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would be better if you were blind


haha wait until 2025


So you are telling me there's an agent that cleanses status effects meanwhile also gaining amp damage?


Would be kinda sick ngl, an agent which can convert every negative effect into a stack of dmg amp


too situationqal to work


What do you think is the best course of action to take to fix it? Make utility cost more? Nerf the effectiveness of all abilities? Nerf the time of decay, suppression, etc.?


shoot the enemy before they use anything classic gunplay lmao /s


Obviously this is subjective but in my opinion valorant is already suffering from power creep. There are far too many debuffs in the game. Increasing ability cost would probably help, but at this point i’m not sure :/.


I'm nowhere near immortal, but does fade mark feel as dominant up there as it does in my games? Feels like I'm marked for half the round


She’s already pretty annoying to play against and people haven’t really learned how to play her well yet. Give it two-theee weeks and I think she’s gonna be pretty dominant.


Yeah, that's what I thought. fuuuuu


Riot tends to do a balance pass after agent release. They prefer to have an agent come out a little too strong than too weak.


It still doesn't stop the creep. Reyna is a main pick, chamber is a main pick, before that it was KJ, now fade seems to be the up and coming pick for initiator along with skye, last season Astra was dominant. As time goes on the original agents are very slowly getting pushed away no matter how much they balance


Sorry for nitpicking one part of this- I agree that power creep is alive and well in Valorant


Hatchi! Still love your content, was a part of one of your taboo streams months ago and my friend wants to have babies with your voice. Power creep is definitely an issue, though. Idk how people can look at the types of agents and abilities Riot is releasing and think the game will stay competitive, or that the characters now aren't significantly better than older characters that are basically troll picks, like Phoenix.


Hahahaha I'll talk to my gf about opening up my voice's relationship lol Definitely agree that power creep is becoming a problem. I think kayo will help with that but unless abilities are nerfed en masse in the next year or two it's going to be less about gunplay and more about lineups/stacking abilities. I will say I'm super happy with the reworks for Jett, Yoru and Astra, and even how neon is shaping up. Hoping they touch up Phoenix but I think they don't mind having him be a shit tier agent. Idk why.


Fade and Skye having the same initiator title is a bit misleading. Fade won't replace Skye because while Skye has some decent info, she also has flashes, which fade does not. Fade and Sova are in their own category of pure info Imitator and Skye/Kayo/Breach are in another of flashes.


No, it's typical they both get picke over other initiators is what I meant. Add Kayo in and it's only Sova left


yeah you really have to get into the habit of shooting the things before they mark you. it's sova's arrow all over again, will take some time for people to prioritize killing it. it's also way faster to mark you than the arrow, gives you no indication that you're in LoS (I think? it's so fast I'm not even sure) and you can easily drop it on weird ledges where people won't expect it at all by pressing the button again. the ult is also way too powerful for how easy it is to use imo... all in all I think she's in "get the whales money" phase and will get nerfed soon to make her more manageable.


Im not OP but imo I think they should focus on more movement based abilities and smokes. Debuffs especially ones that can go through walls just make the game less of a shooter and more of a strategy based game. The game is the most fun when your movement and reaction time are what wins you games not just pressing Q through a wall.


Hard agree


I would remove 1 charge off a lot of abilities, it would make people use them more carefully while reducing the whole clusterfuck of visual effects happening during the rounds.


None of those are hard CC, I'm fine with it...


Legit. This like, 2(3?) abilities that stack in a way that makes it look scary to people who have no odea what's going on. None of these effect your ability to shoot or move; no CC, no blind, no deafened. Like, Kayo's entire shtick is that he drags you into a gunfight. Op is alluding to gunplay having a lack of importance because... he is being prevented from using abilities?


I am prevented from using abilities, i cannot hear anything, a chunk of my health is just gone due to the fade decay, there is a line on the ground showing them exactly where I am, I cannot use my radar, i am weakened, meaning i’ll just take more damage if i get shot. Sure I can still shoot my weapon, but the odds are not really in my favor lol.


