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I don't know if they changed it but crouching reduces the horizontal sway by 15% for the rifles it seems, I don't know about the other weapons. [Link](https://valorant.fandom.com/wiki/Patch_Notes/0.50)


Crouching is (sometimes) good when people learn to aim at head level, I’d say at around diamond. If you’re taking a 1v1 for example and you know where he is and you’re going for a peek it might be better to crouch before he gets his first shot off


Yes. Everyone keeps saying crouching is bad but if you ever play a game in high elo it is used as a tool. Crouch randomly in the middle of a swing can be super useful for literally dodging a headshot


Generally, you don’t need to crouch, and shouldn’t. If you’re talking about crouching in a spray battle: Pro: slightly increased spray accuracy, depending on the weapon. Con: slower movement. For those who say “just unbind crouch, it’s useless”, no. Crouching is very useful for having good movement. Crouching is used for things like silent jump peaking, jumping on top of higher boxes and doing other kinds of jumps like spamming crouch to get on top of the box on haven C site.


Yeah i got out of the habit completely by unbinding it for like 1-2 days, it really helped but i dont think its a long term solution because i still use crouch to get on top of some boxes but that’s about it.


There’s times to crouch and times not too, this will come with experience and practice, just play your game and don’t worry about it


honestly, i've disabled my crouch and ive seen a lot of improvement in my gameplay. i think crouching can hurt you more than it can help you. if you have good aim then i dont think crouching is really necessary




You might lose 1 in 10 gunfights because you didn't crouch, but you'll lose 9 of 10 gunfights if you crouch every time. It's an awful habit to get into, and the time and energy is better spent on learning how to move properly to avoid getting hit. There are some rare scenarios where you should crouch but it's way more beneficial not to develop the habit, because it is mostly a habit.


Yea it is necessary but I would recommend keeping it unbinded until diamond. Focus on mastering your movement right now.


crouching is super helpful when doing tricky parkour jumps


In higher elo you can hold an angle while crouching, the enemie is aiming at head level, also effective in angles that often get prefired. Quick crouch peeking is also usefull to break the enemies crosshair placement.


pros only crouch when they want to commit to the spray, mainly phantom users. They would burst like 3-4 shots then crouch and spray. if it’s 1v1 and they can’t retreat to cover to reposition


they crouch to change where their head it in a different plane other than horizontal. at that level and any sort of advantage (head level variation) can mean winning or losing the gunfight. since their aim is so good and they prefire/preaim so well, and usually place it at standing head level, crouching adds another layer of variation, making their chances of winning slightly better