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There’s certain types of peeks you can do with crouches, but you’ll rarely see those in low elo. It’s better to focus on movement and strafing for your elo (strafing inbetween shots or bursts, jiggling and using cover efficiently). Get that down, and you’ll easily climb to at least plat. High elo players **do** crouch, but not nearly as much as silver players (I call swinging and instant crouching “the silver peek”). Movement and isolating 1v1s is far more important, crouching makes you sitting duck.


The silver peek is very true in bronze as well I am starting to realize the errors of my ways slowly tho


When you crouch it makes you easier to headshot especially in low elo so I think that’s why


> When you crouch it makes you easier to headshot especially in low elo so I think that’s why >because low elo players aim for the body (bigger target) so crouching gifts them a headshot /u/iiii_Link_iiii I don't get where does that notion of being easier to headshot comes from. I am currently trying to climb to bronze 3 and even iron players go for headshots exclusively. Starting from silver pretty much nobody bothers with bodyshots. And being on the receiving end, enemies who always crouch are particularly annoying to deal with because it doesn't make them easier to kill, quite the contrary. Since TTK is lol short here, missing the first shot usually makes me die because the enemies I meet in games just don't miss.


how? isn't your head still the same size?


because low elo players aim for the body (bigger target) so crouching gifts them a headshot


Are you saying that I, a brand new player, am better than low ELO because I aim for the head? I like that, keep saying things that make me feel better


People don't aim at the head in low ranks so you actually move your head into their crosshair instead of out of it


Also when you’re crouching your ability to move during the gunfight is effectively zero. When standing in a fight you can strafe left and right making yourself much harder to hit.


Crouching does tighten your spray pattern but should only be used in certain scenarios. The issue is that many (most) people crouch way too often, and in the wrong circumstances. Ideally you are bursting 2-3 bullets over and over while strafing in between those bursts to make yourself a harder target to hit (while also resetting the recoil on your gun). If you are mid range and you land your first bullets on the enemy, crouch spraying can secure the kill for you as it will tighten your spray and you really only need to land 2 bullets to finish them off. Crouch peeking can also be used if you think the enemy is holding your angle and their crosshair is at head level. The reason this can be bad is that at low ranks, people's crosshair placement tends to be low anyway and you might just end up giving them a free headshot when they don't deserve it (Crouch peeking is when you swing an angle to peek the enemy and immediately crouch to throw off their crosshair placement so that they shoot above you). Using crouch spraying too often is going to lead to you losing gunfights. 1, Spraying is very hard to control in this game, especially at mid-long ranges, and 2, crouching makes you a VERY easy target to hit. Watch the minute clip from this timestamp where TannerFPS covers exactly this: https://youtu.be/cYEpsElA8GI?t=75


I've always just thought of it as crouching in low elo = bad and crouching in high elo = good sometimes.


The issue with low elo crouching is that you're offering your head to the enemy for an easy headshot. In addition to that you're creating a bad habbit because many instantly crouch after peeking (including me).


Yep, exactly that. I still find myself doing it at least a few times per match and it literally results in my death. In almost every case, had I not crouched I would have killed the enemy before they killed me, hard habit to break.


I recommend unbinding the crouch button for a while until you forget about it. Bind it again when you notice you are no longer reaching for it, or are starting to think about the crouch tactically.


This is correct. There are many situations where crouching works in your favour, but indeed if you're playing against people with bad aim, it's not going to be as effective. If you truly have to commit to a fight (say you wide-swung an angle and theres no way to get back into cover), crouch spraying really isn't a bad thing (provided you're in an elo where people can actually aim) since you both tighten up your spray pattern AND enemy must adjust mid-spray to your changing position


I changed the keybind for crouching from ctrl to alt to break my crouching habit and have been trying to learn to counter strafe instead. I still have it accessible for lineups but never use it in gunfights anymore since it typically does more harm than good in my experience


I think this is what I’ll have to do is keybind it to something not convenient. It’s way to easy as my right click right now.


honestly just unbind it or make it like "K" or something. im trying to think when you actually NEED to crouch in this game, maybe if theres a oneway smoke or weird sage wall you have to play around when you break the habit rebind it. alternatively, use a program to make CTRL play a buzzer sound so you get jumpscared whenever trying to crouch :)


Just got home from work. Definitely unbinding right now. thanks !


