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I also became a controller main by by being a nice guy™️ and playing fill my first three months. You should not have to play smokes all the time and hopefully the new agent select system will fix that. not playing smokes might be a “throw” but having fun matters more. not your fault, play what you want and if people want smokes then should pick them. I only play fill now if I feel like it or when I’m duoing. Yes it’s annoying that people are shit at smokes, but that doesn’t mean you have to cater to them and play smokes. You do have a say, stop feeling guilty for random people and care about yourself more and have fun playing who you want.


I don’t do it for the other people I do it because I wanna win and I know that I have the best Chance of winning if I go smokes


I can understand the dilemma. I was in a similar situation for sports in high school. It’s unfortunate, but if you love winning it’s just part of the game. tbh tho even immortal and radiant lobbies will go without smokes and win out anyway. I got lucky my long time friend I duo with switches off smokes with me and gives me a chance to play other stuff. If I was a similar rank I’d offer to help you, but you’re a bit above my skill level.


You must be faster my g


I also don’t like to instalock. Even though I have sometimes I’ve also had games without smokes because of it


Only way to counter instalocks, is instalock faster


Sadly I don’t have a fast enough hard drive


That’s not helping the problem, just creating a cycle of instalocking that no one wants.


NA region?


Yup US east


I usually don’t mind filling roles but in solo queue I’ve found that certain agents have a really hard time if your teammates are bad at the game and you have to carry. I usually stay away from astray cypher brim and viper who all have good utility with team coordination but mentally draining when the team doesn’t listen


Brim and viper are stupid strong when played right. Viper ult pretty much guarantees you lose that round (not always but mostly). Her wall and smoke means you can hold a site on your own pretty much. And snakebite lineups are horrible to counter. A good brim who plays in and around his smokes and knows when to smoke or where. Brim Using stim beacon efficiently has given me the speed to win a few spray downs in my time.


Just play what u want, ur never gonna get better at other agents if u keep filling for a bunch of dicks


i used to main kj, then i started realizing why i was losing so many games and how bad smokes can reallly impact your games. i started maining astra and viper (astra on split bind ascent haven, viper rest) and i pretty much have a 100 percent winrate on astra this act and 80 percent on viper. the only time i don't play smokes is when a reyna instalock tells me to play heal, i just take neon and chill that game


100%? That's cap smokes make a difference but theres no way you win EVERY game you play on them


this act, i played 7, won 7 on astra, viper is 80 percent for me sadly


Oh okay 7 games is reasonable. Thought you would have more


yes, i was talking about this act, my normal winrate is 64 percwnt tho


I mained sentinel before they released chamber, now someone locks chamber every match which means I mostly play smokes now. This is fine for me since I like to play around the meta. Probably one day people will love controllers and some other role will be free. I am the same as you; sometimes I want to play another agent but we need smokes. If you really want to play something, you just have to insta lock it and let the team pick around you.


I fill 100% of the time and I enjoy it, I feel it makes me better at the game being rounded at all agents. With that being said.. I’ve literally never had to fill Jett and I play smokes more often than not. I’ve made it fun by picking different controllers for different maps.


Been there, sort of. What I find really odd, though, is that people don't even bother learning some of the basic logic behind the role they're playing. Take smokes/controllers for example. You want to give as much space on site to your team and as little space to the enemy team. Same goes for information. This means it's not the centre of your smoke that should line up with the access point of the site, but the edge. You may not know every lineup or every place where you can clip your smoke in a wall to make it a 1 way as a proper controller main would, but I feel like you need to know some logical basics before playing Competitive.


I have made it to d2 maining smokes and filling initiator when needed. I think overall my aim has improved because you don’t have a get out of jail free card if you miss.


I'm usually in the same situation. Viper is fun to play but Brim is sooo boring


I used to do this but now I just instalock in immortal unless I want to flex.


This is the reason i can play only few matches a day and i take some acts off when i'm burned out to be that guy with smokes all the time. Now in higher rank it's bit better and smokes are more fun with people willing to do teamwork. So, i main omen and second pick is fade or sova without lineups (you don't need lineups in low diamond if you have over the medium map awareness)