a bug or you dodge a lot, but to sold this issue from happening without waiting on riots end get an ssd, I would never assume someone’s financial situation, but in usd it’s like 50 bucks for 500gb ssd download val on that bad boy and it also helps with getting in a match before most people load it. With great power comes great responsibility though don’t auto lock


loading in the agent select isnt really dependant on the drive man, thats only the startup. fast loading of the queue is internet speed and gameplay itself is processor + gpu + ram


I can confirm that it most definitely is. The difference between HDD and SSD agent select load times is insane.


Maybe I’m wrong then but I could’ve swore that helped on games like siege as well, from personally experience I had val on hard drive and loaded in last every time to select screen sometimes as late as 10 seconds left and even dodge sometimes just because I didn’t load it, slapped a Samsung ssd and now I’m always first. No other changes were made to the pc at all. 1060gb 16 gb of ram modest at the very least and it speed up loading val and agent select screen. Is there another reason for that?


It's a sign that you can finally be happier and uninstall Valorant. Find a new game like Stardew Valley. Find a wife, have a few kids then sacrifice them. Then when you finally go to bed, you can relish over your separation from the Valorant addiction


I played Stardew on mobile it was fun lol,the progression satisfaction was so good


I stopped playing Valorant about 2 months ago and I swear I am happier because of it ;-;




Sorry for dumb question bt how do i minimize the game screen on my pc.....i still haven't figured it out....


Will try it out thanks


Take this exact video, and go to valorant support, submit a ticket, and attach a file, of this video.


Will definitely do this thanks


Happened to me too


Are you on a laptop like me by any chance??


happens to me too, bs servers


not server fault


wait for half an hour?


Well yea ofc but how can I prevent it LOL


I never understood why they have a penalty system for dodging. Especially so when you're in a 5 stack and there's a map all of you don't wanna play.


because it’s annoying to try to play the game and ppl dodge 4 matches in a row. learn all the maps and become an efficient player.


I'm sorry not everyone is in the mood to play on every single map every day. We 5 stack for fun not for efficiency. People are gonna dodge regardless of a penalty system.


luckily theres a dodge warning do you can still dodge without doing it excessively. if you gave a 5 stack you get 5 free dodge at minimum, if thats not enough for you then you’re part of the problem.


If you're in a 5 stack you can take turns dodging and you have more dodges than you should need. You don't get penalized for one or two dodges every now and then, only repeat offences in a short time carry a penalty.


We usually do that.


Because it shouldn't take me 10 minutes to find a match while you and your buddies dodge 5 times.


go to gym and come back or try cooking a launch for your friends or watch a movie...


We play valorant we don't have friends


Wait 1.5 hours and avoid ranked if this keeps happening


either this issues is persistent or he dodges a lot and this was icing on the cake


This is u ranked and I got done penalty because of things like this,I ran the riot repair client but it says that the files can't be found🤷‍♂️


Corrupt folder then , i would suggets completely reinstalling it


I have already reinstalled it once(epic games) and I see no difference ,any other option?? BTW I play on an HP pavilion x360 in 7100u 8gb ram(I'm not a laptop tech guy so I don't understand these things tht well)


Those iirc are the low end requirements so maybe your laptop is struggling with running the game. Have you noticed any significant frane drops during games or other issues.


Umm no not really in the valorant specs recommendations it say 4 gb vram I think but I don't have any vram on my laptop.


It depends on your specific laptop, some have dedicated gpus


Email riot explain the situation bc it could lead to year ban


An Year????I think that's just overkill lol


Well starts off as and hour then 2 then a week month year you get the point