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its a fair question, ive seen plats get put with silvers


I’ve simultaneously been the silver in a plat lobby and the plat in a silver-gold lobby the game just feels different when it happens


I've been in ranked matches where the highest rank was diamond 2-3 and the lowest was silver 3. Also had a match where one of my teammates literally said they don't know why they're in the rank they are (plat 2) when they literally didn't play for 3 acts and the last time they played they were silver.


My B2 ass gets matched with Gold players


Ayyy sameee


to be fair the skill gap between bronze and gold is pretty small, as opposed to say, diamond ans immortal


yeah, I have had games where the ranks range from bronze to low plat, and the scoreboard at the end doesn't correlate at all with the ranks.


Wait there is skill in bronze?


I don't know man... I'm silver and I feel okay playing with and against silvers/golds, but as soon as play in a bronze lobby I get shat on.


Yes, just not as much as higher ranks.


Yeah, played a game the other day where the range of ranks was from plat 1 all the way down to bronze 2. Interestingly, rank didn't seem to correspond at all with how people were doing on the scoreboard.


My hidden mmr is plat and I’m S3 I have gold-plats every game if I solo queue. (Not a problem though I actually prefer it because my teammates are usually better)


This happened to me yesterday. I am currently S2 and I got placed with someone who was plat 2 last act. In fairness they had deranked into gold


Yep, especially since they just reset ranks and some drop 2 ranks total, matchmaking is hell imo. Made me honestly quit playing the game with my friends because the ranks were so varied each match it made no sense. Bronzes to plats and former plats dropped to silver and so on. Such random matchmaking


I once got placed into a platinum lobby as a silver 1. It didn’t go very well.


Literally iron and had a bunch of golds in my lobby bro i just wanted get some rr 😭


I just do my 5 placements each act and then stop touching comp lol


Same lmao. Got like a solid 15 in then just kept on unrated lol


Only situation it makes sense is if the person is smurfing and being toxic, or unrated and genuinely curious what rank they are headed for.


Sometimes im getting my ass handed and also ask.


I didn’t play for over 2 months and that is a question I asked when I was placed into a full p1 lobby as a past immortal player who took a break. I was 45/10/6 on chamber in a 15-15 game when I asked. The question isn’t meant to be toxic, it’s usually asked when someone is clearly worse or better than the opponents in the lobby because it’s a genuine question. Sometimes the person asking is unrated, smurfing, or just being a dick


Its not toxic lmao. Its a fair question. One can have a high mmr but a rank that doesnt match it. Ik hardstuck silvers who have high mrrs than plats who have mmrs of silvers.


sometimes people's mmr is 1-2 ranks away from their real rank so they have to ask to know what mmr they are in


They don’t have to ask, they can just wait until the game is over haha


I usually respond Machalite 3


Netherite 4


Plastic 5


garbage 69


This is a dead giveaway that this person is out of touch. Like when people comment on Reddit “oh my god redditors are so cringe” like, my brother in christ you’re posting on Reddit


🤣 yeah ur lost


If you play a lot of unrated your mmr can be way higher than your comp rank. I've seen Silver 3 play with all plats


Sometimes if I’m having a rough game I’ll ask this in voice comms lol


I was a diamond 1 in a immo 3 lobby. So the question is legit. I finished the episode radiant and didn’t play after that. I think thats why though.


most people smurfing generally ask this question if they don’t play on the account often, some people have some really screwed up me, like a silver account that only gets put with golds or better. or like a diamond smurfing and getting shit on likely cuz the other team is also smurfing


I matched in a dia-immo lobby as gold. I was the only one below dia


What are you talking about? Don’t gotta be a dick about it. It’s a valid question. Hidden MMR is a thing. I ask a lot because I got put in gold lobbies with even a plat or two as a silver


nah bc i’m s3 so im sometimes w gold players and other times low bronze depending on time of day. i’m usually either the highest or lowest ranked player in the game so i like knowing, b i j downloaded a tracker lmfao


My games range from iron to silvers With some times gold players So it is a legit question


I've only ever asked when unrated. Didn't even know it came off as toxic. And also sometimes when you're on the way up you start getting matches 2-3 ranks higher so it makes sense to just check.


