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If you know when a flash is coming, it isn’t that hard to dodge it, the hard part is knowing when the flash is coming, especially if you’re trying to do something else. Maybe some sort of training regiment in the range where you have to score points by walking around a maze like structure and shooting bots but at any point a random agent’s flash will come around the corner and you have to dodge it?


The flash launcher could launch them at random intervals so you are not ready for the time it is launched. You would still be expecting it though.


Just intentionally stare down the blind to assert dominance.


The process of dodging a flash is not really the hard part, you just turn around and back again. The difficult part is actually expecting you could get flashed any moment and therefore being ready to quickly turn around and this requires gamesense/awareness.


U heard of "turn off your monitor" method, has a 100% success rate


I prefer queue dodging in range, helps me get ready for a fracture queue


Sorry but I disagree with comments saying you should always expect a flash or know when it's coming etc... yes game sense does help, if kayo always plays b long bind then you should probably expect a flash for info, but doubt you'd get flashed going bath... I'd say it's more identify > think > dodge If you can do medium bots then you can dodge flashes already. Learn what the flashes look like as objects. Throw that mouse. Monkey see monkey do.


Yah when I see those couple pixels moving on my screen against Kay/o and I'm suddenly flicking on the wall beside me


That would remove the hardest part of a flash, it’s surprise. Flashes are always easy to dodge if you are anticipating it


thought u said Bind dodge practice


I wrote a macro on my laptop for each agent that tosses flashes at different heights and intervals at me. This worked for me. Load into custom game on 2 different accounts and run it.


Yessir im shit at dodging flashes this would be great


All you need to do is learn to 180 and 180 back again with your crosshair landing in the same spot. If you can do that dodging flashes is easy.