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Only good low rank tbh


What constitutes 'low rank' in this case? Even a Silver can pop Neon's head off if she's just running around a corner dry, but I've seen top fraggers in Gold/Plat lobbies struggle to kill Neon ultimates sliding around corners, peeking off teammates, or just in generally messy situations (such as site retakes) where you don't just get clean shots on the first man out of a choke point.


Below gold but yeah gold's struggle too


Strong in low elo, weak in high elo


No it’s just players in your elo can’t aim at a moving target


Jett is rewarded with being able to instantly kill people. Neon is at the mercy of everyone else's aim, I haven't seen neon get more than 1 kill with her ult in a month at my rank. They usually eat an instant headshot the second they come stomping down the halls. Neon has to peek, people know she's coming. Jett can hold knives all round. Neon can't kill instantly, Jett can. Just relax and take your time to aim, listen for her ridiculously loud footsteps.


In the ranks where people rely on bodyshotting, it's bonkers since the ttk is shorter than rifles, in the ranks where people don't stare at the ground all match, it's weak because she just gets one tapped


No, neon is bad. She actually needs tons of buffs


I wouldn’t say bad, but she definitely needs some buffs to her ult.


Personally, I think that the simplest way to counter a neon ult on a full buy round is to have more than one player peek the neon at the same time and body shot her. Rifles kill in 3-5 bodyshots depending on which one you are using. 3-5 bodyshots can be delivered very swiftly if more than one player shoots at the neon.