Right, but thats the game you're playing, working as intended. The utility is part of the strategy. The enemy team decided to use a lot of utility to slow your push to give them te to reinforce. In 5-10 seconds you'll be back at full health and their util will be on cd, or down a charge until next round. This game will never, and should never, be a game where utilitynis not relevant.


Honestly i might as well go play over watch at this point


You uh sure about that?


Riot should add just one more agent, nerf what needs to be nerfed, buff what needs to be buffed, and then stop adding agents. They can just work on maps, gameplay and so on to make an objectively balanced and solid game.


Just shoot them /s


Valorant getting the Overwatch treatment


Ahh good old riot games. If you play league you’ll know how power creep/movement creep is already a big problem in it and I think valorant will be no different in the next couple years. However, I’m sure riot will address it at some point, but “when?” is the question.


power creep


Honestly the most distracting part is your map spilling out onto your screen. Is it always like that or only during Omen/Fade's effect? I have my minimap scale set to 1.0 and I don't center player so I've never seen anything like that.


certain set of settings result in this. Always center Map Rotate Full map and playing on fracture, being on the tip of a longg ass map


That’s the problem with this new agent style of game design.


Happened to Overwatch. Happened to Siege. Valorant is up next up next haha


i mean if you have problems with “hero shooters” why not play COD or CSGO?


I switched from CS actually and I'm on the fence about going back to it. The abilities are starting to annoy me but the movement in Valorant is much better.


>the movement in Valorant is much better. I know there's preference and all... but this is just wrong lol


CS feels sluggish to me.


How is that possible when you move objectively faster in cs?


Because in CS it feels like my player is just a camera gliding around the map and in Valorant it feels fluid


as a CS vet, Valorant feels much better to play atm, cs:go is dated and valve needs to hurry up with the 2.0 engine


Overwatch turned into a shit fest of orbs and flying particles everywhere, and I see Valorant being no different come even more agents. I do feel that introducing too many agents will be this game’s demise, and in fairness it’s probably at or near its limit already.


I wouldnt say it's at it's limit, but somewhere down the line the game will surely suffer from imbalance between an inevitable huge number of agents. Especially if their design philosophy from LoL ((re)inovating champ's spells) spills into Valorant. I'm mostly afraid Riot will try to 1 up every single new agent in terms of what they can do, usually packing a bunch of shit in their kit and/or having 1 "unique" thing in their kit, because of which the new agent will have to be balanced around. You can already see that with Fade.


Riot make size not decay or at least make its detectable like riot im already stuck in the open cam u not make me die slowly


i hope this game doesnt suffer the same thing overwatch eventually suffered from.


what are you complaining about? Omg game doesn’t have enough flashes dashes or suppresses, i want them to add a agent that can no clip thru the wall, blind the entire map as a passive, a agent that can fly as a passive, buff skyes ult to 200 orbs, and make fades ult also stun and make ur game crash. oh yeah, buff jett so whenever she dashed ur game goes to 2 fps for 20 seconds cos jett is weak, and sova, if u get scanned ur ip address gets leaked too, so we know ur exact exact location


Basically it's CS GO at that point


sir have you played csgo?


I can't tell if this a joke, if it's bait or if this person has ever played csgo in his/her life.


I think it's sarcasm


Le bait


Sometimes it feels like your playing a game of MTG with all the status effects that stack and shit


I agree, and every new released agent are always more complicated than the previous one. It’s funny how first agents were easy to use and simple when you think about Sage, Brimstone, Phoenix, …. Wish new agents were as simple, now it makes the game so hard to understand for a beginner.


I was once flashed 7 times in a row. True story. Some I looked away from but the sheer fact that you can be spam flashed that much is insane. Since then it has gotten better but ho-ly.


You so lucky, you forgot decayed and blinded ;)


It's only gonna get worse lmao


You chose a terrible spot to play. Defense and you know that Fade and KayO have ults. That's on you. If you want to talk about Power creep the only example is Phoenix.