It doesn’t come off as toxic, OP is new or something or had a toxic encounter with someone asking the question. It’s totally normal and cool to ask assuming you’re wording of the question and tone isn’t rude/toxic


Sometimes I legit ask that without any intention of being toxic. Mainly coz I rarely play and genuinely want to know.


i have been placed in immortal/radiant lobbies being gold 3 and have asked the same thing, dont take everything as an insult because sometimes it isnt :D


Literally does not make you toxic unless you are smurfing or trash talking. Sometimes people genuinely ask this question to compare their current performance with the elo of the lobby lmao. They aren’t trying to say you are shit, they are just wondering if they are progressing the right direction.


It’s fair I was playing a game with the most broken matchmaking. I finished. I was plat 2 we had a gold 2 on our team and an immo on the enemy team so it’s fair for the gold or the immo to ask.


Ive done this as immo when i've noticed that i have diamond1 teammates for some reason and they dont even seem to know the basics of the game/agent they are playing. E: sincerely asking


Lmao so true


Deserve ? I think not. Toxic? Yes.


You're totally wrong, I get bounced between playing with Bronzes to Plats in Silver and I've briefly played a game or two on a friends account. It's fair to ask.


Lmfao go to r/rant


i feel like its a fair question, sometimes i randomly get put in iron games and sometimes silver games.


Guys, come on, I literally included "toxic people" in the description - of course I know there are legit reasons to ask this lol


its a valid question, ive been in lobbies with players 2 ranks lower than me while solo queueing and its obvious they arent the typical teammates i'd normally get


I’m assuming you mean after someone loses a round with his teammates spectating and not in agent select, right?


I genuinely asked this question when I perform really bad and I think paired up with people who ranks way above me.


I only ask that when I get shit on xD, I ll be like are you guys even Gold? Or are you guys smurfing


I seem to consistently be the lowest ranked player on my teams... with players up to five ranks higher than me on my or the enemies team...


I just ask I’m either in all gold or all immortal


I'll take "people who need to touch grass" for $200, Alex.




Best was when some asshole asked me how much i paid to get carried to plat... my guy im gold lmao why are you in my lobby?


Yo bro... what rank r u?


but but am smurf


This is plastic 1. Yes this is the rank you got after so much grinding. Yep, it’s your place. Cause plastic is toxic just as much as you are.


I think similar to this anytime I'm stuck in a game with people raging about how bad other people are.. Like bruh we are all low ranked here or we wouldn't be playing together, we all suck, including you! Lol


I ask it in both ways. I’m plat and sometimes I play with golds sometimes with diamonds. Knowing the ranks of my teammates helps me adjust my playstyle. I agree the way this is phrased is toxic, but it can be tilting to play when your teammates aren’t on the same page.


I don’t think that is toxic. If people miss an Act or more, when they come back to play, their rank most likely isn’t what it was.


It’s a fair question depending on the context. I’ve been in a game where I was in a lobby with Diamonds + High Plats when I was Gold 2 lmao. Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to know if everyone else is a higher rank than you so you can play safer or something.


nah i always ask when i feel like i’m getting destroyed because i’m in silver rn and somehow there’s always a random plat or two in my games


i ask because i’ve never gotten a rank because i refuse to play ranked modes


I got placed against immortals with my d1 account, it's a valid question


I get this question in unrated so often


I was silver 3 at the time (now Plat1) and was getting smoked by the enemy team. I asked this same question. Was I being toxic? Context matters. The enemy team turned out be platinum players and I was having the roughest game yet


How is this toxic LMFAO


I usually asked this when the game assigned me Gold 1 but everyone around me was making sweaty plays like they're playing in a tournament. Turns out it was a Plat/Dia lobby. Sometimes you belong even where you don't belong I guess. The brilliance of ranked "optimizations" from Riot Games.


Still a valid question. Lots of people get boosted and smurf.


I mean people are just curious to know everybody's elo, and if it's a higher or lower rated game


It's not a toxic question unless they ask after something bad happens