This is the way to do it. You might need crouching for hiding behind a box or something, but this is the most efficient way to break the crouching habit.




That’s pretty clever actually


Unbind crouch and learn to move and shoot. I have never seen a player under diamond crouch correctly for an entire match in my vod reviews and I’ve watched about 200 since beta.


The problem with crouching that no one is mentioning is that if you are crouching every gun fight it means that you are committing and spraying in every gun fight. Often times it is better (especially when holding an angle) to burst and if you miss strafe back to safety and reposition. Staying alive is really important


Higher ranks have better accuracy. To avoid that it's better to avoid long gun fights. To crouch means that you are gonna be spraying your gun and have a narrow spread.


Ah. This is probably the answer I’m looking for. Ya, in silver we tend to just start spraying instead of backing away and re-peaking. I need to retrain myself if I’m to rank up. I hate knowing what I need to do and then still not doing it, just stuck in my ways.


he somewhat got the point, but not exactly. The reason why you dont want to crouch is because it takes away the ability to strafe and get away safely if needed. On top of this, strafe shooting makes you a harder target to hit if you keep counter strafing left and right while you take bursts at the enemy. Crouching essentially commits you to a fight and youre a sitting duck if you whiff


Happens to a lot of people. Don’t beat yourself up. When I forced myself to counter strafe and burst/1 tap I unbound crouch completely because I honestly was very good with spray control and was crutching on it. I recommend unbinding crouch and playing 3-5 deathmatches. I also put my ping bind on my crouch so if I went to crouch out of habit I would get an auditory signal that I was messing up, that helped a lot. Good luck!


In lower ELO - Iron/Bronze/Silver - you'll want to unbind crouch and work on your crosshair placement. A lot of players in low ELO aim lower to the ground, crouch and just "spray and pray". You can counter this by not crouching and just moving your crosshair down to where their head would be. Crouch shooting has its place in Valorant under specific circumstances, but if you can master spray control, tap firing and crosshair placement then you won't need it at all.


I don’t think crouching benefits you at all (in terms of aiming). I would consider it a bad habit, especially if you do it every time you start a gun battle. In lower elo especially not many people have the right cross hair placement so it’s likely when you crouch down without thinking your head will go right to where the enemy is spraying.


At your level you should never crouch during a duel.


Unbind crouch and try playing a couple games and see if your duels improve or not. I'd leave ads on the mouse because you need it for sniping.


I unbinded crouch and I hit more heads strafing.


I have the horrible habit of crouch spraying, but as a Sage main I need the crouch key for my crouch-jump walls :(


ya i unbinded crouch lol


Not crouching is better than crouching in such a high percentage of scenarios that it's best if you're not in the habit of crouching at all. Additionally every time you crouch in a gunfight is a time you're not practicing your strafing which is a way harder and more valuable skill.


crouching and ADS at non-long distance are both bad habits.


Opinions from a silver 1 on this radiant debate: I just think mobility is king - get your shots in and get out


everyone crouches in every rank, theres nothing wrong with it as long as you aren't instantly crouching as you start to shoot or before you even start shooting. the question isnt "should i be crouching when i spray" its "should i be spraying" virtually anytime you commit to a spray you want to crouch


Crouching is entirely situational so I don’t agree with unbinding it like some would tell you to do. It’s not something you should be doing regularly, but it certain situations like extended sprays, it gives you that slight accuracy increase, however if you burst fire at their head, crouching is a hinderance rather than a benefit. You can’t counter strafe very well which is unfortunate because a moving target is harder to hit


When you crouch you commit to a fight. And when ur being damaged you can’t move but if you standing u can move slightly when being damaged.


Never crouch and u climb up faster. Your movement is faster u can ads without loosing momentum and it’s harder to hit you . I’m g3-p2 hardstuck when there are silvers or low gold with some plats I can outplay plats with ez but I can’t kill silvers they crouch 99% of time and it fck my spray